

STATS_BINOMIAL_TEST is an exact probability test used for dichotomous variables, where only two possible values exist. It tests the difference between a sample proportion and a given proportion. The sample size in such tests is usually small.

This function takes three required arguments: expr1 is the sample being examined, expr2 contains the values for which the proportion is expected to be, and p is a proportion to test against. The optional fourth argument lets you specify the meaning of the NUMBER value returned by this function, as shown in Table 7-3. For this argument, you can specify a text literal, or a bind variable or expression that evaluates to a constant character value. If you omit the fourth argument, then the default is 'TWO_SIDED_PROB'.

See Also:

Appendix C in Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide for the collation determination rules for STATS_BINOMIAL_TEST

Table 7-3 STATS_BINOMIAL Return Values

Argument Return Value Meaning


The probability that the given population proportion, p, could result in the observed proportion or a more extreme one.


The probability that the given population proportion, p, could result in exactly the observed proportion.


The probability that the given population proportion, p, could result in the observed proportion or a larger one.


The probability that the given population proportion, p, could result in the observed proportion or a smaller one.

'EXACT_PROB' gives the probability of getting exactly proportion p. In cases where you want to test whether the proportion found in the sample is significantly different from a 50-50 split, p would normally be 0.50. If you want to test only whether the proportion is different, then use the return value 'TWO_SIDED_PROB'. If your test is whether the proportion is more than the value of expr2, then use the return value 'ONE_SIDED_PROB_OR_MORE'. If the test is to determine whether the proportion of expr2 is less, then use the return value 'ONE_SIDED_PROB_OR_LESS'.


The following example determines the probability that reality exactly matches the number of men observed under the assumption that 69% of the population is composed of men:

SELECT AVG(DECODE(cust_gender, 'M', 1, 0)) real_proportion,
         (cust_gender, 'M', 0.68, 'EXACT_PROB') exact,
         (cust_gender, 'M', 0.68, 'ONE_SIDED_PROB_OR_LESS') prob_or_less
  FROM sh.customers;