Promote as upgrade to free version

Marketplace feature removal
The functionality described on this page no longer works — Firefox Marketplace has discontinued support for Android, Desktop, Tablets, and payments (and other related functionality). For more information, read the Future of Marketplace FAQ.

As part of your app's Compatibility and Payments options, it's possible to identify a paid app as a premium upgrade to a free one, which is then promoted in Firefox Marketplace. This option enables you to offer users the ability to try a restricted version of the app before buying the full version, offer a free version with ads and a paid one without, or similar combinations. This page explains how to use the setting and how the upgrade information is presented in Firefox Marketplace.

At the bottom of the Compatibility & Pricing page you'll find the Promote as upgrade to free version section. In the This is a paid upgrade of box you can select one of your free apps for which the current app is a paid upgrade. Once you've selected the appropriate free app, click Save Changes.

Promote as upgrade to free version section of the Compatibility & Pricing page

Once your app has been approved and published on Firefox Marketplace, the following additional information is included in the free app's listing:

  • on a phone
    The Premium version available notice and link in the listing of a free app on a Firefox OS device.
  • on a desktop
    The Premium version available notice and link in the listing of a free app.

For more information on selecting a way in which to sell your apps, please see Choosing your business model.


Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: chrisdavidmills, rebloor
 Last updated by: chrisdavidmills,