displayed if the F1 key is pressed while the containing form control has focus or if the containing form control recieves a xforms-help event. The message of the help element can exist in instance data, in a remote document, or as inline text. If more than one source of message is specified in this element, the order of precedence is: single node binding attributes, linking attributes, inline text.">

XForms Help Element


Specifies contextual help for the containing form control (see the spec). The help message will be displayed if the F1 key is pressed while the containing form control has focus or if the containing form control recieves a xforms-help event. The message of the help element can exist in instance data, in a remote document, or as inline text. If more than one source of message is specified in this element, the order of precedence is: single node binding attributes, linking attributes, inline text.


  • Single-Node Binding
  • Linking
    • src - URL of a document whose contents will be retrieved by the help element and used to provide a help message for the containing form control.

Type restrictions

The help element can be bound to any simple content.


Is represented by modeless window that contains the help element's message.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Sheppy, Surkov.alexander
 Last updated by: Sheppy,