Navigator (Firefox OS extensions)

The Navigator interface represents the state and the identity of the user agent. It allows scripts to query it and to register themselves to carry on some activities. This page represents the list of properties and methods added to Navigator on Firefox OS devices. For the list of properties and methods available to any Web sites, consult Navigator.

A Navigator object can be retrieved using the read-only Window.navigator property.

The navigator.getDataStores() method provides access to a list of the Data Store API data stores available on the device.
The getDeviceStorage method is used to access some storage area available on the device.
The getDeviceStorages method is used to access individual storage areas available on the device. This method return an Array of DeviceStorage objects, one per physical storage area. Each storage area will have a name, retrievable using the .storageName attribute (see below).
Returns a MozAlarmsManager object you can use to schedule notifications or applications to be started at a specific time.
Returns an Apps object you can use to install, manage, and control Open Web Apps in the browser.
The navigator.mozAudioChannelManager object provides access to the mozAudioChannelManager interface, which is used to manage your Firefox OS device's audio channels, including setting what channel's volume to affect when the volume buttons are pressed inside a particular app.
This API has not been implemented as of Firefox OS 2.2. You probably actually want navigator.mozCameras.
Returns a CameraManager object you can use to access the cameras available on the user's device.
Return a ContactManager to access and manage all the contacts available on the device.
Returns a FMRadio object you can use to access to the device FM radio.
This method is used to know if there are pending messages of a given type (true) ot not (false).
The navigator.mozMobileConnections property returns an array of MozMobileConnection objects, which you can use to get information about the current mobile voice and data connection states of the device.
Returns a MozMobileMessageManager object you can use to receive and send MMS and SMS messages.
The MozNetworkStatsManager interface provides methods and properties to monitor data usage.
The mozNfc property returns a MozNFC object that can be used to access Firefox OS's NFC functionality: Near Field Communication (NFC) is a short range radio technology used to exchange data and tags between mobile devices by tapping them together or moving them close to each other.
Returns a PowerManager object you can use to manage the power usage of the device.
This method is used to allow applications to register a function handler that can receive — and react to — a message from the system.
Returns a SettingsManager object you can use to access and change the device's settings.
Returns an SmsManager object you can use to receive and send SMS messages.
Returns a TCPSocket object you can use to open other sockets.
Returns a Telephony object you can use to initiate and control telephone calls from the browser.
Returns a WifiManager object you can use to manage the device WiFi connection.
The Navigator.push read-only property is a PushManager object providing a way to receive notifications from third party servers. These are real-time notifications provided by external services directly to installed apps. This implements the SimplePush API that does not require sending real data on those notifications. Also, you can see this documentation for additional details, a guide to using the API, and sample code.
This method is used to remove an idle observer previously set with navigator.addIdleObserver.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: chrisdavidmills, teoli
 Last updated by: chrisdavidmills,