The purpose of this page is to gather requests for enhancement to the Mozilla XForms Implementation. If you have an idea that might improve Mozilla's XForms implementation then you should choose one of the following RFE categories and put your request there. You can also contact the XForms team about your request. You can do so by posting a message on the XForms Newsgroup or file a new bug in the 'XForms' component of the 'Core' product. An additional way to attract the XForms team's attention to an enhancement request you are promoting is to vote for the bug that is related with the feature request (if there is no bug yet then please feel free to file it). Then you can give a vote by clicking on the 'vote' link on the bug page. The XForms team looks at votes to help determine which bug is more important for our XForms users.
RFE categories
XForms API
This section contains RFE to the XForms API.
Custom Controls
I think that XForms is a great way to show that 14 year old HTML hacks CAN build really powerful web apps and reduce the need for JavaScript by 90%. Now we need to start teaching XForms to web newcomers before they are brainwashed into believing that the only way to build cool web apps is to do DOM surgery with Javascript! Dan McCreary.
One of the outstanding features of XForms is that it can work with any XML host language. Natively, the Mozilla XForms implementation supports XForms elements being hosted in XHTML and XUL documents. But a form author is not restricted to only those XML languages that Gecko knows. A lot of the XForms capabilities are reachable by using our Custom Controls interfaces. Our Custom Control interfaces allows for the exchange of data between any XML element and and an XForms model. This means that an author can write powerful Mozilla-based applications by using XForms. If previously you was forced to use AJAX for this then now XForms makes this for you automatically.
Custom Controls Interfaces
This section contains RFE to the custom control interfaces. If you find that you can't create a custom control due to limitations in our interfaces or the functionality of our controls, then this is the right place to pass along your requirements.
Custom Controls
If you have a custom control that you believe will help fulfill the needs of form authors or other custom controls authors, please file it here. This section could be of particular interest to people using custom controls in XUL documents for the following reasons:
- XUL, in many cases, is much better suited for application development than XHTML. Therefore the control set may need to be more extensive to address the wider spectrum of requirements that a XUL application will have on its controls.
- XUL is a feature of Mozilla only and custom control authors should be aware their controls won't work on other browser platforms.
Enhancements of XForms elements
If you find that none of the elements proposed by the XForms spec address your requirements, please post your usecase here.
XForms extension UI
This section should be for used for noting potiential UI improvements to the Mozilla XForms extension.