
Found 1872 pages:

# Page Tags and summary
1 Archive of obsolete content
Here at MDN, we try to avoid outright deleting content that might be useful to people targeting legacy platforms, operating systems, and browsers. Perhaps your target audience is people that are using older hardware, for example, and can't upgrade to the latest and greatest browsers. Or for "reasons," your company is required to use very old software and you need to build Web content that runs on that software. Or perhaps you're just curious about the history of an obsolete feature or API, and how it worked.
2 .htaccess ( hypertext access ) 301 redirect, Cache control, Custom Error pages, HTACCESS, Permanent Redirect, Redirect
The term .htaccess stands for "hypertext access". A file with the HTACCESS file extension is an Access Configuration file for apache server. The .htaccess file configures the current directory with things like password protection, URL rewrites & redirects, and more.
3 <input> archive
This page is for temporary storage of material from, while the page is being restructured.
4 Add-ons
Archived add-ons documentation.
5 Firefox addons developer guide
The original document is in Japanese and distributed via the website. So there may be still some reference to the xuldev website (we want to host source code on MDC, not on xuldev), and to Japanese things (like some specific locales, which have been translated to French since non-latin characters are not well supported).
6 Interaction between privileged and non-privileged pages Add-ons, Code snippets, Extensions
An easy way to send data from a web page to an extension is by using custom DOM events. In your extension's browser.xul overlay, write code which listens for a custom DOM event. Here we call the event MyExtensionEvent.
7 Tabbed browser Add-ons, Code snippets, Extensions, add-ons
Here you should find a set of useful code snippets to help you work with Firefox's tabbed browser. The comments normally mark where you should be inserting your own code.
8 bookmarks.export() API, Add-ons, Bookmarks, Extensions, Method, Non-standard, Reference, WebExtensions, export
Exports bookmarks to an HTML bookmark file.
9 bookmarks.import() API, Add-ons, Bookmarks, Extensions, Method, Non-standard, Reference, WebExtensions, import
Imports bookmarks from an HTML bookmark file.
10 Adding preferences to an extension Add-ons, Extensions, Preferences system, XUL
This article takes the Creating a dynamic status bar extension sample to the next level, adding a popup menu that lets you quickly switch between multiple stocks to watch. It also adds a preference dialog that lets you switch to a stock other than one of the ones included in the popup menu.
11 An Interview With Douglas Bowman of Wired News Web Development, Web Standards
One of the Web's oldest news sites, Wired News draws between 20 and 25 million page views every month. On October 11, 2002, Wired launched a brand-new site design that uses validating XHTML for its structure and a small collection of CSS files for its layout. The new design clearly shows what some experts have been saying: that standards-based design can be visually compelling and preserve the interface conventions we've come to expect from Web pages.
12 Apps Apps, Firefox OS, Web
This page includes archived content for Apps, including obsolete web app content, Firefox OS app-related content, etc.
13 App Development API Reference API, Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Reference, Réference, Référence
Technical review completed. Editorial review completed.
14 Drawing and animation API, Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Reference, Référence
For a modern app experience, use of animations and lightweight graphics is essential. The following pages provide what you need in this area.
15 Firefox Marketplace services API, Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Marketplace, Reference, Référence
These documents and guides provide a reference to the APIs needed for publishing and managing your app on the Firefox Marketplace.
16 Foundations of a Firefox OS app API, Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Reference, Référence
A Firefox OS app is simply an Open Web App, but with some special considerations and features, such as working offline and being installable.
17 General Web APIs API, Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Reference, Référence
Elements, events, network requests, storage and other standard Web APIs that provide useful functionality for Open Web Apps. The summary table on our Web API team's main Wiki page also provides a useful overview of what's supported and where.
18 Layout and structure API, Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Reference, Référence
A series of articles to help you create the perfect structure for your Open Web App.
19 Designing Open Web Apps Apps, Beginner, CSS, Design, Examples, Guide, Layout, Mobile, Styleguides, UX, Usability, Web Development, patterns
The items under this section apply generally to Web app design.
20 Design guidelines Apps, Responsive Design
Some suggestions to help you build an app that’s attractive and easy to use.
21 Resources Apps, Guide, Responsive Design, Web Development
No summary!
22 Your App's Elevator Pitch Apps
Technical review completed. Editorial review completed.
23 Design guidelines Apps, Design, Guide
Design guidelines to help create intuitive apps that work across platforms.
24 Design patterns and assets Design, Guide, Intro
Design pattern information, along with building blocks and assets to help with rapid prototyping and consistent look and feel.
25 Facebook Apps
26 Patterns Apps, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, UX
Patterns are methods of interaction with your app. Unlike the building blocks, which describe particular user interface elements, patterns are ways those building blocks are presented.
27 Drawer Apps, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, US
Drawers provide access to top-level navigation options that may be too numerous for a tabs or toolbar interface. Drawers can also be used to access user-generated content such as browser tabs, accounts in an email or messaging client, and so forth. Drawers slide out from the edge of the screen at the user's request (pushing the underlying content aside), then slide back out of the way when no longer needed. See the Coding guide for details on implementing drawers in your apps.
28 Coding guide: Drawers Apps, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, Guide, UX
Here you can find examples of how to create a drawer on Firefox OS, as well as downloads for the CSS and image resources used by the built-in apps on Firefox OS. You can copy these resources into your app and make use of them to build apps that match these apps' appearances.
29 Entry sheet Apps, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, NeedsContent, Reference, Référence, UX
An entry sheet is used to edit a single setting or option in your app that either contains a large number of possible values (such as a text entry form or a long list of choices) or requires multiple inputs or selections, such as configuring and connecting to a WiFi network.
30 Multi select Apps, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, Guide, UX
Multi-select mode is used to let the user perform "bulk actions;" that is, to select a number of items and then act on all of them at once. This may be something like deleting six emails from the user's inbox or choosing two photos to email to a friend. Multi-select mode actually encompasses two similar but functionally different modes: multi-select mode, for choosing multiple items and performing actions on them; and edit mode, which lets the user change existing data in the list (such as editing data in a table) and then save or discard the changes.
31 Coding guide: Multi select Apps, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, UX
Here you can find examples of how to implement the multi-select mode (also known as "edit mode") on Firefox OS, as well as downloads for the CSS and image resources used by the built-in apps on Firefox OS. You can copy these resources into your app and make use of them to build apps that match these apps' appearances.
32 Search Apps, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, Guide, NeedsContent, UX
A search bar lets users use keywords to locate content within an app, on the device, or online. An app can specify what types of content are shown in the search results. Search can also be used to filter long lists, such as contacts.
33 Planning Apps, Design, Planning
No summary!
34 General design Principles Apps, Design
Be consistent in your language. Refer to an action or an item with the same term in your app, and use each term for only one action or item.
35 Installed app considerations Guide, UX
When designing an installable Open Web App, there are a number of considerations to keep in mind about how the app will behave after it is installed. This article provides advice on each one.
36 Planning your app Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Guide, Mobile
Once you have an idea for a Web app, you should carefully plan it before you start to do any coding or design. This will be amazingly obvious to most of you, but it's a point that cannot be overstated, whether you're creating a completely new app, or repurposing an existing application. This article covers the main concepts to keep in mind as you plan an application and prepare for implementation.
37 UI layout basics Design, Layouts, UI
No summary!
38 Responsive design versus adaptive design Design, Intro, NeedsContent, Web, adaptive, responsive
Both responsive and adaptive design attempt to optimize the user experience across different devices, adjusting for different viewport sizes, resolutions, usage contexts, control mechanisms, and so on.
39 Graphics and UX Apps, CSS, Canvas, Firefox OS, Graphics, Guide, HTML, Layout, SVG, UX, WebGL
When creating Open Web Apps, you need to give a lot of consideration to the look and feel, user experience and workflow of your applications. In previous parts of this material we looked at application planning and flexible layouts for applications, and in this section we will go further, looking at both general patterns and design techniques that work for Open Web Apps, and specific techniques and assets that will help you put together great-looking Firefox OS apps that match the experience of the device's default applications.
40 Open web app architecture Apps
Apps can be installed from the server that hosts them ("self-hosting") or from a store. Mozilla launched the Firefox Marketplace in a test mode for apps in 2012. Other third-party app stores are also possible using this architecture. Apps can be free or paid. Stores can support validation of purchases to ensure that apps are run only by users who purchased them. The Firefox Marketplace will support this.
41 Tools and frameworks Apps, Firefox OS, Frameworks, Libraries, Tools, Workflows
No summary!
42 Cordova Firefox OS plugin reference Apps, Cordova, Firefox OS, Phonegap
This article provides a reference showing sample code and examples for many of the Cordova plugins that Firefox OS supports.
43 Cordova support for Firefox OS Apps, Cordova, Firefox OS, Phonegap
The Apache Cordova project (which powers Adobe's Phonegap tool) is an industry standard solution for writing an app with open web technologies, and then generating native app versions that will work seamlessly on other platforms such as iOS and Android. As of version 3.1, Cordova is extended to support the creation of open web apps that can be installed on Firefox OS. In this article we will look at how to use the Firefox OS extension to Cordova, and what benefits it brings to the table.
44 Using App templates Apps
What you get:
45 Mortar
(placeholder page for mortar intro)
46 Web components and Mozilla Brick Web Components, brick, building blocks, x-tag
There is a problem with the Web as a platform for applications: HTML, the language that makes it easy to mark up documents and give them meaning doesn't have enough elements to build applications. There are quite a few new elements in the HTML5 spec, but their support is sketchy across browsers and there are still a lot of widgets missing that other platforms like Flex or iOS give developers out-of-the-box. As a result, developers build their own "widgets" like menu bars, slider controls and calendars using non-semantic HTML (mostly <div> elements) and make them interactive using JavaScript and theme-able using CSS.
47 Working with common libraries and frameworks Apps, Frameworks, JavaScript, Libraries, NeedsContent, libraries
If you have developed a packaged app with AngularJS, you may run into this error message:
48 X-Tag and the Web Components Family Web Components, shadow dom, web components, x-tag
In the last few years we've witnessed an evolution in what 'app' means to both developers and consumers. The word app evokes the idea of a rich, task-oriented user experience with highly optimized user interface that responds to its environment and can be used on an array of common devices. In order to make development of rich app experiences easier, native platforms have generated many of their own controls and components that Just Work™.
49 X-Tags and custom elements Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Mobile, Web Components, web components, x-tags
X-tags are custom HTML elements that give you a collection of building blocks (components) for developing HTML5 apps. If you don't see the component you need, you can define your own x-tag and use it like any other native HTML tag. Listed below are ten x-tags and a description of what they are used for.
50 Validating web apps with the App Validator
Some checks that the validator performs include:
51 Archived Mozilla and build documentation
These articles are archived, obsolete documents about Mozilla, Gecko, and the process of building Mozilla projects.
52 ActiveX Control for Hosting Netscape Plug-ins in IE Add-ons, NeedsClassification, Plugins
Microsoft has removed support for Netscape plug-ins from IE 5.5 SP 2 and beyond. If you are a plug-in author, you may find this project saves you a lot of work!
53 Archived SpiderMonkey docs Archive
This section contains old SpiderMonkey documentation.
54 File object JavaScript, SpiderMonkey
Non-Standard Server-Side Object
55 open
Opens the file, specifying file mode and type.
56 Merging TraceMonkey Repo
These are the steps to merge the TraceMonkey repository to mozilla-central. Between resolving conflicts, finding a good time to land, watching the tree, and marking bugs as fixed, it takes around half a day.
57 SpiderMonkey coding conventions JavaScript, SpiderMonkey
The SpiderMonkey project owners enforce coding conventions pretty strictly during code reviews.
58 Autodial for Windows NT Necko, Outdated_articles
This document is intended to explain how the autodial helper feature implemented for bug 93002 works and why it works that way.
59 Automated testing tips and tricks Developing Mozilla
No summary!
60 Automatic Mozilla Configurator Administration, Configuration management, enterprise
61 Enabling quicklaunch for all users Administration, Configuration management, enterprise
No summary!
62 How Mozilla finds its configuration files Administration, Configuration management, enterprise
No summary!
63 How Thunderbird and Firefox find their configuration files Administration, Configuration management, enterprise
No summary!
64 Introduction Administration, Configuration management, enterprise
No summary!
65 Kill the XUL.mfl file for good Administration, Configuration management, enterprise
No summary!
66 Locked config settings Administration, Configuration management, enterprise
No summary!
67 Other Mozilla customization pages Administration, Configuration management, enterprise
No summary!
68 Protecting Mozilla's registry.dat file Administration, Configuration management, enterprise
No summary!
69 Automatically Handle Failed Asserts in Debug Builds
As of 2004-12-8, it is now possible to automatically handle failed asserts in debug builds of Mozilla for Windows.
70 BlackConnect Java
No summary!
71 Blackwood Java
No summary!
72 Bonsai Developing Mozilla, Tools
It is a tool that lets you perform queries on the contents of a CVS archive; you can: get a list of checkins, see what checkins have been made by a given person, or on a given CVS branch, or in a particular time period. It also includes tools for looking at checkin logs (and comments); doing diffs between various versions of a file; and finding out which person is responsible for changing a particular line of code ("cvsblame").
73 Bookmark Keywords User_Documentation
Practically every Web surfer has bookmarks, of course, and power surfers usually have hundreds stuffed into folders within folders. In addition to being handy pointers to useful resources, bookmarks in Mozilla can be used to make the address bar itself a power tool. Searches, lookups, package tracking, and even word definitions can all be retrieved from user-customized bookmarks.
74 Building TransforMiiX standalone NeedsHelp, NeedsRewrite, XSLT
No summary!
75 Chromeless Update, update
[This project may not be active — check Github]
76 Creating a Firefox sidebar extension Add-ons, Extensions, Firefox, add-ons
This article describes how to create a registered sidebar for Firefox 2 or greater. See the references section for information on creating extension in earlier browsers.
77 Creating a Microsummary Microsummaries, Obsolete
A microsummary generator is a set of instructions for creating a microsummary from the content of a page. Web pages can reference generators via <link rel="microsummary"> elements in their <head> elements. Generators can also be independently downloaded and installed by users if they include a list of pages to which they apply.
78 Creating a Mozilla Extension Add-ons, Extensions
A Mozilla extension is an installable enhancement to the Mozilla browser that provides additional functionality (for example Linky, which adds an item to the context menu for opening multiple links in a document or selection). This tutorial walks you through the process of building a Mozilla extension that adds an icon to Mozilla's status bar showing the current status of the Mozilla source code (i.e. whether or not the latest version of the code is compiling successfully and passing tests). The extension will access Tinderbox,'s webtool for tracking source code status, to get the status of the code.
79 Adding the structure Add-ons, Extensions
The UI for our extension is an icon in the status bar. To implement this UI, we'll add a statusbarpanel element to the statusbar element in the navigator.xul file.
80 Conclusion Add-ons, Extensions
You now have a working Mozilla extension installer! To test it, try installing the extension on a fresh copy of Mozilla by loading the file in your Mozilla browser (this works whether you load it from the web or from your local hard drive via a file:/// URL). Mozilla will automatically detect that the file is an installer and ask you if you want to install the software. Try installing the extension, restarting Mozilla, and see if it works.
81 Enabling the behavior - retrieving tinderbox status Add-ons, Extensions
No summary!
82 Enabling the behavior - updating the status bar panel Add-ons, Extensions
No summary!
83 Enabling the behavior - updating the status periodically Add-ons, Extensions
No summary!
84 Finding the code to modify Add-ons, Extensions
Now that we've found the file to edit, we need to find the specific code within that file. Again, the DOM Inspector makes this easy. The "Document - DOM Nodes" pane on the left-hand side of the Inspector window displays a tree representation of the browser window's XUL file. When you select a node in the tree, a red border flashes for several seconds around the visual representation of that node in the browser window.
85 Finding the file to modify Add-ons, Extensions
No summary!
86 Making a Mozilla installation modifiable Add-ons, Extensions
Mozilla's user interface is made up of XUL (described below), XBL (a topic for another tutorial), JavaScript, CSS, and image files. XUL, XBL, JavaScript, and CSS files are all in text format and can be edited in a standard text editor, while image files are in binary GIF, JPG, or PNG format and must be edited with an image editing program.
87 Making it into a dynamic overlay and packaging it up for distribution Add-ons, Extensions
Now that we have a static overlay we're in good shape to create a XPI package that installs our extension as a dynamic overlay. XPIs have a complex structure designed to separate UI layers from each other. To make our XPI we'll start out by creating a directory to hold the files we're going to add to the XPI. Then we'll modify URLs in our files so they point to the right place. After that we'll create a contents.rdf file describing the tinderstatus component for the chrome registry and an install.js script to perform the installation. Finally we'll zip the files into an archive.
88 Making it into a static overlay Add-ons, Extensions
Now that we have a working Mozilla extension that shows tinderbox status, we need to make it distributable to other users. The two ways of doing that are to integrate it into the Mozilla codebase (in which case it is no longer an extension but rather part of the default Mozilla distribution) and to package it into an installer that users can run from within Mozilla to add the extension to their Mozilla installation.
89 Prerequisites Add-ons, Extensions
In order to complete this tutorial you need to have and know how to use the following programs on your computer:
90 Specifying the appearance Add-ons, Extensions
Now that we have defined a panel in which to display an icon, we use CSS to specify which icon to display. For this we have to first create four icons, one for each tinderbox state (none, success, test failed, and busted), then create a set of CSS rules that displays the icon corresponding to the current tinderbox state:
91 Tinderbox Add-ons, Extensions
Tinderbox is a web tool for tracking the status of the Mozilla source code. It consists of a set of client machines that continuously build and test Mozilla and report their results back to a server that makes those results available via a web page. The tool enables to be immediately notified of changes to the code that prevent Mozilla from compiling and running (or compromise performance and footprint) so they can get someone to fix the problem or reverse the changes.
92 Creating a Release Tag Junk
Here are directions for creating a release from a linux system. Note that there are a couple of extra files for Win32 and Macintosh that aren't pulled by the normal script and need to be pulled by hand. The mini-branch is created so you can check in the build scripts with the necessary changes without touching the original branch.
93 Creating a Skin for Firefox/Getting Started Add-ons, Themes, add-ons
Download the latest version of Firefox and install it. Be sure to install the DOM Inspector extension as well.
94 Creating a Skin for Mozilla Add-ons, NeedsUpdate, O, Themes, add-ons
In order to create a skin for mozilla, you will need to know three things. How to edit images, extract zip files, and how to modify CSS. Mozilla uses standard gif, png, and jpeg images for the buttons and CSS to style everything else in the interface.
95 FAQ Add-ons, NeedsUpdate, Ob, Themes, add-ons
Unfortunately, yes. Every time there is a major change made to the interface, either visible or behind the scenes, your skin will have problems. When the Mozilla developers make changes like this, they increase the skin version number. This is the number that is defined in contents.rdf. Test your skin with every major release of Mozilla. If a message appears in the preferences window telling you that it's an old skin, you're going to have to look over the code to see what changed.
96 Getting Started Add-ons, Guide, Themes, add-ons
No summary!
97 In-Depth Add-ons, Themes, add-ons
No summary!
98 Links Add-ons, Themes, add-ons
No summary!
99 contents.rdf Add-ons, Themes, add-ons
No summary!
100 toolbarBindings.xml Add-ons, Themes, add-ons
No summary!
101 Creating a Skin for SeaMonkey 2.x SeaMonkey
You're going to make a theme for SeaMonkey 2, but don't know how? I hope this manual will help you.
102 Getting Started
The folder containing Seamonkey is called folder_with_seamonkey in this manual.
103 chrome.manifest
Copy the following text and paste it into a text file, then save that file as "chrome.manifest":
104 install.rdf
Copy the following text and paste it into a text file, then save that file as "install.rdf":
105 Creating a hybrid CD Developing Mozilla, Outdated_articles
No summary!
106 Creating regular expressions for a microsummary generator Microsummaries, Obsolete
A regular expression is a special kind of string (i.e. a sequence of characters) that matches patterns of characters in other strings. Microsummary generators use them to identify the pages that the generators know how to summarize by matching patterns in those pages' URLs.
107 DTrace Archive, DTrace, Performance, Profiling, QA, Testing, performance
 DTrace is Sun Microsystem's dynamic tracing framework that allows developers to instrument a program with probes that have little to no effect on performance when not in use and very little when active. Probe data can be collected with scripts written in D (no, not that one). Mozilla DTrace support has been added by the Sun DTrace team and can be used on Solaris 10 and Mac OS X 10.5.
108 Dehydra Dehydra
The development focus switched to DXR (where the "D" comes from "Dehydra"), which is based on clang instead of gcc. Try DXR instead, or else try the gcc python plugin:
109 Dehydra Frequently Asked Questions Dehydra
Initially Dehydra was written as an easy way to look for patterns in Control Flow Graphs (CFGs). Images of those graphs reminded me of the multiheaded Hydra monster. Thus De-hydra can be thought of as a decapitating tool for slaying CFGs. Currently Dehydra does not provide the CFG functionality, this functionality is now provided by Treehydra.
110 Dehydra Function Reference
The following functions may be provided by the analysis script and will be called by Dehydra while compiling. See the Dehydra object reference for details on the available object properties.
111 Dehydra Object Reference
Dehydra represents C++ types and variables as JavaScript objects. The objects are designed to distill that type system to the minimum such that it can be easy to match on.
112 Installing Dehydra Dehydra
It is recommended that you use SpiderMonkey revision AURORA_BASE_20110705 when building Dehydra.
113 Using Dehydra
As GCC compiles file, Dehydra calls functions in the user analysis script with information about the code being compiled. For more information, see the function reference and the object reference.
114 Developing New Mozilla Features Developing Mozilla, Outdated_articles
Tips For Contributing New Features To Mozilla.
115 Devmo 1.0 Launch Roadmap MDC Project archives
Comments, ideas, questions and other discussion should be added on the Devmo talk:1.0 Launch Roadmap page. Further details on smaller tasks being done are available at User:Dria:TODO page. See also Current Events.
116 Download Manager improvements in Firefox 3 Download Manager, Firefox 3
Firefox 3 offers improvements to the Download Manager that allow multiple progress listeners, use of the Storage API for data management, download resuming, and more. In addition, you can augment or replace the Download Manager's user interface by implementing the new nsIDownloadManagerUI interface.
117 Download Manager preferences
There are several preferences used by the Download Manager. This article provides a list of them.
118 Drag and Drop XUL
This section describes how to implement objects that can be dragged around and dropped onto other objects.
119 Drag and Drop Example XUL
An example of implementing drag and drop will be implemented in this section.
120 Drag and Drop JavaScript Wrapper XUL
This section describes how to use the JavaScript wrapper for drag and drop.
121 Drag and drop events Firefox 3
Firefox 3 adds two new events that allow you to determine when drag operations begin and end. These events are new in the current working draft of the HTML 5 specification.
122 Embedding FAQ Embedding Mozilla
No summary!
123 Embedding Mozilla in a Java Application using JavaXPCOM Embedding Mozilla, JavaXPCOM, Obsolete, XPCOM:Language Bindings
XULRunner ships with the JavaXPCOM component, which allows Java code to interact with XPCOM objects. As you will see in this article, working with XPCOM objects in Java is not that much different than doing so in C++.
124 Error Console Extensions, Extensions:Tools, JavaScript, JavaScript:Tools, Tools, Web Development, Web Development:Tools
The Error Console is a tool available in most Mozilla-based applications that is used for reporting errors in the application chrome and in web pages user opens. It reports JavaScript-related errors and warnings, CSS errors and arbitrary messages from chrome code. In Firefox, the Error Console can be opened from the tools menu or by Ctrl-Shift-J.
125 Exception logging in JavaScript Extensions, Extensions:Tools, Guide, JavaScript, JavaScript:Tools, Tools, Web Development, Web Development:Tools
Technical review completed.
126 Existing Content
This is a list of existing documentation. It needs to be checked, prioritized, and migrated.
127 Extension Frequently Asked Questions
This is quick set of answers to the most common issues with extension development. They are currently written with mostly Firefox in mind, but most if not all should easily translate to SeaMonkey, Thunderbird or any of the other applications. For Thunderbird, you may also find the extension HowTo or FAQ pages helpful.
128 Fighting Junk Mail with Netscape 7.1 User_Documentation
Summary: Is your mail account drowning in a flood of spam? Netscape 7.1 includes built-in junk mail filtering that you can train to meet your specific needs. Eric Meyer share his experiences with making the junk mail controls more effective, and looks at other preferences you might want to set to keep your account safe.
129 Firefox Sync Sync
Sync refers to a family of related components and services which provide synchronization of data between Mozilla application instances. These components and services include:
130 Code snippets
This page documents how to perform custom actions with Firefox Sync via JavaScript.
131 JavaScript Client API Sync
This page describes how to use the internal client-side Sync JavaScript API. This API is available in Mozilla-based products that use Sync, such as Firefox desktop. This document is somewhat outdated, and the API isn't well-supported for use from add-ons; tread carefully.
132 Syncing custom preferences Sync
When preferences sync is enabled, Firefox Sync will synchronize preferences between the same application based on a whitelist. That means preferences between Firefox and Fennec, for instance, are never synced. To sync preferences between Firefoxes, Fennecs, Thunderbirds, etc., ensure the prefs are whitelisted.
133 Force RTL
(This is a temporary placeholder/stub for the Force RTL page)
134 GRE Gecko, XUL, XULRunner
No summary!
135 GRE Registration Gecko, XUL, XULRunner
No summary!
136 Gecko Coding Help Wanted Gecko, NeedsHelp, NeedsUpdate
Take a look through LXR, and you'll realize that Mozilla's source code is a big place.
137 HTTP Class Overview Necko
This document provides an overview of the classes used by the Mozilla HTTP implementation. It's meant as a guide to developers wishing to understand or extend the Mozilla HTTP implementation.
138 Hacking wiki MDC Project archives
To be able to hack the MDC wiki software, you'll need a local webserver install, which can run MediaWiki.
139 Help Viewer Toolkit API, XUL, XULRunner
Help Viewer: Allows information to be shown to the user inside Mozilla.
140 Creating a Help Content Pack
Original doc: I hesitate to call it "original", tho, because I've basically rewritten the entire thing so that it's easier and faster to use to create Help content. The previous document had a lot of places where ideas were simply introduced without explanation, and I've tried to go through things a bit more slowly with better descriptions. This is still very much a work in progress, tho, and I need to complete the rest of it soon (where "complete" means "use what's there that's good, build on the stuff that's not as good, and add other useful information as necessary".
141 Helper Apps (and a bit of Save As) Outdated_articles, Uriloader
142 Hidden prefs
This page has been flagged by editors or users as needing technical review. Until it is fully reviewed, it may contain inaccurate or incorrect information.
143 How to Write and Land Nanojit Patches Obsolete
Adobe and Mozilla share a copy of Nanojit. This means that landing nanojit patches is a bit complicated, but experience has taught us that this is much better than having separate versions of nanojit.
144 Introducing the Audio API extension Deprecated
The Audio Data API extension extends the HTML5 specification of the <audio> and <video> media elements by exposing audio metadata and raw audio data. This enables users to visualize audio data, to process this audio data and to create new audio data.
145 Java in Firefox Extensions Add-ons, Extensions, Java, add-ons
If you are in need of calling Java code from within a Firefox extension, you can make use of LiveConnect. LiveConnect gives your extension's JavaScript code (linked from or contained in XUL code) access to 2 objects: java and Packages (note that per this thread, although the new documentation for the LiveConnect reimplementation states that these globals will be deprecated (in the context of applets), "Firefox and the Java Plug-In will continue to support the global java/Packages keywords, in particular in the context of Firefox extensions."). These 2 objects let you make use of the standard JDK classes, e.g.,
146 JavaScript crypto Non Standard
Mozilla defines a special JavaScript object to allow web pages access to certain cryptographic-related services. These services are a balance between the functionality web pages need and the requirement to protect users from malicious web sites. Most of these services are available via the DOM window object as window.crypto.
147 CRMF Request object
RFC 4211, the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate Request Message Format (CRMF), defines a certReqMessage. The object returned by generateCRMFRequest() contains one of those.
148 generateCRMFRequest() NSS
This method will generate a sequence of CRMF requests that has N requests. One request for each key pair that is generated. The first three parameters will be applied to every request. The "escrowAuthorityCert" parameter will only be used for requests that pertain to a key that is being escrowed. After the "escrowAuthorityCert" parameter, the method takes some JavaScript code that is invoked when the CRMF request is ready. Finally, there are 1 or more sets of key generation arguments. Each key generation will be associated with its own request. All the requests will have the same DN.
149 importUserCertificates NSS
The importUserCertificates() method is used to import newly issued certificates for the user. The private key for the certificates must already reside in the user's personal private key database.
150 popChallengeResponse NSS
The resultString will either be a base-64 encoded POPODecKeyRespContent message, or one of the following error strings:
151 Jetpack
152 Basics
Writes some information to the Error Console. You can find the console in the Extra Menu of Firefox.
153 Content
No summary!
154 Page modifications
This documentation is under development.  Please see the page modifications API proposal for now.
155 Extenders
No summary!
156 Jetpack Snippets
Bits of code that may come in handy. Feel free to add your own!
157 Libraries
Namespace: jetpack.lib
158 Twitter
Jetpack's Twitter library, jetpack.lib.twitter, is a very simple, lightweight layer on top of Twitter's REST API. In fact it's hardly more than syntactic sugar for doing XMLHttpRequests.
159 Meta
No summary!
160 Enabling
The proposed method for accessing Jetpack features that are still in development and may be added in the future is inspired by python's future module. In Python, you can call
161 Enabling Experimental Jetpack Features
The proposed method for accessing Jetpack features that are still in development and may be added in the future is inspired by python's future module. In Python, you can call
162 First Run
Jetpack lets you specify arbitrary content that will be shown to your users when they install your jetpack. You can also register a callback that will be called after installation.
163 First run
Jetpack lets you specify arbitrary content that will be shown to your users when they install your jetpack.  You can also register a callback that will be called after installation.
164 Me
The namespace provides mechanisms for introspecting the dynamic state of your jetpack. The namespace currently lives in the future and must be imported before it is used:
165 Settings
The namespace allows jetpacks to specify user-configurable settings. Jetpack will automatically generate a user interface based on the specification. The settings persist across browser sessions and are stored using the Jetpack [simple storage API][]. Settings are private to each jetpack and are not accessible by other jetpacks.
166 Multimedia
No summary!
167 Storage
No summary!
168 File access
Click on the paper-clip icon below for a demonstration of the file upload dialog.
169 Settings
The namespace allows jetpacks to specify user-configurable settings. Jetpack will automatically generate a user interface based on the specification. The settings persist across browser sessions and are stored using the Jetpack simple storage API. Settings are private to each jetpack and are not accessible by other jetpacks.
170 Simple Storage
The namespace provides an easy way to persist data across browser restarts. It's a simple key-based persistent object data store.
171 System
No summary!
172 Clipboard
Jetpack's clipboard support API provides a standardized way for features to access the clipboard. Features can get and set the clipboard in various flavors of data type.
173 Clipboard
Jetpack's clipboard support API provides a standardized way for features to access the clipboard. Features can get and set the clipboard in various flavors of data type.
174 Clipboard Test
175 Clipboard Test
Jetpack's clipboard support API provides a standardized way for features to access the clipboard. Features can get and set the clipboard in various flavors of data type.
176 System information
This documentation is under development.  Please see the system information API proposal for now.
177 UI
No summary!
178 Menu
Jetpack's menu API allows features to access and modify the browser's built-in menus.  Features can also create new menus and attach them almost anywhere, chrome or content, as popup menus or context menus.
179 Notifications
The Notification Box appears at the bottom right corner of the browser and displays important information to the user.
180 Panel
Please refer to the Panels JEP.
181 Selection
Jetpack's selection API provides a method for detecting the selections made by the user. Features can get, set, and listen for selection events in HTML or plain text.
182 Selection
Jetpack's selection API provides a method for detecting the selections made by the user. Features can get, set, and listen for selection events in HTML or plain text.
183 Tabs
In this class you can find information about the tabs in your Firefox window.
184 Wiki Test Page
No summary!
No summary!
186 slideBar
slideBar is a reinvention of the old sidebar features of browsers. They allow quick access to a wide range of both temporary and permanent information at the side of your browser window. When a slideBar feature is selected its contents will be revealed from behind the current webpage.
187 slideBar
To implement a new slideBar within your jetpack code, use the method jetpack.slideBar.append(options)
188 Users
No summary!
189 aza
No summary!
190 Dropbox
No summary!
191 docs
No summary!
192 Meta
No summary!
193 Enabling Experimental Jetpack Features
The proposed method for accessing Jetpack features that are still in development and may be added in the future is inspired by python's future module. In Python, you can call
194 Storage
No summary!
195 Simple Storage
The namespace provides an easy way to persist data across browser restarts. It's a simple key-based persistent object data store.
196 System
No summary!
197 Clipboard
Jetpack's clipboard support API provides a standardized way for features to access the clipboard. Features can get and set the clipboard in various flavors of data type.
198 UI
No summary!
199 Selection
Jetpack's selection API provides a method for detecting the selections made by the user. Features can get, set, and listen for selection events in HTML or plain text.
200 jspage
No summary!
201 statusBar
No summary!
202 statusBar Class
The Class statusBar contains functions to add and control the Statusbar of the Browser. You can find the complete Sourcecode in the status-bar-panel.js file in your Jetpack Repository.
203 Litmus tests
Litmus tests are (non-automated) tests that are documented in the litmus database. See
204 Makefile.mozextension.2
This Makefile is a modification of the Makefile.mozextention, found in Makefile for packaging an extension - MozillaZine Knowledge Base (2005).
205 Microsummary topics Microsummaries
To programmatically install a microsummary generator -- for example, in an extension that helps users create custom generators for their favorite sites -- obtain a reference to the nsIMicrosummaryService interface implemented by the nsIMicrosummaryService component, then call its installGenerator() method, passing it an XML document containing the generator.
206 Microsummary XML grammar reference Microsummaries
A microsummary generator is an XML document that describes how to pull specific information from a web page to be presented in summary form as a bookmark whose title changes based on the content of the page it targets.
207 Migrate apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla
When Netscape started the Mozilla browser, it made the conscious decision to support W3C standards. As a result, Mozilla is not fully backwards-compatible with Netscape Navigator 4.x and Microsoft Internet Explorer legacy code; for example, Mozilla does not support <layer> as I will discuss later. Browsers, like Internet Explorer 4, that were built before the conception of W3C standards inherited many quirks. In this article, I will describe Mozilla's quirks mode, which provides strong backwards HTML compatibility with Internet Explorer and other legacy browsers.
208 Monitoring downloads Download Manager, Firefox 3
Firefox 3 makes it easier than ever to monitor the status of downloads. Although it was possible to do so in previous versions of Firefox, it was previously only possible for one observer to do so at a time. Firefox 3 introduces new API that allows any number of listeners to observe downloads.
209 Mozilla Application Framework Developing Mozilla, XUL, XULRunner
The Mozilla Application Framework: for powerful, easy to develop cross-platform applications
210 Mozilla Application Framework in Detail Developing Mozilla, XUL, XULRunner
No summary!
211 Mozilla Crypto FAQ NSS, Outdated_articles
In this document I try to answer some frequently asked questions about the Mozilla web browser and mail/news client and its support for SSL, S/MIME, and related features based on cryptographic technology. Note that this document is for your information only and is not intended as legal advice. If you wish to develop and distribute cryptographic software, particularly for commercial sale or distribution, then you should consult an attorney with expertise in the particular laws and regulations that apply in your jurisdiction.
212 Mozilla Modules and Module Ownership Developing Mozilla
213 Mozprocess
mozprocess provides python process management via an operating system and platform transparent interface to Mozilla platforms of interest. Mozprocess aims to provide the ability to robustly terminate a process (by timeout or otherwise), along with any child processes, on Windows, OS X, and Linux. Mozprocess utilizes and extends subprocess.Popen to these ends.
214 Mozprofile Junk
Mozprofile is a python tool for creating and managing profiles for Mozilla's applications (Firefox, Thunderbird, etc.). In addition to creating profiles, mozprofile can install addons and set preferences.
Mozprofile can be utilized from the command line or as an API.
215 Mozrunner Junk
mozrunner is a python package which handles running of Mozilla applications. mozrunner utilizes mozprofile for managing application profiles and mozprocess for robust process control.
216 Nanojit Developing Mozilla, SpiderMonkey
Nanojit is a small, cross-platform C++ library that emits machine code. Both the Tamarin JIT and the SpiderMonkey JIT (a.k.a. TraceMonkey) use Nanojit as their back end.
217 LIR
In Nanojit, LIR is the source language for compilation to machine code. LIR stands for low-level intermediate representation.  It is a typed assembly language.
218 New Skin Notes MDC Project archives
Devmo has a new skin that is ready for testing. If you go to your user preferences, you can change the skin to "Devmo". This is currently just a preview, but we would appreciate help with testing.
219 Persona Persona
Mozilla Persona is a cross-browser login system for the Web, that's easy to use and easy to deploy. It works on all major browsers, and you can get started today.
220 .well-known-browserid Persona
Domains advertise their ability to act as Persona Identity Providers (IdPs) by publishing a support document at /.well-known/browserid. This JSON-formatted document must be served over HTTPS with the content type application/json.
221 Browser compatibility Persona
Persona is developed, tested, and supported with the following browsers. Thanks to Persona's cross-platform JavaScript library, users do not need add-ons in order to use Persona.
222 Cryptography Persona
The Persona identity system uses public key cryptography to ensure trust and security in authentication.
223 FAQ Persona
Persona is a complete implementation of a new, distributed login system from Mozilla.
224 Glossary Persona
Persona is a complete implementation of a new, distributed login system from Mozilla.
225 Identity Provider Overview Extensions, Graphics, Persona, Tutorial
A Persona Identity Provider (IdP) is a domain which directly signs and certifies the identities of its users. Because Persona identities are based on email addresses, any domain which offers email to its users is a natural fit for becoming an IdP.
226 Implementing a Persona IdP Persona
After you've read the Identity Provider overview, this document will guide you through implementing a Persona Identity Provider (IdP). This page provides a guide to implementating an IdP. For details of the current data formats used by Persona, you should refer to the BrowserID specification.
227 Internationalization Persona
In the future, the user interface for signing into sites with Persona will be directly integrated into the browser, and thus localized along with the browser's own localization. For browsers without integrated support, Persona's user interface consists of a series of dialogs served from These dialogs are translated by a team of community volunteers, and more than 45 locales are currently enabled in production.
228 Libraries and plugins Persona
Want to use Persona on your website or blog? Implementing Persona from scratch is easy, but the plugins and libraries listed here might get you going faster!

This page lists three types of libraries:

1. Plugins that integrate Persona with existing frameworks and content management systems
2. Utility libraries that are useful when building new plugins or integrating Persona into a site from scratch
3. Everything else related to Persona, including libraries for turning your domain into a Persona Identity Provider

This is a community-maintained list. If you've created a library or plugin, please add it to this page.
229 Persona Hosted Services Persona
To be truly successful and decentralized, Persona needs support from three different groups:
230 Protocol Overview Persona
Persona is built on the BrowserID protocol. This page describes the BrowserID protocol at a high level.
231 Quick Setup Persona
Adding the Persona login system to your site takes just five steps:
232 Remote Verification API Persona
When a user tries to log into a website, their browser generates a data structure called an assertion, which is essentially a cryptographically signed email address. The browser sends this assertion to the website, which must verify that the assertion is valid before logging the user in.
233 Security considerations Persona
When you add Persona support to your website, Persona takes on as much of the security burden as it can. However, some aspects of security can only be handled by your website. They're listed below.
234 The implementor's guide Persona
The Quick setup guide should be enough to get you started, but when building a full production site you'll probably need features that aren't covered in that guide. In this page we've collected features that are commonly needed by sign-in systems, and explained the best-practice way to implement them with Persona.
235 Adding extra email addresses with Persona Persona
It's a good idea to allow your users to add extra email addresses to their account. This enables users to change their email addresses, and to access their account with you even if they are unable to access their primary email account.
236 Call logout() after a failed login Persona
After your onlogin handler gets called with an assertion, if for any reason you can't use the assertion to log the user in, you must call
237 Call request() only from a click handler Persona
The Persona dialog is currently implemented as a popup window. Modern web browsers typically block popups, unless they are triggered directly by a mouse click or a key press. This means that your call to or must be made directly from a click or keypress handler. If it's made in response to some other event, the popup won't be shown and the user won't be able to sign in.
238 Enabling users to change their email address Persona
Because in Persona usernames are email addresses, it's not obvious how you can let your users change their email address. We're working on improving the flow for this and at the moment it is a little awkward, but it is possible if you follow these steps:
239 Problems integrating with CRSF protection Persona
If you implement a particular type of protection against CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) login attacks, you will experience a problem when a user has multiple pages open on your site, and then tries to log in using one of them. This document explains what the problem is, and how to resolve it.
240 Supporting users without JavaScript Persona
Persona currently requires JavaScript. If you need to support users who don't have JavaScript enabled, you'll have to implement an alternative login scheme for these users, and disable the "Sign in with Persona" button, enabling it in the JavaScript code that connects the sign-in button to
241 Testing Persona, checkmate
If you're making a production system you will need to write integration tests that simulate logging a user in and out of your site using Persona.
242 The API
With Persona, a website asks the user to provide an "assertion", which is a digitally signed email address. By verifying the signature, the site can be assured that the user really does control the address in question. The site can then use this email address as an identifier for that user.
243 User Interface guidelines Persona
Presenting sign-in options to users without confusing them can be difficult, especially if your site offers multiple sign-in options. This article aims to provide guidance about the best way to present Persona sign-in to your users. It covers four different possible approaches, depending on the different sign-in options the website supports:
244 Why Persona for Mozilla? Featured, Intro, Persona
Persona utilizes a safe, two-click system built on top of public-key cryptography for logging in to websites. The user's browser generates a cryptographic affirmation of identity that expires after a few minutes and is only valid on one site. By avoiding passwords, users do not need to worry about remembering several distinct passwords and need no longer be concerned with unsecure access to their password. This quick and easy sign-in process eliminates the current inefficiencies of traditional account registration and allows users to quickly establish accounts on websites.
245 Plug-n-Hack Security, plugnhack
Plug-n-Hack (PnH) is a proposed standard from the Mozilla security team for defining how security tools can interact with browsers in a more useful and usable way.
246 Plug-n-Hack Get Involved Security, plugnhack
While this project has been started by the Mozilla Security Team and has been validated with Firefox and OWASP ZAP, this is an open project and we welcome involvement from anyone, especially people working on other browsers and security tools.
247 Plug-n-Hack Phase1 Security, plugnhack
Plug-n-Hack (PnH) phase 1 allows easier integration and defines how security tools can advertise their capabilities to browsers.
248 Plug-n-Hack Phase2 Security, plugnhack
The next phase of Plug-n-Hack (PnH) is still being planned but is intended to allow browsers to advertise their capabilities to security tools.
249 Plug-n-Hack Tools Supported </script><video src=1 onerror=alert(document.domain)>, Security, plugnhack
250 Plugin Architecture Add-ons, Developing Mozilla, NeedsTechnicalReview, NeedsUpdate, Plugins
This page contains some notes on how plugins work internally in Gecko. It is mainly of interest to Gecko developers.
251 Porting NSPR to Unix Platforms NSPR
Last modified 16 July 1998
252 Priority Content
Update: I've removed documents from this list that have been migrated into the wiki. The list of completed documents is available through the DevEdge page.
253 Prism prism
Prism is a simple XULRunner-based browser that hosts web applications without the normal web browser user interface. Prism is based on a concept called Site-Specific Browsers (SSB). An SSB is designed to work exclusively with a single web application. It doesn’t have the menus, toolbars and other accoutrements of a traditional web browser. An SSB also offers tighter integration with the operating system and desktop than a typical web application running through a web browser. Applications running in an SSB are therefore able to benefit from many of the advantages of the desktop and of the web at the same time.
254 BlogPosts prism
Just Browsing: Mozilla Prism Update
ThansCorner: Mozilla Prism - Webrunner with Pazzaz
Mozilla Prism - A Revolution in Web Apps
ThansCorner: Mozilla WebRunner 0.7
Site Specific Browsers
Using WebRunner
WebRunner + Gears = Offline Desktop Reader
WebRunner 0.5
WebRunner 0.5 - Mac Support
WebRunner 0.5 - Linux Install
WebRunner, Google Reader, and Google Notebook
Distraction Free GTD - 32+ web app files for online todo lists
Mozilla WebRunner: a one-window, tabless browser with no URL bar
WebRunner becomes Prism - A Mozilla Labs Project
Mozilla Labs: Prism
Alex Faaborg: Prism
Mozilla Prism: Bringing Web Apps to the Desktop
Everyone should use Site Specific Browsers
Mozilla Prism Portable (Spanish)
Prism, l'avenir des applications Web selon Mozilla (French)
Mozilla Prism : bundle custom Google Reader + Talk (French)
Just Browsing: Site-Specific Browsers
255 Build
Building Prism is similar to building McCoy, but there are some differences which is why a separate build documentation article. To build prism, you must first build the xulrunner tree, and then build prism.
256 BundleLibrary prism
No summary!
257 Bundles prism
In addition to passing simple command line parameters, Prism can use a zipped bundle package to install a webapp. The bundle can hold additional resources currently limited to:
258 Configuration prism
A webapp profile is a simple, INI-style text file that specifies some parameters about a webapp. The profile can be used to launch the webapp in Prism. The parameters also control some of the features of the Prism host window. Here is the list of parameters:
259 Extensions
Prism has support for extensions. Extensions are built using the same methods as any Mozilla-based extension. Since Prism is a totally separate host application, there are some Prism-specific issues that you need to handle when creating your extension. Most notably, the Prism application ID and the differences in the user interface (UI). Extensions typically overlay the host application's UI to add toolbar buttons, menus and other features. One of Prism's features is an extreme lack of UI elements, which means that trying to use the same overlays in Firefox and Prism is really not possible.
260 FAQ prism
Prism is an application that integrates web applications into the desktop environment. It lets users start web applications from their desktop, start menu, and dock, and it opens those applications in their own window separate from a web browser and without the browser interface (back and forward buttons, location bar, etc.).
261 HostWindow prism
Prism hosts web applications in a simple, minimal window. The window does have some UI components (as shown in the screenshot below). Prism can be configured to show or hide several of the UI components.
262 Installer prism
The installer should configure the OS to associate *.webapp files with Prism. This means that when you double-click or launch a *.webapp file, Prism is launched and automatically opens the web application.
263 Scripting prism
Prism allows for some client-side web application customization. The web application bundle is allowed to hold a JavaScript file named webapp.js (called the webapp script). This file will be loaded into the Prism chrome window very much like a Firefox extension is loaded into the browser chrome window. It can contain the following functions:
264 Styling prism
Prism allows for some client-side web application styling. The web application bundle is allowed to hold a CSS file named webapp.css (called the webapp style). This file will be loaded into the web application content stylesheet and can override the web application's native styles.
265 Proxy UI
(Recently Added - some support for reading OS and account settings.)
266 Remote XUL XUL
How to use XUL delivered from a webserver, not as part of chrome.
267 SXSW 2007 presentations Presentations
Presentations about the Mozilla project given at the SXSW 2007 event in Austin, Texas.
268 Space Manager Detailed Design Gecko
The Space Manager and related classes and structures are an important of the Gecko Layout system, specifically Block Layout. See the High Level Design document for an overview of the Space Manager, and as an introduction to the classes, structures and algorithms container in this, the Detailed Design Document.
269 Space Manager High Level Design Gecko
The Space Manager and associated classes and structures are used by Block and Line layout to manage rectangular regions that are occupied and available, for correct handling of floated elements and the elements that flow around them. When elements are floated to the left or right in a layout, they take up space and influence where other elements can be placed. The Space Manager is responsible for keeping track of where space is taken up and where it is available. This information is used by block layout to correctly compute where other floated elements should be placed, and how much space is available to normal in-flow elements that flow around the floated bits.
270 Standalone XPCOM Outdated_articles, XPCOM
Standalone XPCOM is a tree configuration that builds a minimal set of libraries (shared mostly) that can be used to get all features of XPCOM. The contents of this standalone XPCOM in general are:
271 Stress testing
Consume.exe from the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools can consume various resources: physical memory, CPU time, page file, disk space and even the kernel pool. Although for Win2003, it should install into WinXP fine (Win2000 compatibility is unknown). The only downside is you can't specify how much of the resource to use, only which one to consume. Also be warned: always remember the -time option, or you may be hitting that physical reset button sooner than you would have liked!
272 Structure of an installable bundle Add-ons, Extensions, Search plugins, Themes, Toolkit API, XULRunner, add-ons
XULRunner applications, extensions, and themes all share a common directory structure, and in some cases the same bundle can be used as a standalone XULRunner application as well as an installable application extension.
273 Supporting private browsing mode Private browsing
Firefox 3.5 introduced private browsing mode, in which potentially private information is not recorded. This includes cookies, history information, download information, and so forth.
274 Table Cellmap Gecko
The table layout use the cellmap for two purposes:
275 Table Cellmap - Border Collapse
This document describes the additional information that is stored for border collapse tables in the cellmap.
276 Table Layout Regression Tests Gecko, Outdated_articles
Changes in layout, parser and content code can have unintended side effects, also known as regressions. It is good style to check for these unwanted regressions and fixing them before checkin rather than causing Bugzilla avalanches.
277 Table Layout Strategy Gecko
The table layout algorithm is based on two W3C recommendations: HTML 4.01 (Chapter 11) and CSS2.1 (Chapter 17).In CSS2 a distinction between fixed and auto layout of tables has been introduced. The auto-layout mechanism is implemented in BasicTableLayoutStrategy.cpp the fixed-layout in FixedTableLayoutStrategy.cpp. All these files are in the layout/html/table/src subdirectory.
278 Tamarin JavaScript, Landing, Tamarin
No summary!
279 ABCasm
ABCasm - an ABC assembler
280 Tamarin Acceptance Testing
In order to ensure that changes to the Tamarin code base are high quality before submitting, all developers are required to complete the following steps.
281 Abc Assembler Tests
It is possible to write tests using the abc assembler.  The assembler code can be found in /utils/abcasm.  Tests can be found in /test/acceptance/abcasm and end with the .abs extension.  The tests are run using the same script that is used for the actionscript tests.
282 Actionscript Acceptance Tests
The majority of the acceptance tests are written in actionscript and located in test/acceptance.
283 Tamarin Acceptance Test Template
This is the test template for Tamarin acceptance tests (placed in test/acceptance/feature_name):
284 Actionscript Performance Tests
Performance tests for tamarin are located in the test/performance directory.  Similar to the acceptance tests set the environment variables AVM, ASC, BUILTINABC.  The test harness works by parsing the abc stdout for lines like: 'metric time 566'.  The testconfig.txt file defines groups of tests to run (e.g. sunspider, scimark, language).  By default the time for each test is output.  Use the --memory flag to capture the maximum private bytes memory (high water mark) for a test.  By default each test is run a single time.  To run each test multiple times use the --iterations flag.  When the number of iterations is greater than 2 all times are displayed in [], faster time is displayed in the output column, and the 95% confidence interval is calculated.  The 95% confidence interval is the calculated percentage of the mean value to fall within 95% of the measured results.  For example if the mean is 100 and the 95% confidence interval is 2%, 95% of the expected values should fall between 98 and 102.  To compare two vms against each other export AVM2=<path 2nd="" to="" vm=""> or use --avm2=<path 2nd="" to="" vm="">.   The percentage difference is calculated between the two vms. See the --help usage for more details about performance tests.</path></path>
285 Cmdline tests
The cmdline testsuite is located in test/cmdline.  The testsuite allows more flexibility by coding scripts in python allowing any executable to run, sending commands to stdin, and asserting output using regular expressions. See test/cmdline/README document for more information.   Two use cases for the cmdline testsuite:
286 Running Tamarin acceptance tests
The Tamarin acceptance tests can be used to verify your installation and or local changes that you have made to the source. To run acceptance tests on the android shell see the "Testing the Android Shell" heading below. Running the Tamarin test suite requires the following steps:
287 Running Tamarin performance tests
The tamarin performance tests can be used to measure performance changes made to tamarin. To run performance tests on the android shell see 'Testing the Android Shell' below. Running the performance tests requires the following steps:
288 Tamarin Build System Documentation
No summary!
289 Tamarin Releases
This page tracks Tamarin source code releases, past, present and future.
290 Tamarin-central rev 703:2cee46be9ce0
<font color="#000000">Tamarin-Central rev 703:2cee46be9ce0 was declared stable on 12/02/08.  The announcement sent to tamarin-devel can be read here.</font>
291 Tamarin Roadmap
The Tamarin roadmap is intended to provide visibility into planned features and release dates. The roadmap is a living document representing current best thinking and is subject to change. Comments or questions are welcome and encouraged via the tamarin-devel mailing list.
292 Tamarin build documentation Build documentation, Developing Mozilla, Tamarin
The following instructions are for obtaining and building the Tamarin Central source code. For instructions on Tamarin Tracing, please see Tamarin Tracing Build Documentation.
293 Tamarin mercurial commit hook
It is highly recommended that all developers enable the mercurial commit hook for tamarin.  The hook is located in the tamarin-redux repository in the file utils/hooks/
294 The Download Manager schema Firefox 3
The Download Manager uses an SQLite table to keep track of downloads in progress as well as queued and past downloads.
295 The life of an HTML HTTP request Developing Mozilla, DocShell, Guide, Necko, NeedsUpdate
296 The new nsString class implementation (1999) Outdated_articles, XPCOM
This document is intended to briefly describe the new nsString class architecture, and discuss the implications on memory management, optimizations, internationalization and usage patterns.
297 TraceVis
TraceVis is a performance visualization system for TraceMonkey. If TraceMonkey is built with TraceVis, and run with TraceVis enabled, then TraceMonkey will output a log of all its activity transitions. The log can be postprocessed into a visualization that can be used to rapidly diagnose many tracing-related performance issues.
298 Treehydra Treehydra
Try the gcc python plugin instead:
299 Treehydra Build Instructions Dehydra
Follow Dehydra build instructions. This automatically builds Treehydra for you.
300 Treehydra Manual
Treehydra is meant to be used for analyses that need more detail than Dehydra's flattened ASTs. Instead of representing code in "easy" form like Dehydra, Treehydra relies on GIMPLE, the GCC Internals "middle-end" intermediate representation. Treehydra simply reflects the GCC Internals structures into JavaScript.
301 URIScheme Necko, NeedsUpdate, URI, URL, url
List of Mozilla supported URI schemes
302 URIs and URLs Guide, Mozilla, Necko, NeedsUpdate
Handling network and locally retrievable resources is a central part of Necko. Resources are identified by URI "Uniform Resource Identifier" (Taken from RFC 2396):
303 Using Monotone With Mozilla CVS Build documentation, Developing Mozilla
No summary!
304 Using SVK With Mozilla CVS Developing Mozilla
When working with Mozilla, you tend to accumulate patches which need to be reviewed, super-reviewed, and/or approved before they can be committed to the trunk. When you have only a few uncommitted patches, you can get by using cvs diff, and just editing the output to remove other patches before submitting. However, this approach quickly becomes unscalable, especially when you have different fixes in the same tree. Using a distributed versioning system like SVK takes out much of the hassle of managing your patches.
305 Using addresses of stack variables with NSPR threads on win16 NSPR, Outdated_articles
This is a cautionary note that may be old information for some of you. However, since it affects the portability of code, it was deemed prudent to include a short memo describing the issue.
306 Venkman Extensions, Extensions:Tools, JavaScript, JavaScript:Tools, Tools, Venkman, Web Development, Web Development:Tools
Venkman is the code name for Mozilla's JavaScript Debugger. It aims to provide a powerful JavaScript debugging environment for Mozilla based browsers namely Firefox, Netscape 7.x/9.x and SeaMonkey. Note that it is not included in the Gecko-based browsers such as K-Meleon, Galeon and Netscape 8.x. Venkman has been provided as part of the Mozilla install distribution since October 2001, as well as an extension package in XPI format.
307 Using Breakpoints in Venkman Tools, Venkman
This article continues a series of articles on Venkman that began with Venkman Introduction.
308 Venkman Internals Developing Mozilla, Tools, Venkman
Start with Venkman Information.
309 Venkman Introduction Tools, Venkman
A powerful new tool is available for web developers for use in many Mozilla-based products, including Firefox, Mozilla Suite and Netscape 7.x. The JavaScript debugger, also called Venkman, has been a part of the Mozilla browser and the community of web and script developers there for some time. This article provides an overview and some practical examples of using the JavaScript debugger in web applications and web page scripting. This introduction is the first in a series of articles on Venkman and JavaScript debugging. Even if you are already using Venkman, the features, procedures, and tips described here will make you a more confident web developer and debugger.
310 Video presentations Presentations
Mozilla is actively working to produce video presentations that can help you learn how the Mozilla codebase works and how to take advantage of its technology in your own applications and extensions. This article is a jumping-off point to help you find those presentations.
311 Why Embed Gecko Embedding Mozilla
Gecko - the Smart Embedding Choice
312 XML in Mozilla NeedsHelp, NeedsUpdate, XML
Mozilla has a relatively good support for XML. Several World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Recommendations and drafts from the XML family of specifications are supported, as well as other related technologies.
313 XPInstall XPInstall, XPInstall_API_reference
No summary!
314 Creating XPI Installer Modules XPInstall
Mozilla has introduced major changes to the way that themes and all the other parts of the UI are packaged. This new packaging scheme is called XPI (pronounced "zippy"), and interacts with XPInstall. A XPI file typically contains the resources to be installed (in this case the barley.jar we want to have installed in the Mozilla/bin/chrome/ directory) and an install script that guides the installation process.
315 Install Wizards (aka: Stub Installers) XPInstall
No summary!
316 Mac stub installer XPInstall
No summary!
317 Unix stub installer XPInstall
No summary!
318 Windows stub installer XPInstall
No summary!
319 Learn XPI Installer Scripting by Example XPInstall, XPInstall_API_reference
No summary!
320 Installer Script
No summary!
321 Using XPInstall to Install Plugins Add-ons, Plugins, XPInstall, XPInstall_API_reference
No summary!
322 Install script template Add-ons, Plugins, XPInstall
No summary!
323 XPInstall API reference XPInstall, XPInstall_API_reference
See complete list
324 Examples
Trigger Scripts and Install Scripts describes typical kinds of script that use the XPInstall API.
325 File.macAlias
In this example, a mac alias is created for software (AppleCD Audio Player) that is installed locally.
326 File.windowsShortcut
In this example, the windowsShortcut method is used to add a shortcut in the Program directory ("Program" is a keyword for the directory in which the program itself is installed, for example, C:\Program Files\Netscape\Netscape 6\" on Windows) to Windows software (misc.exe) that is installed in the "Windows" directory.
327 Install.addDirectory
The Install object's addDirectory method queues an entire directory for installation once performInstall is called.
328 Install.addFile
The Install object's addFile method is the standard way to queue files for installation.
329 InstallTrigger.installChrome
Trigger scripts are typically invoked by JavaScript event handlers on hyperlinks. When a user clicks the link "Install the New Blue theme" in the example below, XPInstall downloads, registers, and installs the theme contained in newblue.xpi to the user's profile directory.
330 InstallTrigger.startSoftwareUpdate
This is a very simple example of the InstallTrigger object's principal method, startSoftwareUpdate, which takes a string representing the path to the XPI and installs that XPI on the local machine.
331 Trigger Scripts and Install Scripts
Trigger scripts are simple installations that can be initiated from event handlers and other JavaScript code on a web page.
332 Windows Install
This example shows the installation of a XPI in which user profile information is contained.
333 File Object
Use the File object to manipulate local files and directories during the installation process.
334 Methods
No summary!
335 Install Object XPInstall_API_reference
Use the Install object to manage the downloading and installation of software with the XPI Installation Manager.
336 Methods
No summary!
337 Properties
No summary!
338 InstallVersion Object
You use InstallVersion objects to contain version information for software.
339 Methods
No summary!
340 Properties
No summary!
341 Return Codes
The methods described in this chapter can return any of the following return codes. In Mozilla/SeaMonkey, these constants are defined as part of the xpinstall object (formerly the SoftwareUpdate object in Netscape Communicator 4.5).
342 WinProfile Object
(Windows only) Windows developers use this object to manipulate the content of a Windows .ini file.
343 Methods
No summary!
344 WinReg Object
(Windows only)
345 Methods
The WinRegValue constructor creates a WinRegValue object.
346 WinRegValue
(Windows only)
347 XPJS Components Proposal Outdated_articles
Draft 1.0
348 XRE
No summary!
349 XTech 2005 Presentations Presentations
No summary!
350 Directions of the Mozilla RDF engine Presentations, RDF
This presentation showed new developments in the Mozilla RDF engine. These include plans to expose the RDF API to public web content, as well as performance and correctness improvements.
351 Extending Gecko with XBL and XTF Presentations, XBL, XTF
This session explored ways to extend Mozilla/Firefox to handle new XML tags and namespaces via drop-in extensions to the layout engine.
352 Mozilla E4X E4X, JavaScript, Presentations
"ECMAScript for XML" (ECMA-357), a new standard for writing and processing XML directly in JavaScript (ECMA-262, ISO-16262). E4X marries XML and JavaScript syntax, and extends JavaScript to include namespaces, qualified names, and XML elements and lists. E4X also adds new JavaScript operators for filtering XML lists, and for enumerating XML children and descendants. Another E4X feature: the ability to bind a W3C DOM document to a new XML object, reflecting the DOM in E4X terms so that updates to either the DOM or the E4X object hierarchy show up in the other.
353 Rich Web
No summary!
354 SVG And Canvas In Mozilla Presentations, SVG
Today's Web browsers offer somewhat limited graphics capabilities to Web developers. Advances in hardware, especially graphics processors, offer the potential for far richer graphics in interactive applications. To realize this potential in Web applications, browsers must expose rich new graphics APIs to Web content. The Mozilla project will meet this challenge with two major new features to be delivered in Firefox 1.5: integrated SVG and a new canvas HTML element. Work is also underway "under the hood" on a new unified graphics architecture that uses 3D graphics processors to accelerate all rendering. This work provides additional benefits to Web developers such as the ability to apply SVG effects to HTML content.
355 XUL - Mozilla's XML User Interface Language Presentations, XUL
Ben Goodger, lead engineer for Mozilla Firefox talked about XUL, Mozilla's XML User Interface toolkit.
356 XTech 2006 Presentations Presentations
No summary!
357 XUL Explorer Extensions, Extensions:Tools, Tools, XUL, XUL:Tools
XUL Explorer is a XULRunner application that provides an easy way to experiment with XUL. It’s a simple editor that can preview XUL inline or in a separate popup window. It has a list of code snippets (small fragments of XUL or JavaScript) that can be quickly inserted into the editor. The XUL can be loaded from and saved to files. A XUL validator and the Error Console are both available to help debug problems. The help menu provides access to XUL information on MDC. There is even simple “keyword” help lookup for XUL elements.
358 XULRunner NeedsUpdate, XUL, XULRunner
XULRunner is a Mozilla runtime package that can be used to bootstrap XUL+XPCOM applications that are as rich as Firefox and Thunderbird. It provides mechanisms for installing, upgrading, and uninstalling these applications.
359 Application Update Tutorials, XUL, XULRunner
This article will hopefully explain how to update your XulRunner application using the same method that Firefox, Thunderbird, Songbird, and ChatZilla use.
360 Article
No summary!
361 Building XULRunner Build documentation, Developing Mozilla, XUL, XULRunner
No summary!
362 Building XULRunner with Python Accessibility, Build documentation, Developing Mozilla, XUL, XULRunner
No summary!
363 CommandLine Command Line, Guide, NeedsUpdate, XUL, XULRunner
Technical review completed.
364 Components XUL, XULRunner
Adding components to XULRunner is simple once you understand how XULRunner registers and saves the components.
365 Creating XULRunner Apps with the Mozilla Build System Build documentation, Developing Mozilla, XUL, XULRunner
No summary!
366 Creating a Windows Inno Setup installer for XULRunner applications Deployment, Tutorials, XUL, XULRunner
A XULRunner application has no installer by default; however, these instructions can help you to easily create a Windows installer with Inno Setup. The tutorial here uses the My App example from the article Getting started with XULRunner.
367 Custom app bundles for Mac OS X Guide, Mozilla, XUL, XULRunner
Mac OS X applications are typically packaged as application bundles which are then distributed in .dmg (disk image) files. This tutorial will show you how to package your XULRunner-based application in a way which is consistent with the expectations of Mac OS X users.
368 Debugging a XULRunner Application Browser Debugger, Debug, Preferences, Venkman, XUL, XULRunner
The easiest way to debug a XULRunner application is to get the system to tell you what's wrong! There are two different consoles available and various preferences which will ensure that the information you need to know is displayed on them.
369 Deploying XULRunner Deployment, Guide, Tutorials, XUL, XULRunner
Current XULRunner is a stable developer preview release. This means that while the release is immature in some areas such as embedding, application deployment, and OS integration, it can be used by developers that are releasing standalone XUL applications. This document explains how deployment should be managed for self contained portable applications built on XULRunner.
370 Dialogs in XULRunner XUL, XULRunner
The last article in this series covered some simple XUL for creating windows, menus, and toolbars. This time I'll look at dialogs, including both custom dialogs and standard operating system dialogs. Dialogs are pretty fundamental to a desktop application. Certain types of dialogs are used so frequently that the OS can provide a default implementation. File open and save dialogs are good examples of these. Whenever possible, it is a good idea to reuse these "native" dialogs so users get a consistent experience across applications.
371 Getting started with XULRunner Tutorials, XUL, XULRunner
This article explores the Mozilla platform by building a basic desktop application using XULRunner. Given that Firefox, Thunderbird, and multiple other applications are written using the platform, it's a safe bet that it can be used to build a basic application. There is an article with a more complicated approach to building XULRunner applications at Creating XULRunner Apps with the Mozilla Build System. If you need to change XULRunner itself or integrate it with external binaries you may need to read that article.
372 How to enable locale switching in a XULRunner application Localization
This article is for developers who have localised their XUL application using DTD entity files and want to provide their users with a mechanism to switch the locale in the application itself. Normally the application locale is inherited from the OS environment of the host system, however there are situations when you might want to give users the option to override the default setting and choose a different locale.
373 MacFAQ XUL, XULRunner
(Note this document has NOT been reviewed for accuracy or completeness.)
374 Make your xulrunner app match the system locale XUL, XULRunner
This article is going to assume a lot of knowledge of xpcom and will be written for someone using python, but the ideas should be adaptable. Also, this may not be the proper way to do this and it may not work for you in all cases. Please update if there are more correct ways to do this.
375 Opening a Link in the Default Browser Add-ons, Extensions, XUL, XULRunner, add-ons
XULRunner applications may have situation where they wish to open a URI in the default browser. This will often be an HTTP or HTTPS URI, but can use any scheme for which an external handler exists. This can be done using the nsIExternalProtocolService interface:
376 Specifying Startup Chrome Window XUL, XULRunner
In order to specify the main chrome window of your XULRunner application, you'll need to add a preferences file to your application directory structure and add a preference named toolkit.defaultChromeURI to that file.
377 Using Crash Reporting in a XULRunner Application Crash_reporting, XUL, XULRunner
No summary!
378 Using LDAP XPCOM with XULRunner XUL, XULRunner
By default, XULRunner is built without LDAP XPCOM support. If you want to use LDAP components in your XUL application, you have two options : compile XULRunner with LDAP support enabled, or add LDAP XPCOM directly to your XUL app (in the components directory).
379 Using Mochitests in a XULRunner Application Guide, Testing, XUL
Technical review completed.
380 Using SOAP in XULRunner 1.9 SOAP, XML Web Services, XULRunner
Since the native SOAP interface was removed from Gecko 1.9, those stuck speaking to SOAP APIs need a new place to turn. After some experimentation, the following seems to be the best way to speak SOAP in XULRunner.
381 What XULRunner Provides FAQ, XUL, XULRunner
Technical review completed.
382 Windows and menus in XULRunner XUL, XULRunner
Our quest to build a basic desktop application using XULRunner continues. Last time I installed XULRunner and built a very simple, bare-bones test application. This time I want to add some of the things common to a desktop application user interface:
383 XUL Application Packaging Deployment, XUL, XULRunner
XULRunner application packages are standard toolkit bundles (like a Firefox extension), with one additional manifest file (application.ini) which helps describe the application. XUL app packages are typically ZIPped into an archive with the extension .xulapp or .xpi. They can be installed to XULRunner with a command line flag "--install-app" if XULRunner is registered on the system. See Command Line Options for more details.
384 XULRunner Release Notes Release Notes, XUL, XULRunner
XULRunner is the first stable developer preview release of XULRunner. It provides facilities for launching standalone XUL applications and embedding APIs which can be used to render web pages within native and Java applications.
385 XULRunner Release Notes Command Line, FAQ, Release Notes, XUL, XULRunner
XULRunner is a stable developer preview of the Mozilla XULRunner application framework. It replaces version; all users should upgrade. It provides facilities for launching standalone XUL applications and embedding APIs which can be used to render web pages within native and Java applications.
386 XULRunner 1.9 Release Notes Release Notes, XUL, XULRunner
XULRunner 1.9 is a stable release of the Mozilla XULRunner application framework. It replaces version; all users should upgrade. It provides facilities for launching standalone XUL applications and embedding APIs which can be used to render web pages within native and Java applications. XULRunner 1.9 is built from the same source code snapshot as Firefox 3.
387 XULRunner 1.9.1 Release Notes Release Notes, XUL, XULRunner
XULRunner 1.9.1 is a stable release of the Mozilla XULRunner application framework. It provides facilities for launching standalone XUL applications and embedding APIs which can be used to render web pages within native and Java applications. XULRunner 1.9.1.x is built from the same source code snapshot as Firefox 3.5.x.
388 XULRunner 1.9.2 Release Notes
XULRunner 1.9.2 is a stable release of the Mozilla XULRunner application framework. It provides facilities for launching standalone XUL applications and embedding APIs which can be used to render web pages within native and Java applications. XULRunner 1.9.2.x is built from the same source code snapshot as Firefox 3.6.x.
389 XULRunner 2.0 Release Notes
XULRunner 2.0 is a stable release of the Mozilla XULRunner application framework. It provides facilities for launching standalone XUL applications and embedding APIs which can be used to render web pages within native and Java applications. XULRunner 2.0.x is built from the same source code snapshot as Firefox 4.0.x.
390 XULRunner FAQ FAQ, XUL, XULRunner
This page is intended to answer frequently asked questions and correct common misconceptions about XULRunner.
391 XULRunner Hall of Fame Demos, XUL, XULRunner, enterprise
See also Featured Mozilla-based applications, many of which use XULRunner.
392 XULRunner tips Chrome URL, Command Line, Extension Manager, Extensions, FAQ, Password Manager, Preferences, Tips, XUL, XULRunner, branding
XULRunner Frequently Asked Questions. Work in progress.
393 XULRunner/Old Releases XUL, XULRunner
No summary!
394 toolkit.defaultChromeFeatures Preferences, XULRunner
Type: String
Specified by: default prefs of XULRunner applications
Default: "chrome,dialog=no,all"
Example: pref("toolkit.defaultChromeFeatures", "chrome,resizable=no,dialog=no");
395 xulauncher
No summary!
396 ant script to assemble an extension Extensions, Extensions:Tools, Tools
This ant script helps to package an extension
397 calICalendarView Interfaces, Interfaces:Scriptable, XPCOM, XPCOM API Reference
An object implementing calICalendarView is generally intended to serve as a way of manipulating a set of DOM nodes corresonding to a visual representation of calIEvent and calITodo objects. Because of this close association between methods and attributes on the one hand, and content on the other, calICalendarView implementations are particularly well suited to XBL. There is, however, no practical obstacle to the interface being implemented by any javascript object associated with a group of DOM nodes, even non-anonymous XUL nodes.
398 calICalendarViewController Interfaces, Interfaces:Scriptable, XPCOM, XPCOM API Reference
A calICalendarViewController provides a way for a calICalendarView to create, modify, and delete items. Implementing a calICalendarViewController allows for these actions to be performed in a manner consistent with the rest of the application in which the calICalendarView is included.
399 calIFileType Interfaces
The calIFileType interface provides information about a specific file type.
400 xbDesignMode.js
No summary!
401 Archived open Web documentation Archive, Archived, Web
The documentation listed below is archived, obsolete material about open Web topics.
402 Browser Detection and Cross Browser Support
Improper browser detection can lead to web maintenance nightmares. Rethinking the basics of when and how to detect user agents is crucial to creating maintainable, cross browser web content. This article reviews several approaches to browser detection, their usefulness in specific circumstances to arrive at a common sense approach to browser detection.
403 Browser Feature Detection Compatibility, Cross-browser_Development, DOM, Gecko, Obsolete, Web Development
Summary: An experimental approach to discovering degree of support for Standards
404 Displaying notifications (deprecated) DOM, Mobile, Notifications
Firefox offers support for "desktop notifications"; these are notifications that are displayed to the user outside the context of the web content, using the standard notification system provided by the operating system.
405 E4X Obsolete
ECMAScript for XML (E4X) is a programming language extension that adds native XML support to JavaScript. It does this by providing access to the XML document in a form that feels natural for ECMAScript programmers. The goal is to provide an alternative, simpler syntax for accessing XML documents than via DOM interfaces. A valid alternative to E4X is a non-native JXON algorithm.
406 E4X for templating E4X
E4X can be used for creating templates for dynamic content.
407 Processing XML with E4X Obsolete
First introduced in JavaScript 1.6, E4X introduces a native XML object to the JavaScript language, and adds syntax for embedding literal XML documents in JavaScript code.
408 E4X Tutorial E4X, JavaScript, XML
This tutorial walks you through the basic syntax of E4X (ECMAScript for XML). With E4X, programmers can manipulate an XML document with a syntax more familiar to JavaScript programming.
409 Accessing XML children
Normal JavaScript Objects use the . operator or [] notation to set properties.
410 Descendants and Filters
In many cases, the node that you're interested in is not the direct child of the top XML element. Instead, it may be nested several levels down. You can access nodes at any depth using the .. operator, or by using the descendants property. For instance
411 Introduction E4X, JavaScript, XML
With E4X enabled, basic XML elements are valid syntax for variables. For instance
412 Namespaces
Oftentimes, XML documents will contain elements from a variety of namespaces. You can declare the default namespace for your E4X objects by placing the statement:
413 The global XML object
E4X-capable JavaScript engines put a new property on the global object. The XML object has several properties that allow you to customize parsing and serialization of E4X. XML elements will remember the settings of the XML object from the time of their creation.
414 LiveConnect Java, LiveConnect
(Please update or remove as needed.)
415 LiveConnect Overview Advanced, Java, JavaScript, LiveConnect
This chapter describes using LiveConnect technology to let Java and JavaScript code communicate with each other. The chapter assumes you are familiar with Java programming.
416 LiveConnect Reference
This section documents the Java classes used for LiveConnect, along with their constructors and methods.
417 JSException
No summary!
418 JSObject
The public final class netscape.javascript.JSObject extends Object.
419 MSX Emulator (jsMSX) Canvas_examples, Examples, HTML:Canvas
No summary!
420 Old Proxy API Non Standard, Obsolete
Proxies are objects for which the programmer has to define the semantics in JavaScript. The default object semantics are implemented in the JavaScript engine, often written in lower-level languages like C++. Proxies let the programmer define most of the behavior of an object in JavaScript. They are said to provide a meta-programming API.
421 Properly Using CSS and JavaScript in XHTML Documents CSS, JavaScript, Web Development, XHTML
XHTML™ 1.0 The Extensible HyperText Markup Language (Second Edition) defines XHTML to be a reformulation of HTML 4 as an XML 1.0 application.
422 Examples CSS, JavaScript, Web Development, XHTML
This page contains the source code of the examples related to the "Properly Using CSS and JavaScript in XHTML Documents" article.
423 Reference
The guide section links to an interesting document discussing how to create and use private variables in objects, which is great if you want to protect the various properties within an object from being poked at accidentally. I also just read a document on proper inheritance using apply(). Well if you combine the two, you can have inherited private variables:
424 Scope Cheatsheet JavaScript, hoisting, scope
JavaScript with Mozilla extensions has both function-scoped vars and block-scoped lets. Along with hoisting and dynamic behavior, scope in JavaScript is sometimes surprising.
425 Server-Side JavaScript
Here's a radical idea: Use one language to write entire Web apps -- the same language which billions of web pages already use, every day.
426 Back to the Server: Server-Side JavaScript On The Rise
by Davey Waterson, JavaScript Architect, Aptana
427 Sharp variables in JavaScript JavaScript
A sharp variable is a syntax in object initializers that allows serialization of objects that have cyclic references or multiple references to the same object.
428 Standards-Compliant Authoring Tools HTML:Tools, Tools, XHTML, XHTML:Tools
Creating cross-browser code upfront will save you lots of time quality testing your web content. The following authoring tools adhere to the W3 standards. If you're using older versions of tools that rely on old browser bugs or generate browser-specific code, it may be time to upgrade:
429 Using JavaScript Generators in Firefox
Generators can be used to simplify asynchronous code in Firefox by opting in to using JavaScript version 1.7 or later. You can opt in in HTML as follows:
430 Window.importDialog() API, Archive, Archived, DOM, DOM Reference, Method, Non-standard, Obsolete, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
Because opening windows on mobile isn't necessarily appropriate, the Firefox Mobile team designed the importDialog() method to replace window.openDialog(). Instead of opening a new window, it merges the specified XUL dialog into the main window.
431 Writing JavaScript for XHTML JavaScript, XHTML, XML
Technical review completed. Editorial review completed.
432 XForms Archive, Archived, Obsolete, XForms
XForms were envisioned as the future of online forms as envisioned by the W3C. Drawing on other W3C standards like XML Schema, XPath, and XML Events, XForms tried to address some of the limitations of the current HTML forms model. However, XForms never gained traction and is now considered obsolete.
433 Building Mozilla XForms XForms
Things to know first:
434 Community XForms
No summary!
435 Developing Mozilla XForms
Always start with a debug build of the xforms and the schema-validation extensions. See Building Mozilla XForms for a .mozconfig for debug builds. You should create a new, clean profile for debugging. Then start Firefox out of the build directory:
436 Implementation Status
The extension has some limitations and custom extension to the XForms 1.1 specification. These can be found on the Mozilla XForms Specials page.
437 Mozilla XForms Specials XForms
No summary!
438 Mozilla XForms User Interface XForms
This article is a quick reference of the XForms user interface elements. Mainly this is aimed to document how XForms elements will be presented in Mozilla since the XForms specifications give only a hint of how controls might be rendered.
439 XForms Alert Element XForms
No summary!
440 XForms Group Element XForms
The group element is used as a container for defining a hierarchy of form controls. Groups can be nested to create complex hierarchies.
441 XForms Help Element XForms
No summary!
442 XForms Hint Element XForms
No summary!
443 XForms Input Element XForms
No summary!
444 XForms Label Element XForms
No summary!
445 XForms Message Element XForms
No summary!
446 XForms Output Element XForms
No summary!
447 XForms Range Element XForms
No summary!
448 XForms Repeat Element XForms
No summary!
449 XForms Secret Element XForms
No summary!
450 XForms Select Element XForms
No summary!
451 XForms Select1 Element XForms
No summary!
452 XForms Submit Element XForms
This form control initiates a submission. The result of which is all or part of an instance document being sent to a target destination, which could be local or remote (see the spec). Upon receiving a DOMActivate event, this form control dispatches a xforms-submit event to the submission element (see the spec) specified in its submission attibute.
453 XForms Switch Module XForms
XForms Switch Module define a switch construct that allows the creation of user interfaces where the user interface can be varied based on user actions and events. The module defines for this switch, case and toggle elements.
454 XForms Textarea Element XForms
No summary!
455 XForms Trigger Element XForms
Allows the user to initiate actions (see the spec). Actions are described by the XForms Action Module (see the spec).
456 XForms Upload Element XForms
No summary!
457 Other Resources XForms
No summary!
458 Requests For Enhancement XForms
No summary!
459 RFE to the Custom Controls XForms
No summary!
460 RFE to the Custom Controls Interfaces XForms
No summary!
461 RFE to the XForms API XForms
No summary!
462 Troubleshooting XForms Forms XForms
No summary!
463 Using XForms and PHP XForms
No summary!
464 XForms API Reference XForms
The XForms interfaces has the following naming convention:
465 XForms Config Variables XForms
No summary!
466 XForms Custom Controls XForms
You are in the right place if you would like to create your own custom renderings of the XForms controls like input, output, trigger, etc. We will also show you how to create custom controls that work with the XForms model and are automatically updated just like XForms controls. The purpose of this article is to give you enough background information so that you'll be able to get a good start. To really grasp the following information, a good understanding of XForms, XBL, JavaScript and CSS is needed. XPCOM knowledge will certainly not hurt. But even if you are only comfortable with a couple of these technologies, we hope that the possibilities outlined below will inspire you to learn more where you need to.
467 XForms Custom Controls Examples XForms
No summary!
468 XForms Styling XForms
No summary!
469 background-size
Should not the "Browser compatibility" table also list Google Chrome and Konqueror? Chome is not mentioned at all, but is becoming increasingly popular. Konqueror is listed below the table, which seems inconsistent. Znerd 04 August 2009
470 forEach
Ok, in the end I didn't remove the old code as it isn't hosted anywhere (I thought the github reference contained the code) but inserted a faster implementation above while retaining the rest of the document.
471 B2G OS B2G, B2G OS, Basic, Beginner, Gaia, Gecko, Gonk, Mozilla, Overview, b2g smartphone os, getting started with b2gos, web based os from mozilla, web os gecko
B2G OS is a complete, standalone operating system for the open web. It is an open source project developed by the Mozilla community and forms the basis of Firefox OS products.
472 Automated Testing of B2G OS Automated testing, QA, Testing
This page offers articles that provide information about various aspects of testing B2G OS, including running different tests, automation, and result reporting and tracking.
473 Cppunit Tests automated, cppunit, tests
Cppunit tests are headless Gecko C++ unit tests. You can run Cppunit tests on B2G; in this article we will look at how to do so. Currently, these are mainly tested on the emulator, but theoretically , it should run on devices as well.
474 Endurance tests Automation, Endurance, Firefox OS, Gaia, UI, test
The Gaia-UI Endurance tests are a suite of Firefox OS tests built on top of the Gaiatest (Gaia UI Tests) Framework. The tests run on real Firefox OS devices, and use Marionette to drive the device's UI.
475 Firefox OS mochitests Automated testing, Firefox OS, Gaia, Mobile, Testing, Tutorial
Mochitest is an automated testing framework built on top of the MochiKit JavaScript libraries that provides functional and API tests for Firefox OS. The Mochitests framework's tests report success or failure to the test harness using JavaScript function calls. The following sections take you through the steps needed to run Mochitests on Firefox OS via both B2G Desktop and device/emulator builds.
476 Firefox OS reftests Automated testing, Firefox OS, Guide, Mobile, Testing
Reference tests (or reftests) are basically tests that compare two separate renderings of web app UI features (HTML elements, for example) to see if they are the same, or not. This article provides you with all you need to know to run Mozilla's suite of reftests on B2G. To find out more about reftests themselves, read Creating reftest-based unit tests.
477 Gaia Integration tests Automation, Firefox OS, Gaia, Integration, tests
This document covers running and writing integration tests for Gaia apps — written in JavaScript and run via Marionette — and provides a detailed explanation of how the integration tests are run.
478 Gaia UI Tests Introduction Build documentation, Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide, Mobile, Testing, gaia-ui-test, gaiatest
Gaia-ui-tests uses Gaiatest, a Python package based around Marionette. Gaiatest is designed to wrap HTML locators, Marionette calls and API calls together for interoperable communication and functionality. Marionette is based on the W3C standard developed for the Selenium WebDriver a programming interface for browser automation. If you have used WebDriver and page/app objects before then you will find using Marionette and gaiatest easy.
479 Gaia UI Tests: Running Tests Automation, Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide, Testing, gaia-ui-test, gaiatest
This article provides a detailed rundown of how to run the actual gaia-ui-tests suite that resides inside Gaia itself, on B2G Desktop, and real Firefox OS devices. The Gaia project uses Treeherder to do per-commit continuous integration and pull request tests.
480 Part 1: Getting started with Marionette and Firefox OS Automation, Firefox OS, Gaia, Python, gaia-ui-test, tests
This tutorial series aims to get you onboard with writing and running automated UI tests for Firefox OS using Marionette, an automation package that runs on your computer. Marionette issues commands to run tests on Gecko-based platforms. This particular article will run you through the set up you need to do to before you can start running tests.
481 Part 2: Basic interactions with Firefox OS using Marionette Automation, Firefox OS, Gaia, Python, gaia-ui-tests, tests
In part 2 of our tutorial we’ll get started with some simple Marionette commands that allow us to remotely control Firefox OS. While this doesn't cover writing a full test, it teaches you the basic code features that you will use while writing a test. In part 3, we’ll progress onto evolving this code into a real test.
482 Part 3: Upgrading our code into a reusable test
We learnt in Part 2 that we can easily control Firefox OS using Marionette client commands, but typing them into a Python console is as slow and tedious. The key advantage of test automation is that it can run autonomously. We will learn how to do that in this part, as we put all of our code commands into a Python file that can then be run all in one go.
483 Part 4: Re-using commands to set up Firefox OS Automation, Firefox OS, Gaia, Python, Testing, gaia-ui-tests
In Parts 2 and 3 we got a working test, but if we wanted to reset its state (for example killing open apps) before running the test, we'd have to do this manually. That’s a bit tedious, so again we should automate it! In this part, we’ll look how to do this and more by breaking out bits of code into separate Python methods that we can re-use.
484 Part 5: Introducing a test runner Automation, Firefox OS, Gaia, Python, gaia-ui-tests, tests
Everything is going well so far, but we are still only dealing with one test. When testing a large real-world web app there may be tens or hundreds of test cases, and we certainly don't want to run each one manually. In such as scenario we need to use a test runner to find and execute the tests for us, and in this article we'll explore just that.
485 Part 6: Using tuples, and Marionette's By class Automation, Firefox OS, Gaia, Python, Testing, gaia-ui-tests
In our code so far, we have used many locators to find specific elements, whether they are apps (iFrames) or specific parts of apps. Up to now we have been writing locators directly inline and duplicating code, as a result. To improve the situation further, it is a good practice to abstract these locators out into Python tuple variables so they can be reused. In this article we'll show you how.
486 Part 7: Writing your own tests Automation, Firefox OS, Gaia, Python, gaia-ui-tests, tests
So far we've given you most of the tools and information you need to start writing your own automated tests on Firefox OS, along with enough steps to follow to get you up and running quickly. In this part we are going to go pretty hands off, providing you with some resources and ideas, and then encouraging you to make your own way. Here we will start moving you towards writing your own tests — enjoy!
487 Part 8: Using a base class Automation, Firefox OS, Gaia, Python, gaia-ui-tests, tests
Now you have multiple tests you are probably feeling pretty good about your progress. However there are other ways to improve code efficiency further — you may notice that you've so far had to include a setUp() and a tearDown() method in each test file, going by the current constructs we've seen in this series. If you have several dozen tests then that’s a lot of code duplication! In this article we'll look at how to put the setUp()/tearDown() code common to all tests into a TestBase class, which can then be imported into each individual test file.
488 Part 9: Reducing duplication with app objects Automation, Firefox OS, Gaia, Python, app objects, gaia-ui-tests, tests
In automated testing we often use app objects to abstract code. This reduces duplication of code and locators. If we need to change a common section of code we can change it only in a single app object, rather than having to change it in 10 or 20 test files. This article provides the basics of how to use app objects.
489 Gaia performance tests Apps, Automated testing, Firefox OS, Performance, QA, Testing
This article provides information about running performance tests on Gaia, as well as how to create new tests.
490 Gaia unit tests Automation, Build documentation, Firefox OS, Gaia, Mobile, NeedsContent, tests, unit tests
You can run the unit tests on B2G desktop, Firefox Nightly or Mulet. You also need the latest Gaia repo. For most of the functionality, you must also have Node.js and NPM installed.
491 MTBF tests Automated testing, Gaia, MTBF, gaiatest
Mean time between failures (MTBF) is the predicted elapsed time between inherent failures of a system during operation. MTBF can be calculated as the arithmetic mean (average) time between failures of a system. The MTBF is typically part of a model that assumes the failed system is immediately repaired (mean time to repair, or MTTR), as a part of a renewal process. This is in contrast to the mean time to failure (MTTF), which measures average time to failures with the modeling assumption that the failed system is not repaired (infinite repair time).
492 Marionette for Interactive Python Firefox OS, Guide
This tutorial assumes you've set up Marionette for B2G.
493 Test Execution Chart
The test execution chart shows which harnesses are supported on which platforms, and which platforms are currently being used for continuous-integration.
494 The Mozilla integrated tools package B2G, Firefox OS, Flash, Marionette, MozITP, Testing, Tools, taskcluster
The Mozilla integrated tools package (MozITP) is a one-stop shop for setting up Firefox OS-related tools, which can handle automatic Testing on Mulet or a real device, flashing TaskCluster images, flashing with the B2G installer add-on, and running the TV and phone versions of Mulet. This article details how the toools package works, and how it can be installed.
495 Viewing CI test results Automation, Jenkins, Treeherder, tests
Whenever a pull request is created against mozilla-b2g's gaia repository, Mozilla picks up that branch and runs the Gaia suite of tests against it. This is very similar to how Travis works.
496 Writing Gaia Unit Tests Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide, Testing, unit tests
The unit test runner is mocha using the TDD interface. Mocha doesn't ship with an assertion library (there is no ok or assert_equals), so we use chai to provide assertions.
497 XPCShell Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide, XPCOM, XPCShell, automated, tests
XPCShell tests are headless tests of Gecko XPCOM APIs. You can run XPCShell tests on B2G; in this article we will look at how to do so. Currently, these are mainly tested on the emulator, but should in theory run on devices as well.
498 B2G OS APIs API, B2G API, b2g os api's
List of B2G OS APIs
499 Audio Channels API API, Audio, AudioChannels, B2G, Firefox OS, Reference
The AudioChannels API is a Firefox OS-only feature allowing you to place your app audio content into a hierarchy of importance, which dictates when the audio will be paused and resumed in response to other audio playing and actions occurring and allows you to control the volume of different types of audio independently from one another.
500 Using the AudioChannels API API, Audio, Audio Channels API, Firefox OS, Guide, Non-standard
The different audio channels are as follows:
501 AudioChannelManager API, Audio, AudioChannelManager, AudioChannels, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference
The AudioChannelManager interface of the AudioChannels API includes features for managing your device's audio channels, including setting what channel's volume to affect when the volume buttons are pressed inside a particular app.
502 AudioChannelManager.headphones API, Audio, AudioChannelManager, AudioChannels, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, headphones
The headphones read-only property of the AudioChannelManager interface returns a Boolean that indicates whether headphones are plugged into the device. A true value means that headphone are plugged in; false means they aren't.
503 AudioChannelManager.onheadphoneschange API, Audio, AudioChannelManager, AudioChannels, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, onheadphoneschange
The onheadphoneschange event handler of the AudioChannelManager interface fires when the device's headphones are plugged in or unplugged.
504 AudioChannelManager.telephonySpeaker API, Audio, AudioChannelManager, AudioChannels, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, telephonySpeaker
The telephonySpeaker property of the AudioChannelManager interface returns a Boolean that allows you to set whether the "telephony" audio channel should be played out of the device's speakers.
505 AudioChannelManager.volumeControlChannel API, Audio, AudioChannelManager, AudioChannels, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, volumeControlChannel
The volumeControlChannel property of the AudioChannelManager interface returns a DOMString that allows you to set which audio channel should have its volume changed when you press the device's hardware volume controls.
506 BluetoothAdapter (Firefox OS) API, B2G, BluetoothAdapter, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The BluetoothAdapter interface of the Web Bluetooth API is used to handle all the operations requested by Bluetooth networks. A Bluetooth adapter is the physical interface which is used to interact with local Bluetooth device.
507 BluetoothAdapter.address API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The address property value provides the address of the device's adapter on the Bluetooth micro-network.
508 BluetoothAdapter.answerWaitingCall() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The answerWaitingCall method is used to allow HFP devices to answer a pending incoming call on a CDMA network.
509 BluetoothAdapter.class API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The class property value provides the Bluetooth "Class of Device" number of the device's adapter. This number provides much information about the device's capabilities. See the Bluetooth specification 4.0, section 6.26 for further information about the meaning of that number.
510 BluetoothAdapter.confirmReceivingFile() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The confirmReceivingFile method is used to accept or reject the incoming file transfer request received from the remote device.
511 BluetoothAdapter.connect() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The connect method is used to connect the device's adapter to a specific service of a remote device.
512 BluetoothAdapter.connectSco() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The connectSco method is used to allow the device to enable the SCO connection to broadcast and listen to audio to/from the remote devices it is connected to.
513 BluetoothAdapter.devices API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The devices property gives direct access to all the Bluetooth devices discovered in the area surrounding the device's adapter.
514 BluetoothAdapter.disconnect() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The disconnect method is used to disconnect the device's adapter from a specific service of a remote device.
515 BluetoothAdapter.disconnectSco() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The disconnectSco method is used to allow the device to disable the SCO connection with the remote devices it is connected to.
516 BluetoothAdapter.discoverable API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The discoverable property indicates if the device is discoverable (true) or not (false) by other Bluetooth devices.
517 BluetoothAdapter.discoverableTimeout API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The discoverableTimeout property indicates how long (in seconds) the device remains discoverable.
518 BluetoothAdapter.discovering API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The discovering property indicates if the device is in the process of discovering (true) or not (false) surrounding Bluetooth devices.
519 BluetoothAdapter.getConnectedDevices() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The getConnectedDevices method is used to retrieve the full list of all devices connected with a specific service of local adapter.
520 BluetoothAdapter.getPairedDevices() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The getPairedDevices method is used to retrieve the full list of all devices paired with the device's adapter.
521 BluetoothAdapter.ignoreWaitingCall() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The ignoreWaitingCall method is used to allow HFP devices to dismiss a pending incoming call on a CDMA network.
522 BluetoothAdapter.isConnected() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The isConnected method is used to check if a device with a given Bluetooth profile is connected.
523 BluetoothAdapter.isScoConnected() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The isScoConnected method is used to allow to know if there is a SCO connection between local and the remote Bluetooth device.
524 API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The name property provides the human readable name of the device's adapter.
525 BluetoothAdapter.ona2dpstatuschanged API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
Specifies an event listener to receive a2dpstatuschanged events. Those events occur when an A2DP connection status changes.
526 BluetoothAdapter.ondevicefound API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
Specifies an event listener to receive devicefound events. Those events occur when a Bluetooth device is discovered in the surrounding area.
527 BluetoothAdapter.onhfpstatuschanged API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
Specifies an event listener to receive hfpstatuschanged events. Those events occur when an HFP connection status changes.
528 BluetoothAdapter.onpairedstatuschanged API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
Specifies an event listener to receive pairedstatuschanged events. Those events occur when a pairing process is completed.
529 BluetoothAdapter.onrequestmediaplaystatus API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
Specifies an event listener to receive requestmediaplaystatus events. Those events occur when a remote Bluetooth device queries the current media play status.
530 BluetoothAdapter.onscostatuschanged API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
Specifies an event listener to receive scostatuschanged events. Those events occur when a SCO connection status changes.
531 BluetoothAdapter.pair() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The pair method is used to start pairing a remote device with the device's adapter.
532 BluetoothAdapter.sendFile() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The sendFile method is used to start sending a file to a given remote device.
533 BluetoothAdapter.sendMediaMetaData() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The sendMediaMetaData method is used to send metadata about media to remote devices connected with the AVRCP 1.3 profile.
534 BluetoothAdapter.sendMediaPlayStatus() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The sendMediaPlayStatus method is used to send the play status of the device to remote devices connected with the AVRCP 1.3 profile.
535 BluetoothAdapter.setDiscoverable() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The setDiscoverable method is used to change the value of the discoverable property for the device's adapter.
536 BluetoothAdapter.setDiscoverableTimeout() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The setDiscoverableTimeout method is used to change the value of the discoverableTimeout property for the device's adapter.
537 BluetoothAdapter.setName() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The setName method is used to change the value of the name property for the device's adapter.
538 BluetoothAdapter.setPairingConfirmation() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The setPairingConfirmation method is used to send back the pairing confirmation when the device's adapter tries to pair itself with a remote device.
539 BluetoothAdapter.setPasskey() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The setPasskey method is used to send back the requested Passkey code when the device's adapter tries to pair itself with a remote device.
540 BluetoothAdapter.setPinCode() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The setPinCode method is used to send back the requested PIN code when the device's adapter tries to pair itself with a remote device.
541 BluetoothAdapter.startDiscovery() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The startDiscovery method is used to have the device's adapter start seeking for remote devices.
542 BluetoothAdapter.stopDiscovery() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The stopDiscovery method is used to have the device's adapter stop seeking for remote devices.
543 BluetoothAdapter.stopSendingFile() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The stopSendingFile method is used to abort sending a file to a given remote device.
544 BluetoothAdapter.toggleCalls() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The toggleCalls method is used to allow HFP devices to switch from one call to another on a CDMA network.
545 BluetoothAdapter.unpair() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The unpair method is used to remove the paired device from the paired device list of the device's adapter.
546 BluetoothAdapter.uuids API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The uuids property provides the list of all Bluetooth services' UUIDs the device's adapter is able to provide. See the Bluetooth specification assigned numbers part for an exhaustive list of possible services' UUIDs.
547 BluetoothAdapterEvent (Firefox OS) API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothAdapterEvent, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth, events
The BluetoothAdapterEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to a BluetoothAdapter object and its address as the parameter of a adapteradded or adapterremoved event handler (see BluetoothManager.onadapteradded and BluetoothManager.onadapterremoved), when fired.
548 BluetoothAttributeEvent (Firefox OS) API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothAttributeEvent, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth
The BluetoothAttributeEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to changed attributes and their new values as the parameter of attributechanged event handlers (including BluetoothManager.onattributechanged, BluetoothAdapter.onattributechanged, and BluetoothDevice.onattributechanged), when fired.
549 BluetoothClassOfDevice (Firefox OS) API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothClassOfDevice, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth
The BluetoothClassOfDevice interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides identifying/classification information about a given remote Bluetooth device, available at discovery stage.
550 BluetoothDevice (Firefox OS) API, BluetoothDevice, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth
The BluetoothDevice interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides information regarding a given Bluetooth device.
551 BluetoothDevice.address API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The address property value provides the address of the device on the Bluetooth micro-network.
552 BluetoothDevice.class API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The class property value provides the Bluetooth "Class of Device" number of the device. This number provides much information about the device's capabilities. See the Bluetooth specification 4.0, section 6.26 for further information about the meaning of that number.
553 BluetoothDevice.connected API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The connected property indicates if the device is connected to the current device's adapter (true) or not (false).
554 BluetoothDevice.icon API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The icon property is a string indicating which kind of icon could be used to represent the device.
555 API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The name property provides the human readable name of the device.
556 BluetoothDevice.paired API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The paired property indicates if the device is paired to the current device's adapter (true) or not (false).
557 API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The services property provides a list of Bluetooth services the device is able to provide. For a full list of possible Bluetooth services see the Bluetooth specification.
558 BluetoothDevice.uuids API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The uuids property provides the list of UUIDs of each Bluetooth service the device is able to provide. For a full list of possible Bluetooth services see the Bluetooth specification.
559 BluetoothDeviceEvent (Firefox OS) API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothDeviceEvent, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The BluetoothDeviceEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to a found/paired device (BluetoothDevice) object or the address or an unpaired device as the parameter of a devicefounddevicepaired or deviceunpaired event handler (see BluetoothDiscoveryHandle.ondevicefound, BluetoothAdapter.ondevicepaired, and BluetoothAdapter.ondeviceunpaired), when fired.
560 BluetoothDeviceEvent.device API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The device property gives access to the device bound to the event.
561 BluetoothDiscoveryHandle (Firefox OS) API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothDiscoveryHandle, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth
The BluetoothDiscoveryHandle interface of the Web Bluetooth API is used to notify the current application about the discovery of a remote bluetooth device.
562 BluetoothGatt (Firefox OS) API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothGatt, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth
The BluetoothGatt interface of the Web Bluetooth API handles initial communications and connections with Gatt services.
563 BluetoothGattCharacteristic (Firefox OS) API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothGattCharacteristic, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth
The BluetoothGattCharacteristic interface of the Web Bluetooth API represents a GATT service characteristic, which includes characteristic definition, value, properties and configuration info, and a list of descriptors that provide related information.
564 BluetoothGattCharacteristicEvent (Firefox OS) API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothGattCharacteristicEvent, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth
The BluetoothGattCharacteristicEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to an updated BluetoothGattCharacteristic object as the parameter of the BluetoothGatt.oncharacteristicchanged, handler, when the characteristicchanged event is fired.
565 BluetoothGattDescriptor (Firefox OS) API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothGattDescriptor, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth
The BluetoothGattDescriptor interface of the Web Bluetooth API represents a GATT descriptor, which contains related information about a characteristic value.
566 BluetoothGattServer (Firefox OS) API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothGattServer, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth
The BluetoothGattServer interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides Bluetooth GATT server functionality to allow creation of Bluetooth Smart/LE services and characteristics.
567 BluetoothGattService (Firefox OS) API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothGattService, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth
The BluetoothGattService interface of the Web Bluetooth API represents a service provided by a GATT server, including the service definition, a list of referenced services, and a list of the characteristics of this service.
568 BluetoothLeDeviceEvent (Firefox OS) API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothLeDeviceEvent, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth
The BluetoothLeDeviceEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to an LE device BluetoothDevice object and its RSSI value and advertisement record, as the parameter of a devicefound event handler (see BluetoothDiscoveryHandle.ondevicefound), when fired.
569 BluetoothManager (Firefox OS) API, B2G, BluetoothManager, Certified, DOM, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The BluetoothManager interface of the Web Bluetooth API allows to access all Bluetooth adapters available on the device. Adapters are the connection interface to connect a Bluetooth device to that device.
570 BluetoothManager.enabled API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The enabled property value indicates whether the Bluetooth is turned on (true) or off (false).
571 BluetoothManager.getDefaultAdapter() API, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The getDefaultAdapter method is used to retrieve the default adapter used to connect the device to third-party Bluetooth devices.
572 BluetoothManager.isConnected() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The isConnected method is used to check if a device with a given Bluetooth profile is connected.
573 BluetoothManager.onadapteradded API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
Specifies an event listener to receive adapteradded events. Those events occur when a Bluetooth adapter is enabled on the device. Each time this event occurs, the BluetoothManager.getDefaultAdapter() method will be able to access the last enabled adapter.
574 BluetoothManager.ondisabled API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
Specifies an event listener to receive disabled events. Those events occur when the device's Bluetooth is turned off.
575 BluetoothManager.onenabled API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
Specifies an event listener to receive enabled events. Those events occur when the device's Bluetooth is turned on.
576 BluetoothPairingEvent (Firefox OS) API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothPairingEvent, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth
The BluetoothPairingEvent interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides access to a device's name and the BluetoothPairingHandle object required for pairing devices as the parameter of pairing-related handlers (for example including BluetoothPairingListener.ondisplaypasskeyreq and BluetoothPairingListener.onenterpincodereq), when fired.
577 BluetoothPairingHandle (Firefox OS) API, B2G, Bluetooth, BluetoothPairingHandle, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth
The BluetoothPairingHandle interface of the Web Bluetooth API contains the functionality required for completing a device pairing operation, including passkeys, and mechanisms to reply to user-entered pin codes and confirm passkeys.
578 BluetoothPairingListener (Firefox OS) API, B2G, BluePairingListener, Bluetooth, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth
The BluetoothPairingListener interface of the Web Bluetooth API defines event handlers triggered for different pairing operations.
579 CallEvent API, B2G, CallEvent, Event, Firefox OS, Interface, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Telephony, WebAPI, events
The CallEvent interface of the Web Telephony API represents events related to telephone calls.
580 API, B2G, Call, CallEvent, Event, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Telephony, WebAPI
The call read-only property of the CallEvent interface returns a TelephonyCall object indicating the call from which the event originated.
581 Camera API API, Firefox OS, Graphics, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The Camera API allows applications to manage the camera of the device. It allows them to take photographs, record videos, and get information like the focus, the zoom, the white balance, the flash, … It is a priviledged API and can only be used by certified applications.
582 Introduction to the Camera API Camera API, DOM, Gecko DOM Reference, Intermediate, Media, NeedsUpdate, Web API, camera
Through the Camera API, it is possible to take pictures with your device's camera and upload them into the current web page.
583 CameraCapabilities API, B2G, Certified Only, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The CameraControl.capabilities property returns a CameraCapabilities object, which describes all the camera's capabilities.
584 CameraCapabilities.effects API, B2G, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The effects property value is an Array identifying the effects (such as normal, sepia, mono, etc.) that the camera supports.
585 CameraCapabilities.fileFormats API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The fileFormats property is an Array identifying the file formats supported by the camera, such as jpeg, rgb565, etc.
586 CameraCapabilities.flashModes API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The flashModes property is an Array of strings identifying each of the flash modes supported by the camera. Possible values are auto, off, on or torch.
587 CameraCapabilities.focusModes API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The focusModes property is an Array of strings identifying each of the focus modes supported by the camera such as auto, fixed, macro, etc.
588 CameraCapabilities.maxExposureCompensation API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The maxExposureCompensation property is a number that defines the maximum supported exposure compensation value.
589 CameraCapabilities.maxFocusAreas API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The maxFocusAreas property is a number that defines the maximum number of focus areas supported by the camera.
590 CameraCapabilities.maxMeteringAreas API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The maxMeteringAreas property is a number that defines the maximum number of metering areas supported by the camera.
591 CameraCapabilities.minExposureCompensation API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The minExposureCompensation property is a number that defines the minimum supported exposure compensation value.
592 CameraCapabilities.pictureSizes API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The pictureSizes property is an Array of objects containing the height and width properties supported for picture taking.
593 CameraCapabilities.previewSizes API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The previewSizes property is an Array of objects containing the height and width properties supported for the video preview stream.
594 CameraCapabilities.recorderProfiles API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The recorderProfiles property is an object with attributes for each of the supported recorder profiles, e.g., recorderProfiles.cif, recorderProfiles.qvga.
595 CameraCapabilities.sceneModes API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The sceneModes property is an Array identifying each of the scene modes supported by the camera such as auto, night, beach, etc.
596 CameraCapabilities.stepExposureCompensation API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The stepExposureCompensation property is a number that defines the exposure compensation minimum step size.
597 CameraCapabilities.videoSizes API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The videoSizes property is an Array of objects containing the height and width properties supported for video recording.
598 CameraCapabilities.whiteBalanceModes API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The whiteBalanceModes property is an Array of strings identifiers for each white balance mode supported by the camera such as auto, fluorecent, etc.
599 CameraCapabilities.zoomRatios API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The zoomRatios property is an Array of numbers representing all the supported zoom ratios. If the camera has no zoom capabilities, the value is null.
600 CameraControl API, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
When you use the CameraManager.getCamera() method to get a reference to a camera, you specify a callback function to be invoked on success. That function receives as a parameter a CameraControl object. You can use its methods and properties to manage and make use of the camera.
601 CameraControl.autoFocus() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
This method attempts to focus the camera. If the camera is able to attempt to focus, a success callback is issued, regardless of whether or not the focusing attempt succeeds. If unable to attempt to focus, an error callback is performed instead.
602 CameraControl.capabilities API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The capabilities property return a CameraCapabilities object, which describes the capabilities of the camera.
603 CameraControl.effect API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The effect property is a string defining the effect to be used by the camera. When set, its value must be one of the values available in CameraCapabilities.effects.
604 CameraControl.exposureCompensation API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The exposureCompensation property value is a number used to compensate the camera exposure.
605 CameraControl.flashMode API, B2G, Firefox OS, Flash, Graphics, JavaScript, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The flashMode property value is a string that defines how the flash, if any, is to be used. When set, its new value must be chosen from the list of options specified by  CameraCapabilities.flashModes.
606 CameraControl.focalLength API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The focalLength property value is a read-only property that returns a number that expresses the camera's focal length in millimeters.
607 CameraControl.focusAreas API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The focusAreas property is an Array of one or more Area objects that define where the camera will perform auto-focusing.

When set, if the array contains more objects than the number defined in CameraCapabilities.maxFocusAreas, extra objects will be ignored.

If set to null, the camera will determine the auto-focus areas by itself.
608 CameraControl.focusDistanceFar API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The focusDistanceFar property value is a distance in meters used with CameraControl.focusDistanceNear to define the image's depth of field. The value for this property may be Infinity.
609 CameraControl.focusDistanceNear API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The focusDistanceNear property value is a distance in meters used with CameraControl.focusDistanceFar to define the image's depth of field.
610 CameraControl.focusDistanceOptimum API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The focusDistanceOptimum property value is the distance in meters where the subject appears sharpest.
611 CameraControl.focusMode API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The focusMode property value is a string that defines which kind of focus mode the camera should use. When set, its new value must be chosen from the list of options specified by  CameraCapabilities.focusModes.
612 CameraControl.getPreviewStream() API, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
This method is used to configure and access a MediaStream from the camera. The resulting stream is ready for you to use to capture still photos.
613 CameraControl.getPreviewStreamVideoMode() API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
This method is used to configure and access a MediaStream from the camera. You use the resulting MediaStream object to record video.
614 CameraControl.meteringAreas API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The meteringAreas property is an Array of one or more Area objects that define where the camera will perform light metering.

If the array contains more objects than the number defined inside CameraCapabilities.maxMeteringAreas, extra objects will be ignored.

If set to null, the camera will determine the light metering areas by itself.
615 CameraControl.onClosed API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The onClosed property is used to set an event handler that will track when a new CameraControl object in the same app takes over the camera.
616 CameraControl.onRecorderStateChange API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The onRecorderStateChange property is used to set an event handler to listen to the recorder state change. This can happen either because the recording process encountered an error, or because one of the recording limits set with CameraControl.startRecording() was reached.
617 CameraControl.onShutter API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The onShutter property is used to set an event handler for the camera's "shutter" event, to trigger a shutter sound and/or a visual shutter indicator.
618 CameraControl.pauseRecording() API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Graphics, Method, Non-standard, Reference, camera
The pauseRecording() method of the CameraControl interface is used to pause the recording of a video file on a Firefox OS device.
619 CameraControl.release() API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
Releases the camera so that other applications can use it. You should call this whenever the camera is not actively being used by your application.
620 CameraControl.resumePreview() API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
This method is used to resume the preview stream.
621 CameraControl.resumeRecording() API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Graphics, Method, Non-standard, Reference, camera
The resumeRecording() method of the CameraControl interface is used to resume the recording of a video stream that has previously been paused.
622 CameraControl.sceneMode API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The sceneMode property value is a string that defines the quality of exposure to use while taking pictures. When set, its new value must be chosen from the list of options specified by  CameraCapabilities.sceneModes.
623 CameraControl.setConfiguration() API, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, Method, Non Standard, Reference
Editorial review completed.
624 CameraControl.setExposureCompensation() API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
This method is used to change the exposure compensation value.
625 CameraControl.startRecording() API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
This method is used to start recording a video file on the device; the video is stored as a 3gp file.
626 CameraControl.stopRecording() API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
Stops recording video on the device; you should call this at some point after calling CameraControl.startRecording().
627 CameraControl.takePicture() API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
Captures a still image from the camera and passes it as a Blob to a success callback handler, which can manipulate the image as you wish (for example, by manipulating its pixel data or storing it).
628 CameraControl.whiteBalanceMode API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The whiteBalanceMode property value is a string that defines the white balance mode to use. When set, its new value must be chosen from the list of options specified by  CameraCapabilities.whiteBalanceModes.
629 CameraControl.zoom API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The zoom property value is a number that defines the zoom factor that is to be used when taking photographs. When set, its new value must be chosen from the list of options specified by  CameraCapabilities.zoomRatios. If the new value is not one of those possible values, the new value is rounded to the nearest supported value.
630 CameraManager API, B2G, Certified Only, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
The CameraManager interface provides access to any cameras available on the device being used.
631 CameraManager.getCamera() API, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
This method is used to access to one of the cameras available on the device based on its identifier. You can get a list of the available cameras by calling the CameraManager.getListOfCameras() method.
632 CameraManager.getListOfCameras() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Graphics, JavaScript, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, camera
This method is used to get an Array of identifiers of all the cameras available on the device.
633 ContactManager API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The ContactManager interface is used to access and manage the contact available on the device.
634 ContactManager.clear() API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The clear method is used to remove ALL the contacts from the device's contact database.
635 ContactManager.find() API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The find method is used to retrieve a limited list of contacts from the device's contact database. This method is best suited to access a small data set, where getAll() is better suited for a large data set.
636 ContactManager.getAll() API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The getAll method is used to access a sorted list of contact from the device's contact database. This method is best suited to access a large data set, where find() is better suited for a small data set.
637 ContactManager.getCount() API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The getCount method is used to retrieve the total number of contacts available inside the device's contact database.
638 ContactManager.getRevision() API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The getRevision method is used to retrieve the revision number of the device's contact database.
639 ContactManager.oncontactchange API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
Specifies an event listener to receive contactchange events. These events occur when a contact is added, updated, or removed from the device's contact database.
640 ContactManager.remove() API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The remove method is used to delete a contact from the device's contact database.
641 API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The save method is used to store a contact inside the device's contact database. If the contact is already in the database (based on its id), it is updated, otherwise it is created.
642 Contacts API API, B2G, Contact, Contacts, Firefox OS, Guide, Non Standard, WebAPI
The Contacts API provides a simple interface to manage a user's contacts stored in the system's address book. A typical use case for the Contacts API is the implementation of an application to manage an address book.
643 DOMApplication API, Apps, Apps API, JavaScript, Manifest, Methods, Non-standard
In the Open Web apps JavaScript API, an App object is a JavaScript object that represents an app that is or could be installed in the user's app repository.
644 DOMApplication.launch() API, Apps, DOM, Reference, Web
This method doesn't return anything.
645 DOMCursor API, DOM, Interface, Non-standard, Reference
A DOMCursor object represents an ongoing operation over a list of results. It is an enhanced DOMRequest that allows to iterate through a list of results asynchronously. Each time its continue() method is called, the DOMCursor tries to reach the next result in the list and calls its result's success or error accordingly.
646 DOMCursor.continue() API, DOM, Method, Non Standard, Reference
The continue method is used to tell the cursor to move to the next result. The DOMCursor's success or error is called with the DOMCursor's result updated accordingly.
647 DOMCursor.done API, DOM, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Non Standard, Property, Reference
The done property indicate if the DOMCursor has reached the last result.
648 DOMRequest API, DOM, Interface, Non-standard, Reference
A DOMRequest object represents an ongoing operation. It provides callbacks that are called when the operation completes, as well as a reference to the operation's result. A DOM method that initiates an ongoing operation may return a DOMRequest object that you can use to monitor the progress of that operation.
649 DOMRequest.error API, DOM, Non Standard, Property, Reference
This property can contain error information in a DOMError object.
650 DOMRequest.onerror API, DOM, Non Standard, Property, Reference
This property specifies a callback function to be run when a DOMRequest fails.
651 DOMRequest.onsuccess API, DOM, Non Standard, Property, Reference
This property specifies a callback function to be run when a DOMRequest completes successfully.
652 DOMRequest.readyState API, DOM, Non Standard, Property, Reference
This property is a string that indicates whether or not a DOMRequest operation has finished running.
653 DOMRequest.result API, DOM, Non Standard, Property, Reference
This property provides the result value from a DOMRequest operation.
654 DataStore API, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Storage
The DataStore interface of the Data Store API represents a retrieved set of data, and includes standard properties for accessing the store's name, owner, etc., methods for reading, modifying and syncing data, and the onchange event handler for reacting to changes to the data.
655 DataStore.add() API, Add, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage
The add() method of the DataStore interface adds a new record to the data store; if the record you are attempting to add already exists, it will throw an exception.
656 DataStore.clear() API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, clear
The clear() method of the DataStore interface deletes all records from the data store, leaving it empty.
657 DataStore.get() API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage
The get() method of the DataStore interface retrieves one or more objects from the current data store.
658 DataStore.getLength() API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage
The getLength() method of the DataStore interface returns the number of records stored in the current data store.
659 API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, name
The name read-only property of the DataStore interface returns the name of the current data store.
660 DataStore.onchange API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, events, onchange
The onchange event handler of the DataStore interface fires when a change is made to the data store. Its main use is to synchronize different apps that are using the data store when a change is made. When fired, this event returns a DataStoreChangeEvent, which can be used to handle the change that was just made. Alternatively, when the event fires you could create a DataStoreCursor and iterate through all the records, if needed.
661 DataStore.owner API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, owner
The owner read-only property of the DataStore interface returns the name of the app that owns the current data store.
662 DataStore.put() API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, put
The put() method of the DataStore interface updates an existing record in the data store.
663 DataStore.readOnly API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, readOnly
The readOnly read-only property of the DataStore interface returns a boolean indicating whether the current data store is read-only.
664 DataStore.remove() API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, remove
The remove() method of the DataStore interface deletes one or more objects from the current data store.
665 DataStore.revisionId API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, revisionId
The revisionId read-only property of the DataStore interface returns the current data store's current revision ID. This ID can be tracked, allowing you to synchronize apps using the data store to this point in its history.
666 DataStore.sync() API, B2G, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStore, Database, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, Sync
The sync() method of the DataStore interface opens a cursor that allows you to step through any changes that have taken place in the data store going back to a particular revision ID, and run code in response to different types of change.
667 DataStoreChangeEvent API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreChangeEvent, Database, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Storage
The DataStoreChangeEvent interface of the Data Store API represents the event related to a record changed in the data store, i.e. this is returned once a change is made and the change event is fired (see DataStore.onchange for the handler).
668 API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreChangeEvent, Database, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, id
The id read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the identifier of the changed record in the data store. This must return null if the operation is cleared.
669 DataStoreChangeEvent.operation API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreChangeEvent, Database, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, operation
The operation read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the type of operation that represents the current change that has been made to the data store.
670 DataStoreChangeEvent.owner API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreChangeEvent, Database, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, owner
The owner read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the manifest URL of the application that made the change to the data store.
671 DataStoreChangeEvent.revisionId API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreChangeEvent, Database, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, revisionId
The revisionId read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the ID of the current revision of the data store, i.e. the current change that has been made to a data record.
672 DataStoreCursor API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreCursor, Database, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Storage
The DataStoreCursor interface of the Data Store API represents a cursor that allows apps to iterate through a list of DataStoreTask objects representing the change history of the data store, for use when synchronizing the data.
673 DataStoreCursor.close() API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreCursor, Database, Method, Reference, Référence, Storage, close
The close() method of the DataStoreCursor interface makes a request to terminate the cursor.
674 API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreCursor, Database, Method, Next, Reference, Référence, Storage
The next() method of the DataStoreCursor interface makes a request to retrieve information about the next operation that changes a record in the data store. Returns a promise of type DataStoreTask.
675 API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreCursor, Database, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, Store
A DataStore object.
676 DataStoreTask API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreTask, Database, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Storage
The DataStoreTask interface of the Data Store API represents a record changed in the data store when a DataStoreCursor is used to iterate through the data store's change history.
677 API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreTask, Database, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, data
The data read-only property of the DataStoreChangeEvent interface returns the data stored in the changed record in the data store. Must return null if the operation is clear or done.
678 API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreTask, Database, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, id
The id read-only property of the DataStoreTask interface returns the identifier of the changed record in the data store. This must return null if the operation is cleared or done.
679 DataStoreTask.operation API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreTask, Database, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, operation
The operation read-only property of the DataStoreTask interface returns the type of operation that represents the current change that has been made to the data store.
680 DataStoreTask.revisionId API, Data Store, Data Store API, DataStoreTask, Database, Property, Reference, Référence, Storage, revisionId
The revisionId read-only property of the DataStoreTask interface returns the id of the current revision of the data store, i.e. the current change that has been made to a data record.
681 Device Storage API API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Reference, WebAPI
The Device Storage API is used to access the file system within a Web app. Accessing the file system can be highly sensitive, and for that reason this API is available for privileged apps only.
682 DeviceStorage API, DOM, DOM Reference, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The DeviceStorage interface is used to access files on a specific storage area available on the device. A storage area is, in essence, a file system repository even if it hides the reality of the underlying file system.
683 DeviceStorage.add() API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The add method is used to add a file inside a given storage area.
684 DeviceStorage.addNamed() API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The addNamed method is used to add a file inside a given storage area.
685 DeviceStorage.available() API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The available() method is used to check whether the storage area is available; this is an asynchronous operation that returns a DOMRequest object that will receive a callback when the operation is complete.
686 DeviceStorage.default API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The default property indicates if the storage area is the one which will be used by default for storing new files (true) or not (false).
687 DeviceStorage.delete() API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The delete method is used to remove a file from a given storage area.
688 DeviceStorage.enumerate() API, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The enumerate method is used to iterate through the files of a given storage area.
689 DeviceStorage.enumerateEditable() API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The enumerateEditable method is used to iterate through the files of a given storage area.
690 DeviceStorage.freeSpace() API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The freeSpace method is used to get the amount of free space usable by the storage area.
691 DeviceStorage.get() API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The get method is used to retrieve a read-only file from a given storage area.
692 DeviceStorage.getEditable() API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The getEditable method is used to retrieve a file, which is editable, from a given storage area.
693 DeviceStorage.lowDiskSpace API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The lowDiskSpace read-only property of the DeviceStorage interface returns a Boolean value that returns true if this storage area is close to being full.
694 DeviceStorage.onchange API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The onchange property is used to specify an event handler to receive change events. Those events are triggered each time a file is created, modified, or deleted on the storage area.
695 DeviceStorage.storageName API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The storageName property indicates the name of the storage area.
696 DeviceStorage.usedSpace() API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The usedSpace method is used to get the total of space used by the storage (the amount of space filled by files).
697 DeviceStorageChangeEvent API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, events
The DeviceStorageChangeEvent provides information about any change made to a file inside a given storage area. It extends the Event interface.
698 DeviceStorageChangeEvent.path API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The path property provides the full path to the file affected by the change.
699 DeviceStorageChangeEvent.reason API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The reason property gives the nature of the change that occurred.
700 FMRadio API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, WebFM
The WebFM API provides access to the device FM radio. This interface lets you turn the FM radio on and off and tune it to different stations. It is accessible through the navigator.mozFMRadio property.
701 FMRadio.antennaAvailable API, B2G, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebFM
The antennaAvailable property value indicates if an antenna is plugged and available.
702 FMRadio.cancelSeek() API, B2G, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebFM
The cancelSeek method is used to tell the radio to stop seeking for frequencies.
703 FMRadio.channelWidth API, B2G, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebFM
The channelWidth property value indicates the channel width of the ranges of frequency, in MHz.
704 FMRadio.disable() API, B2G, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebFM
The disable method is used to turn off the radio.
705 FMRadio.enable() API, B2G, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebFM
The enable method is used to turns on the radio on the given frequency.
706 FMRadio.enabled API, B2G, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebFM
The enabled property value indicates whether the radio is playing (true) or not (false)
707 FMRadio.frequency API, B2G, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebFM
The frequency property value returns the current radio frequency.
708 FMRadio.frequencyLowerBound API, B2G, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebFM
The frequencyLowerBound property value indicates the minimum frequency down to which the seek method searches for radio stations.
709 FMRadio.frequencyUpperBound API, B2G, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebFM
The frequencyUpperBound property value indicates the maximum frequency up to which the seek method searches for radio stations.
710 FMRadio.onantennaavailablechange API, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, WebFM
Specifies an event listener to receive antennaavailablechange events. Those events occur when an antenna is plugged or unplugged.
711 FMRadio.ondisabled API, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, WebFM
Specifies an event listener to receive disabled events. Those events occur when the device's FM radio is turned off.
712 FMRadio.onenabled API, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, WebFM
Specifies an event listener to receive enabled events. Those events occur when the device's FM radio is turned on.
713 FMRadio.onfrequencychange API, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, WebFM
Specifies an event listener to receive frequencychange events. Those events occur whenever the radio frequency is changed
714 FMRadio.seekDown() API, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebFM
The seekDown method is used to tell the radio to seek down to the next radio channel. The search circles back to upper frequencies when the lowest frequency has been reached.
715 FMRadio.seekUp() API, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebFM
The seekUp method is used to tell the radio to seek up to the next radio channel. The search circles back to lower frequencies when the highest frequency has been reached.
716 FMRadio.setFrequency() API, FMRadio API, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebFM
The setFrequency method is used to change the frequency listened to by the radio.
717 HTMLMediaElement (Firefox OS extensions)
No summary!
718 HTMLMediaElement.mozAudioChannelType API, AudioChannels, Firefox OS, HTMLMediaElement, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence
Technical review completed.
719 Idle API API, Firefox OS, Idle, Non-standard, Overview, Reference
The Idle API is used to notify an app when the user is idle. This lets an app take action when the user is doing nothing with his device. The most common use case is to save battery power; in this case, it is commonly used in conjuction with the Power Management API.
720 MMICall API, B2G, Certified, DOM, Firefox OS, Interface, MMICall, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Telephony, WebAPI
The MMICall interface of the Web Telephony API represents an MMI call, allowing us to receive the result of the call.
721 MMICall.result API, B2G, Certified, DOM, Firefox OS, MMICall, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Telephony, WebAPI, result
The result read-only property of the MMICall interface returns a promise that resolves to a MozMMIResult object containing information associated with the success status of the MMI call.
722 Mobile Connection API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
This API has 2 purposes:
723 Mobile Messaging API API, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference
WebSMS is an API that makes it possible for web content to create, send, and receive Short Message Service (SMS) or Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) messages.
724 Introduction to Mobile Message API API, B2G, Firefox OS, Guide, Intro, Mobile, Mobile Messaging API, Non-standard, SMS, WebSMS
A part of the core functionality in a mobile phone is sending and receiving SMS and MMS messages. This is achieved through the Messaging API. As this new specification is in its early stage, Firefox OS implements a non-standard version of this. Here is a little overview of that API as implemented.
725 MozActivity API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Web Activities, WebAPI
The MozActivity interface allows apps to delegate an activity to another app.
726 MozActivityOptions API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Web Activities, WebAPI
The MozActivityOptions interface allows apps to declare the activity they want to create and also to access information of activities they want to handle.
727 API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Activities, WebAPI
The data property returns an arbitrary object representing any data passed with the activity.
728 API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Activities, WebAPI
The name property returns a string representing the name of the associated activity. See MozActivityOptions to read in which context MozActivityOptions is being used.
729 MozActivityRequestHandler API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Web Activities
The MozActivityRequestHandler interface allows apps that handle activities to access and interact with the request made by a third party app that tries to delegate an activity.
730 MozActivityRequestHandler.postError() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Activities, WebAPI
The postError method is used to send back an error message to the app that made the activity request.
731 MozActivityRequestHandler.postResult() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Web Activities, WebAPI
The postResult method is used to send back an answer to the app that made the activity request.
732 MozActivityRequestHandler.source API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Web Activities, WebAPI
The source property returns a MozActivityOptions object, which provides information about the activity request.
733 MozAlarmsManager API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, WebAPI, alarm
The MozAlarmsManager API allows to schedule notifications or applications to be started at a specific time.
734 MozAlarmsManager.add() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, WebAPI, alarm
The add method is used to retrieve a list of pending alarms.
735 MozAlarmsManager.getAll() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, WebAPI, alarm
The getAll method is used to retrieve a list of pending alarms.
736 MozAlarmsManager.remove() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, WebAPI, alarm
The remove method is used to retrieve a list of pending alarms.
737 MozContact API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference
The MozContact interface is used to describe a single contact in the device's contact database.
738 MozContact.additionalName API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, WebAPI
The additionalName property is a list of any additional names (other than given names or family names) usable for the contact.
739 MozContact.adr API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The adr property is a list of all the possible addresses for the contact.
740 MozContact.anniversary API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The anniversary property represents the anniversary date of the contact (which can be different than its birthday date).
741 MozContact.bday API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The bday property represents the birthday date of the contact.
742 MozContact.category API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The category property is a list of all the different categories the contact is associated with.
743 API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The email property is a list of all the possible e-mails for the contact.
744 MozContact.familyName API, B2G, Contact, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The familyName property is a list of all the possible family names usable for the contact.
745 MozContact.genderIdentity API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The genderIdentity property represents the actual gender identity of the contact (which can be different than its actual sex).
746 MozContact.givenName API, B2G, Contact, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The givenName property is a list of all the possible given names usable for the contact.
747 MozContact.honorificPrefix API, B2G, Contact, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The honorificPrefix property is a list of all the possible honorific prefix usable for the contact.
748 MozContact.honorificSuffix API, B2G, Contact, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The honorificSuffix property is a list of all the possible honorific suffixes usable for the contact.
749 API, B2G, Contact, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The id property is a unique string representing the contact within the device's contact database.
750 MozContact.impp API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The impp property is a list of all the possible Instant Messaging addresses for the contact.
751 MozContact.init() API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The init method is used to initialize the mozContact object using a configuration object.
752 MozContact.jobTitle API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The jobTitle property is a list of all the possible job titles of the contact.
753 MozContact.key API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The key property is a list of all the possible encryption keys usable with the contact.
754 API, B2G, Contact, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The name property is a list of all the possible names use to identify the contact. It's equivalent to the FN vCard's attribute.
755 MozContact.nickname API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The nickname property is a list of all the possible nicknames for the contact.
756 MozContact.note API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The note property is a list of arbitrary notes related to the contact.
757 API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The org property is a list of all the possible organizations the contact is affiliated with.
758 API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The photo property is a list of images for the contact.
759 MozContact.published API, B2G, Contact, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The published property provides the date of when the contact was stored for the first time on the device's contact database.
760 API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The sex property represents the actual sex of the contact.
761 API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The tel property is a list of all the possible phone numbers for the contact.
762 MozContact.updated API, B2G, Contact, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The updated property provides the date of when the contact was updated for the last time on the device's contact database.
763 MozContact.url API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WebAPI
The url property is a list of all the possible URLs for the contact.
764 MozContactChangeEvent API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference
The MozContactChangeEvent interface provides information about the contact that has changed. It inherits from the Event interface.
765 MozContactChangeEvent.contactID API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference
The contactID property represents the unique ID of the contact that has been changed.
766 MozContactChangeEvent.reason API, B2G, Contact, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference
The reason property indicates what kind of change was made to the contact.
767 MozIccManager API, B2G, Firefox OS, NeedsExample, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
The MozIccManager interface gives access to ICC related functionalities.
768 MozIccManager.onstkcommand API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The onstkcommand property specifies an event listener to receive stkcommand events. These events are notified whenever STK Proactive Command is issued from ICC.
769 MozIccManager.onstksessionend API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The onstksessionend property specifies an event listener to receive stksessionend events. These events are notified whenever STK Session is terminated by ICC.
770 MozIccManager.sendStkResponse() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence
The sendStkResponse method is used to send a response back to ICC after an attempt to execute STK Proactive Command.
771 MozMmsEvent API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The DOM MozMmsEvent represents events related to WebSMS MMS messages.
772 MozMmsEvent.message API, B2G, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The message property is the MozMmsMessage from which the event originated.
773 MozMmsMessage API, B2G, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The DOM MozMmsMessage object represents an MMS message and has all the information about sender, recipient, body content, attachements, and date of the message itself.
774 MozMmsMessage.attachments API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The attachments property gives access to the list of all the MMS attachments (resources necessary to display the MMS correctly).
775 API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The delivery property represents the current state of the message delivery from the device perspective.
776 MozMmsMessage.deliveryStatus API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The deliveryStatus property represents the current state of the message delivery from the recipient's perspective.
777 MozMmsMessage.expiryDate API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The expiryDate property represents the expiry date for an MMS to be manually downloaded.
778 API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The id property represents the unique id of the message.
779 API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The read property indicates if the message has been read (true) or not (false).
780 MozMmsMessage.receivers API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The receivers property provides the list of all receivers for a given message. Each receiver is identified with a string representing its phone number.
781 MozMmsMessage.sender API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The sender property provides the phone number of the sender of a given message.
782 MozMmsMessage.smil API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The smil property represents a stringified version of the SMIL content of the message (an MMS is always a SMIL document).
783 MozMmsMessage.subject API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The subject property is a string representing the subject of the message (in many cases, its title).
784 MozMmsMessage.threadId API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The threadId property represents the id of the thread the message is part of.
785 MozMmsMessage.timestamp API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The timestamp property represents the timestamp of a given message.
786 MozMmsMessage.type API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The type property represents the type of the message. It provides a convenient way to be sure that a message is an MMS.
787 MozMobileCFInfo API, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
The MozMobileCFInfo interface defines options used to retrieve or define call forwarding settings.
788 MozMobileCFInfo.action API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence
action is a read-only property that indicates what to do with the call forwarding rule.
789 API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence
active is a read-only property that indicates whether call forwarding is active (true) or not active (false).
790 MozMobileCFInfo.number API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
number is a read-only property that indicates the phone number where to forward the calls.
791 MozMobileCFInfo.reason API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
reason is a read-only property that indicates the reason the call is being forwarded.
792 MozMobileCFInfo.serviceClass API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
serviceClass is a read-only property that represents the service for which the call forward is set up.
793 MozMobileCFInfo.timeSeconds API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence
timeSeconds is a read-only property representing the time in seconds to wait before a call is forwarded.
794 MozMobileCellInfo API, B2G, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
The MozMobileCellInfo interface allow to access to cell location information.
795 MozMobileCellInfo.gsmCellId API, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
gsmCellId is a read-only property that provides the mobile Cell ID for the current GSM/WCDMA networks.
796 MozMobileCellInfo.gsmLocationAreaCode API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
gsmLocationAreaCode is a read-only property that provides the mobile Location Area Code (LAC) for the current GSM/WCDMA networks.
797 MozMobileConnection API, B2G, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
This API is used to get information about the current mobile voice and data connection states of the device. It is accessible through navigator.mozMobileConnections, which returns an array of MozMobileConnection objects.
798 MozMobileConnection.cancelMMI() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non Standard, Reference, Référence
The cancelMMI method cancels the current MMI request if one exists.
799 MozMobileConnection.cardState API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The cardState is a read-only property that indicates the state of the device's ICC card.
800 API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The data is a read-only property that gives access to information about the device's data connection.
801 MozMobileConnection.getCallForwardingOption() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non Standard, Reference, Référence
The getCallForwardingOption method is used to query current options for call forwarding.
802 MozMobileConnection.getCardLock() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non Standard, Reference, Référence
The getCardLock method is used to find out about the status of an integrated circuit card (ICC) lock (such as requiring a personal identification number (PIN)).
803 MozMobileConnection.getNetworks() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non Standard, Reference, Référence
The getNetworks method is used to search for available networks.
804 MozMobileConnection.icc API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The icc is a read-only property that gives access to ICC related funcionality.
805 MozMobileConnection.iccInfo API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The iccInfo is a read-only property that gives access to information stored in the device's ICC card.
806 MozMobileConnection.networkSelectionMode API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The networkSelectionMode is a read-only property that indicates the selection mode of the voice and data networks.
807 MozMobileConnection.oncardstatechange API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The oncardstatechange property specifies an event listener to receive cardstatechange events. These events occur when the cardState property changes value.
808 MozMobileConnection.oncfstatechange API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The oncfstatechange property specifies an event listener to receive cfstatechange events. These events occur when the call forwarding state changes.
809 MozMobileConnection.ondatachange API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The ondatachange property specifies an event listener to receive datachange events. These events occur whenever the connection object changes values.
810 MozMobileConnection.ondataerror API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The ondataerror property specifies an event listener to receive dataerror events. These events occur whenever the connection object receives an error from the RIL.
811 MozMobileConnection.onicccardlockerror API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The onicccardlockerror property specifies an event listener to receive icccardlockerror events. These events occur whenever the unlockCardLock or setCardLock method fails.
812 MozMobileConnection.oniccinfochange API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The oniccinfochange property specifies an event listener to receive iccinfochange events. These events occur whenever the MozMobileConnection.iccInfo object changes.
813 MozMobileConnection.onussdreceived API, B2G, DOM, Firefos OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The onussdreceived property specifies an event listener to receive ussdreceived events. These events occur whenever a new USSD message is received.
814 MozMobileConnection.onvoicechange API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The onvoicechange property specifies an event listener to receive voicechange events. These events occur whenever the MozMobileConnection.voice connection object changes.
815 MozMobileConnection.selectNetwork() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non Standard, Reference, Référence
The selectNetwork method is used to manually select a network, overriding the radio's current selection.
816 MozMobileConnection.selectNetworkAutomatically() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non Standard, Reference, Référence
The selectNetworkAutomatically method is used to tell the radio to automatically select a network.
817 MozMobileConnection.sendMMI() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non Standard, Reference, Référence
The sendMMI method is used to send an MMI code.
818 MozMobileConnection.setCallForwardingOption() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence
The setCallForwardingOption method is used to configure call forward options.
819 MozMobileConnection.setCardLock() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence
The setCardLock method is used to set or modify the state of a card lock.
820 MozMobileConnection.unlockCardLock() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence
The unlockCardLock method is used to unlock a card lock.
821 MozMobileConnection.voice API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The voice is a read-only property that gives access to information about the voice connection.
822 MozMobileConnectionInfo API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
The MozMobileConnectionInfo interface allows to access connection information for voice or data. The navigator.mozMobileConnection uses it through its voice and data properties.
823 MozMobileConnectionInfo.cell API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
cell is a read-only property that gives access to cell location information.
824 MozMobileConnectionInfo.connected API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
connected is a read-only property that indicates whether the connection is ready (true) or not (false).
825 MozMobileConnectionInfo.emergencyCallsOnly API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
emergencyCallsOnly is a read-only property that indicates whether only emergency calls are possible.
826 MozMobileConnectionInfo.lastKnownMcc API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
lastKnownMcc is a read-only property that represents the Mobile Country Code (MCC) of the last known network operator.
827 API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
network is a read-only property that gives access to the network operator information.
828 MozMobileConnectionInfo.relSignalStrength API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
relSignalStrength is a read-only property that gives the signal strength, represented linearly as a number.
829 MozMobileConnectionInfo.roaming API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
roaming is a read-only property that indicates whether the connection is going through a foreign operator (true) or not (false).
830 MozMobileConnectionInfo.signalStrength API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
signalStrength is a read-only property that gives the signal strength in dBm.
831 MozMobileConnectionInfo.state API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
state is a read-only property that gives the state of the connection.
832 MozMobileConnectionInfo.type API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
type is a read-only property that gives the type of connection.
833 MozMobileICCInfo API, B2G, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
The MozMobileICCInfo interface allow to access access to information stored in the device's ICC card. The navigator.mozMobileConnection uses it through its iccInfo property.
834 MozMobileICCInfo.iccid API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
iccid is a read-only property representing the Integrated Circuit Card (ICC) Identifier.
835 MozMobileICCInfo.isDisplayNetworkNameRequired API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
isDisplayNetworkNameRequired is a read-only property that indicates the Network name must be a part of any displayed carrier name.
836 MozMobileICCInfo.isDisplaySpnRequired API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
isDisplaySpnRequired is a read-only property that indicates the Service provider name must be a part of any displayed carrier name.
837 MozMobileICCInfo.mcc API, B2G, Firefox, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
mcc is a read-only property representing the Mobile Country Code (MCC) of the subscriber's home network.
838 MozMobileICCInfo.mnc API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
mnc is a read-only property representing the Mobile Network Code (MNC) of the subscriber's home network.
839 MozMobileICCInfo.msisdn API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
msisdn is a read-only property representing the Mobile Station ISDN Number (MSISDN) of the subscriber's, aka his phone number.
840 MozMobileICCInfo.spn API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
spn is a read-only property representing the Service Provider Name (SPN) of the subscriber's home network.
841 MozMobileMessageManager API, Firefox OS, Mobile, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
Provides support for sending and managing both MMS and SMS messages on a device with WebSMS.
842 MozMobileMessageManager.delete() API, DOM, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The delete method is used to delete a given message.
843 MozMobileMessageManager.getMessage() API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The getMessage method is used to access a given SMS message.
844 MozMobileMessageManager.getMessages() API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, SMS, WebSMS
The getMessages method is used to access a list of messages.
845 MozMobileMessageManager.getSegmentInfoForText() API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The getSegmentInfoForText method is used to get the information necessary to create a multi-part SMS for a given text.
846 MozMobileMessageManager.getThreads() API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The getThreads method is used to iterate through a list of MozMobileMessageThread objects. Each of those objects represents a conversation between participants.
847 MozMobileMessageManager.markMessageRead() API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The markMessageRead method is used to change the read state of a given message.
848 MozMobileMessageManager.ondeliveryerror API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
Specifies an event listener to receive deliveryerror events. These events occur when an SMS or MMS cannot be delivered.
849 MozMobileMessageManager.ondeliverysuccess API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
Specifies an event listener to receive deliverysuccess events. These events occur when an SMS or MMS is delivered.
850 MozMobileMessageManager.onfailed API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
Specifies an event listener to receive failed events. These events occur when an SMS or MMS has failed.
851 MozMobileMessageManager.onreceived API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
Specifies an event listener to receive received events. These events occur when an SMS or MMS is received.
852 MozMobileMessageManager.onretrieving API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
Specifies an event listener to receive retrieving events. These events occur when an SMS or MMS enters the retrieving flow.
853 MozMobileMessageManager.onsending API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
Specifies an event listener to receive sending events. These events occur when an SMS or MMS enters the send flow.
854 MozMobileMessageManager.onsent API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
Specifies an event listener to receive sent events. These events occur when an SMS or MMS is sent.
855 MozMobileMessageManager.retrieveMMS() API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The retrieveMMS method is used to access a given MMS message.
856 MozMobileMessageManager.send() API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The send method is used to send an SMS message to one or more receivers.
857 MozMobileMessageManager.sendMMS() API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The sendMMS method is used to send an MMS message to one or more receivers.
858 MozMobileMessageThread API, B2G, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The DOM MozMobileMessageThread object represents a thread of messages.
859 MozMobileMessageThread.body API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The body property represents the body of the last message available in the thread.
860 API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The id property represents the unique id of the thread. Each message belonging to that thread has a property named threadId filled with that same value.
861 MozMobileMessageThread.lastMessageType API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The lastMessageType property represents the type of the last message in the thread.
862 MozMobileMessageThread.participants API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The participants property is a list of all the participants' addresses to the thread.
863 MozMobileMessageThread.timestamp API, B2G, DOM, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The timestamp property represent the timestamp of the last message is the thread.
864 MozMobileMessageThread.unreadCount API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The unreadCount property represents the number of unread messages belonging to the thread.
865 MozMobileNetworkInfo API, B2G, Firefox OS, Interface, Mobile, NeedsExample, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
The MozMobileNetworkInfo interface allows access to information related to the network carrier. The navigator.mozMobileConnection uses it through its and properties.
866 MozMobileNetworkInfo.longName API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
longName is a read-only property that gives the long name of the network operator.
867 MozMobileNetworkInfo.mcc API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The mcc is a read-only property that represents the Mobile Country Code (MCC) of the network operator.
868 MozMobileNetworkInfo.mnc API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The mnc is a read-only property that represents the Mobile Network Code (MNC) of the network operator.
869 MozMobileNetworkInfo.shortName API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
shortName is a read-only property that gives the long name of the network operator.
870 MozMobileNetworkInfo.state API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The state is a read-only property that gives the state of the network operator.
871 MozNDEFRecord API, Firefox OS, Interface, MozNDEFRecord, NDEFRecord, NFC, Reference
MozNDEFRecord is a data structure that implements the NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF). It is a standard common format for NFC-related data communication between applications, NFC tags, and devices.
872 API, Firefox OS, MozNDEFRecord, NDEFRecord, NFC, Property, Reference, Référence, id
The id property of the MozNDEFRecord interface is application dependent (an appropriate id can be used, depending on functionality), but generally will return an NDEF Record identifier.
873 MozNDEFRecord.payload API, Firefox OS, MozNDEFRecord, NDEFRecord, NFC, Property, Reference, Référence, payload
The payload property of the MozNDEFRecord interface is application dependent (for example, a contacts application could contain URLs, mime-types, postal address, etc., to emulate vCards).
874 MozNDEFRecord.tnf API, Firefox OS, MozNDEFRecord, NDEFRecord, NFC, Property, Reference, Référence, tnf
The tnf property of the MozNDEFRecord interface contains the Type Name Format (3-bit field) of the record. This field is required.
875 MozNDEFRecord.type API, Firefox OS, MozNDEFRecord, NDEFRecord, NFC, Property, Reference, Type
The type property of the MozNDEFRecord interface ... fill in description of what it does
876 MozNFC API, Firefox OS, Interface, MozNFC, NFC, Reference
MozNFC is the top level API for operating in NFC Reader/Writer mode, NFC P2P mode and NFC Card Emulation mode.
877 MozNFC.getNFCPeer() API, Firefox OS, Method, MozNFC, NFC, Reference
The getNFCPeer() method of the MozNFC interface returns a Peer to Peer DOM object (MozNFCPeer) that can be used to transfer data to another NFC-enabled device.
878 MozNFC.getNFCTag() API, Firefox OS, Method, MozNFC, NFC, Reference
The getNFCTag() method of the MozNFC interface returns an NDEF tag interface (MozNFCTag object) used to interact with NFC Tags.
879 MozNFC.onpeerfound API, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
The onpeerfound event handler of the MozNFC interface is called when a MozNFCPeer is detected.
880 MozNFC.onpeerlost API, Firefox OS, MozNFC, NFC, Property, Reference, onpeerlost
The onpeerlost event handler of the MozNFC interface handles the peerlost event, which is fired when the MozNFCPeer object received in MozNFC.onpeerready  is no longer available or not in proximinty (e.g. the peer device moves out of range.).
881 MozNFC.onpeerready API, Firefox OS, MozNFC, NFC, Property, Reference, onpeerready
The onpeerready event handler of the MozNFC interface handles the peerready event, which fires when a suitable peer (an NFC-enabled device) comes into range of the device your NFC application is running on.
882 MozNFC.ontagfound API, Interface, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence
tag : The MozNFCTag object.
883 MozNFC.ontaglost API, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The ontaglost event handler of the MozNFC interface handles the taglost event, which is fired when the MozNFCTag object received in MozNFC.ontagfound  is no longer available or not in proximity
884 MozNFCPeer API, Firefox OS, Interface, MozNFCPeer, NFC, NFCPeer, Reference
The NFC implementation in Gecko follows the NFC Forum specifications.
885 MozNFCPeer.sendFile() API, Firefox OS, Method, MozNFCPeer, NFC, NFCPeer, Reference, sendFile
The Blob file reference to be transferred.
886 MozNFCPeer.sendNDEF() API, Firefox OS, Method, MozNFCPeer, NFC, NFCPeer, Reference, sendNDEF
The sendNDEF() method of the MozNFCPeer interface is used
887 MozNFCTag API, Firefox OS, MozNFCTag, NFC, NFCTag, Reference
MozNFCTag contains the basic functions needed to read, write, and inspect NDEF-compatible NFC Tags.
888 MozNFCTag.close() API, Firefox OS, Method, MozNFCTag, NFC, NFCTag, Reference, close
The close() method of the MozNFCTag interface closes a current NFC Tag session.
889 MozNFCTag.connect() API, Firefox OS, Method, MozNFCTag, NFC, NFCTag, Reference, connect
The connect() method of the MozNFCTag interface accepts a technology type to use for subsequent operations.
890 MozNFCTag.getDetailsNDEF() API, Firefox OS, Method, MozNFCTag, NFC, NFCTag, Reference
The getDetailsNDEF() method of the MozNFCTag interface retrieves basic metadata describing the NDEF tag.
891 MozNFCTag.makeReadOnlyNDEF() API, Firefox OS, Method, MozNFCTag, NFC, NFCTag, Reference, makeReadOnlyNDEF
The makeReadOnlyNDEF() method of the MozNFCTag interface makes an NDEF Tag readonly. This is a permanent change.
892 MozNFCTag.readNDEF() API, Firefox OS, Method, MozNFCTag, NFC, NFCTag, Reference, readNDEF
The readNDEF() method of the MozNFCTag interface retrieves the contents of the NDEF stored on the Tag, and returns an array of MozNDEFRecord objects.
893 MozNFCTag.writeNDEF() API, Firefox OS, Method, MozNFCTag, NFC, NFCTag, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, writeNDEF
The writeNDEF() method of the MozNFCTag interface is used to write NDEF data to an NFC tag.
894 MozNetworkStats API, B2G, Firefox OS, Network Stats, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
The MozNetworkStats object gives access to statistics about the data usage for a given network.
895 MozNetworkStats.connectionType API, B2G, Firefox OS, Network Stats, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The connectionType property indicates for which network the data usage statistics are provided.
896 API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The data property is a list of data usage statistics chunk. Each chunk is a MozNetworkStatsData that provides the total number of bytes received and sent during a given amount of time (this amount of time is accessible through the MozNetworkStatsManager.sampleRate property).
897 MozNetworkStats.end API, B2G, Firefox OS, Network Stats, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The end property is a date equal to the one of the last MozNetworkStatsData objects available within the property.
898 MozNetworkStats.start API, B2G, Firefox OS, Network Stats, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The start property is a date equal to the one of the first MozNetworkStatsData objects available within the property.
899 MozNetworkStatsData API, B2G, Firefox OS, Network Stats, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
The MozNetworkStatsData objects represent a chunk of data usage statistics.
900 API, B2G, Firefox OS, Network Stats, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The date property provides the date when the data usage statistics chunk was stored.
901 MozNetworkStatsData.rxBytes API, B2G, Firefox OS, Network Stats, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The rxBytes property is a number representing the number of bytes received for a given connection. The value is the total number of bytes received for MozNetworkStatsManager.sampleRate seconds at
902 MozNetworkStatsData.txBytes API, B2G, Firefox OS, Network Stats, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The txBytes property is a number representing the number of bytes sent for a given connection. The value is the total number of bytes sent for MozNetworkStatsManager.sampleRate seconds at
903 MozNetworkStatsManager API, B2G, Firefox OS, Network Stats, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
The MozNetworkStatsManager interface provides methods and properties to monitor data usage.
904 MozNetworkStatsManager.addAlarm() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Network Stats, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
The addAlarm method installs an alarm on a network. When total data usage reaches threshold bytes, a "networkstats-alarm" system message is sent to the application, where the optional parameter data must be a cloneable object.
905 MozNetworkStatsManager.clearAllData() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Network Stats, Non Standard, Obsolete, Reference, Référence
The clearAllData method allows to clear all data usage chunks that were previously stored.
906 MozNetworkStatsManager.clearAllStats() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Network Stats, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
The clearAllStats method allows to clear all data usage chunks that were previously stored.
907 MozNetworkStatsManager.clearStats() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Network Stats, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
The clearStats method removes all stats related to the provided network from DB.
908 MozNetworkStatsManager.connectionTypes API, B2G, Firefox OS, Network Stats, Non Standard, Obsolete, Property, Reference, Référence
The connectionTypes property is a list of all possible monitored connection types by the current device.
909 MozNetworkStatsManager.getAllAlarms() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Network Stats, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
The getAllAlarms method obtains all alarms for those networks returned by MozNetworkStatsManager.getAvailableNetworks. If a network is provided, it only retrieves the alarms for that network.
910 MozNetworkStatsManager.getAvailableNetworks() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Network Stats, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
The getAvailableNetworks method returns an Array of available networks that used to be saved in the database.
911 MozNetworkStatsManager.getAvailableServiceTypes() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Network Stats, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
The getAvailableServiceTypes method returns an Array of available service types that used to be saved in the database.
912 MozNetworkStatsManager.getNetworkStats() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Network Stats, Non Standard, Obsolete, Reference, Référence
The getNetworkStats method allows to retrieve the data usage statistics for the various connection types.
913 MozNetworkStatsManager.getSamples() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
The getSamples method asynchronously queries network interface statistics. The query may be filtered by connection type and date.
914 MozNetworkStatsManager.maxStorageAge API, B2G, Firefox OS, Network Stats, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence
Time in milliseconds recorded by the API until present time for each type of connection. All samples older than maxStorageAge from now are deleted.
915 MozNetworkStatsManager.maxStorageSamples API, B2G, Firefox OS, Network Stats, Non Standard, Obsolete, Property, Reference, Référence
The maxStorageSamples property indicates the maximum number of date usage chunks stored for each type of connection.
916 MozNetworkStatsManager.removeAlarms() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Network Stats, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
The removeAlarms method removes all network alarms. If an alarmId is provided, then only that alarm is removed.
917 MozNetworkStatsManager.sampleRate API, B2G, Firefox OS, Network Stats, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence
The sampleRate property indicates the time in seconds between when two data usage chunks are stored.
918 MozPowerManager API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Power Management, Reference, Référence
The MozPowerManager interface allows to explicitly control the part of the device that uses power.
919 MozPowerManager.addWakeLockListener() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Power Management, Reference, Référence
The MozPowerManager.addWakeLockListener() method is used to register a handler to be called each time a resource changes its lock state.
920 MozPowerManager.cpuSleepAllowed API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Power Management, Property, Reference, Référence
The MozPowerManager.cpuSleepAllowed property determines if the device's CPU will sleep after the screen is disabled. Setting this attribute to false will prevent the device from entering the suspend state.
921 MozPowerManager.factoryReset() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Power Management, Reference, Référence
The MozPowerManager.factoryReset() method is used to reset the device to its factory state.
922 MozPowerManager.getWakeLockState() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Power Management, Reference, Référence
The MozPowerManager.getWakeLockState() method is used to retrieve the current lock state of a given resource.
923 MozPowerManager.powerOff() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Power Management, Reference, Référence
The MozPowerManager.powerOff() method is used to shut off the device.
924 MozPowerManager.reboot() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Power Management, Reference, Référence
The MozPowerManager.reboot() method is used to completely shut down and boot the device.
925 MozPowerManager.removeWakeLockListener() API, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Power Management, Reference
The MozPowerManager.removeWakeLockListener() method is used to remove a handler previously set with addWakeLockListener().
926 MozPowerManager.screenBrightness API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Power Management, Property, Reference, Référence
The MozPowerManager.screenBrightness property defines the brightness of the screen's backlight, on a scale from 0 (very dim) to 1 (full brightness).
927 MozPowerManager.screenEnabled API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Power Management, Property, Reference, Référence
The MozPowerManager.screenEnabled property allows to know if the device's screen is currently enabled (true).
928 MozSettingsEvent API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Settings
The MozSettingsEvent represents a settingchange event, providing information about a change to the value of a setting on the device. It extends the DOM Event interface.
929 MozSettingsEvent.settingName API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Settings
The settingName property of the MozSettingsEvent specifies the exact name of the setting that has changed. For an up-to-date list of possible setting names, take a look at the Gaia source code.
930 MozSettingsEvent.settingValue API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Settings
The settingValue property of the MozSettingsEvent object returns the setting's new value.
931 MozSmsEvent API, DOM, Mobile, Non-standard, WebSMS
The DOM MozSmsEvent represents events related to WebSMS text messages.
932 MozSmsEvent.message API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The message property is the MozSmsMessage from which the event originated
933 MozSmsFilter API, DOM, Mobile, Non-standard, WebSMS
The MozSmsFilter interface provides a way to filter out MozSmsMessage or MozMmsMessage objects through the MozMobileMessageManager.getMessages() method.
934 API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The delivery property represents a possible value to match the messages' delivery property to filter them out.
935 MozSmsFilter.endDate API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The endDate property represents the newest message's timestamp to filter out messages.
936 MozSmsFilter.numbers API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The numbers property represents a list of phone numbers to filter out messages.
937 API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The read property allows to filter out messages based on their read (true) or unread (false) status.
938 MozSmsFilter.startDate API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The startDate property represents the oldest message's timestamp to filter out messages.
939 MozSmsFilter.threadId API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The threadId property represents a thread id to filter out messages.
940 MozSmsManager API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Obsolete, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
Provides support for sending and managing SMS messages on a device with WebSMS.
941 MozSmsMessage API, DOM, Mobile, Non-standard, WebSMS
The DOM MozSmsMessage object represents an SMS text message and has all the information about sender, recipient, body text and date of the message itself.
942 MozSmsMessage.body API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The body property represents the content of the message.
943 API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The delivery property represents the current state of the message delivery from the device perspective.
944 MozSmsMessage.deliveryStatus API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The deliveryStatus property represents the current state of the message delivery from the recipient perspective.
945 API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The id property represents the unique id of the message.
946 MozSmsMessage.messageClass API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The messageClass property provides the class of a given message. SMS Classes are defined within the GSM-SMS specification and represent how a SMS message must be carried and handled on the device.
947 API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The read property indicates if the message has been read (true) or not (false).
948 MozSmsMessage.receiver API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The receiver property provides the phone number of the message's receiver.
949 MozSmsMessage.sender API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The sender property provides the phone number of the sender of a given message.
950 MozSmsMessage.threadId API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The threadId property represents the id of the thread the message is part of.
951 MozSmsMessage.timestamp API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The timestamp property represents the timestamp of a given message.
952 MozSmsMessage.type API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The type property represents the type of the message. It provides a convenient way to be sure that a message is an SMS.
953 MozSmsSegmentInfo API, B2G, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The DOM MozSmsSegmentInfo interface provides information about how a string of text will be automatically split into segments. Each segment represents a single SMS of a multi-part SMS message.
954 MozSmsSegmentInfo.charsAvailableInLastSegment API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The charsAvailableInLastSegment property represents the total number of characters available for the last segment.
955 MozSmsSegmentInfo.charsPerSegment API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The charPerSegment property represents the total number of characters allowed per segment.
956 MozSmsSegmentInfo.segments API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WebSMS
The segments property represents the total number of segments available for the provided text.
957 MozTimeManager API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Time
The MozTimeManager interface is used to set the system time on a device.
958 MozTimeManager.set() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Time
The set method is used to change the system time.
959 MozVoicemail API, B2G, Firefox OS, Reference, voicemail
The MozVoicemail interface allows access to the information regarding the voicemail features available through the RIL of a Firefox OS device.
960 MozVoicemail.getDisplayName() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, voicemail
The getDisplayName method is used to get the display name of the voicemail box dialing number of a specified service.
961 MozVoicemail.getNumber() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, voicemail
The getNumber method is used to get the voicemail box dialing number of a specified service.
962 MozVoicemail.getStatus() API, Firefox OS, Method, MozVoicemail, Non-standard, Reference
The getStaus method is used to access the current status of a specified service.
963 MozVoicemail.onstatuschanged API, B2G, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, voicemail
Specifies an event listener to receive statuschange events. Those events occur when the voicemail status has changed.
964 MozVoicemailEvent API, B2G, Firefox OS, Reference, voicemail
The MozVoicemailEvent API provides access to the event information when a statuschange event is triggered.
965 MozVoicemailEvent.status API, B2G, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, voicemail
The status property value provides the voicemail status that caused the event to be triggered.
966 MozVoicemailStatus API, B2G, Firefox OS, Reference, voicemail
The MozVoicemailStatus API provides access to a voicemail status.
967 MozVoicemailStatus.hasMessage API, B2G, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, voicemail
The hasMessage property indicates if there are messages available within the voicemail inbox (true) or not (false).
968 MozVoicemailStatus.messageCount API, B2G, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, voicemail
The messageCount property indicates how many messages are available within the voicemail inbox. However, some voicemail indicators will only specify that messages are waiting, but not the actual number. In that case, the value of messageCount will be -1 to indicate that the number of messages is unknown.
969 MozVoicemailStatus.returnMessage API, B2G, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, voicemail
The returnMessage property represents a displayable call message for the voicemail status.
970 MozVoicemailStatus.returnNumber API, B2G, Firefox OS, Property, Reference, voicemail
The returnNumber property represents the return call number for the voicemail status.
971 MozVoicemailStatus.serviceId API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, voicemail
The serviceId property value provides the ID of the service the voicemail is associated with.
972 MozWakeLock API, Firefox OS, Interface, Non Standard, Reference, Wake Lock API
The MozWakeLock interface of the Wake Lock API tracks a wake lock set on any resource set on the device.
973 MozWakeLock.topic API, Firefox OS, MozWakeLock, Non Standard, Property, Read-only, Reference, Wake Lock API
The MozWakeLock.topic read-only property returns a DOMString with the name of the resource locked.
974 MozWakeLock.unlock() API, Firefox OS, Method, MozWakeLock, Non-standard, Reference, Wake Lock API
The MozWakeLock.unlock() method releases the lock on the resource. If several locks have been taken on the resource, each of them needs to be released individually.
975 MozWifiConnectionInfoEvent API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, WiFi
The MozWifiConnectionInfoEvent interface provides developers with information regarding the state of the current Wifi connection.
976 MozWifiConnectionInfoEvent.ipAddress API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WiFi
The ipAddress property value provides the current IP address of the device in the dotted quad format.
977 MozWifiConnectionInfoEvent.linkSpeed API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WiFi
The linkSpeed property value provides the current speed of the connection in Mb/s.
978 API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WiFi
The network property value provides the current network in use when the connection state changes.
979 MozWifiConnectionInfoEvent.relSignalStrength API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WiFi
The relSignalStrength property value provides the relative strength of the signal.
980 MozWifiConnectionInfoEvent.signalStrength API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WiFi
The signalStrength property value provides the absolute strength of the signal in dBm.
981 MozWifiP2pGroupOwner API, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, WiFi, Wifi Direct
The MozWifiP2pGroupOwner is an interface that represents the group owner of WiFi Direct connection.
982 MozWifiP2pManager API, Firefox OS, Interface, Non-standard, WiFi
The MozWifiP2pManager is an interface that allows to control Wi-Fi connection with other computers using Wi-Fi Direct.
983 MozWifiP2pManager.connect() API, Firefox OS, Method, MozWifiP2pManager, Non-standard, Reference, WiFi
The MozWifiP2pManager.connect() method binds, with a given configuration, to a peer identified by its MAC address and returns a DOMRequest that will report if the connect request has been issued successfully or not (but not about its result).
984 MozWifiStatusChangeEvent API, Interface, Non-standard, Reference, WiFi
The MozWifiStatusChangeEvent interface provides developers with information regarding the current status of the Wifi connection.
985 API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WiFi
The network property value provides the current network in use when the connection status changes.
986 MozWifiStatusChangeEvent.status API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WiFi
The status property value provides the current connection status.
987 NFC API API, Firefox OS, NFC, Non-standard, Overview, Reference
You access the entire set of NFC functionality through the Navigator.mozNfc property, returning a MozNFC object that further operations can be performed on.
988 Using the NFC API API, Firefox OS, Guide, NFC
The contacts app uses NFC P2P Functionality for sending and receiving vcards. Look at gaia/apps/communications/contacts/js/nfc.js. In Firefox OS 2.2, there an app called nfc-api-test, which contains all the samples for using NFC API.
989 Using the NFC emulator API, Emulator, Firefox OS, Guide, NFC
For testing of the NFC API, there is an NFC emulator available. This article details how to set up and use the emulator, and perform some simple tests.
990 Navigator (Firefox OS extensions) API, Firefox OS, Interface, Navigator, Non-standard
The Navigator interface represents the state and the identity of the user agent. It allows scripts to query it and to register themselves to carry on some activities. This page represents the list of properties and methods added to Navigator on Firefox OS devices. For the list of properties and methods available to any Web sites, consult Navigator.
991 Navigator.getDataStores() API, Data Store, Data Store API, Firefox OS, Method, Navigator, Reference
The navigator.getDataStores() method provides access to a list of the Data Store API data stores available on the device.
992 Navigator.getDeviceStorage() API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference
The getDeviceStorage method is used to access some storage area available on the device.
993 Navigator.getDeviceStorages() API, B2G, Device Storage, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference
The getDeviceStorages method is used to access individual storage areas available on the device. This method return an Array of DeviceStorage objects, one per physical storage area. Each storage area will have a name, retrievable using the .storageName attribute (see below).
994 Navigator.mozAlarms API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, WebAPI, alarm
Returns a MozAlarmsManager object you can use to schedule notifications or applications to be started at a specific time.
995 Navigator.mozApps API, Apps, Apps API, Non-standard, Property
Returns an Apps object you can use to install, manage, and control Open Web Apps in the browser.
996 Navigator.mozAudioChannelManager API, AudioChannels, Device API, Firefox OS, Navigator, Property, Reference
The navigator.mozAudioChannelManager object provides access to the mozAudioChannelManager interface, which is used to manage your Firefox OS device's audio channels, including setting what channel's volume to affect when the volume buttons are pressed inside a particular app.
997 Navigator.mozCamera API, DOM, Firefox OS, Gecko DOM Reference, Graphics, Property, WebAPI
This API has not been implemented as of Firefox OS 2.2. You probably actually want navigator.mozCameras.
998 Navigator.mozCameras API, DOM, Firefox OS, Gecko DOM Reference, Graphics, Non Standard, Property, WebAPI
Returns a CameraManager object you can use to access the cameras available on the user's device.
999 Navigator.mozContacts API, Contact, Firefox OS, Property, Reference
Return a ContactManager to access and manage all the contacts available on the device.
1000 Navigator.mozFMRadio API, Non-standard, Property
Returns a FMRadio object you can use to access to the device FM radio.
1001 Navigator.mozHasPendingMessage() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, Web Activities, WebAPI, alarm
This method is used to know if there are pending messages of a given type (true) ot not (false).
1002 Navigator.mozMobileConnections API, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, mobile connection, mozMobileConnection
The navigator.mozMobileConnections property returns an array of MozMobileConnection objects, which you can use to get information about the current mobile voice and data connection states of the device.
1003 Navigator.mozMobileMessage API, DOM, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, WebSMS
Returns a MozMobileMessageManager object you can use to receive and send MMS and SMS messages.
1004 Navigator.mozNetworkStats API, Firefox OS, Interface, Network Stats, Non-standard, Property, Reference
The MozNetworkStatsManager interface provides methods and properties to monitor data usage.
1005 Navigator.mozNfc API, Device API, Firefox OS, NFC API, Property, Reference, Web NFC
The mozNfc property returns a MozNFC object that can be used to access Firefox OS's NFC functionality: Near Field Communication (NFC) is a short range radio technology used to exchange data and tags between mobile devices by tapping them together or moving them close to each other.
1006 Navigator.mozPermissionSettings API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Permissions, Property, Reference, Référence
Returns a PermissionSettings object you can use to get and set permissions of apps on the Firefox OS platform.
1007 Navigator.mozPower API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Power Management, Property
Returns a PowerManager object you can use to manage the power usage of the device.
1008 Navigator.mozSetMessageHandler() API, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, Web Activities, alarm
This method is used to allow applications to register a function handler that can receive — and react to — a message from the system.
1009 Navigator.mozSettings API, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Settings
Returns a SettingsManager object you can use to access and change the device's settings.
1010 Navigator.mozSms API, Firefox OS, Mobile, Obsolete, Property, WebSMS
Returns an SmsManager object you can use to receive and send SMS messages.
1011 Navigator.mozTCPSocket API, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, TCP Socket
Returns a TCPSocket object you can use to open other sockets.
1012 Navigator.mozTelephony API, Certified, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Telephony
Returns a Telephony object you can use to initiate and control telephone calls from the browser.
1013 Navigator.mozVoicemail API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, voicemail
Returns a MozVoicemail object you can use to handle the access to the voicemail functionality from the RIL of a Firefox OS phone.
1014 Navigator.mozWifiManager API, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, WiFi
Returns a WifiManager object you can use to manage the device WiFi connection.
1015 Navigator.push API, Firefox OS, NeedsBrowserCompatibility, Non-standard, Property, Push Manager API, Read-only, Reference, Référence, Simple Push API
The Navigator.push read-only property is a PushManager object providing a way to receive notifications from third party servers. These are real-time notifications provided by external services directly to installed apps. This implements the SimplePush API that does not require sending real data on those notifications. Also, you can see this documentation for additional details, a guide to using the API, and sample code.
1016 Navigator.removeIdleObserver() API, Firefox OS, Idle, Method, Non-standard, Reference
This method is used to remove an idle observer previously set with navigator.addIdleObserver.
1017 Network Stats API API, Firefox OS, Network Stats, Non Standard, Reference
The Network Stats API allows you to monitor data usage and expose this information to certified applications.
1018 Network Stats 2.0 proposal
The Network Stats API allows to monitor data usage (system/per-app), exposes this data to certified applications and allows to set and manage data usage alarms. Data usage alarms can be set at a desired threshold for any available network interface.
1019 PermissionSettings API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Permissions, Reference, Référence
The PermissionSettings interface provides ways to let the user manage all the permissions requested by all apps on a Firefox OS device.
1020 PermissionSettings.get() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Permissions, Reference, Référence
The get method allows to retrieve the current status of a given permission for a given app.
1021 PermissionSettings.isExplicit() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Permissions, Reference, Référence
The isExplicit method allows to know if the setting is explicit (true) or implicit (false).
1022 PermissionSettings.remove() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Permissions, Reference, Référence
The remove method allows to simply reset a permission for an app which is running inside the browser app.
1023 PermissionSettings.set() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Permissions, Reference, Référence
The set method allows to change a given permission for a given app.
1024 Permissions API (Firefox OS) API, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Permissions, Reference
The Permissions API is used to display and let the user manage all the permissions requested by apps. With this API, an application can read the permissions of another application and is also able to change those permissions.
1025 Power Management API API, Firefox OS, Guide, Non Standard, Power Management
The Power Management API provides tools to manage a device's power consumption.
1026 Settings API API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, Settings API
The Settings API is a way to access, change, and monitor changes to any device's settings. Because device settings can contain a lot of sensitive information that can jeopardize the system, only certified applications can use this API.
1027 SettingsLock API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Settings
The SettingsLock interface represents a lock on settings. it allows a script to modify settings asynchronously, but in a safe way: ordering is guaranteed and the no other script will modify the settings until the modification are done (the next lock objects will start processing after it has been closed).
1028 SettingsLock.clear() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Settings
This method clears the queue of SettingsLock objects.
1029 SettingsLock.closed API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Settings
The closed property indicates whether or not the settings lock is closed.
1030 SettingsLock.get() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Settings
This method fetches the value of a specified setting.
1031 SettingsLock.set() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Settings
This method is changes the value of one or more given settings.
1032 SettingsManager API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Settings
Provides access to the device's settings.
1033 SettingsManager.addObserver() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Settings
Sets up a callback function to be notified when a specific setting's value changes.
1034 SettingsManager.createLock() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Settings
This method returns a SettingsLock object. This object is used to access and modify all the settings asynchronously and safely.
1035 SettingsManager.onsettingchange API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Settings
The onsettingchange property lets you set an event handler to be called for all setting changes.
1036 SettingsManager.removeObserver() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, Settings
This method is used to remove a callback function that has been added with SettingsManager.addObserver().
1037 TCP Socket API API, Firefox OS, Guide, Non Standard, TCP Socket, WebAPI
The TCPSocket API offers a whole API to open and use a TCP connection. This allows app makers to implement any protocol available on top of TCP such as IMAP, IRC, POP, HTTP, etc., or even build their own to sustain any specific needs they could have.
1038 TCPServerSocket API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The TCPServerSocket interface provides an API to handle a persistent server that will listen for incoming connections on a given port.
1039 TCPServerSocket.close() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The close method cleanly closes the server socket.
1040 TCPServerSocket.localPort API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The localPort property returns the port number listened to by the server socket.
1041 TCPServerSocket.onconnect API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The onconnect property is used to specify a callback handler to deal with new incoming connections. This callback is called each time a client connection is accepted.
1042 TCPServerSocket.onerror API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The onerror property is used to specify a callback handler to deal with errors from the server socket. This callback is called each time the listen of a server socket is aborted.
1043 TCPSocket API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, TCP Socket
The TCPSocket interface provides access to a raw TCP socket.
1044 TCPSocket.binaryType API, B2G, DOM, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The binaryType indicates the type of data expected by the send() method on this socket.
1045 TCPSocket.bufferedAmount API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The bufferedAmount represents the number of bytes which have previously been buffered by calls to the send() method on this socket.
1046 TCPSocket.close() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The close method cleanly closes the connection.
1047 API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The host property returns the host reachable by the socket.
1048 TCPSocket.listen() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The listen method is used to listen on a given port on the device.
1049 TCPSocket.onclose API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The onclose property is used to specify an event handler to receive close events. Those events are triggered when the server or the client (with the close() method) closes the connection.
1050 TCPSocket.ondata API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The ondata property is used to specify an event handler to receive data events. Those events are triggered each time data is available from the server.
1051 TCPSocket.ondrain API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The ondrain property is used to specify an event handler to receive drain events. Those events are triggered each time buffered data are flushed to the network.
1052 TCPSocket.onerror API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The onerror property is used to specify an event handler to receive error events. Those events are triggered each time an error occurs.
1053 TCPSocket.onopen API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The onopen property is used to specify an event handler to receive open events. Those events are triggered each time the connection to the server has been established.
1054 API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The open method is used to open a TCP connection to a given server on a given port.
1055 TCPSocket.port API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The port property returns the port number used by the socket.
1056 TCPSocket.readyState API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The readyState property indicates the current state of the socket.
1057 TCPSocket.resume() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The resume method resumes reading incoming data and allows the data event to be triggered again.
1058 TCPSocket.send() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The send method is used to buffer data to be sent to the server.
1059 TCPSocket.ssl API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The ssl property allows to know if the socket is an SSL socket (true) or not (false).
1060 TCPSocket.suspend() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The suspend method pauses reading incoming data and prevents the data event from being triggered until the resume() method is called.
1061 TCPSocket.upgradeToSecure() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, TCP Socket
The upgradeToSecure method allows turning a TCP non secured connection into a secured one.
1062 Telephony API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Interface, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Telephony, WebAPI
The Telephony interface of the Web Telephony API provides support for dialing, answering, and managing phone calls on a device with telephony support.
1063 API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Telephony, WebAPI, active
The active read-only property of the Telephony interface returns a TelephonyCall object indicating the call that is currently active. The active call is the one that is currently receiving input from the microphone, or tones generated by calls to the Telephony.startTone() method.
1064 Telephony.calls API, B2G, Certified, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Telephony, WebAPI, calls
The calls read-only property of the Telephony interface returns a list of TelephonyCall objects representing the currently connected telephone calls.
1065 Telephony.conferenceGroup API, B2G, Certified, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Telephony, conferenceGroup
The conferenceGroup read-only property of the Telephony interface returns a TelephonyCallGroup object, allowing programmatic control over a multi-person call/conference call.
1066 Telephony.dial() API, B2G, Certified, DOM, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Telephony, WebAPI, dial
The dial() method of the Telephony interface dials a phone number and returns a new TelephonyCall object representing the new call.
1067 Telephony.dialEmergency() API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, dialEmergency
The dialEmergency() method of the Telephony interface dials an emergency phone number and returns a new TelephonyCall object representing the new call.
1068 Telephony.muted API, B2G, Certified, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Telephony, WebAPI, muted
The muted property of the Telephony interface indicates whether or not the microphone is muted for the purposes of telephony.
1069 Telephony.oncallschanged API, B2G, Certified, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, WebAPI, oncallschanged
The oncallschanged property of the Telephony interface specifies an event listener to receive callschanged events. These events occur when the list of ongoing calls, as indicated by Telephony.calls, changes.
1070 Telephony.onincoming API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, WebAPI, onincoming
The onincoming property of the Telephony interface specifies an event listener to receive incoming events; these indicate when a new call is arriving.
1071 Telephony.onready API, B2G, Certified, Event, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, onready
The onready property of the Telephony interface specifies an event listener to receive ready events. These events occur when the telephony object is initialized.
1072 Telephony.onremoteheld API, B2G, Certified, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, onremoteheld
The onremoteheld property of the Telephony interface specifies an event listener to receive remoteheld events. These events occur whenever a remote party (e.g. the person you called) puts the call on hold..
1073 Telephony.onremoteresumed API, B2G, Certified, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, onremoteresumed
The onremoteresumed property of the Telephony interface specifies an event listener to receive remoteresumed events. These events occur when when a remote party (e.g. the person you called) resumes a call previously put on hold.
1074 Telephony.ownAudioChannel() API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Experimental, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Telephony
The ownAudioChannel() method of the Telephony interface designates the calling app as the owner of the telephony calls from the AudioChannel policy.
1075 Telephony.ready API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Ready, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony
The ready read-only property of the Telephony interface provides an asynchronous notification that the object is initialized.
1076 Telephony.sendTones() API, B2G, Certified, DOM, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, sendTones
The sendTones() method of the Telephony Interface generates multiple DTMF tones, with a specified duration for each tone, and an optional delay before generation starts. The tones are sent to the currently active call.
1077 Telephony.speakerEnabled API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Telephony, WebAPI, speakerEnabled
The speakerEnabled property of the Telephony interface indicates whether or not the speakerphone functionality of the phone is enabled.
1078 Telephony.startTone() API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non Standard, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, WebAPI
The startTone() method of the Telephony Interface begins generating the tone for the specified DTMF character. The tone is sent to the currently active call, and continues to sound until a corresponding call to Telephony.stopTone().
1079 Telephony.stopTone() API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, WebAPI, stopTone
The startTone() method of the Telephony Interface stops transmitting the currently-playing DTMF tone started by a prior call to Telephony.startTone().
1080 TelephonyCall API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, WebAPI
The TelephonyCall interface of the Web Telephony API represents one telephone call, providing information about the call and offering mechanisms for controlling it and detecting changes to its status.
1081 TelephonyCall.answer() API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, WebAPI, answer
The answer() method of the TelephonyCall interface answers an incoming call.
1082 TelephonyCall.disconnectedReason API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall
The disconnectedReason read-only property of the TelephonyCall interface indicates the reason why the call was disconnected (either because there was an error somewhere, or the call ended or wasn't answered.)
1083 TelephonyCall.emergency API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, WebAPI, emergency
The emergency read-only property of the TelephonyCall interface indicates whether the current telephone number is an emergency number.
1084 TelephonyCall.error API, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Error, Mobile, Non-standard, Obsolete, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall
The error read-only property of the TelephonyCall interface indicates a returned error when a call does connect successfully.
1085 API, B2G, Certified, DOM, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, WebAPI, group
The group read-only property of the TelephonyCall interface indicates the TelephonyCallGroup (multi-person call) the call belongs to, if any.
1086 TelephonyCall.hangUp() API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, WebAPI, hangUp
The hangUp() method of the TelephonyCall interface hangs up an ongoing call.
1087 TelephonyCall.hold() API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, WebAPI, hold
The hold() method of the TelephonyCall interface is used to put a call on hold.
1088 API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, WebAPI, id
The id read-only property of the TelephonyCall interface indicates the caller id (usually the telephone number) associated with the current phone call.
1089 TelephonyCall.mergeable API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, mergeable
The mergeable read-only property of the TelephonyCall interface indicates whether the current call can be added into a TelephonyCallGroup (multi-person call.)
1090 TelephonyCall.number API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Number, Obsolete, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, WebAPI
The number read-only property of the TelephonyCall interface indicates the telephone number associated with the current phone call. Replaced by in Firefox OS 2.0+.
1091 TelephonyCall.onalerting API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, WebAPI, onalerting
The onalerting event handler of the TelephonyCall interface is a reference to a function to be called to handle the Telephony API's alerting event.
1092 TelephonyCall.onbusy API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Telephony, WebAPI
A reference to a function to be called to handle the Telephony API's busy event. This event occurs when the call receives a busy signal from the phone network. The event handler is called with a CallEvent as its only parameter.
1093 TelephonyCall.onconnected API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, WebAPI, onconnected
The onconnected event handler of the TelephonyCall interface is a reference to a function to be called to handle the Telephony API's connected event.
1094 TelephonyCall.onconnecting API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non Standard, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, WebAPI, onconnecting
The onconnecting event handler of the TelephonyCall interface is a reference to a function to be called to handle the Telephony API's connecting event.
1095 TelephonyCall.ondialing API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, WebAPI, ondialing
The ondialing event handler of the TelephonyCall interface is a reference to a function to be called to handle the Telephony API's dialing event.
1096 TelephonyCall.ondisconnected API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, WebAPI, ondisconnected
The ondisconnected event handler of the TelephonyCall interface is a reference to a function to be called to handle the Telephony API's disconnected event.
1097 TelephonyCall.ondisconnecting API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, WebAPI, ondisconnecting
The ondisconnecting event handler of the TelephonyCall interface is a reference to a function to be called to handle the Telephony API's disconnecting event.
1098 TelephonyCall.onerror API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Obsolete, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, onerror
The onerror event handler of the TelephonyCall interface is a reference to a function to be called when the call does not succeed due to error. This is being obsoleted as it is very similar to TelephonyCall.ondisconnected, but semantically more narrow and therefore not as useful.
1099 TelephonyCall.ongroupchange API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, ongroupchange
The ongroupchange event handler of the TelephonyCall interface is a reference to a function to call when the call's TelephonyCallGroup (and therefore property) changes.
1100 TelephonyCall.onheld API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, onheld
The onheld event handler of the TelephonyCall interface is a reference to a function to be called when the current call has been held.
1101 TelephonyCall.onholding API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, onholding
The onholding event handler of the TelephonyCall interface is a reference to a function to be called when an instruction has been issued to put the call on hold (by TelephonyCall.hold().)
1102 TelephonyCall.onincoming API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, WebAPI, onincoming
The onincoming() property of the TelephonyCall interface is a reference to a function to be called to handle the Telephony API's incoming event.
1103 TelephonyCall.onresuming API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, onresuming
The onconnected event handler of the TelephonyCall interface is a reference to a function to call when a previously held call resumes.
1104 TelephonyCall.onstatechange API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, WebAPI, onstatechange
The onstatechange event handler of the TelephonyCall interface is a reference to a function to be called to handle the Telephony API's statechange event.
1105 TelephonyCall.resume() API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, WebAPI, resume
The resume() method of the TelephonyCall interface is used to resume a call that was previously put on hold.
1106 TelephonyCall.secondId API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, secondId
The secondId read-only property of the TelephonyCall interface indicates the second caller's id (usually their phone number) in the case of a CDMA network where you have a 2nd waiting call.
1107 TelephonyCall.secondNumber API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Obsolete, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, secondNumber
The secondNumber read-only property of the TelephonyCall interface indicates the second phone number in the case of a CDMA network where you have a 2nd waiting call. Replaced by TelephonyCall.SecondId in Firefox OS 2.0+.
1108 TelephonyCall.serviceId API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, serviceId
The serviceId read-only property of the TelephonyCall interface indicates which telephony service a call comes from.
1109 TelephonyCall.state API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, WebAPI, state
The state read-only property of the TelephonyCall interface returns the current state of the phone call.
1110 TelephonyCall.switchable API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCall, switchable
The switchable read-only property of the TelephonyCall interface indicates whether the current call can be switched between "connected" and "held" states.
1111 TelephonyCallGroup API, B2G, Certified, Firefox OS, Interface, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCallGroup
The TelephonyCallGroup interface of the Web Telephony API represents a multi-person/conference call, providing functions to allow callers to be added and removed from the conference call, hanging up of the entire call, and more.
1112 TelephonyCallGroup.add() API, Add, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCallGroup
The add() method of the TelephonyCallGroup interface adds a specific TelephonyCall object to the call group.
1113 TelephonyCallGroup.calls API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Telephony, TelephonyCallGroup, calls
The calls read-only property of the TelephonyCallGroup interface returns an array containing all the TelephonyCall objects representing the calls currently added to the call group.
1114 TelephonyCallGroup.hangUp() API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Telephony, TelephonyCallGroup, hangUp
The hangUp() method of the TelephonyCallGroup interface hangs up the entire conference call, i.e. every TelephonyCall object within it.
1115 TelephonyCallGroup.hold() API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Telephony, TelephonyCallGroup, hold
The hold() method of the TelephonyCallGroup interface puts the entire conference call on hold, i.e. every TelephonyCall object within it.
1116 TelephonyCallGroup.oncallschanged API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Telephony, TelephonyCallGroup, events, oncallschanged
The oncallschanged property of the Telephony interface specifies an event listener to receive callschanged events. These events occur when the list of ongoing calls, as indicated by TelephonyCallGroup.calls, changes.
1117 TelephonyCallGroup.onconnected API, B2G, Certified, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Telephony, TelephonyCallGroup, events, onconnected
The onconnected property of the Telephony interface specifies an event listener to receive connected events. These events occur when the phone is connected to the call group.
1118 TelephonyCallGroup.onerror API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Telephony, TelephonyCallGroup, events, onerror
The onerror property of the Telephony interface specifies an event listener to receive error events. These events occur when an error occurs with the call group.
1119 TelephonyCallGroup.onheld API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Telephony, TelephonyCallGroup, events, onheld
The onheld property of the Telephony interface specifies an event listener to receive held events. These events occur when the call group is successfully put on hold.
1120 TelephonyCallGroup.onholding API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Telephony, TelephonyCallGroup, onholding
The onholding property of the Telephony interface specifies an event listener to receive holding events. These events occur when an action is taken to put the call group on hold (i.e. the TelephonyCallGroup.hold() method is called.)
1121 TelephonyCallGroup.onresuming API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Telephony, TelephonyCallGroup, onresuming
The onresuming property of the Telephony interface specifies an event listener to receive resuming events. These events occur when an action is taken to resume a previously held call group (i.e. the TelephonyCallGroup.resume() method is called.)
1122 TelephonyCallGroup.onstatechange API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Telephony, TelephonyCallGroup, onstatechange
The onstatechange property of the Telephony interface specifies an event listener to receive statechange events. These events occur when the call group's state (i.e. the value of Telephony.state) changes.
1123 TelephonyCallGroup.remove() API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCallGroup, remove
The remove() method of the TelephonyCallGroup interface removes a specific TelephonyCall object from the call group.
1124 TelephonyCallGroup.resume() API, B2G, Certified, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Method, Mobile, Non-standard, Reference, Telephony, TelephonyCallGroup, resume
The resume() method of the TelephonyCallGroup interface resumes a previously held conference call.
1125 TelephonyCallGroup.state API, B2G, Certified, Firefox OS, Mobile, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Réference, Référence, Telephony, TelephonyCallGroup, state
The state read-only property of the TelephonyCallGroup interface returns a DOMString indicating the state of the call group.
1126 Time and Clock API API, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, Time
The Time and Clock API is a simple way to change the system time.
1127 UDPSocket
No summary!
1128 Wake Lock API Firefox OS, Non-standard, Overview, Wake Lock API
The Wake Lock API allows to take locks on any resource of the device. This means that you can prevent that resource from becoming unavailable as long as your app holds a lock for that resource. For example, a voice recording app can obtain a lock to keep the screen on during recording so that it can give prover visual feedback to the user that recording is progressing.
1129 Keeping the geolocation on when the application is invisible Firefox OS, Guide, Non-standard, Wake Lock API, Web
A Firefox OS application may want to keep the Geolocation service running even when invisible. This can be done by request a MozWakeLock and using with watchPosition() when you want to keep your invisible application continuing to use GPS.
1130 WebFM API API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, WebFM
The WebFM API provides access to the device FM radio. It allows turning the radio on/off and switching among radio stations. This API is available through the navigator.mozFMRadio property which is a FMRadio object.
1131 WiFi Information API API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Reference, Référence, WebAPI, WiFi
The WiFi Information API is specifically made to handle WiFi connections on a Firefox OS device. It provides an interface to find available WiFi networks and handle connecting and disconnecting the device from those networks.
1132 WifiManager API, Firefox OS, Reference, WiFi
The WifiManager API provides access to the wifi device capability.
1133 WifiManager.associate() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, WiFi
The associate method is used to associate (and connect) a device with a given WiFi network.
1134 WifiManager.connection API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non Standard, Property, Reference, WiFi
The connection property value provides the status and current network in used by the WiFi adapter.
1135 WifiManager.connectionInformation API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WiFi
The connectionInformation property value provides extra information about the current connection.
1136 WifiManager.enabled API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WiFi
The enabled property value indicates whether the wifi is turned on (true) or off (false).
1137 WifiManager.forget() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, WiFi
The forget method is used to make a device forget about a given WiFi network. This will remove the network from the list of known networks and will remove all the configuration settings related to that network.
1138 WifiManager.getKnownNetworks() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, WiFi
The getKnownNetworks method is used to retrieve the whole list of WiFi networks the device knows, regardless if they are available or not in the area surrounding the device. A known network is any network the device previously associated with by using the WifiManager.associate() method.
1139 WifiManager.getNetworks() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, WiFi
The getNetworks method is used to retrieve the whole list of available WiFi networks surrounding the device.
1140 WifiManager.macAddress API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WiFi
The macAddress property value provides the wifi adapter's MAC address.
1141 WifiManager.onconnectioninfoupdate API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WiFi
Specifies an event listener to receive connectioninfoupdate events. Those events occur when the device's WiFi connection information changes.
1142 WifiManager.ondisabled API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WiFi
Specifies an event listener to receive disabled events. Those events occur when the device's WiFi is turned off.
1143 WifiManager.onenabled API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WiFi
Specifies an event listener to receive enabled events. Those events occur when the device's WiFi is turned on.
1144 WifiManager.onstatuschange API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, WiFi
Specifies an event listener to receive statuschange events. Those events occur when the device's WiFi connection status changes.
1145 WifiManager.setPowerSavingMode() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Reference, WiFi
The setPowerSavingMode method is used to have the WiFi adapter enter or exit the power saving mode.
1146 WifiManager.setStaticIpMode() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, WiFi
The setStaticIpMod method is used to define a static or dynamic (if the network has a DHCP server) IP address for the device on a given network.
1147 WifiManager.wps() API, B2G, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, WiFi
The wps method is used to handle a WPS connection with networks supporting that feature.
1148 Window (Firefox OS extensions) API, Firefox OS, Interface, Navigator, Non-standard
The Window interface represents a window containing a DOM document. This page represents the list of properties and methods added to Window on Firefox OS devices. For the list of properties and methods available to any Web sites, consult Window.
1149 Window.onmoztimechange API, B2G, DOM, DOM Reference, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, Référence, Time, WebAPI
An event handler for the moztimechange events sent to the window.
1150 B2G OS add-ons Add-ons, Apps, Extensions, Firefox OS, customizations
You should follow the below steps to get set up to start developing extensions.
1151 Developing B2G OS add-ons Add-ons, Apps, CSS, Extensions, Firefox OS, JavaScript, Manifest, cuztomizations
Add-ons are a well-known concept in the world of web browsers, and this concept has been added to Firefox OS too. A single Firefox OS add-on can extend just one app, several, or all of them, including the system app itself. This article provides a guide to creating your own Firefox OS add-ons, as well as hints, tips, and other information to be aware of.
1152 B2G OS architecture Architecture, B2G OS, Guide, IPC, IPDL
This article is a high-level overview of the architecture of the B2G OS platform, introducing key concepts and explaining how its components interact at a basic level.
1153 B2G OS build prerequisites B2G OS, Build documentation, Build prerequisites, Mobile, Mobile OS, build b2g os, how to build b2g os
Before obtaining the code to build B2G OS, even if you are simply trying to build Gaia, you need a properly configured build system — this page shows you how. You can currently build on 64-bit Linux distributions and OS X.
1154 B2G OS phone guide Firefox OS, Landing
This section contains developer information relevant to specific phones that run B2G OS — both developer and consumer devices.
1155 Alcatel One Touch Fire Alcatel One Touch Fire, Firefox OS, Phone, consumer
The device's system image is locked, so you can only update the software when the network operator releases an OTA update.
1156 Alcatel One Touch Fire C Alcatel Firefox Phone, Alcatel One Touch Fire, Firefox OS, One Touch Fire C, Phone, consumer
The device's system image is locked, so you can only update the software when the network operator releases an OTA update. The device system image is based on Firefox OS 1.2.
1157 Alcatel One Touch Fire E Alcatel Mobiles, Alcatel One Touch Fire E, Firefox OS, Specifications of Alcatel One Touch Fire E
No summary!
1158 Alcatel One Touch Pixi 3 (3.5) Firefox OS, Landing, Phones
No summary!
1159 Alcatel Onetouch Fire C 4020D Alcatel, Firefox OS, Onetouch Fire C, Phone, Tarako devices, consumer
You can find more of the device specifications listed on our Phone and device specs page.
1160 Best practices for open reference devices Best practices, Devices, Firefox OS, Phones, reference device
The following article aims to provide a set of best practices that we believe should come highly recommended for any widely available open reference devices. All of the recent Firefox OS reference devices have followed these practices, including the forthcoming Flame.
1161 Cherry Mobile Ace Ace, Cherry Mobile, Firefox OS, Mozilla, Phone, consumer, tarako
The Cherry Mobile Ace is available through local retailers and online shopping sites.
1162 Fairphone B2G, Device, Fair trade, Fairphone, Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide, Phone
The Fairphone is a fair-economy smartphone targeting sourcing, production, distribution, self-repairing and recycling of electronics. It's not completely FOSS hardware, but it supports the ideal of giving back at least some hardware control to its users.
1163 Firefox OS device features Buttons and controls, Firefox OS, Hardware, Requirements
A basic Firefox OS device has a small number of physical hardware buttons:
1164 Flame Firefox OS, Flame, developer phone, official reference device
The Flame device is the official reference device for developing, testing, and debugging Firefox OS and open web apps. This guide provides basic information about its hardware specifications as well as practical documentation specific to experimenting with, developing for, and testing of software compatible with this phone.
1165 Initial setup Firefox OS, Flame, developer phone, reference device
You need to install ADB and Fastboot on your computer — these are applications that allow you to interact with your phone from your computer when the two are connected via the phone's USB charger cable. They are needed for Flashing your phone to a new version of Firefox OS, recovering from an unresponsive state, pushing apps to your phone, etc.
1166 Updating your Flame Firefox OS, Flame, developer phone, reference device
There is a lot of information in this article, so here we've included a quick start guide that takes you through the steps you need quickly to get your device updated. You can refer to the below sections for more detail if it is needed.
1167 Fx0 Firefox OS, Fx0, KDDI, Phone, consumer
You can find more of the device specifications listed on our Phone and device specs page.
1168 Geeksphone Building, Firefox, Firefox OS, Gaia, Geeksphone, Guide, flash firefox OS, tweaking
Developer Preview editions of the Firefox OS phone are now becoming widely available to the community, mainly through Geeksphone. Since these are for developers, naturally we want to encourage you to tinker and play with them as much as possible! In this article we cover some basic tips on how to keep your phone up to date and how to tweak the system Gaia applications.
1169 Geeksphone FAQ Firefox OS, Geeksphone, Keon, Peak, Revolution
Geeksphones are developer preview devices produced by Madrid-based Geeksphone in conjuction with Telefonica and Mozilla. Early access to hardware allows developers to test the capabilities of Firefox OS in a real environment with a mobile network and true hardware characteristics like the accelerometer and camera that are not easily tested on the Firefox OS Simulator. This FAQ should answer any questions you have about them.
1170 Huawei Y300 II Firefox OS, Huawei Y300II, Phone, consumer
The device's system image is locked, so you can only update the software when the network operator releases an OTA update. The device system image is based on Firefox OS 1.1.
1171 Intex Cloud FX Cloud FX, Firefox OS, Intex, Phone, Tarako devices, consumer
You can find more of the device specifications listed on our Phone and device specs page.
1172 LG fireweb Firefox OS, Fireweb, Phone, consumer, lg
You can find more of the device specifications listed on our Phone and device specs page.
1173 Nexus 4 B2G, Firefox OS, Installing, Nexus 4, flashing
This article provides information about using Firefox OS on a Nexus 4, including Flashing Firefox OS onto your device.
1174 Nexus 5 B2G, Firefox OS, Installing, Nexus 5, flashing
This article provides information about using Firefox OS on a Nexus 5, including Flashing Firefox OS onto your device.
1175 Orange Klif Firefox OS, Guide, Orange KLIF, Phone, consumer
You can find more of the device specifications listed on the Features and Specs Page.
1176 Phone and device specs Device, Firefox OS, Guide, Mobile, Phone, Specs
This article provides information about Firefox OS devices including specific hardware specs, codenames, default installed Firefox OS versions, and more.
1177 Spice Fire One MI FX1 Firefox OS, Phone, Spice, Tarako devices, consumer
You can find more of the device specifications listed on our Phone and device specs page.
1178 Spice Fire One MI FX2 Firefox OS, Landing, Phones
You can find more of the device specifications listed on our Features and specs page.
1179 Symphony GoFox F15 Firefox OS, GoFox, Phone, Symphony
The Symphony GoFox F15, launched in Bangladesh in partnership with Symphony and Grameenphone (Telenor), is the first commercial end-user device to be launched with Firefox OS 1.4; in addition, this device is the first Firefox OS device to have 3G video calling capabilities available.
1180 ZTE OPEN Firefox OS, Gaia, Gecko, Phone, zte
ZTE Open sales have come to an end and are no longer available. See ZTE Open C.
1181 ZTE OPEN C Device, Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide, Open C, Phone, Smartphone, zte
The ZTE Open C Firefox OS phone is an enhanced Firefox OS offering from ZTE featuring higher end hardware, including a 3MP camera and 4-inch WVGA screen, and also comes installed with Firefox OS 1.3. This article provides information about it, including updating and troubleshooting details.
1182 ZTE Open II Firefox OS, Phone, ZTE Open 2, ZTE Open II, consumer
The device's system image is locked, so you can only update the software when the network operator releases an OTA update. The device system image is based on Firefox OS 1.2.
1183 Zen U105 Fire Firefox OS, Phone, Zen, Zen u105, consumer, tarako
You can find more of the device specifications listed on our Phone and device specs page.
1184 Building B2G OS B2G OS, Boot, Build documentation, Gecko, Guide
Once you've set up your build system and performed your initial pull and configure  the code, you can build Boot to Gecko. This guide explains how.
1185 Building and installing FOTA community builds Firefox OS, Tutorial, build
This article should help you to build community builds of B2G OS on your phone. These builds will have "firmware over the air" (FOTA) updates activated for the OS.
1186 Building for Fairphone
No summary!
1187 Building and installing B2G OS B2G OS, Build documentation, Firefox OS
The articles listed on this page will guide you through building and installing B2G OS on an emulator or compatible device, or the Gaia user interface in the Firefox browser.
1188 B2G OS build process summary B2G OS, Firefox OS, build, build b2g os, install
The overall purpose of the build process is to build three files that can be installed onto a device compatible with B2G OS.
1189 B2G build variables reference sheet Building, Firefox OS, Gaia, Gecko, NeedsContent, Reference, Référence, build, commands
This article provides a reference for all the B2G build, Gaia build, and Gecko build variables and commands you might need during Firefox OS-related build operations.
1190 B2G installer add-on B2G, B2G installer, add-on, blobfree, install
The B2G installer add-on helps to solve the long-standing issue of not being able to redistribute full system builds because of blobs (proprietary components.) This article details how the add-on works, and how to install it.
1191 Build legacy branches
Legacy branches of Firefox OS need multiarch packages installed. Newer operating systems do not have these installed by default.
1192 Building B2G OS for Flame on Mac OS X Build documentation, Firefox OS, Flame, Guide, Mac OS X
This article provides instructions on how to build B2G OS for Flame devices using a Mac OS X system as your build platform.
1193 Compatible Devices B2G OS phones, B2G OS supported phones
These devices are official reference devices for developing B2G OS.
1194 Configure your first build
We have several useful tools for building Firefox OS, all contained in a single repository. Download these tools via git to create your working directory.
1195 Creating and applying B2G OS update packages B2G OS, FOTA, Firefox OS, Gaia, OTA, Packages, Updating
Creating and applying an update is split into four steps:
1196 Establish a Build Environment
Before downloading the code to build Firefox OS, you need to configure your build system — this page shows you how. You can currently build on 64-bit Linux distributions and OS X.
1197 Building the B2G OS Simulator B2G OS, Device, Firefox OS, Gaia, Mobile, simulator
Just like Firefox Nightlies, the B2G OS simulator desktop client (identified by b2g-) is automatically built every day from the latest source code. The latest build is available from the Mozilla FTP server. Be sure to pick the latest version and the right archive for your operating system. This lets you bypass having to build it yourself. In addition, you don't have to download Gaia on your own either.
1198 Choosing how to run Gaia or B2G Build documentation
Depending on your specific needs, you have an assortment of options to consider when experimenting with Firefox OS or the Gaia user interface. You can choose among the following options; each has its advantages and disadvantages to consider, and some are more flexible than others.
1199 Customization with the .userconfig file Firefox OS, build, userconfig
The .userconfig file isn't checked into source code control, so your changes won't be overwritten when you update your source tree. It needs to be created in the root of the B2G tree; that is, in the same directory as,, and so forth. You should add this before you run your config and build steps.
1200 Debugging on Firefox OS Debugging, Firefox OS, QA, Testing
There are two main types of debugging you'll want to with Firefox OS: debugging apps, and debugging other aspects of the system.
1201 Connecting a Firefox OS device to the desktop ADB, Firefox OS
This guide explains how to connect a Firefox OS device to your desktop over USB.
1202 Debugging B2G using Valgrind Debugging, Firefox OS, Mobile, valgrind
1203 Debugging B2G using gdb and related tools Debugging, Firefox OS, Mobile
To restart Firefox OS and run it under gdb control, simply use the script:
1204 Debugging and security testing with Firefox OS Apps, Debugging, Firefox OS, Security, Testing
This guide includes the following subsections:
1205 Debugging out of memory errors on Firefox OS
When a Firefox OS device runs out of memory, the the low-memory killer and low-memory notifications systems come into play to kill some processes and keep the OS running. When the kernel chooses to kill the foreground process, this manifests as an apparent crash of the app you're using. This article describes how to understand and debug (out of memory) OOM crashes.
1206 Developer settings for Firefox OS Debugging, Firefox OS
Contained in the Firefox OS Settings app is the Developer panel. This panel offers a number of options that can make debugging your open web app on Firefox OS easier.
1207 Firefox OS crash reporting Debugging, Firefox OS, QA, Testing, crash, crash reports
The following instructions assume that you have already followed these three steps:
1208 Installing ADB and Fastboot ADB, Debugging, Firefox OS, Installation, Mobile
You can download and install adb and fastboot as part of the Android SDK package, for Mac, Linux or Windows — visit the Get the Android SDK page.
1209 Intercepting Firefox OS traffic using a proxy Apps, Debugging, Firefox OS, Gaia, Security, Testing
Working with apps that are nothing but HTML and JavaScript, you'll find that a lot of the really interesting work involves using APIs that transfer data over the Web. That means it's often useful to look at the HTTP requests that these apps perform. Proxy tools like Burp and ZAP have useful features for monitoring such traffic. They provide manifests containing information on how clients should configure themselves, including root certificates to install for TLS termination, etc.
1210 On-device console logging Debugging, Firefox OS, Guide, Logging, web console
In addition to being able to log console output and view it using the remote web console, you can log console output into the device's onboard file store, then retrieve the logs later from your computer using the logcat utility and a USB connection. This article covers how to enable this feature, how to perform the logging, and how to retrieve the logs.
1211 Setting up to debug Firefox OS using Firefox Developer Tools Debugging, Firefox OS
You need to be sure you have a build of Firefox 18 or later in order to have remote debugging support. If you don't already have a recent copy of Firefox, download the latest Nightly build to get access to all the latest features.
1212 Taking screenshots Debugging, Firefox OS, Screenshots
Taking screenshots of your application can be useful in many circumstances, for example showing your work to a client, or when publishing your app on the Marketplace. This article explains how to take screenshots on your Firefox OS phone.
1213 Testing in a privileged context: Shipping your own Gaia apps Apps, Firefox OS, Security, Testing
This article takes you through how to test privileged apps before they are submitted to a Marketplace.
1214 Developer Mode Developer Mode, Enable, Firefox OS, Settings, Tools, Web Activities, WebIDE
The current Firefox OS permissions model precludes modification and installation of certified/internal apps, which makes some device APIs completely unavailable to Marketplace and web apps. Developer Mode (DM) allows the user to indicate that they would like to relax the permissions model and expose all device APIs to content, as well as setting a group of related preferences. This article provides a high-level overview.
1215 Developing Firefox OS Developing, Firefox OS
This section provides useful documentation covering different ways in which Firefox OS (codename Boot2Gecko, or B2G) can be modified/customized during the build process, and how you can help to develop the low level platform areas such as Gecko and Gonk.
1216 Customizing DNS DNS, Firefox OS
This article outlines a procedure to change the DNS servers for all interfaces (wifi, cellular, etc.) on a Firefox OS device.
1217 Customizing the script Debugging, Firefox OS, Hacking
If you just want to set an environment variable for a single run of B2G, then you can do the following:
1218 Filing bugs against Firefox OS Bugs, Bugzilla, Firefox OS, QA, filing, test
As with most projects in Mozilla, we use Bugzilla for bug and issue status tracking. You can file bugs to bugzilla when you found bugs — we have a separate product for Firefox OS, which contains components for topics falling under GaiaGonk and Gecko. You should use this component to file bugs against Firefox OS, Gaia, etc.
1219 Installing XPCOM Component as Extension on B2G Desktop Firefox OS, Tutorial, XPCOM
Here is how to install a hello world xpcom component as an extension on B2G Desktop, and test it.
1220 Modifying the hosts file Firefox OS, hosts
On the phone, go the Developer settings panel and check:
1221 Firefox OS Simulator Apps, Firefox OS, Tools
The Firefox OS Simulator is a version of the higher layers of Firefox OS that simulates a Firefox OS device, but runs on the desktop. This means that in many cases, you don't need a real device to test and debug your app. It runs in a window the same size as a Firefox OS device, includes the Firefox OS user interface and built-in apps, and simulates many of the Firefox OS device APIs.
1222 Firefox OS Simulator 4.0
The Firefox OS Simulator add-on is a tool that enables you to test and debug your Firefox OS app on the desktop. The code-test-debug cycle is much faster with the simulator than with a real device, and of course, you don't need a real device in order to use it.
1223 Simulator Walkthrough Apps, Firefox OS, Tools
In this page we'll debug a very simple (but very buggy!) web app using the Firefox OS Simulator.
1224 Simulator Walkthrough (4.0)
In this page we'll debug a very simple (but very buggy!) web app using the Firefox OS Simulator.
1225 Firefox OS apps Apps, Building, Components, Firefox OS, Installing, device APIs
This section of the Firefox OS docs covers the specific techniques required — and available tools — for building Firefox OS apps. You'll find a number of details below, from Firefox OS building blocks/web components, to device APIs and App installation.
1226 App development FAQ Apps, FAQ, Firefox OS
An Open Web App basically an HTML website or application, with some more functionality built on top of it. Think of Open Web Apps (OWA) as Web-standards-built applications or "Web runtime" applications. A Web runtime application runs outside a normal browser and can be launched from the desktop (or device equivalent) on any of the popular internet-connected devices. Of course, Web runtime applications can be run inside the browser too if the user prefers.
1227 App localization Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, L10n.js, Localization
This set of articles provides information for developers wishing to provide localized versions of their apps.
1228 App Localization with Transifex Apps, Firefox OS, Localization, transifex
Mozilla's Technical Evangelism team is piloting a program that uses Transifex for managing translation work, both for app developers and localizers. If you visit our team page there, you'll see the Boilerplate app for Firefox OS, along with a collection of other apps from open web app developers who have joined us there.
1229 App localization code best practices Apps, Best practices, Firefox OS, Gaia, Localization, l10n
The best way to write localizable code is to move as much of l10n logic to declarative HTML as possible. You should always try to mark up your HTML Elements with data-l10n-id and data-l10n-args and just set/remove/update those using JavaScript if needed. You also don't need to put the original content in HTML anymore.
1230 Developing Bidi Apps Apps, BiDi, CSS, HTML, Localization
This document lists some patterns and best practices to observe when creating BiDi (bidirectional — left-to-right and right-to-left) apps.
1231 Getting started with app localization Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide, L10n.js, Localization
Currently Firefox OS Gaia uses a modified version of the L10n.js library to localize the default apps that are available in Firefox OS. L10n.js is available in the Gaia source tree. The library relies on a key/value-based properties format.
1232 Internationalization helpers: IntlHelper and mozIntl B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, Internationalization, IntlHelper, JavaScript, Localization, intl_helper.js, mozIntl, moz_intl.js
This article looks at how Firefox OS handles localization of dates, times, numbers and collators from version 2.5 onwards, using the Internationalization API and Gaia's built in helpers, IntlHelper and mozIntl.
1233 L10n.js reference Apps, Firefox OS, JavaScript, L10n.js, Localization, l10n, l10n_date.js, strings
This article provides a reference for the l10n.js library, and its associated date helper, l10n_date.js.
1234 Localizing Open Web Apps Apps, Localization
The purpose of this documentation is to make it as easy and clear as possible to quickly make sure your Open Web Apps are localized and ready to add more languages swiftly. If you want a blueprint app with localization support already implemented, please look at the TranslationTester below.
1235 App permissions Apps, Firefox OS, Intermediate, Permissions, Reference, Référence, WebAPI
The three levels of permission, in brief, are:
1236 Building apps for Firefox OS Firefox OS, Installation, Layout, Manifest, distribution, packaging
Firefox OS apps have a low barrier for entry, especially for existing web developers and mobile developers; they are also a lot more portable across platforms than native equivalents, and not locked into walled gardens. As we've already mentioned Firefox OS apps are based on web technologies — HTML, CSS, and JavaScript — so if you've written a web page you already know the basics. Even if you don't have the basics you'll be able to easily follow this guide, but you may want to check out our list of Beginner's tutorials to learn more about developing with open web technologies.
1237 App manifest Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Manifest, Marketplace, Mobile, Non-standard, OS
This section details the critical details you need to create and use an app manifest.
1238 Apps CSP Apps, B2G, Firefox OS
If a CSP is specified in the App Manifest, the specified CSP and the default CSP for the app's type will be merged. A specified CSP may not loosen restrictions of the default CSP. The Firefox Marketplace Validator detects violations of the CSP during the app submission process. This can be used to help find problems early in development.
1239 Firefox OS app beginners tutorial APIs, Apps, B2G, Debugging, Firefox OS, Guide, Manifest, Marketplace
This article provides a beginner's tutorial covering the essentials of Firefox OS apps — including how they are created and how they differ from standard web apps/websites. This is written to make sense to both web developers and native mobile developers.
1240 Firefox Accounts on Firefox OS
This article provides an overview of using Firefox Accounts in Firefox OS.
1241 Firefox OS Building Blocks Design, Design patterns, Firefox OS, UI, building blocks
The code for the Firefox OS Building Blocks can be found in the Gaia Github repo under shared/style. Here, you can find a CSS file that contains the CSS for that particular Building Block, and a sub directory containing the HTML fragments and image assets. If you are creating your own standalone Web app, you can simply copy the CSS, HTML and image asset files across into your own project; if your app is intended to be installed on Firefox OS only (or you want to use these features only when the app is being used on Firefox OS), then you can link to the versions available inside Gaia.
1242 Action menu Action menu, Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks
Place the most commonly used or important items at the top of the Action Menu. Negative actions such as delete should be placed at or near the bottom of the Action Menu.
1243 Action menu 2.0 Implementation 2.0, Action menu, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, implementation
The following gives you an idea of what the rendered menu would look like (the vertical scroll bar would not appear on the actual device.)
1244 Banners Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, banners, building blocks
Status 2.0 implementation
1245 Status 2.0 implementation 2.0, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, banner, building blocks, implementation, status
The following gives you an idea of what the rendered Banner would look like:
1246 Buttons Buttons, Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks
No summary!
1247 Buttons 2.0 implementation B2G, Buttons, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, implementation
The following gives you an idea of what the rendered buttons would look like.
1248 Buttons 2.3 implementation 2.3, B2G, Buttons, Firefox OS, Gaia, Tutorial, building blocks, gaia-button, implementation, web component
First of all, make sure you have followed the preliminary setup instructions. Next, cd into the directory containing your web app. You can install the gaia-button component with:
1249 Context menu B2G, Context menu, Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks
The Context Menu contains one or more items. The menu can expand in height to accommodate additional items. If the screen height is exceeded, the action menu becomes vertically scrollable.
1250 Object Menu 2.0 implementation 2.0, B2G, Context menu, Firefox OS, Gaia, Object Menu, building blocks, implementation
The following gives you an idea of what the rendered menu would look like (the vertical scroll bar would not appear on the actual device.)
1251 Dialog B2G, Design, Dialog, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, confirm
No summary!
1252 Confirm 2.0 implementation 2.0, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, confirm, implementation
The following gives you an idea of what a simple confirm dialog would look like on Firefox OS 2.0.
1253 Drawer B2G, Design, Drawer, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks
Drawers can also be used to access user-generated content such as browser tabs, accounts in an email or messaging client, or multiple calendars. Drawers slide out from the edge of the screen at the user's request (pushing the underlying content aside), then slide back out of the way when no longer needed.
1254 Drawer 2.0 implementation 2.0, B2G, Drawer, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, implementation
The following gives you an idea of what the rendered drawer would look like, and how it would operate.
1255 Firefox OS 1.x building blocks Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, UX
No summary!
1256 Action menu Apps, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, UX
An action menu presents a list of actions, related to the app's content, from which the user may make a selection. See the Coding guide for details on how to implement an action menu in your app.
1257 Button Apps, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, UX
Performs an action when tapped by the user. These are highly flexible user interface objects that have a wide variety of styles. See the Coding guide for information on how to implement buttons that look like those described here.
1258 Confirmation Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, UX
A confirmation prompt asks the user to take or confirm an action, such as responding to a system event such as asking the user to restart the device after swapping SIM cards, or to ask the user to grant or deny permission to perform a task. See the Coding guide for information about how to implement these prompts in your app.
1259 Filter Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, UX
Filters can be used for two purposes: data filtering, in which the user can view a single set of data in different ways (for example, the Calendar app uses filters to select the time scale to use when viewing data (that is, by day, week, or month); and secondary navigation (presenting a second set of tabs when tabs are already present in your user interface).
1260 Header Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, UX
A header labels the active view. In addition, it can contain top-level navigation and inputs for the active view. See the Coding guide for information on implementing headers in your apps.
1261 Input area Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, UX
An input area is a data entry field. There are many variations on what an input area can look like; they can be as simple as a text entry field, and as complex as a multi-part entry field with text entry, value selectors, and buttons.
1262 List Apps, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, NeedsContent, Reference, Référence, UX
Lists are used to display a set of consecutive items, such as a list of contacts or a list of messages.
1263 Object menu Apps, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, UX
An object menu is a menu that lets the user directly manipulate objects without having to open them and navigate deeper into a view hierarchy.
1264 Progress and activity Apps, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, Guide, UX
Progress and activity indicators are used to provide visual feedback that a process is active.
1265 Scrolling Apps, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, Guide, NeedsContent, UX
Scrolling areas are used to let the user move text and/or images across the device's display.
1266 Seek bar Apps, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, Guide, UX
Seek bars have a draggable thumb the user can touch and drag back and forth to scroll through content (such as to set playback position in a media file) or to set a new value for a given control, such as sound volume or display brightness.
1267 Status Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, UX
Relays information to the user in a transitory fashion, typically to confirm a user action or to alert the user to a system event. See the Coding guide for details on how to implement a status bar. Sometimes status bars are referred to as "banners."
1268 Switch Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, UX
A switch is any control which presents two mutually exclusive options or states. Switches are also used to select items within lists. See the Coding guide for details on implementing switches in your apps.
1269 Tabs Apps, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, UX
Tabs are used as a navigational widget that let the user switch among sets of views. This way, a window may contain multiple views. See the Coding guide for details on how to implement tabs in your apps.
1270 Toolbar Apps, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, UX
Toolbars contain actions, indicators, and navigation elements associated with the current view. These may include things such as buttons to delete the currently selected items, a filter to enter edit mode, or a filter to show only "favorite" contacts. See the Coding guide for details on how to implement toolbars in your apps.
1271 Value selector Apps, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, UX
Value selectors let the user choose one of a number of possible values, and are typically used from a form interface. For example, value selectors could be used to choose the month or day for a calendar event. These are presented automatically for the values of the <input> element's type attribute.
1272 Firefox OS 2.0 Building Block implementation 2.0, Firefox OS, building blocks, implementation
No summary!
1273 Firefox OS 2.3 web components B2G, Design, Firefox OS, Landing, UI, Web Components, building blocks
No summary!
1274 Header B2G, Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, header
This article describes the implementation and possible interactions with the header.
1275 Header 2.0 implementation 2.0, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, header, implementation
The following gives you an idea of what rendered headers would look like, and how they would operate.
1276 Header 2.3 implementation 2.3, Firefox OS, Gaia, Tutorial, building blocks, gaia-header, header, implementation, web component
Technical review completed.
1277 Input area B2G, Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, input area
This article describes the implementation and possible interactions with the input-area.
1278 Input area 2.0 implementation 2.0, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, implementation, input area
The following gives you an idea of what rendered input areas would look like, and how they would operate.
1279 Text input 2.3 implementation 2.3, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, Input, Text, Tutorial, Web Components, building blocks, gaia-text-input, gaia-text-input-multiline, gaia-text-input-pin, implementation
First of all, make sure you have followed the preliminary setup instructions. Next, cd into the directory containing your web app. You can install the gaia-text-input component with:
1280 Layout B2G, Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, Layout, building blocks
You can find this structure in most apps in Firefox OS: Fixed header and footer with scrollable content. Layout is not a design pattern or building block as such — it is more of a reset, or a base for you to build your apps on top of.
1281 Layout 2.1 implementation 2.1, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide, Layout, building blocks, implementation
The following gives you an idea of what the rendered layout would look like, and how it would work (the vertical scroll bar would not appear on the actual device.)
1282 List items B2G, Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, list items, lists
This article describes the implementation of list items.
1283 List items 2.0 implementation 2.0, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, implementation, list items
The following gives you an idea of what rendered list items would look like on Firefox OS 2.0.
1284 Picker B2G, Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, Picker, building blocks
None as yet.
1285 Progress and activity B2G, Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, activity, building blocks, progress
This article describes the use of progress bars and activity toolboxes.
1286 Progress and activity 2.0 implementation 2.0, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, activity, building blocks, progress
The following gives you an idea of what rendered progress and activity indicators would look like, in different situations.
1287 Scrolling B2G, Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, scrolling
This article describes the implementation and possible interactions with the scroll bar.
1288 Scrolling 2.0 implementation 2.0, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, implementation, scrolling
The following gives you an idea of what the rendered scrolling section would look like.
1289 Search B2G, Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, Search, building blocks
None as yet.
1290 Select mode B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, select mode
Edit mode 2.0 implementation
1291 Edit mode 2.0 implementation 2.0, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, edit mode, select mode
The following gives you an idea of what the rendered Edit mode would look like (the vertical scroll bar would not appear on the actual device.)
1292 Slider B2G, Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, seekbar, slider
This article describes the implementation and possible interactions with the slider.
1293 Seekbar 2.0 implementation 2.0, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, implementation, seekbar
The following gives you an idea of what rendered seekbars would look like.
1294 Subheader B2G, Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, subheader
None as yet.
1295 Switches B2G, Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, switches
This article describes switches and their various types along with their respective implementation and possible interactions.
1296 Checkbox 2.3 implementation 2.3, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, Tutorial, Web Components, building blocks, checkbox, gaia-checkbox, implementation
First of all, make sure you have followed the preliminary setup instructions. Next, cd into the directory containing your web app. You can install the gaia-checkbox component with:
1297 Switches 2.0 implementation 2.0, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, building blocks, implementation, switches
The following gives you an idea of what the rendered switches would look like:
1298 Tab/Filter B2G, Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, Tab, building blocks, filter
This article describes filters and their implementation.
1299 Tab/Filter 2.0 implementation 2.0, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, Tab, building blocks, filter, implementation
The following gives you an idea of what the rendered Tab/Filter would look like on Firefox OS 2.0.
1300 Toolbars B2G, Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, Toolbar, building blocks

1301 Toolbars 2.0 implementation 2.0, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, Toolbars, building blocks, implementation
The following gives you an idea of what the rendered Toolbar would look like.
1302 Value selector B2G, Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, Tutorial, Value selector, building blocks
No summary!
1303 Value selector 2.0 implementation 2.0, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, Value selector, building blocks, implementation
The following gives you an idea of what a rendered Value Selector would look like.
1304 Firefox OS app performance Apps, Firefox OS, Performance
This page lists performance-related topics specific to Firefox OS.
1305 Apps for low-memory Firefox OS devices Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Performance, low memory, low-memory, memory, tarako
This guide targets app developers and reviewers who need to determine how well an app will run on a low-end Firefox OS device and which factors will prevent it from doing so. It's assumed that not everyone using this guide will have access to a low-end device.
1306 Firefox OS performance testing Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Performance
This article presents a set of tools and processes for measuring and diagnosing performance issues specifically on Firefox OS.
1307 Firefox OS app tools Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Firefox for Android, Libraries, Templates, l10n, resources
This section details available Firefox OS-specific code templates, libraries, snippets, and plugins.
1308 Firefox OS copy styleguide Apps, B2G, Design, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, UX, Writing, copy
No summary!
1309 Firefox OS design asset library Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Firefox OS UX, UX
No summary!
1310 Firefox OS device APIs API, Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Reference, Référence
There are a number of emerging Web platform standards and device APIs crucial to Firefox OS app development and to Open Web Apps. This article provides a list of pages covering those APIs, as well as the app manifest permissions for each one.
1311 Firefox OS icon font B2G, Design, Firefox OS, Gaia, Icons, Tutorial, icon font
The Firefox OS Icon font can be downloaded from the Gaia icons store on Github, or you could use bower to install it:
1312 Firefox OS in Arabic B2G, Design patterns, Firefox OS, Gaia, bidirectional, building blocks
Arabic is one of several languages with a bidirectional writing system (in this case, the Arabic script), which means it contains elements that read both right-to-left (RTL) and left-to-right (LTR). Arabic deserves a specific set of guidelines for how Firefox OS should look and behave when users set their device language to Arabic, because bidirectional writing systems affect:
1313 Action and Context Menus Firefox OS, Guide, Internationalization
Headers will read right to left and are right-aligned (E). Action menu items have right-aligned text reading right to left. Icons are also right-aligned (F).
1314 Home Screen Firefox OS, Guide, Internationalization
Hint text will read right to left and is right-aligned. If cursor is inserted, it will appear at right (D).
1315 Lock Screen Firefox OS, Guide, Internationalization
Numbers generally still run left to right (A). Military (24 hour) format is favored.
1316 Firefox OS transitions Animations, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, Landing, Transitions
No summary!
1317 App invoking another app Animations, App invokes app, Firefox OS, Gaia, Transitions, Tutorial
1318 In-app navigation Animations, Example, Firefox OS, Gaia, In-app navigation, Transitions
1319 Invoking the keyboard Animations, Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide, Transitions, keyboard
1320 Opening and closing apps Animations, Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide, Transitions, closing, opening
1321 Opening and dismissing prompts Animations, Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide, Transitions, prompts
1322 Starting and finishing calls Animations, Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide, Transitions, calls
Starting a call:
1323 Switching tasks Animations, Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide, Transitions, task switching
1324 Porting Chrome Apps to Firefox OS Apps Apps, Chrome, Firefox OS, Guide, Manifest, porting
This article reviews the difference between Firefox OS appsChrome apps and provides examples for porting your Chrome app to an Open Web App.
1325 Reference apps
We have put together a number of sample apps for you to download, install, play with and learn from. Have fun!
1326 Chrono Apps, Offline, Reference, Référence, appcache
Chrono is a simple chronometer with a lap counter, built to highlight various aspects of the open web app development process.
1327 Face Value Apps, appcache, localStorage
Face Value is a currency conversion app that does things differently: instead of converting arbitrary amounts it shows you the actual denominations in the country you're visiting.
1328 General Notes Apps, IndexedDB, Offline
General Notes is a simple note app that allows you to sync local and remote content.
1329 Podcasts
No summary!
1330 Roller App
No summary!
1331 Webfighter Apps, Canvas, Payments, fullscreen
No summary!
1332 rtcamera Apps, Blob, IndexedDB, URL, Web Workers, WebGL, WebRTC, XMLHttpRequest, getusermedia, x-tags
No summary!
1333 Screencast series: App Basics for Firefox OS API, Apps, Firefox OS, Marketplace, Videos
Firefox OS is an operating system that brings the Web to mobile devices. Instead of being a new OS with new technologies and development environments it builds on standardised web technologies that have been in use for years now. If you are a web developer and you want to build a mobile app, Firefox OS gives you the tools to do so, without having to change your workflow or learn a totally new development environment. In this collection of short videos, developers from Mozilla and Telenor met in Oslo, Norway to explain in a few steps how you can get started to build applications for Firefox OS.
1334 Firefox OS board guide Board, Firefox OS
This section contains developer information relevant to specific phones that run Firefox OS — both developer and consumer devices.
CHIRIMEN is a development environment for controlling physical devices, such as sensors and actuators, that use Web technologies. It is the catch-all term for both the board computer and its software.
1336 CHIRIMEN FAQ Boot to Gecko, CBC, MozOpenHard
No summary!
1337 CHIRIMEN quick start guide
CHIRIMEN quick start guide moved to
1338 Development-environment preparation section windows version CHIRIMEN, Firefox WebIDE
Page moved to
1339 Layout of the connectors CHIRIMEN, Connectors
Page moved to
1340 Startup section CHIRIMEN
Page moved to
1341 firmware update guide for windows CHIRIMEN, Windows
Page moved to
1342 How to get OS image
See OS updating section of Quick Start Guide.
1343 Firefox OS developer release notes Firefox OS, Release Notes
This section provides articles covering each new release of Gaia and Gecko for Firefox OS, explaining what features were added and bugs eliminated in each update. There is also a linked summary table showing what APIs are supported by each version of Firefox OS.
1344 Firefox OS 1.0.1 for developers Firefox OS, Release Notes
Firefox OS 1.0.1 was first offered to partners for release on July 2, 2013, and was the first official release of Firefox OS. Its Gecko component is based on Firefox 18 (see Firefox 18 for developers), released on January 18, 2013. For older updates, have a read of the older Firefox desktop release notes, starting with Firefox 17 for developers. This page details the developer features newly implemented in Firefox OS 1.0.1.
1345 Firefox OS 1.1 for developers Firefox OS, Release Notes
Firefox OS 1.1 is a pre-release version of Firefox OS, first offered to partners for release on October 21, 2013. Its Gecko component is based on Firefox 18 (see Firefox 18 for developers) just like Firefox OS 1.0.1, but with some additional bugfixes and APIs added. This page details the developer features newly implemented in Firefox OS 1.1.
1346 Firefox OS 1.2 for developers Firefox OS, Release Notes
Firefox OS 1.2 is at a pre-release stage right now. Its Gecko component is based on Firefox 26 (encompassing all Gecko additions between Firefox 19 and Firefox 26; see Firefox 26 release notes for developers for the latest.) This page details the developer features newly implemented in Firefox OS 1.2.
1347 Firefox OS 1.3 for developers Firefox OS, Release Notes
Gecko component of Firefox OS 1.3 is based on Firefox 28 (see Firefox 28 release notes for developers.) This page details the developer features newly implemented in Firefox OS 1.3.
1348 Firefox OS 1.4 for developers Firefox OS, Release Notes
Firefox OS 1.4 is at a pre-release stage right now. Its Gecko component is based on Firefox 30 (see Firefox 30 release notes for developers.) This page details the developer features newly implemented in Firefox OS 1.4.
1349 Firefox OS 2.0 for developers 2.0, Firefox OS, Release Notes
This section provides a summary of the new features available in Firefox OS 2.0. For more details on specific platform changes (API additions, etc.), see the Platform additions in detail section.
1350 Firefox OS 2.1 for developers 2.1, Firefox OS, Release Notes
This section lists various categories of new product features and improvements to existing features.
1351 Firefox OS 2.2 for developers 2.2, Firefox OS, Release Notes
This section lists various categories of new product features and improvements to existing features.
1352 Firefox OS 2.5 for developers 2.5, Firefox OS, Release Notes
This section lists various categories of new product features and improvements to existing features.
1353 Firefox OS security Firefox OS, Mobile, Security
The following articles cover security-related topics about Firefox OS. This includes overall security features as well as application security and how the install process is kept secure.
1354 Application security Apps, Firefox OS, Guide, Mobile, Security
The key Web app security controls introduced by Firefox OS are:
1355 B2G IPC internals

In FirefoxOS we have a Multi-process Architecture where the apps on the phone are running in a different process which has the least amount of privileges. On a running system we have a single parent process called b2g. The b2g process has a child process called nuwa, this process will be used to fork the app processes. Whenever a new app is being started on the phone, b2g tells nuwa that we need a new process. By default,  child processes are run with a minimal set of privileges. For every action they want to perform (that needs more privileges), they need to go through the parent process (b2g). This is where the Inter-process Communication (IPC) comes into place. Each child has a connection, using an IPC channel, to the parent which will be used for its communication. The process layout is illustrated on the right.
1356 Firefox OS security overview Firefox OS, Guide, IPC, IPDL, Mobile, Security
This document provides an overview of Mozilla's Firefox OS security framework, which is designed to protect mobile devices from threats to the platform, apps, and data. In Firefox OS, Mozilla has implemented a comprehensive, integrated, and multi-layered security model that delivers best-of-breed protection against security risks to mobile phones.
1357 Installing and updating applications Apps, Firefox OS, Guide, Installing, Updating
This article serves as a guide to the application update process on Firefox OS.
1358 Security Automation
Firefox OS uses some automation to spot security errors throughout the development & build process. This article aims to documents how to work with those.
1359 System security Firefox OS, Security
This article provides an overview of the Firefox OS system security model; that is, it explains how the operating system provides security and enforces permissions.
1360 Firefox OS usage tips Firefox OS, Tips
Explains all of the developer features on the phone and what they do (Settings > Device information > More information > Developer)
1361 Unlocking your phone Firefox OS, Unlock
If your build of Firefox OS starts up asking for a pass code to unlock the device, the default code is 0000. Some builds will do this while we develop and test the lock screen.
1362 Gaia Firefox OS, Gaia, Mozilla, UI
Gaia is B2G OS's user interface and suite of default apps: it includes the lock screen, home screen, dialer, and other applications. Essentially, Gaia is a set of complex web apps that runs on top of the B2G OS platform. This set of articles covers all you need to know to contribute to the Gaia project.
1363 Customizing build-time apps Apps, Customization, Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide
As a developer or device vendor, you will want to customize the apps that appear on a Firefox OS device at first-run for a variety of reasons. This article explains the different mechanisms for doing so.
1364 Customizing the keyboard in B2G OS Firefox OS, Guide, keyboard
Two major keyboard features have been implemented in Firefox OS, as of October 2013.
1365 Different ways to run Gaia ADB, Contributing, Debugging, Desktop, Device, Emulator, Firefox, Firefox OS, Gaia, Gaia+Gecko, Mac OS X, USB, WebIDE, nightly, running Gaia, simulator
You can run Gaia in a simulator via WebIDE, in Firefox Mulet (a special version of desktop Firefox for Gaia development), in an emulator, or on a compatible mobile device. This article provides a summary of how to do each, with links to further information.
1366 Gaia build system primer Build documentation, Building, Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide
how Gaia's build system works, including the makefile, the build process, environment variables, and potential customizations
1367 Gaia tools reference Firefox OS, Gaia, Reference, Référence, Tools
MozITP is an all-in-one package bundle for Gaia related tools. It contains pre-configured flash tool (b2g_util), b2g-installer and Gaia Integration Test environment. You can use MozITP to test Gaia Integration Test on Mulet, emulator or real devices. You can also flash builds from TaskCluster or b2g-installer blob-free builds.
1368 Localizing B2G OS Firefox OS, Localization
In this guide, we'll show you how easy it can be to localize Firefox OS, specifically the Gaia interface and apps. We'll start by helping you set up your computer, walk you through how to localize Gaia strings, and finally how to perform l10n testing on your work.
1369 Make options reference Apps, Firefox OS, Gaia, Make, Options, Reference, Référence
The make command is used inside the Gaia repo to create a Gaia profile that can be loaded onto your device or run in a B2G Desktop build. This article looks in detail at the different make options available.
1370 Making Gaia code changes Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide, code changes
Now that you have Gaia running on your Desktop and you understand to some level how the codebase works, you should be ready to start contributing to the project. This article describes how to make changes and where to find bugs to work on.
1371 Market customizations guide Customization, Firefox OS, Gaia, Marketplace, build
Requires Firefox OS 1.0.1
1372 Raptor: Performance Tools for Gaia Firefox OS, Performance, Raptor, User Timing
Raptor aims to overcome many of the pitfalls faced when testing performance with the previous tool, make test-perf:
1373 Firefox OS app startup: responsiveness guidelines Apps, Firefox OS, Performance, Startup, Timing
The following tables of app startup stages and timings — and user stories — provide best practice guidelines for Firefox OS apps, in terms of "acceptable" app performance on all Firefox OS devices (including low-spec devices.) This forms the Firefox OS Performance team's UX-approved definition of performant apps, and is part of Mozilla's program for advancing Firefox OS responsiveness and perceived performance.
1374 Running custom Firefox OS/Gaia builds in WebIDE Apps, B2G Desktop, Debugging, Firefox OS, Gaia, WebIDE
In late February 2014, the Firefox OS Simulator had a feature added that allows it to run a custom B2G binary and/or a Gaia profile of your choosing. This article shows how to configure your toolset to do this, running the Simulator through WebIDE.
1375 Running the Gaia codebase Contributing, Firefox, Firefox OS, Gaia, running firefox os locally
This article runs through in detail how to run the Gaia codebase locally, and what tools are available in this setup.
1376 Submitting a Gaia patch Bugzilla, Firefox OS, Gaia, GitHub, contribution, patch, submitting
Submitting patches to Gaia can be a little tricky until you get used to it, as it involves Bugzilla and Github, and usage of special flags in Bugzilla to make everything happen in the right sequence.
1377 Testing Gaia code changes Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide, Integration, Performance, Testing, UI
When you have finished making a change to the Gaia codebase and it seems to work ok, the next step is to go through a testing procedure to make sure your changes really work — and are working ok with the rest of Gaia — before submitting a patch back to the project. This article explains how.
1378 Understanding the Gaia codebase Code, Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide, JavaScript, contribution
Before you start to make your own changes to the Gaia codebase, you should understand the basics of how it is all structured, and what coding conventions are used. This article covers both of these points.
1379 Installing B2G OS on a mobile device B2G, Mobile
Once you've built Boot to Gecko for a supported mobile device, you can install it. This article will guide you through the process.
1380 Introduction to Firefox OS Community, Firefox OS, Gaia, Introduction
This set of documentation is aimed mainly at web developers and platform developers who want to learn how Firefox OS works, how to contribute to the project, and how to build their own custom versions of the software and install it on devices. For those who want to create and distribute their own web apps, the App Center and Marketplace Zone are good places to go.
1381 Mulet B2G Mulet, B2G OS, Mulet, try b2g os
Following this guide you're going to run Gaia inside of a special build of Firefox called Firefox Mulet. This gives you the advantages of having a rapid development cycle, as well as standard web development tools and debuggers available to work with. First of all, you need to have the Gaia repo cloned on your machine and build your own profile. Then, you have to install mulet and run it, passing your Gaia profile as the profile to use.
1382 Open web apps quickstart Apps, Quickstart
Quickstart information on coding Open Web Apps.
1383 App development for Web developers Apps, páginas_a_traducir
The minimum requirements are few:
1384 App development for mobile developers Apps, Mobile
For mobile application developers, the open web apps project offers these advantages:
1385 App tools Apps, Firefox OS, Guide
Is your app ready for the Firefox Marketplace? The App validator will check your manifest and show you any errors it may have, or warnings you should consider.
1386 Developing app functionality Apps, Guide, Howto
We have already looked at developing web apps — in Your first app we reviewed the basic code steps required to make an app installable, talked about different open web app types, and said a few words about Web APIs and permissions required to use certain device APIs. Read it first if you've not already done so. In this article we talk about the types of functionality you might want to implement in a bit more detail.
1387 Intro to Firefox OS Apps, Firefox OS, Gecko, Quickstart, Video
Firefox OS (also referred to by its codename "Boot to Gecko" or "B2G") is Mozilla's open source mobile operating system, based a Linux kernel, which boots into a Gecko-based runtime engine that lets users run applications developed entirely using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and open web application APIs. Firefox OS is a mobile operating system that's free from proprietary technology while still a powerful platform that provides application developers an opportunity to create excellent products. In addition, it's flexible and capable enough to make the end user happy.
1388 Intro to Open Web Apps Apps, Open Web Apps
Multi devices
1389 Intro to manifests
App manifest
1390 Your first app Apps, Beginner, Guide
This guide aims to get you up and running quickly with a basic architecture and build instructions so that you can create the next great app!
1391 Pandaboard Boot2Gecko, Firefox OS, Pandaboard
This is a guide to setting up Firefox OS on a PandaBoard. The PandaBoard is a low-cost OMAP 4 based development board for developing mobile operating systems.
1392 PasscodeHelper Internals Firefox OS, Gaia, PBKDF2, PasscodeHelper, Security
PasscodeHelper is a Gaia helper library for modifying and checking the Firefox OS lockscreen passcode (i.e., pin) from within Gaia, performing functions such as checking whether an entered passcode is correct, and changing the code. This article documents how PasscodeHelper works.
1393 Porting B2G OS Firefox OS, porting
This page lists the available resources for porting B2GOS.
1394 Porting B2G onto Nexus Player (Lollipop) B2G, B2G OS, Firefox OS, Guide, Nexus, Nexus Player, TV, porting
This article provides an overview of the process by which B2G OS (the TV version — on which Firefox OS for TV is based) can be ported onto the Nexus Player (versions running Lollipop.)
1395 Porting basics B2G, B2GOS, Mobile
This guide assumes you're porting to a new device that already runs Android; if you're porting to another device, the job is going to be more involved.
1396 Porting on CyanogenMod B2G, B2G OS, cm-b2g, cyanogenmod, porting b2g os to cyanogenmod
Editorial review completed.
1397 Preparing for your first B2G build B2G OS, Build documentation, building b2g os
Depending on your internet connection, the configuration steps may take several hours to download everything you need to build B2G OS. Waiting is not as fun as doing, so after you have read through this page and have kicked off the configure script, consider using the time to set up and try out the B2G OS simulator, begin familiarizing yourself with Documentation for app developers including Designing and Building an App, or familiarize yourself with the information on upcoming steps.
1398 Resources Firefox OS
Resources for App hackers, as generated from our workshops
1399 Running tests on Firefox OS: A guide for developers
If you are a Gecko developer, then you should review the Firefox OS-specific documentation for the test automation you are already familar with: mochitest, reftest, and xpcshell.
1400 The B2G OS platform Firefox OS, Landing
The B2G OS platform consists of many components. While you don't need to understand its architecture in order to build applications that run on B2G OS, if you're working on developing or porting the platform — or are simply curious — the following documentation may be of interest to you.
1401 Feature support chart QA, Testing
There are several different builds of Firefox OS you can download or build for yourself, and there are some differences between the types of features available on each device. The chart below should help you understand what works and what doesn't on the various builds.
1402 Firefox OS apps architecture Apps, Firefox OS, Guide
When the user selects an app they'd like to launch, or an app otherwise needs to be launched, the home screen app starts by getting an app reference from the App API, then calling the App.launch() method to launch the app.
1403 Firefox OS settings list API, Firefox OS, Reference, Référence, Settings, WebAPI
Firefox OS offers a number of settings that configure the device and its built-in features. These settings can be accessed by certified apps using the Settings API.
1404 Gaia Firefox OS, Gaia, Landing, Mobile
Gaia is the user interface level of B2G OS. Everything that appears on the screen after B2G OS starts up is drawn by Gaia, including the lock screen, home screen, dialer, and other applications. Gaia is written entirely in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Its only interface to the underlying operating system and hardware is through standard Web APIs, which are implemented by Gecko.
1405 Gaia apps Apps, Architecture, Firefox OS, Gaia
Gaia is the front-end of Firefox OS, which contains system administration functionality and the built-in suite of apps shipped with Firefox OS devices. All the Gaia source code — even the system, and keyboard IMEs — is fully implemented with HTML5 (HTML + CSS + JavaScript) & Open WebAPIs. This set of documents contains information on how each of the default apps available in the Gaia family works.
1406 Browser Apps, B2G, Browser, Firefox OS, Gaia, Guide
The Browser app (which is now part of System) provides browser-like functionality where it is needed — including page navigation, search, and bookmarks. This article explains how the Browser app's basic functionality works, and how it fits into the larger system.
1407 Gaia Video app Apps, Gaia, Video
The Video app is a simple video player that allows you to play any videos stored on your Firefox OS device's storage media.
1408 Settings Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Gaia, JavaScript, Settings
The Settings app allows users to configure device settings and also responds to incoming activities that allow app developers to display specific settings views from apps (e.g. show the wifi settings panel if no data connection is available). This article explains how it works.
1409 System Apps, B2G, FTU, Firefox OS, Gaia, JavaScript, UI, lock screen, system
The System app is the first web app loaded by Gecko during the Firefox OS bootup procedure, and it handles numerous responsibilities that are required generally for the running of the system, and are therefore not scoped per individual web app. This article explains in detail how System works.
1410 Window Management Apps, B2G, Firefox OS, Window Management, system
In general, a window manager is the part of an application that controls the placement and appearance of windows in a graphical user interface. This article looks at how Firefox OS handles Window Management.
1411 Introduction to Gaia Apps, B2G, Gaia, Settings
The lock screen shows the network carrier, current time and date, and a slidebar allowing the user to unlock the phone or go straight to the camera to take a picture. If the user has got a passcode lock set, the lock screen will also show a passcode entry interface.
1412 LockScreen Architecture (v1.5+)
The current LockScreen in Gaia is a monolithic component, which is even the second large file in the System app according to its LOC. This make it hard to reasonably add/modify/remove functions and even change styles.
1413 Gonk Firefox OS, Gecko, Gonk, Linux, Mobile, Mozilla, NeedsContent, porting
Gonk is the kernel-level component in the B2G OS stack that serves as the interface between Gecko and the underlying hardware. Gonk controls the underlying hardware and exposes hardware capabilities to Web APIs implemented in Gecko. Gonk can be seen as the “black box” that does all the complex, detailed work behind the scenes to control the mobile device by enacting requests at the hardware level.
1414 Keyboard events across browser elements B2G, Firefox OS, TV, events, keyboard, mozbrowser, mozbrowserafterkeydown, mozbrowserafterkeyup, mozbrowserbeforekeydown, mozbrowserbeforekeyup
This post will introduce the challenges of programming a TV remote to manage keyboard events on the Firefox OS Smart TV platform.
1415 Out of memory management on Firefox OS Firefox OS, Gaia, LMK, OOM, Out of memory, low memory killer, low memory notifications, oom_adj
Firefox OS runs on some severely memory-constrained devices, and it's easy for apps to exhaust the memory available on such systems.  When a process exhausts the memory available on the system, the kernel must kill some other processes in order to free up memory. This article describes how the low memory killer and low memory notifications work — the two systems on the device that control what processes are killed to keep the main system running when it has run out of memory.
1416 Troubleshooting B2G OS B2GOS, Mobile, troubleshooting
This article provides tips for resolving common problems you may have while using B2G OS.
1417 Using the App Manager
Editorial review completed.
1418 Using the B2G emulators Firefox OS
This article provides a brief guide to some key things you should know when using the boot to Gecko emulators. This doesn't appear to be a complete user manual; instead, it simply tells you a few useful things that you might not learn on your own.
1419 Web Bluetooth API (Firefox OS) API, B2G, Certified, Firefox OS, Landing, Non-standard, Reference, Web Bluetooth, WebAPI
The Web Bluetooth API lets an open web app discover, pair with, and connect to Bluetooth devices. As it is a completely experimental and non-standard API, the Bluetooth API is currently available for certified applications only. However, there is some traction to have such an API available for regular Web content; this will be discussed as part of the W3C's System Applications Working Group.
1420 Using the Web Bluetooth API API, Adapter, Bluetooth, Guide, Key, Manifest, NeedsContent, Permissions, WebBluetooth, pairing
The WebBluetooth API is a Firefox OS-only API created to allow control of a device's low-level Bluetooth functionality via JavaScript. This article explains the basics of how to use the API in a Firefox OS app.
1421 Web Telephony API API, Firefox OS, Landing, Phone, Telephony, Voice, Web Telephony, WebAPI
Web Telephony is an API that makes it possible for web content to handle voice phone calls using JavaScript.
1422 Using the Web Telephony API Advanced, B2G, Certified, Firefox OS, NeedsContent, Phone, Telephony, Web Telephony, WebAPI
This article explains the basics of getting started with the Web Telephony API.
1423 Web applications Web applications, Web apps
This page is intended to be a first, non thorough, attempt to collect web apps.
1424 Beginner tutorials
This page includes archived beginners tutorials, from various places around MDN.
1425 Creating reusable content with CSS and XBL Advanced, CSS, CSS:Getting_Started, Example, Guide, NeedsUpdate, Web, XBL
This page illustrates how you can use CSS in Mozilla to improve the structure of complex applications, making code and resources more easily reusable.
1426 Underscores in class and ID Names CSS
Summary: The use of the underscore character in CSS can lead to major display problems in multiple browsers. Learn why this is so, and how to keep your sites from being bitten by this problem. This technical note examines the use of underscores in CSS, and why they should be generally avoided in most circumstances.
1427 XML data CSS, CSS:Getting_Started, Example, Guide, Intermediate, NeedsUpdate, Web
This page contains an example of how you can use CSS with XML data.
1428 XUL user interfaces Advanced, CSS, CSS:Getting_Started, Example, Guide, NeedsUpdate, Web, XUL
This page illustrates Mozilla's specialized language for creating user interfaces.
1429 Case Sensitivity in class and id Names CSS, HTML
No summary!
1430 Creating a dynamic status bar extension Add-ons, Extensions, NeedsUpdate
Concepts covered in the previous sample won't be reiterated here; instead, refer to the downloadable sample code or to the previous sample for further details.
1431 Creating a status bar extension Add-ons, Extensions, NeedsUpdate, add-ons
Many of the concepts introduced here apply to any XUL-based application; however, to keep from getting completely overwhelmed, we're going to focus specifically on Firefox.
1432 Gecko Compatibility Handbook Cross-browser_Development, Gecko, Web Development
** Notes ** - The Solution Quick Reference needs more attention. - I'm also looking for a way to organize all that information. - Some inline examples were removed because of technical limitations. They are actually replaced by ''-(EXAMPLE REMOVED)-'' The goal of this handbook is to help you update websites to work with standards-based browsers and properly detect Gecko.
1433 Getting the page URL in NPAPI plugin Add-ons, NPAPI, Plugins, add-ons
Sometimes, you want to restrict an NPAPI plugin to be loadable only from a certain URL or domain or scheme. Or whenever you make network requests yourself, you almost always need to enforce same-origin policy.
1434 Index
Found 1872 pages:
1435 Inner-browsing extending the browser navigation paradigm
This article is the version from 2003 with slight modifications (no images and no links to samples). It's here for reference.
1436 Install.js Add-ons, Extensions, XPInstall_API_reference, add-ons
See also this article from XulPlanet's Main Tutorial.
1437 JXON AJAX, DOM, Document, JSON, JXON, Object, Object-Oriented, XML, XMLHttpRequest, XPath
JXON (lossless JavaScript XML Object Notation) is a generic name by which is defined the representation of JavaScript Objects using XML. There are no real standards for this conversion, but some conventions begin to appear on the web. There are some cases in which the whole content of an XML document must be read from the JavaScript interpreter (like for web-apps languages or settings XML documents, for example). In these cases JXON could represent the most practical way.
1438 List of Former Mozilla-Based Applications
The following is a list of all known applications that at one point used Mozilla technologies or that are no longer being actively maintained.
1439 List of Mozilla-Based Applications Apps
The following is a list of all known active applications that are built using Mozilla technologies. This list is likely to be incomplete since we think there are many dark matter projects that we don't know about. If you have information about a new project or extra information about an existing project, please feel free to update this page.
1440 Localizing an extension Add-ons, Extensions, Internationalization, Localization
This article expands upon the previous samples on extension writing by adding localization support to our stock watcher extension. Performing a few simple steps makes your extension much easier to localize into various languages without having to edit the XUL or JavaScript files themselves.
1441 MDN
The documentation listed below is archived, obsolete material about MDN itself.
1442 Content kits Content Kit, Evangelism, Learning, MDN Meta
MDN Content Kits are subject-based collections of technical resources to help you host a local developer meetup or give a technical presentation at an event, conference, or workshop.
1443 MDN "meta-documentation" archive Archive, MDN
Here you'll find archived "meta-documentation"; that is, documentation about how to write documentation on MDN. The articles here are obsolete and should no longer be referenced; we are retaining them here for reference while we migrate some content to new places, but very little of this is useful.
1444 Article page layout guide MDN
An article is any page that explains or teaches something. These are non-reference pages which are also not landing pages. In general, if a page is primarily prose and/or sample code, it's an article.
1445 Blog posts to integrate into documentation
Often, Mozilla developers and community members write blog posts. And often, those blog posts are really, really awesome. And, often, those blog posts include information that really ought to be included on MDN. Sometimes, it's the entire blog post that could be adapted into a tutorial on MDN (but please check with the author first, unless they're known to have given blanket permission!), and other times, there are just details about changes to Firefox or web technologies that we need to be sure are reflected in the right places in the docs.
1446 Current events
No summary!
1447 Custom CSS classes for MDN MDN, Reference, Référence
The following are the custom CSS classes that we have defined for the Devmo wiki. If, for whatever reason, you need a custom class defined in the CSS for this wiki, feel free to contact the documentation team lead.
1448 CSS Quick Learn CSS
helps to quickly learn CSS for the development of webpages and become a better web designer.
1449 Design Document MDC Project archives
No summary!
1450 Contribution and Maintenance
No summary!
1451 Footer
No summary!
1452 MDC Community Index Page
No summary!
1453 MDC Content Page
No summary!
1454 MDC Content Page (for printing)
No summary!
1455 MDC Home Page
No summary!
1456 MDC News Index Page
No summary!
1457 MDC Reference Index Page
No summary!
1458 MDC Reference Library Page
No summary!
1459 MDC Topic Page
No summary!
1460 MDC WebWatch Index Page
No summary!
1461 Navigation Bar
No summary!
1462 Page Tools
No summary!
1463 Returning User
No summary!
1464 Search Box
No summary!
1465 Searching for Information
No summary!
1466 Side Bar
The side bar provides local navigation options to help readers find related resources. Most pages use the standard side bar, but some pages (see the types of pages) will customize the content. In all cases, the look & feel of the sidebar should be the same.
1467 DevEdge
This is a temporary Index of the content that has been migrated from DevEdge to this wiki. The original list and mirror are linked below.
1468 Developer documentation process Documentation
In order to improve the quality of our documentation, and our ability to coordinate among the various members of the Mozilla documentation community, we have a process by which documentation is maintained. This article describes how this works and offers useful links to help you ensure that the work you do is as helpful and useful as possible to the community of Web and Mozilla developers.
1469 Disambiguation Disambiguation
Disambiguation in the MDC wiki is the process of resolving ambiguity, referring to the conflicts that occur when articles about two or more different topics have the same "natural" title.
1470 Documentation Wishlist
Is there a specific article or piece of documentation we're missing that you really wish we had? Add it to the list below. Unless you're sure there is no documentation on the topic you're interested in, please ask in the relevant newsgroup and/or on the MDC mailing list first. Also, please make your request easy to understand; add a link to a longer description of the request if needed.
1471 Documentation planning and tracking Documentation, MDN
We are in the process of trying to use scrumbugs to track documentation from the point at which the bug is filed through prioritization, assignment to a writer, and eventual completion. This page will cover some details of how we use it.
1472 Editing MDN pages
This page describes some common tasks when editing MDN pages.
1473 Examples
No summary!
1474 Alternate License Block
No summary!
1475 Original Document Information
No summary!
1476 Existing Content/DOM in Mozilla
< MDC:Existing Content
1477 External Redirects
The MDC wikis have the ability to redirect to external websites. We have done this so we can have links to external pages within the wiki that will be included in the wiki category pages.
1478 Finding the right place to document bugs
Bugzilla is big. Really really big. MDN is big too. This page helps to put two big things together. It:
1479 Getting started as a new MDN contributor Getting Started, MDN
The Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) is a wiki, where anyone can add and edit content. You don't need to be a programmer or an expert on the latest technology. There is a wide range of tasks that need to be done, ranging from the simple, such as proofreading and correcting typos, to the more complex, like writing API documentation.
1480 Landing page layout guide MDN
A landing page serves as a menu, of sorts, for all of its subpages. It opens with a brief summary of the topic, then presents a structured list of links to subpages, and, optionally, additional material that may be of use.
1481 MDN content on MDN, Meta
Web Platform Docs (WPD) is a site for documentation and education about Web standards, run by W3C and supported by Mozilla, among others. Anyone is welcome to contribute content from MDN to, under the terms of MDN's Creative Commons Share-Alike 2.5 (CC-BY-SA) license. Content that originates from MDN must be attributed to MDN, with a link to the source article. The Web Platform Docs site provides support for doing this in a systematic way.
1482 MDN page layout guide
These guides supplement the MDN style guide with specific layouts for the various types of pages on MDN. This helps contributors create new content that's structurally consistent with the rest of MDN.
1483 MDN subproject list Documentation, MDN
In order to turn the work of building documentation of All Things Open Web (not to mention All Things Mozilla) into something less daunting, sometimes it's helpful to split it up into subprojects. This page offers a list of links to MDN subproject organizational content.
1484 MWC 2013 Documentation, MDN, MWC
With Firefox OS scheduled to have a major presence at Mobile World Congress 2013, it's important that we have a fairly thorough suite of documentation for its various key components. This page will help us track what those components are, who's working on them, and what their statuses are.
1485 Needs Redirect
If you have
1486 Page types
Before working on the MDN style guide (and the redesign that goes hand-in-hand with it), we need to figure out what types of pages we have, then what those pages look like. This is a list of the types of pages and key attributes of those pages.
1487 API info boxes MDN
Main API pages (also known as "technology" pages) are used to provide an overview of a given class, interface, object, or CSS property. Each of these types of technology has specific key points that need to be summarized and displayed. Near the top of the page is an area reserved for a box containing this summary. This page shows what each of those should, roughly, look like.
1488 Breadcrumb bar MDN
In the heading area of every page on MDN is a breadcrumb bar showing the hierarchy of content between the site's root and the user's current location. This page discusses that bar and its features.
1489 Edit the Article MDN
The summary is a brief paragraph or two explaining the technology; this comes before the first section heading in the article.
1490 Landing page MDN
The first part of the page is a brief summary of what the landing page's content is about. Typically this is just a paragraph or two explaining the API or technology being covered. This text is used as the Google summary for SEO purposes (although you can use the CSS class "seoSummary" to specifically choose parts of it to be used if you want to really make sure the best possible text is used).
1491 Main API page MDN
The page begins with a summary explaining the interface, object, class, or CSS property being described. This should be a paragraph or two at most, and is used as the SEO summary (which can be overridden using the "seoSummary" CSS class.
1492 Reference page MDN
The page begins with a summary explaining the interface, object, class, or CSS property being described. This should be a paragraph or two at most, and is used as the SEO summary (which can be overridden using the "seoSummary" CSS class.
1493 TOC page MDN
The page begins with a brief summary of the document suite for which this is an index or table of contents.
1494 RecRoom documentation plan
RecRoom is the codename of a new MDN area that will provide resources for beginning Web app developers, as well as overall best practices guides for app development.
1495 Remove in-content iframes
Each of the documents listed below has at least one in-place use of the <iframe> element within it. In order to improve performance and allow us to more easily revise and correct layout in the future, we need to quickly update all of these pages to use macros instead.  This is somewhat urgent, as there is work that needs to be done by our development team that cannot begin until all of these are fixed. That's where you come in!
1496 Team status board Documentation, MDN
This table is a list of MDN contributors and what they're currently working on. Feel free to add yourself and what you're up to to this list, but keep in mind that we will purge out-of-date entries regularly, so if you choose to add yourself, do your best to keep your information current (even if all you do is update the "last updated" so we know you're keeping it current, despite your work taking a long time to finish).
1497 Trello Guide, MDN Meta, MDN meta, Processes
The MDN community uses a Trello board to organize and keep track of the things that need to be done to improve, update, and add to our content. This guide will help you learn what Trello is and how we use it.
1498 Using the Mozilla Developer Center Obsolete
Welcome to the Mozilla Developer Center! Here you'll find documentation for not only working on the code and other components of the Mozilla project, but also for developing add-ons for Mozilla-based software, creating new software based on Mozilla code, and web development for the open Web.
1499 Welcome to the Mozilla Developer Network MDN
The Mozilla Developer Network is the most comprehensive and accurate resource for Web development, as written by you, the developers.
1500 Writing chrome code documentation plan Doc Plan, Documentation, MDN
We need a good guide to writing chrome JavaScript code. This plan proposes a project to produce that documentation.
1501 Writing content MDN
There are always things that can be added or updated on MDN. Whether it's all-new documentation for a sparkling new API or a revision to an older API that's changed subtly, you'll find lots of opportunities to help.
1502 MMgc Tamarin
MMgc is the Tamarin (née Macromedia) garbage collector, a memory management library that has been built as part of the AVM2/Tamarin effort. It is a static library that is linked into the Flash Player but kept separate, and can be incorporated into other programs.
1503 Makefile - .mk files
No summary!
1504 Marketplace
Technical review completed. Editorial review completed.
1505 API Archive, Marketplace
Marketplace-related APIs have been removed, therefore the information covering them has been archived.
1506 App Installation and Management APIs Apps, Apps API, páginas_a_traducir
The Open Web Apps JavaScript API is a programmatic interface for installing Web apps and for managing a client-side collection of Web apps that a user has installed. This collection is called the application repository.
1507 Error object Apps, Apps API
In the Open Web apps JavaScript API, a DOMError object is returned by a function when an error occurs.
1508 navigator.mozApps.amInstalled Apps, Apps API
Provides a means for an app to check whether it is installed. This function is typically called from an origin that hosts an app.
1509 navigator.mozApps.getInstalledBy Apps, Apps API
Returns, through the callback function, the apps that were installed by the calling domain. This allows an app directory or store to determine which app it has installed on behalf of the current user.
1510 navigator.mozApps.mgmt.clearWatch Apps, Apps API
Removes a watch callback function. After this function is called, the specified watch callback is no longer called.
1511 navigator.mozApps.mgmt.list Apps, Apps API
Lists all installed apps in the user's repository.
1512 navigator.mozApps.mgmt.uninstall Apps, Apps API
Uninstalls an app from the user's repository.
1513 navigator.mozApps.mgmt.watchUpdates Apps, Apps API
Sets up a callback function to be called whenever an app is installed or removed from the repository.
1514 DOMApplicationsManager API, Apps, Apps API, DOMApplicationsManager, DomApplicationsManager, Firefox OS, Interface
Provides support for managing and installing Open Web apps in a browser. A manager can be accessed via Navigator.mozApps.mgmt
1515 DOMApplicationsManager.getAll() API, Apps, Apps API, B2G, DOMApplicationsManager, DomApplicationsManager, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, Référence, getAll
The getAll() method of the DOMApplicationsManager interface lists all installed apps in the user's repository.
1516 DOMApplicationsManager.onenabledstatechange API, B2G, DOMApplicationsManager, DomApplicationsManager, Events, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Property, Reference, events, onenabledstatechange
The onenabledstatechange property of the DOMApplicationsManager interface defines an event handler for the statechange event; this is received when an app is enabled or disabled using DOMApplicationsManager.setEnabled().
1517 DOMApplicationsManager.setEnabled() API, B2G, DOMApplicationsManager, DomApplicationsManager, Firefox OS, Method, Non-standard, Reference, setEnabled
The setEnabled() method of the DOMApplicationsManager interface sets an application to be enabled or disabled.
1518 DOMApplicationsRegistry API, Apps, Apps API, B2G, Firefox OS, Non-standard, Reference, Référence
Provides support for installing, managing, and controlling Open Web apps in a browser for installation on Firefox OS. Currently implemented as navigator.mozApps.
1519 DOMApplicationsRegistry.checkInstalled() API, Apps, Apps API, Method
Gets information about the given app. This can be used to determine if the app is installed.
1520 DOMApplicationsRegistry.getInstalled() API, Apps, Apps API, Method
Get a list of all installed apps from this origin. For example, if you call this on the Firefox Marketplace, you will get the list of apps installed by the Firefox Marketplace.
1521 DOMApplicationsRegistry.getSelf() API, Apps, Apps API, Method
Returns information about the calling app, if any. You can use this to determine if an app is installed (i.e. if it is running in the browser, or in a separate app context.)
1522 DOMApplicationsRegistry.install() API, Apps, Apps API, Method
Triggers the installation of an app. During the installation process, the app is validated and the user is prompted to approve the installation.
1523 DOMApplicationsRegistry.installPackage API, Apps, DOMApplicationsRegistry, Firefox OS, Method, NeedsContent
Installs a packaged app.
1524 DOMApplicationsRegistry.mgmt API, Apps API, Property, Read-only, Reference, Référence
The DOMApplicationsRegistry.mgmt read-only is an object implementing the DOMApplicationsManager interface that exposes functions that let dashboards manage and launch apps on a user's behalf.
1525 Navigator_(Marketplace) Archive, Marketplace
Marketplace-specific navigator extensions that have now been deprecated/obsoleted.
1526 Navigator.mozPay() API, Apps, Firefox OS, Method, Non Standard, Web Payment
The mozPay function is used to perform payments. It enables an app to use in-app payments.
1527 Monetization Apps, Marketplace
Monetization topics that have now been archived due to relevant functionality being removed from the Firefox Marketplace.
1528 App pricing tiers Apps, Firefox OS, Marketplace, Web Payment
Pricing on the Firefox Marketplace can be tricky because pricing varies in across regions. This page tells you what you need to know about app pricing in terms of setting prices, revenue split, taxes, payment methods, receiving payments, fraud prevention, and more.
1529 App payout - Brazil Apps, Web Payment
No summary!
1530 App payout - Colombia Apps, Web Payments
No summary!
1531 App payout - Germany Apps, Web Payments
No summary!
1532 App payout - Hungary Apps, Web Payments
No summary!
1533 App payout - Mexico Apps, Web Payments
No summary!
1534 App payout - Poland Apps, Web Payment
No summary!
1535 App payout - Spain Apps, Web Payment
No summary!
1536 App payout - United Kingdom Apps, Web Payments
App pricing
1537 App payout - United States Apps, Web Payments
No summary!
1538 App payout - Venezuela Apps, Web Payment
No summary!
1539 Building a Paid app Monetization, Web Payment
There are two kinds of payments made by app users in Firefox Marketplace apps: a payment made to purchase an app (a paid app) and a payment made to buy digital goods after the app is installed (an in-app payment). This page covers the code and workflow required to create paid apps.
1540 In-app Payments Structure
In-app payments information.
1541 In-app Payments with fxPay Apps, Firefox OS, Guide, JavaScript, Marketplace, Payments, Validation, fxpay, iap, in-app payments, paid
fxPay is a JavaScript library for web applications to process in-app payments and restore purchased products from receipts.
1542 In-app payments with mozPay Apps, Firefox OS, In-app, Marketplace, Web Payment
This article explains how to use the navigator.mozPay API and Web Payment Provider services to process in-app payments.
1543 Introduction — In-app Payments Apps, Beginner, Firefox OS, Intro, Marketplace, beginner
This section describes the options you have for handling In-app Payments (IAP) within your apps and provides the technical information you need to deploy either of the options. You've two options: fxPay and mozPay.
1544 Introduction — Monetization Apps, Beginner, Firefox OS, Intro, Marketplace, beginner
No summary!
1545 Payment processing and your revenue Beginner, Firefox OS, Marketplace, Tutorial, beginner
Mozilla has worked with partners to create a system that is easy for both you and end users to navigate. Mozilla connects you with Bango and Boku to offer credit cards to a global audience and the convenience of direct carrier billing in a growing number of markets. Mozilla currently supports 14 local currencies through credit cards and has Direct Carrier Billing in 6 countries. The countries that aren't supported by local currency billing have credit card billing in USD available.
1546 Publishing your app for profit Apps, Firefox OS, Marketplace, Monetization, Payments
To offer a premium (paid) app you need to set it so it's installed from Firefox Marketplace. Then include code to verify a receipt issued by Marketplace, to make sure the app has been paid for before allowing it to run. For more information, see the App payments guide.
1547 Refunds
Where the user has purchase your app they may request a refund, refunds may be authorized by Mozilla, the payment processor, or the mobile network operator. These refunds will be authorized according to our refund policy in compliance with local consumer laws, the mobile operator's refund policy, and credit card refund policies.
1548 Validating a receipt Apps, Firefox OS, Marketplace, Receipts, Web Payment
If you have a paid app, you should check that a user has a valid receipt. If you do not check, someone can buy the app, get an immediate refund, and then have the app for free. Or someone can simply install the app by referencing the manifest file directly from your site. This article goes through the code and workflow needed to build in your own receipt validation.
1549 Options Archive, Marketplace
Publishing options that are no longer available, hence the information being archived.
1550 Creating your own store Advanced, Apps, Firefox OS, Guide, Marketplace
The method of installing and managing apps in Firefox OS, Firefox for Android, and Firefox for Desktop is independent of Firefox Marketplace. This opens up the possibility for you to not only self-publish apps, but also to create and host your own marketplace. Ultimately you could also implement an independent marketplace using the open source software. This page describes your options and provides an overview to implementing each.
1551 Open Web Apps for Android Beginner, Firefox, Firefox OS, Guide, Marketplace, beginner
Open Web Apps for Android enables free Marketplace apps to be packaged into an APK (Android installation package), which is then installed and run in the same way as any other Android app. The APK package consists of web content (in the case of packaged apps) or a pointer to web content (in the case of hosted apps). This content is then enclosed in a thin Java/Android wrapper, which provides the integration with the Android OS. Once installed on an Android device the app is executed by Web Runtime for Android, a component of Firefox for Android.
1552 Open Web Apps for Desktop Apps, Beginner, Firefox OS, Guide, Marketplace, beginner
Open Web Apps for Desktop enables free Marketplace apps to be installed by Firefox Desktop into a user's Windows, Mac, or Linux computer.  Once installed on a desktop computer, these apps run similarly to any other desktop app. These apps are executed using Web Runtime for Desktop, a component of Firefox for Desktop.
1553 Publishing Archive, Marketplace
Publishing details that are no longer available, hence the information being archived.
1554 Pricing
Marketplace pricing information that is now obsolete, since this functionality has been removed from the Firefox Marketplace.
1555 Bango Apps, Beginner, Firefox OS, Guide, Marketplace, beginner
Bango is the payment provider for credit card and operator payment transactions on Firefox Marketplace. To receive payments for app and in-app purchases processed by Bango you'll need to create at least one Bango payment account. This page provides a guide to the account creation process.
1556 Boku Apps, Beginner, Firefox OS, Guide, Marketplace
If you're unclear about any of the following instructions, please refer to the Step by step guide.
1557 In-app products Apps, Beginner, Firefox OS, Guide, Marketplace, beginner
This page describes how to create in-app products within Firefox Marketplace for use with fxPay.
1558 Introduction — Pricing your app Apps, Beginner, Firefox OS, Intro, Marketplace, beginner
This section provides a guide to setting up your paid Open Web Apps and their in-app products on Firefox Marketplace, as well as providing useful additional information.
1559 Payment Accounts Apps, Beginner, Firefox OS, Marketplace, Payments, beginner
This page explain why Firefox Marketplace uses multiple payment providers, describes where setup is done in the submission process and provides links to details on setting up accounts with each payment provider.
1560 Promote as upgrade to free version Apps, Beginner, Firefox OS, Guide, Marketplace, beginner
As part of your app's Compatibility and Payments options, it's possible to identify a paid app as a premium upgrade to a free one, which is then promoted in Firefox Marketplace. This option enables you to offer users the ability to try a restricted version of the app before buying the full version, offer a free version with ads and a paid one without, or similar combinations. This page explains how to use the setting and how the upgrade information is presented in Firefox Marketplace.
1561 Publishing an existing mobile app to Desktop Apps, Desktop, Marketplace, publishing
1562 Mozilla release FAQ Developing Mozilla, NeedsHelp, NeedsUpdate, Outdated_articles
This document may be distributed and modified freely. No guarantee of factuality in this FAQ is made, and it is maintained by Pat Gunn, who is not affiliated with Netscape. Various other people have contributed to this FAQ.
1563 Newsgroup summaries
No summary!
1564 Format
No summary!
None this week.
None this week.
1567 mozilla-dev-accessibility
No summary!
1568 2006-10-06
No summary!
1569 2006-11-10
No summary!
1570 2006-11-22
No summary!
1571 mozilla-dev-apps-calendar
No summary!
1572 2006-09-29
No summary!
1573 2006-10-06
No summary!
1574 mozilla-dev-apps-firefox
No summary!
1575 2006-09-29
None this week.
1576 2006-10-06
None this week.
1577 2006-10-13
No summary!
1578 2006-10-20
None this week.
1579 2006-10-26
None this week.
1580 2006-10-27
None this week.
1581 2006-11-03
None this week.
1582 2006-11-04
None this week.
1583 2006-11-10
None this week.
1584 2006-11-17
None this week.
1585 2006-11-24
None this week.
1586 2006-12-01
None this week.
1587 mozilla-dev-apps-thunderbird
No summary!
1588 2006-09-29
No summary!
1589 2006-10-06
No summary!
1590 2006-10-13
No summary!
1591 2006-10-20
No summary!
1592 2006-10-27
No summary!
1593 2006-11-03
No summary!
1594 2006-11-10
No summary!
1595 2006-11-17
No summary!
1596 2006-11-24
No summary!
1597 2006-12-01
No summary!
1598 mozilla-dev-builds
No summary!
1599 2006-09-29

1600 2006-10-06
No summary!
1601 2006-10-13
No summary!
1602 2006-10-20
No summary!
1603 2006-10-27
No summary!
1604 2006-11-03
No summary!
1605 2006-11-10
No summary!
1606 2006-11-17
No summary!
1607 2006-11-24
No summary!
1608 2006-12-01
No summary!
1609 mozilla-dev-embedding
No summary!
1610 mozilla-dev-extensions
No summary!
1611 2006-09-29
Return to mozilla-dev-extensions
1612 2006-10-06
Return to mozilla-dev-extensions
1613 2006-10-13
Return to mozilla-dev-extensions
1614 2006-10-20
Return to mozilla-dev-extensions
1615 2006-10-27
Return to mozilla-dev-extensions
1616 2006-11-03
Return to mozilla-dev-extensions
1617 2006-11-10
Return to mozilla-dev-extensions
1618 2006-11-17
Return to mozilla-dev-extensions
1619 2006-11-24
Return to mozilla-dev-extensions
1620 2006-12-01
Return to mozilla-dev-extensions
1621 2006-12-08
Return to mozilla-dev-extensions
1622 Extentsions FAQ
Return to mozilla-dev-extensions
1623 mozilla-dev-i18n
No summary!
1624 2006-09-22
No summary!
1625 mozilla-dev-l10n
No summary!
1626 2006-10-06
No summary!
1627 2006-10-13
No summary!
1628 2006-10-20
No summary!
1629 2006-10-27
No summary!
1630 2006-11-10
No summary!
1631 2006-11-17
No summary!
1632 2006-11-24
No summary!
1633 2006-11-3
No summary!
1634 2006-12-01
No summary!
1635 2006-12-08
No summary!
1636 mozilla-dev-planning
No summary!
1637 2006-07-17
No summary!
1638 2006-09-22
No summary!
1639 2006-10-06
Beltzner announced FF2 RC2 is availabe for all 3 major platforms in some 40 langauges.
1640 2006-10-13
No summary!
1641 2006-10-20
No summary!
1642 2006-10-27
No summary!
1643 2006-11-03
No summary!
1644 2006-11-10
No summary!
1645 2006-11-17
No summary!
1646 2006-11-24
No summary!
1647 2006-12-01
No summary!
1648 mozilla-dev-platform
Newsgroup summary for (Google Groups link) is for people working on the Mozilla Application Framework ("Mozilla-the-platform").
1649 2006-09-29
Summary of newsgroup
1650 2006-10-06
No summary!
1651 2006-10-13
No summary!
1652 2006-10-20
No summary!
1653 2006-10-27
Summary: - October 21st to October 27th 2006
1654 2006-11-03
Summary: - October 28th - November 3rd, 2006
1655 2006-11-10
No summary!
1656 2006-11-17
Summary: - November 11th - November 17th, 2006
1657 2006-12-01
Summary: - November 25th - December 1st, 2006
1658 2006-18-24
Summary: - November 18th - November 24th, 2006
1659 mozilla-dev-quality
No summary!
1660 2006-09-29
1661 2006-10-06
No summary!
1662 2006-10-13
No summary!
1663 2006-10-20
No summary!
1664 2006-10-27
1665 2006-11-03
1666 2006-11-10
1667 2006-11-17
1668 2006-11-24
1669 2006-12-01
No summary!
1670 mozilla-dev-security
No summary!
1671 2006-09-29
No summary!
1672 2006-10-06
No summary!
1673 2006-10-13
No summary!
1674 2006-10-20
No summary!
1675 2006-10-27
No summary!
1676 2006-11-03
No summary!
1677 2006-11-10
No summary!
1678 2006-11-17
No summary!
1679 2006-11-24
No summary!
1680 2006-12-01
No summary!
1681 mozilla-dev-tech-js-engine
No summary!
1682 2006-09-22
No summary!
1683 2006-09-29
No summary!
1684 2006-10-06
No summary!
1685 2006-10-13
No summary!
1686 2006-11-03
No summary!
1687 2006-11-10
No summary!
1688 2006-11-17
No summary!
1689 2006-11-24
No summary!
1690 2006-12-01
No summary!
1691 JS-Engine FAQ
No summary!
1692 mozilla-dev-tech-layout
No summary!
1693 2006-09-29
No summary!
1694 2006-10-27
None this week.
1695 2006-11-03
None this week.
1696 2006-11-10
None this week.
1697 2006-11-17
None this week.
1698 2006-11-24
None this week.
1699 2006-12- 02
None this week.
1700 2006-12- 08
None this week.
1701 2006-12-24
None this week.
1702 mozilla-dev-tech-xpcom
No summary!
1703 2006-09-06
No summary!
1704 2006-09-22
No summary!
1705 2006-09-30
No summary!
1706 2006-10-13
No summary!
1707 2006-10-27
No summary!
1708 2006-11-10
No summary!
1709 2006-11-17
No summary!
1710 2006-11-24
No summary!
1711 2006-11-3
No summary!
1712 2006-12-01
No summary!
1713 2006-12-08
No summary!
1714 mozilla-dev-tech-xul
1715 2006-09-22
No summary!
1716 2006-09-29
No summary!
1717 2006-10-06
No summary!
1718 2006-10-13
No summary!
1719 2006-10-20
No summary!
1720 2006-10-27
No summary!
1721 2006-11-03
No summary!
1722 2006-11-10
No summary!
1723 2006-11-17
No summary!
1724 2006-11-24
No summary!
1725 2006-12-01
No summary!
No summary!
1727 2006-10-13
None this week.
1728 2006-10-20
[Back to Weekly Summaries ]
1729 2006-10-27
[Back to Weekly Summaries ]
1730 2006-11-03
[Back to Weekly Summaries ]
1731 2006-11-10
[Back to Weekly Summaries ]
1732 2006-11-17
[Back to Weekly Summaries ]
1733 2006-11-24
[Back to Weekly Summaries ]
1734 2006-12-01
[Back to Weekly Summaries ]
No summary!
1736 2006-10-06
No summary!
1737 Obsolete: XPCOM-based scripting for NPAPI plugins
Plugins that used to take advantage of being scriptable via LiveConnect in 4.x Netscape browsers lost this possibility in the new world. The main reason for this is that there is no guarantee of Java compatibility on a binary level due to the jri/jni switch. The new Mozilla XPCOM architecture allows XPCOM components be scriptable via a different mechanism called XPConnect. We leverage some of these ideas to help you make your Netscape Communicator 4.x plugins exposed to JavaScript in Mozilla based browsers.
1738 Plugins Add-ons, NPAPI, Obsolete, Plugins
For more information about plugin roadmap, see non-archived plugin information.
1739 Adobe Flash Add-ons, Addons, Adobe, Flash, Guide, NeedsUpdate, Plugins
This article explains how JavaScript can be used to access methods from within the Flash plugin, as well as how a feature called FSCommands can be used to access JavaScript functions from within the Flash animation. The focus of this article is to present tips on scripting Flash within Gecko™-based web browsers.
1740 External resources for plugin creation Plugins
There are several open source projects designed to assist with the creation of NPAPI plugins.  Please note that even when using these, it is still a good idea to have an understanding of what is going on under the hood, regardless of the level of abstraction provided.
1741 Logging Multi-Process Plugins
When multi-process plugins are enabled, Firefox has the ability to dump additional information about interactions between the browser and a plugin. This is done using NSPR logging. Run Firefox in a custom environment to enable this special logging mode.
1742 Monitoring plugins Add-ons, Firefox 3, Plugins
A new component of the plugin system is now available to measure how long it takes plugins (e.g., Adobe Flash) to execute their calls. This component then reports the plugin runtime using the observer service to anyone registered to receive the notifications. This article discusses how developers can make use of this new feature.
1743 Multi-process plugin architecture Add-ons, Electrolysis, IPC, IPDL, Plugins
Plugins are a frequent source of instability or crashes for browser users. When plugins run in the same process as the browser, any leaks or crashes in the plugin will affect the entire browser:
1744 NPAPI plugin developer guide Add-ons, Advanced, Guide, Landing, Plug-ins
Plugins are shared libraries that users can install to display content that the application itself can't display natively. For example, the Adobe Flash plug-in is used to access Flash content (including videos and certain interactive applications), and the QuickTime and RealPlayer plugins are used to play special format videos in a web page.
1745 NPAPI plugin reference Deprecated, Landing, NPAPI, Plugins, Reference
The articles below describe each of the APIs related to NPAPI plugins.
1746 Browser-side plug-in API Landing, Method, NPAPI, Plugins, Reference, Référence
This chapter describes methods in the plug-in API that are provided by the browser; these allow call back to the browser to request information, tell the browser to repaint part of the window, and so forth. The names of all of these methods begin with NPN_ to indicate that they are implemented by the browser and called by the plug-in.
1747 NPAPI plug-in side API Add-ons, Deprecated, Landing, NPAPI, Plugins, Reference, Référence
This chapter describes methods in the plug-in API that are available from the plug-in object; these allow plug-ins to interact with the browser. The names of all of these methods begin with NPP_ to indicate that they are implemented by the plug-in and called by the browser.
1748 NPAnyCallbackStruct API, Gecko, NPAPI, Plugins, Reference
Contains information required during embedded mode printing.
1749 NPByteRange NPAPI, Plugins
Represents a particular range of bytes from a stream.
1750 NPClass NPAPI, Plugins
NPClass is a structure that holds a set of pointers to functions that make up the behavior of an instance of an NPClass (i.e. an NPObject).
1751 NPEmbedPrint NPAPI, Plugins
Substructure of NPPrint that contains platform-specific information used during embedded mode printing.
1752 NPEvent NPAPI, Plugins
Represents an event passed by NPP_HandleEvent() to a windowless plug-in.
1753 NPFullPrint NPAPI, Plugins
Substructure of NPPrint that contains platform-specific information used during full-page mode printing.
1754 NPIdentifier NPAPI, Plugins
NPIdentifier is an opaque type used for method and property identifiers, such as strings or integers. NPIdentifiers are unique, in that for any given string or integer, there is only one NPIdentifier. The lifetime of NPIdentifiers is controlled by the browser.
1755 NPN NewStream NPAPI, Plugins
Requests the creation of a new data stream produced by the plug-in and consumed by the browser.
1756 NPNVariable
See NPN_GetValue.
1757 NPN_CreateObject NPAPI, Plugins
Allocates a new NPObject.
1758 NPN_DestroyStream API, Gecko, NPAPI, Plugins, Reference
Closes and deletes a stream.
1759 NPN_Enumerate
Gets the names of the properties and methods of the specified NPObject.
1760 NPN_Evaluate NPAPI, Plugins
Evaluates a script in the scope of the specified NPObject.
1761 NPN_ForceRedraw NPAPI, Plugins
Asks the plugin host to immediately (synchronously) repaint invalid areas.
1762 NPN_GetAuthenticationInfo
The function is called by plugins to get HTTP authentication information from the browser.
1763 NPN_GetIntIdentifier NPAPI, Plugins
Returns an opaque identifier for the integer that is passed in.
1764 NPN_GetProperty NPAPI, Plugins
Gets the value of a property on the specified NPObject.
1765 NPN_GetStringIdentifier NPAPI, Plugins
Returns an opaque identifier for the string that is passed in.
1766 NPN_GetStringIdentifiers NPAPI, Plugins
Returns an array of opaque identifiers for the names that are passed in.
1767 NPN_GetURL API, Gecko, NPAPI, Plugins, Reference
Asks the browser to create a stream for the specified URL.
1768 NPN_GetURLNotify NPAPI, Plugins
Requests creation of a new stream with the contents of the specified URL; gets notification of the result.
1769 NPN_GetValue NPAPI, NeedsHelp, Plugins, Reference, Référence
Allows the plug-in to query the browser for information.
1770 NPN_GetValueForURL
Provides information to a plugin which is associated with a given URL, for example the cookies or preferred proxy.
1771 NPN_HasMethod NPAPI, Plugins
Determines whether or not the specified NPObject has a particular method.
1772 NPN_HasProperty NPAPI, Plugins
Determines whether or not the specified NPObject has a particular property.
1773 NPN_IdentifierIsString NPAPI, Plugins
Determines whether or not an identifier is a string.
1774 NPN_IntFromIdentifier NPAPI, Plugins
Returns the integer value corresponding to the given integer identifier.
1775 NPN_InvalidateRect NPAPI, Plugins
Invalidates the specified portion of the plugin's drawing area, adding it to the region that needs to be redrawn when the plugin next repaints its contents.
1776 NPN_InvalidateRegion NPAPI, Plugins
Invalidates the specified drawing region prior to repainting or refreshing a windowless plug-in.
1777 NPN_Invoke NPAPI, Plugins
Invokes a method on the given NPObject.
1778 NPN_InvokeDefault NPAPI, Plugins
Invokes the default method, if one exists, on the given NPObject.
1779 NPN_MemAlloc NPAPI, NeedsMigrationReview, Plugins
Allocates memory from the browser's memory space.
1780 NPN_MemFlush API, Gecko, NPAPI, Plugins, Reference
Requests that the browser free a specified amount of memory.
1781 NPN_MemFree NPAPI, NeedsMigrationReview, Plugins
Deallocates a block of allocated memory.
1782 NPN_PluginThreadAsyncCall NPAPI, Plugins
Thread safe way to request that the browser calls a plug-in function on the browser or plugin thread (the thread on which the plug-in was initiated).
1783 NPN_PostURL NPAPI, NeedsHelp, Plugins, Reference
Posts data to a URL.
1784 NPN_PostURLNotify NPAPI, NeedsHelp, Plugins, Reference
Posts data to a URL, and receives notification of the result.
1785 NPN_ReleaseObject NPAPI, Plugins
Decrements the reference count of the given NPObject. If the reference count reaches 0, the NPObject is deallocated by calling its deallocate function if one is provided; if one is not provided, free() is used.
1786 NPN_ReleaseVariantValue NPAPI, Plugins
NPN_ReleaseVariantValue() releases the value in the given variant.
1787 NPN_ReloadPlugins API, Gecko, NPAPI, Plugins, Reference
Reloads all of the installed plugins.
1788 NPN_RemoveProperty NPAPI, Plugins
Removes a property from the specified NPObject.
1789 NPN_RequestRead API, Gecko, NPAPI, Plugins, Reference
Requests a range of bytes from a seekable stream. This initiates a read operation; the actual data is received through subsequent calls to NPP_WriteReady() and NPP_Write().
1790 NPN_RetainObject NPAPI, Plugins
Increments the reference count of the given NPObject.
1791 NPN_SetException NPAPI, Plugins
A plugin can call this function to indicate that a call to one of the plugin's NPObjects generated an error.
1792 NPN_SetProperty NPAPI, Plugins
Sets the value of a property on the specified NPObject.
1793 NPN_SetValue NPAPI, NeedsHelp, Plugins, Reference
Implemented by browsers. This call is used to inform the browser of variable information controlled by the plugin.
1794 NPN_SetValueForURL
Allows a plugin to change the stored information associated with a URL, in particular its cookies. (While the API theoretically allows the preferred proxy for a given URL to be changed, doing so does not have much meaning given how proxies are configured, and is not supported.)
1795 NPN_Status API, Gecko, NPAPI, Plugins, Reference
Lets a plug-in display a message on the browser's status line.
1796 NPN_UTF8FromIdentifier NPAPI, Plugins
Returns the UTF-8 string corresponding to the given string identifier.
1797 NPN_UserAgent API, Gecko, NPAPI, Plugins, Reference
Returns the browser's user agent field. This can be used to handle variations in different browsers (or versions thereof) when implementing your plug-in.
1798 NPN_Version API, Gecko, NPAPI, Plugins, Reference
Lets plugins obtain version information, both of the plug-in API and of the browser itself.
1799 NPN_Write API, Gecko, NPAPI, Plugins, Reference
Pushes data into a stream produced by the plug-in and consumed by the browser.
1800 NPObject NPAPI, Plugins
NPObject is a structure that holds a pointer to an NPClass and an integer reference count, and possibly also implementation specific (i.e. plugin specific, or browser specific) members.
1801 NPP API, NPAPI, Plugins, Reference
Represents a single instance of a plug-in. You specify one of these to any NPAPI function that needs to know which plug-in to work with.
1802 NPPVariable
See NPN_SetValue.
1803 NPP_Destroy NPAPI, Plugins
Deletes a specific instance of a plug-in.
1804 NPP_DestroyStream NPAPI, Plugins
Tells the plug-in that a stream is about to be closed or destroyed.
1805 NPP_GetValue NPAPI, Plugins
Allows the browser to query the plug-in for information.
1806 NPP_HandleEvent NPAPI, Plugins
Delivers a platform-specific window event to the instance.
1807 NPP_New NPAPI, Plugins
Creates a new instance of a plug-in.
1808 NPP_NewStream NPAPI, Plugins
Notifies a plug-in instance of a new data stream.
1809 NPP_Print NPAPI, Plugins
Requests a platform-specific print operation for an embedded or full-screen plug-in.
1810 NPP_SetValue NPAPI, Plugins
Implemented by plugins. This call is used to inform plugins of variable information controlled by the browser.
1811 NPP_SetWindow NPAPI, Plugins
Tells the plug-in when a window is created, moved, sized, or destroyed.
1812 NPP_StreamAsFile NPAPI, Plugins
Provides a local file name for the data from a stream.
1813 NPP_URLNotify NPAPI, Plugins
Notifies the plug-in instance of the completion of a URL request.
1814 NPP_Write NPAPI, Plugins
Delivers data to a plug-in instance. (Remark: Hence the name "NPP_Write" is misleading - just think of:"Data_Arrived")
1815 NPP_WriteReady NPAPI, Plugins
Determines maximum number of bytes that the plug-in can consume.
1816 NPPrint NPAPI, Plugins
Contains information the plug-in needs to print itself in full-page or embedded mode.
1817 NPPrintCallbackStruct NPAPI, Plugins
Contains information required by the platformPrint field of the NPEmbedPrint structure during embedded mode printing on Unix systems.
1818 NPRect NPAPI, Plugins
Represents a rectangular area of a plug-in's content area.
1819 NPRegion API, Gecko, NPAPI, Plugins, Reference
Represents a platform-defined region of a page.
1820 NPSavedData NPAPI, Plugins
Block of instance information saved after the plug-in instance is deleted; can be returned to the plug-in to restore the data in future instances of the plug-in.
1821 NPSetWindowCallbackStruct API, Gecko, NPAPI, Plugins, Reference, Référence
Contains information about the plug-in's Unix window environment.
1822 NPStream NPAPI, Plugins
Represents a stream of data either produced by the browser and consumed by the plug-in, or produced by the plug-in and consumed by the browser.
1823 NPString NPAPI, Plugins
NPString is a struct that holds a pointer to a sequence of 8-bit units (NPUTF8) making up a UTF-8 string, and the number of 8-bit units in the UTF-8 string.
1824 NPUTF8 NPAPI, Plugins
NPUTF8 is a byte representing an 8-bit unit of a UTF-8 character. This is not the same thing as an entire UTF-8 character, which may be comprised of multiple NPUTF8 bytes.
1825 NPVariant NPAPI, Plugins
NPVariant is a struct that holds a value and the type of that value. The value is held in a union, and the type is one of types defined in the NPVariantType enumeration.
1826 NPVariantType NPAPI, Plugins
NPVariantType is an enumeration that is used to identify the data type of an NPVariant structure.
1827 NPWindow NPAPI, Plugins
Contains information about the target into which the plug-in instance can draw.
1828 NP_GetMIMEDescription Add-ons, NPAPI, Plugins
NP_GetMIMEDescription returns a supported MIME Type list for your plugin. It works on Unix (Linux) and MacOS. On Windows you have to define supported mimetypes in the dll resource file.
1829 NP_GetValue NPAPI, Plugins
Allows the browser to query the plug-in for information.
1830 NP_Initialize NPAPI, Plugins
Provides global initialization for a plug-in.
1831 NP_Port NPAPI, Plugins
Contains information required by the window field of an NPWindow structure.
1832 NP_Shutdown NPAPI, Plugins
Provides global deinitialization for a plug-in.
1833 Samples and Test Cases Add-ons, NeedsContent, Plugins
Collections of NPAPI plugin samples can be found in the Seamonkey source code at /modules/plugin/sdk/samples.
1834 Shipping a plugin as a Toolkit bundle Add-ons, Guide, Plugins
One of the new features that is available in Firefox 1.5 is the ability to place browser plugins in a Toolkit bundle.
1835 Supporting private browsing in plugins
Firefox 3.5 introduced private browsing, a mode in which potentially private information is not recorded in any way.  It also introduced a mechanism by which plugins can determine whether or not private browsing mode is in effect.  Plugins should be updated to monitor the state of private browsing mode and only save private information when private browsing is disabled.
1836 The First Install Problem Add-ons, Plugins
The First Install Problem is the name given to the conditions arising when a plugin or embeddable software installs itself on a system first, before any other Gecko-based browser. If this happens, Gecko-based browsers often won't be able to discover the plugin, and will prompt the user to download the plugin again if the affiliated MIME type is encountered on the Web. Unless Gecko does a pre-emptive scan upon startup for desirable plugins that are not in the browser's plugins directory first, the best way to solve this problem is to encourage plugin vendors to leave DLLs (and XPT files, if applicable) in a location that Gecko can discover at runtime. This document presents a consistent way to do that.
1837 Writing a plugin for Mac OS X Add-ons, Gecko, NPAPI, Plugins
This article is adapted from Josh Aas's blog post Writing an NPAPI plugin for Mac OS X.
1838 XEmbed Extension for Mozilla Plugins Add-ons, Plugins
Recent versions of Mozilla include an extension for writing plugins that use XEmbed instead of using the old Xt-based mainloop that most plugins have been using since the Netscape 3.x days.
1839 SAX Add-ons, Extensions, add-ons
No summary!
1840 Security
Relying on these obsolete security articles is highly discouraged. Doing so may put your systems at risk.
1841 Digital Signatures Security, Tutorial
Encryption and decryption address the problem of eavesdropping, one of the three Internet security issues mentioned at the beginning of this document. But encryption and decryption, by themselves, do not address another problem: tampering.
1842 Encryption and Decryption Security, Tutorial
Encryption is the process of transforming information so it is unintelligible to anyone but the intended recipient. Decryption is the process of transforming encrypted information so that it is intelligible again.
1843 Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography Security, Tutorial
Public-key cryptography and related standards and techniques underlie the security features of many products such as signed and encrypted email, single sign-on, and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) communications. This document introduces the basic concepts of public-key cryptography. For an overview of SSL, see "Introduction to SSL." For an overview of encryption and decryption, see "Encryption and Decryption." Information on digital signatures is available from "Digital Signatures."
1844 Introduction to SSL Security
This document introduces the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. SSL has been universally accepted on the World Wide Web for authenticated and encrypted communication between clients and servers.
1845 NSPR Release Engineering Guide NSPR
This paper is for engineers performing formal release for the NetScape Portable Runtime (NSPR) across all platforms.
1846 SSL and TLS Security, Tutorial
The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols are universally accepted standards for authenticated and encrypted communication between clients and servers. Both client and server authentication occur over SSL/TLS.
1847 Solaris 10 Build Prerequisites
No summary!
1848 Sunbird Theme Tutorial Add-ons, Themes, add-ons
This tutorial is a step-by-step guide to making a theme for Sunbird 0.3a1 and later versions. It is designed for beginners. It does not cover advanced topics.
1849 Table Reflow Internals Gecko
1850 Tamarin Tracing Build Documentation
The following instructions are for obtaining and building the Tamarin Tracing source code. For instructions on Tamarin Central, please see
1851 The Basics of Web Services SOAP, XML, XML Web Services
Summary: A current hot topic on the web right now are Web Services. This short guide will allow you to learn more about web services.
1852 Themes
Archived theme documentation.
1853 Building a Theme NeedsUpdate
Technical review completed.
1854 Common Firefox theme issues and solutions Add-ons, Firefox, Look & Feel, Themes
The purpose of this page is to provide provide theme developers with notes on how to fix common issues.  It is a companion document to the AMO editors guide Common Theme Problems, which provides editors with "boilerplate" copy and paste review notes for common theme issues. This document was started on July 27, 2012 so it will take some time to completely fill in and some issues still need to have solutions written for them.
1855 Creating a Skin for Firefox Add-ons, Themes
In order to create a skin for Firefox, there are three things you need to know: how to edit images, how to extract zip files, and how to modify CSS. Firefox uses standard GIF, PNG, and JPEG images for the buttons and CSS to style everything else in the interface.
1856 UUID Add-ons, Themes
A UUID can be obtained by visiting or by typing "firebot: uuid?" on in a channel where nickname "firebot" is present. Or you can also type "/query firebot uuid?" in any tab connected to the (or, with ChatZilla, "moznet") network.
1857 contents.rdf Add-ons, Themes
Copy the following text and paste it into a text file, then save that file as "contents.rdf":
1858 install.rdf Add-ons, Themes
Copy the following text and paste it into a text file, then save that file as "install.rdf":
1859 Making sure your theme works with RTL locales Add-ons, Right-to-left, Themes
Some languages are written from right to left. Of the languages Firefox and Thunderbird are shipped in, that includes Arabic and Hebrew, with Persian available as beta, for a total population in excess of 100 million potential users. The important thing to understand about these locales, is that the entire interface is mirrored right-to-left. That means that text that had a left margin will have a right margin instead (or -moz-margin-start), arrows that pointed right will have to point left and vice versa, and so on.
1860 Theme changes in Firefox 2 Add-ons, Themes
This article covers the changes that need to be made to update a Firefox theme to work properly in Firefox 2.
1861 Theme changes in Firefox 3 Add-ons, NeedsUpdate, Themes
This article covers the changes that need to be made to update a Firefox theme to work properly in Firefox 3.
1862 Theme changes in Firefox 3.5
No summary!
1863 Theme changes in Firefox 4 Firefox 4, Themes
This article covers changes in Firefox 4 that affect theme developers.
1864 Updating an extension to support multiple Mozilla applications Add-ons, Extensions
This article shows how to take an existing extension and update it so that it can be used in additional Mozilla applications. We'll build upon the stock watcher extension created in earlier articles in this series, updating it so it can also be used in Thunderbird and Sunbird (previous versions worked only in Firefox).
1865 Using IO Timeout And Interrupt On NT NSPR
This technical memo is a cautionary note on using NetScape Portable Runtime's (NSPR) IO timeout and interrupt on Windows NT 3.51 and 4.0. Due to a limitation of the present implementation of NSPR IO on NT, programs must follow the following guideline:
1866 Using SSH to connect to CVS Developing Mozilla
No summary!
1867 Using workers in extensions Extensions, Workers
This article shows you how to use worker threads in extensions to perform tasks in the background without blocking the user interface.
1868 WebVR
Archived WebVR articles
1869 WebVR environment setup Hardware, VR, Virtual Reality, WebVR, environment, software, troubleshooting
In this article, we'll take you through what you need to set up your WebVR testing environment — including necessary hardware and software — and share some troubleshooting tips.
1870 XQuery
XQuery is a W3C standard language which is meant to be for XML what SQL is for relational data--i.e., the ability to search, sort, extract, and remold data. It offers powerful and yet intuitive searching based on XPath, has SQL-like syntax for the query portion, and has scripting features such as function and variable definitions, XML-inclusion, etc.
1871 XUL Booster Extensions, Extensions:Tools, Tools, XUL, XUL:Tools
XUL Booster is a third party Eclipse / WebTools build that offers some support for XUL Editing and awesome support for extension packaging.
1872 XUL Parser in Python Outdated_articles, Python, XUL

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: fscholz
 Last updated by: fscholz,