This page tries to track ongoing documentation work in the MDN JavaScript section. Feel free to contribute!
Pages | No tags | Needs* tags | Missing tags | Editorial reviews | Technical reviews | Outdated pages | Dev-doc-needed bugs | Documentation requests |
872 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) | 12 (2%) | 17 (2%) | 87 (10%) | 0 (0%) | 42 (5%) |
See also localization status of this section.
Editorial reviews
Found 12 pages. Learn more about how to do an editorial review.
Technical reviews
Found 17 pages. Learn more about how to do a technical review.
- A re-introduction to JavaScript (JS tutorial)
- Equality comparisons and sameness
- Inheritance and the prototype chain
- Details of the object model
- Iterators and generators
- extends
- ReferenceError: can't access lexical declaration`X' before initialization
- Object.create()
- Object.defineProperty()
- Object.prototype
- Object.values()
- RegExp
- String.prototype.italics()
- isNaN()
- for...of
- try...catch
Outdated pages
Found 87 pages. These pages haven't been updated in over a year. Outdated pages can have problems with both content and format. Look at these pages and consider: Is this page talking about the Web of today? Does it look consistent with newer pages in this topic area? If not, make any needed changes.
- New in JavaScript 1.1
557 days old - New in JavaScript 1.2
557 days old - New in JavaScript 1.3
557 days old - New in JavaScript 1.4
557 days old - New in JavaScript 1.5
557 days old - New in JavaScript 1.6
481 days old - New in JavaScript 1.8
557 days old - New in JavaScript 1.8.1
557 days old - Legacy generator function expression
474 days old - arguments[@@iterator]()
430 days old - RangeError: argument is not a valid code point
438 days old - RangeError: invalid array length
438 days old - RangeError: precision is out of range
438 days old - RangeError: repeat count must be less than infinity
438 days old - RangeError: repeat count must be non-negative
438 days old - ReferenceError: invalid assignment left-hand side
423 days old - SyntaxError: missing } after property list
423 days old - SyntaxError: test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)?
432 days old - TypeError: "x" has no properties
428 days old - TypeError: More arguments needed
423 days old - Warning: -file- is being assigned a //# sourceMappingURL, but already has one
426 days old - Warning: unreachable code after return statement
438 days old - JavaScript methods index
540 days old - JavaScript properties index
540 days old - Array.unobserve()
538 days old - get Array[@@species]
374 days old - get ArrayBuffer[@@species]
428 days old - Boolean.prototype.toSource()
368 days old - Error.prototype.columnNumber
386 days old - Error.prototype.fileName
386 days old - Error.prototype.lineNumber
443 days old - Error.prototype.stack
556 days old - EvalError.prototype
580 days old - Function.arity
386 days old - Function.prototype.toSource()
368 days old - InternalError
386 days old - InternalError.prototype
386 days old - Additional examples for Object.defineProperty
466 days old - Object.getNotifier()
370 days old - Object.observe()
369 days old - RangeError.prototype
573 days old - ReferenceError.prototype
573 days old - RegExp.prototype[@@replace]()
446 days old - RegExp.prototype[@@search]()
446 days old - RegExp.prototype[@@split]()
446 days old - get RegExp[@@species]
428 days old - regexp.lastIndex
428 days old - SIMD
391 days old - SIMD.%type%.abs()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.add()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.addSaturate()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.allTrue()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.and()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.anyTrue()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.div()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.equal()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.max()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.maxNum()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.min()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.minNum()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.mul()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.neg()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.not()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.or()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.prototype.toSource()
569 days old - SIMD.%type%.prototype.toString()
485 days old - SIMD.%type%.prototype.valueOf()
485 days old - SIMD.%type%.reciprocalApproximation()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.reciprocalSqrtApproximation()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.replaceLane()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.shiftLeftByScalar()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.shiftRightByScalar()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.sqrt()
548 days old -
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.sub()
548 days old - SIMD.%type%.xor()
548 days old - Symbol.prototype.toSource()
368 days old - SyntaxError.prototype
572 days old - TypeError.prototype
572 days old - TypedArray.prototype.copyWithin()
373 days old - TypedArray.prototype.move()
373 days old - TypedArray.prototype.set()
373 days old - TypedArray.prototype[@@iterator]()
372 days old - get TypedArray[@@species]
428 days old - URIError.prototype
572 days old - Legacy generator function
474 days old - The performance hazards of [[Prototype]] mutation
467 days old
Documentation requests
Found 42 bugs. Documentation request bugs can contain various kinds work related to MDN pages. Read through the bug and ask questions in the bug if in doubt.
Bug | Summary |
1179881 | Write a JS error reference |
1201380 | Examples and text don't match up in "details of the object model" page |
1204224 | Unclear explanation in "Working With Objects" tutorial |
1243496 | The function declaration and function expression documentation is incorrect |
1245977 | MathML fallback: square root is not displayed correctly |
1275816 | Explain how |this| value is calculated in call expression, and the difference between `foo[prop]()` and `func = foo[prop], func()` |
1281696 | iterating with let in for-loops |
1286628 | Object.prototype.constructor is not a reference to the constructor of the prototype |
1294338 | charCodeAt and codePointAt in String documentation seem almost backwards |
1301501 | polyfill uses != to check typeof assign to "function" vs !== |
1303603 | Clarify that RegExp.prototype.exec() returns a special array |
1305261 | Async Functions/Await Documentation |
1307755 | Given for..of example needs some explanation, not self-explaining |
1309784 | Add Cyclomatic Complexity |
1318620 | Slightly misleading example |
1318933 | Description of `Object.keys` outdated because it does not return symbol keys |
1319979 | Equality comparisons |
1322844 | Tagged template literals example does not illustrate point being made |
1323323 | Supercharging our example website contains example that does not work in the Chrome Browser |
1324194 | Incorrect description for example summary found on array.prototype.filter() page (JSON example) |
1325251 | The Math.sign() polyfill contains two type conversions |
1334000 | Polyfill example does not detect NaN |
1336740 | Create page: TypedObject |
1340310 | How does the Cache interface handle cookies? |
1343142 | Clarify that Array.prototype.sort() sorts in increasing order |
1346500 | The result of the polyfill doesn't meet the result of firefox. |
1347496 | Inaccurate information in a code snippet |
1352856 | continue statement, example 2. |
1357343 | Console.table example does not work as expected |
1359860 | Make /W special character regex more clear |
1360102 | About the global property with "var" in MDN. |
1360250 | is 5 in 'Global information in constructors' example |
1360661 | Document for Array.from provides a polyfill that cannot create array from a Set |
1361299 | mixin replace jQuery.extend with Object.assign |
1363684 | tip faster js offsetwith |
1365288 | Map.get/set documentation is lacking information |
1367757 | Should String.prototype.substr be marked as deprecated? |
1371716 | Syntax example provided is incomplete / incorrect |
1372019 | Filter the javascript docs on ES version support |
1372390 | Promise.all returns already-resolved promises for any combination of non-promises and resolved promises. |
1374016 | A consistency issue: different parts of MDN have links where in other parts they're buttons |
1376223 | "Promise" Advance Example CodePen Has a Bug |
Browse as bug list.
Please help us to localize this documentation into different languages. Read more about how to translate.
Language | Pages | Translated | Translations up to date |
af | 804 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
bn-BD | 804 | 32 (3%) | 0 (0%) |
ca | 804 | 320 (39%) | 9 (2%) |
de | 804 | 355 (44%) | 243 (68%) |
es | 804 | 312 (38%) | 37 (11%) |
fa | 804 | 9 (1%) | 1 (11%) |
fr | 872 | 872 (100%) | 871 (99%) |
id | 804 | 82 (10%) | 20 (24%) |
it | 804 | 77 (9%) | 7 (9%) |
ja | 870 | 821 (94%) | 156 (19%) |
kab | 859 | 1 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
ko | 804 | 264 (32%) | 102 (38%) |
nl | 813 | 42 (5%) | 6 (14%) |
pl | 804 | 261 (32%) | 4 (1%) |
pt-BR | 804 | 256 (31%) | 47 (18%) |
pt-PT | 804 | 30 (3%) | 3 (10%) |
ro | 804 | 14 (1%) | 0 (0%) |
ru | 859 | 518 (60%) | 53 (10%) |
zh-CN | 869 | 692 (79%) | 235 (33%) |
Structure of the MDN JavaScript docs
# | Chapter | Pages | Priority | Notes |
0 | Value & function properties in the global scope | 16 | 1 | Complete. |
1 | Object | 40 | 1 |
Complete. |
2 | Function | 14 | 1 | Complete. |
3 | Array | 38 | 1 | Complete. |
4 | String | 50 | 1 | Complete. |
5 | Boolean | 5 | 1 | Complete. |
6 | Number | 24 | 1 |
Complete. |
7 | Math | 44 | 1 | Complete. |
8 | Date | 53 | 1 | Complete. |
9 | RegExp | 21 | 1 | Complete. |
10 |
Error |
24 | 4 | Complete. |
11 | JSON | 3 | 1 | Complete. |
12 | Intl Intl.Collator Intl.DateTimeFormat Intl.NumberFormat |
16 | 2 | Complete. |
13 | Map | 13 | 2 | Complete. |
14 | WeakMap | 7 | 2 | Complete. |
15 | Set | 11 | 2 | Complete. |
16 | SIMD
Float32x4 |
3 | In Nightly. Spec in flux. | |
17 | WeakSet | 6 | 2 | Complete. |
18 | Proxy | 17 | 3 | Complete. |
19 | Reflect | 15 | 3 | Complete. |
20 | Generator (legacy and ES2015) Iterator StopIteration GeneratorFunction |
8 | 2 | Complete. |
21 | ArrayBuffer (6)DataView (21)TypedArray (34 [+ 3])Float32Array Float64Array Int16Array Int32Array Int8Array Uint16Array Uint32Array Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray |
73 | 2 | Missing pages:
22 | Promise | 8 | 1 | Complete. |
23 | Symbol | 9 | 2 |
Missing pages:
24 | ParallelArray | 1 | 5 | Complete. |
25 | Atomics SharedArrayBuffer |
17 | 4 | Preffed off. Spec in flux. |
26 | Expressions & Operators | 29 | 1 | Complete. |
27 | Statements & Declarations | 27 | 1 | Complete. |
28 | Functions | 11 | 1 |
Complete. |
29 | Classes | 4 | 1 | Complete. |
30 | JavaScript Guide | 15 | 1 |
31 | New in JavaScript | 15 | 4 |
Complete. |
32 | JavaScript error reference | 36 | 3 | Explains error messages (v8, Chakra). So that people searching for errors will find guidance. |
33 | Articles/Tutorials/Misc | 17 |
3 |
34 | Meta pages | 9 | 4 |
Other tasks to do
- Go through Firefox release notes for developers and site compat notes and make sure JS changes are documented properly in the references.
- Make sure our compat tables are up to date by also going trough bug trackers of other open source browsers (e.g. WebKit, Blink)
- Write a changelog for Chrome JavaScript releases like we have for Firefox. Same for other browsers/node.js?
- Meta article about how to document in the JS MDN area.
Tagging standard
- Pages in the JavaScript/ page tree should at least have the tag "JavaScript".
- For methods belonging to an object, the name of the Object should be added (e.g.
should have "String"). - Methods should have "Method" and properties need a "Property" tag. All prototype members have the "prototype" tag.
- Features added in a new ECMAScript version have the tags "ECMAScript6" and "ECMAScript 2015" or later versions/years.
- The Experimental tag should only be used with new features where the standard in not yet finalized (e.g. in a strawman proposal) and the feature is in a Nightly version or behind a preference.
- Features are Deprecated if their usage is discouraged and are Obsolete if they have been removed from engines.
- If pages need any type of work, a "Needs*" tag should be added (see above).
The following specifications are taken under consideration for this project:
Specification | Status |
ECMAScript 5.1 (ECMA-262) | Standard |
ECMAScript 2015 (6th Edition, ECMA-262) | Standard |
ECMAScript Latest Draft (ECMA-262) | Living Standard |
ECMAScript Internationalization API 1.0 (ECMA-402) | Standard |
ECMAScript Internationalization API 2.0 (ECMA-402) | Standard |
ECMAScript Internationalization API 4.0 (ECMA-402) | Draft |
Proposals (with advanced stage and at least 1 implementation) | Draft |