
Marketplace pricing information that is now obsolete, since this functionality has been removed from the Firefox Marketplace.

Bango is the payment provider for credit card and operator payment transactions on Firefox Marketplace. To receive payments for app and in-app purchases processed by Bango you'll need to create at least one Bango payment account. This page provides a guide to the account creation process.
If you're unclear about any of the following instructions, please refer to the Step by step guide.
In-app products
This page describes how to create in-app products within Firefox Marketplace for use with fxPay.
Introduction — Pricing your app
This section provides a guide to setting up your paid Open Web Apps and their in-app products on Firefox Marketplace, as well as providing useful additional information.
Payment Accounts
This page explain why Firefox Marketplace uses multiple payment providers, describes where setup is done in the submission process and provides links to details on setting up accounts with each payment provider.
Promote as upgrade to free version
As part of your app's Compatibility and Payments options, it's possible to identify a paid app as a premium upgrade to a free one, which is then promoted in Firefox Marketplace. This option enables you to offer users the ability to try a restricted version of the app before buying the full version, offer a free version with ads and a paid one without, or similar combinations. This page explains how to use the setting and how the upgrade information is presented in Firefox Marketplace.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: chrisdavidmills
 Last updated by: chrisdavidmills,