Face Value

Face Value is a currency conversion app that does things differently: instead of converting arbitrary amounts it shows you the actual denominations in the country you're visiting. It lets you think in your home currency even with a foreign currency in your pocket.

View on the Firefox Marketplace.
Read the full developer walkthrough.

Difficulty: Medium

Code Breakdown:

  • 2% HTML
  • 16% CSS
  • 82% JavaScript

Web API Usage

Remembers user preferences and saves exchange rates for offline use.
Face Value does not require a network connection to run.

Folder Structure

  - test/ (casperjs integration tests)
  - www/ (client-side code/styles)
  - www/index.html (base HTML file)
  - www/js/templates/ (EJS/HTML templates)

The CordovaLib, assets, cordova, face-value.xcodeproj, and face-value folders contain Cordova files used to create a packaged iOS web app that can be submitted to the iOS App Store.

Third-party Libraries

By using backbone's data bindings, Face Value ensures that changes to the backend (such as exchange rate updates) are automatically reflected on the frontend.
The lightweight jQuery-like library simplifies common tasks such as DOM manipulation.





Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: chrisdavidmills, cvan, George8211, georgialyle
 Last updated by: chrisdavidmills,