
This page is not complete.

Lists are used to display a set of consecutive items, such as a list of contacts or a list of messages.

Note: Lists are undergoing design finalization and as such, visualizations depicted here may not exactly match the final product.


  • List items may vary in height (from one to three rows in a single item).
  • List items may be as simple as just a text string, to including images, text, and buttons.
  • Lists are comprised of rows, with optional section headers.

There are several types of list rows:

Action row
An action row is one in which a tap anywhere in the row triggers the row.
Status indicator row
Need details.
Button row
Need details.
Link row
Need details.



See also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: chrisdavidmills, kscarfone, Sheppy
 Last updated by: chrisdavidmills,