
Marketplace feature removal
The functionality described on this page no longer works — Firefox Marketplace has discontinued support for Android, Desktop, Tablets, and payments (and other related functionality). For more information, read the Future of Marketplace FAQ.

Bango is the payment provider for credit card and operator payment transactions on Firefox Marketplace. To receive payments for app and in-app purchases processed by Bango you'll need to create at least one Bango payment account. This page provides a guide to the account creation process.

When you submit your first paid app you'll need to add a Bango account so that users can purchase your app and you can receive payments of your revenue. This process is described in Your first paid app.

For the second and all subsequent paid apps that you submit you'll have the choice between using an existing Bango account or creating a new one. The processes associated with these options are described in Your second or later paid apps.

Your first paid app

This is the process you'll follow when submitting your first paid app:

  1. After completing the Content Ratings step, on the left hand menu, click Compatibility & Payments.
  2. On the Compatibility & Payments page, under Payment Accounts, click .

    The Payment Accounts section of the Payments and Compatibility page before a Bango account has been set up

  3. The Payment Accounts dialog confirms that you have no payment accounts setup, click Add a Bango account.

    The Payment Accounts dialog before any accounts have been created

  4. In the Add Bango Account dialog provide the contact and bank information requested

    The Add Bango Account dialog showing dummy information for an account setup

  5. The Processing Request dialog displays while Firefox Marketplace passes the entered details to Bango.

    The dialog showing that Bango account details are being processed

  6. The terms of service for Bango displays, read and ensure you understand these, then click Agree to the Terms.
    The Bango account terms and conditions

    If you don't complete this step you can return to it by clicking . This opens the Payment Accounts dialog showing the account you've created. Click Accept Terms of Service to reopen the Terms of Agreement dialog and continue with the process.

    Payment Accounts dialog showing and incomplete Bango account setup - the terms and conditions haven't been agreed to


  7. You return to the Compatibility & Payments page.
  8. Under Payment Accounts, in the box to the right of Bango (1) select the account you created and click Save Changes (2).

    The Payment Accounts section of the Payments and Compatibility page showing a Bango account having been selected

  9. Your selected account is shown against Bango in the Payment Accounts section.
    The Payment Accounts section of the Payments and Compatibility page showing a Bango account set for the app

Your second or later paid apps

When you submit your second or subsequent paid apps you've a choice of actions:

  • Use an existing Bango account. In this case; on the Compatibility & Payments page, under Payment Accounts, in the box to the right of Bango select an account and click Save Changes.
  • Create a new Bango account, for example, where you want your revenue paid into a different bank or bank account. In this case, follow the steps described in Your first paid app.


Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: chrisdavidmills, rebloor
 Last updated by: chrisdavidmills,