ant script to assemble an extension

This ant script helps to package an extension

<?xml version="1.0"?>
This build file was written by Régis Décamps <>
<project name="blogmark" default="createxpi">
       <property name="VERSION" value="1.3-rc1"/>
       <property name="DESCRIPTION" value="New context-menu item to add
                                           the current page in your Blogmarks"/>
       XPI file is created after "chrome/blogmark.jar"               is created, which is then stuffed into "blogmark.xpi"
       <target name="createxpi" depends="createjar" 
               description="Assemble the final build blogmark.xpi">
               <zip destfile="blogmark-${VERSION}.xpi">
                        <zipfileset dir="." includes="chrome/blogmark.jar" />
                        <zipfileset dir="." includes="install.rdf" />
       Everything inside the chrome directory is zipped into chrome/blogmark.jar
       <target name="createjar" depends="templates" description="Assemble the jar">
                <jar destfile="chrome/blogmark.jar">
                       <fileset dir="chrome/">
                               <include name="**/*"/>
                               <exclude name="**/*~"/>
                               <exclude name="**/*.tpl.*"/>
                               <exclude name="blogmark.jar"/>
       <target name="templates" description="Generate files from templates.">
               <copy file="chrome/content/blogmark/contents.rdf.tpl.xml"
                                       <token key="VERSION" value="${VERSION}"/>
                                       <token key="DESCRIPTION" value="${DESCRIPTION}"/>
               <copy file="chrome/content/blogmark/about.xul.tpl.xml"
                                       <token key="VERSION" value="${VERSION}"/>
               <copy file="install.rdf.tpl.xml"
                                       <token key="VERSION" value="${VERSION}"/>
                                       <token key="DESCRIPTION" value="${DESCRIPTION}"/>

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: teoli, Régis Décamps1
 Last updated by: Régis Décamps1,