XForms Trigger Element


Allows the user to initiate actions (see the spec). Actions are described by the XForms Action Module (see the spec).


  • UI Common
    • appearance - the value of this attribute gives a hint to the XForms processor as to which type of widget(s) to use to represent this control
    • accesskey - used to specify the keyboard shortcut for focusing this control
  • Single-Node Binding

Type restrictions

The trigger element can be bound to a node containing data of any type. Actually, the trigger element doesn't interact with the data in the bound node. However, relevant model item property on the bound node has an effect on a trigger. If the bound node is irrelevant, then the trigger will be hidden.


The XForms trigger element can be represented by the following widgets for the specified appearance attribute values:

  • button - default representation (xhtml/xul)
  • link/clickable text - used when appearance = 'minimal' (xhtml only)


Displaying a button is the default presentation (xhtml/xul).


  • analogous widgets are <html:input type="button"/> and <xul:button/>

link/clickable text

XForms authors can use this representation if they want to have a widget like a XHTML anchor (xhtml only).


  • appearance attribute contains the value minimal
  • analogue widget is <xhtml:a/>.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Sheppy, ethertank, Surkov.alexander
 Last updated by: Sheppy,