This page tries to track ongoing documentation work in the MDN accessibility section. Feel free to contribute!
Pages | No tags | Needs* tags | Missing tags | Editorial reviews | Technical reviews | Outdated pages | Dev-doc-needed bugs | Documentation requests |
244 | 0 (0%) | 38 (16%) | 0 (0%) | 1 (1%) | 11 (5%) | 205 (85%) | 11 (5%) | 2 (1%) |
See also localization status of this section.
Needs* tags
Found 38 pages. Learn more about how to deal with meta-tags.
- Multipart labels: Using ARIA for labels with embedded fields inside them
- Using the alert role
- Using the alertdialog role
- Using the aria-activedescendant attribute
- Using the aria-invalid attribute
- Using the aria-label attribute
- Using the aria-labelledby attribute
- Using the aria-required attribute
- Using the aria-valuemin attribute
- Using the aria-valuenow attribute
- Using the article role
- Using the banner role
- Using the button role
- Using the checkbox role
- Using the dialog role
- Using the group role
- Using the link role
- Using the listbox role
- Using the log role
- Using the presentation role
- Using the progressbar role
- Using the radio role
- Using the slider role
- Using the status role
- Using the switch role
- Using the textbox role
- Using the toolbar role
- NeedsExample
- NeedsUpdate
- NeedsMarkupWork
Editorial reviews
Found 1 pages. Learn more about how to do an editorial review.
Technical reviews
Found 11 pages. Learn more about how to do a technical review.
Outdated pages
Found 205 pages. These pages haven't been updated in over a year. Outdated pages can have problems with both content and format. Look at these pages and consider: Is this page talking about the Web of today? Does it look consistent with newer pages in this topic area? If not, make any needed changes.
- ARIA Screen Reader Implementors Guide
1179 days old - ARIA guides
908 days old - Forms
1328 days old - alerts
669 days old - How to file ARIA-related bugs
386 days old - ARIA Technique Template
664 days old - Using the aria-invalid attribute
607 days old - Using the aria-label attribute
607 days old - Using the aria-orientation attribute
804 days old - Using the aria-relevant attribute
417 days old - Using the aria-required attribute
778 days old - Using the aria-valuemin attribute
804 days old - Using the aria-valuenow attribute
804 days old - Using the aria-valuetext attribute
804 days old - Using the article role
804 days old - Using the banner role
1128 days old - Using the checkbox role
804 days old - Using the group role
452 days old - Using the listbox role
719 days old - Using the progressbar role
1328 days old - Using the radio role
1328 days old - Using the status role
1328 days old - Using the switch role
786 days old - Using the toolbar role
1328 days old - widgets
664 days old - AT APIs Support
626 days old - AT-SPI
664 days old - Find the Window and Load the Document
1328 days old - MSAA Relations
1328 days old - Supported AT SPI Interfaces
1175 days old - Differences
664 days old - Gecko
664 days old - Gecko Relations
1152 days old - Gecko Roles
1151 days old - ROLE AUTOCOMPLETE
1328 days old - ROLE CAPTION
1328 days old - ROLE DOCUMENT FRAME
1328 days old - ROLE EDITBAR
1328 days old - ROLE ENTRY
1328 days old - ROLE FOOTER
1328 days old - ROLE FORM
1328 days old - ROLE GLASS PANE
1328 days old - ROLE HEADER
1328 days old - ROLE HEADING
1328 days old - ROLE HTML CONTAINER
1328 days old - ROLE ICON
1328 days old - ROLE LABEL
1328 days old - ROLE LAYERED PANE
1328 days old - ROLE LISTBOX
1328 days old - ROLE OPTION PANE
1328 days old - ROLE PAGE
1328 days old - ROLE PARAGRAPH
1328 days old - ROLE PASSWORD TEXT
1328 days old - ROLE RICH OPTION
1328 days old - ROLE RULER
1328 days old - ROLE SECTION
1328 days old - ROLE TOGGLE BUTTON
1328 days old - ROLE TREE TABLE
1328 days old - ROLE VIEWPORT
1328 days old - ROLE_ACCEL_LABEL
1221 days old - ROLE_ALERT
1221 days old - ROLE_ANIMATION
1221 days old - ROLE_APPLICATION
1221 days old - ROLE_APP_ROOT
1221 days old - ROLE_ARROW
1221 days old - ROLE_BORDER
1221 days old - ROLE_BUTTONMENU
1221 days old - ROLE_CANVAS
1221 days old - ROLE_CARET
1221 days old - ROLE_CELL
1221 days old - ROLE_CHARACTER
1221 days old - ROLE_CHART
1221 days old - ROLE_CHECKBUTTON
1221 days old - ROLE_CHECK_MENU_ITEM
1221 days old - ROLE_CHROME_WINDOW
1221 days old - ROLE_CLOCK
1221 days old - ROLE_COLOR_CHOOSER
1221 days old - ROLE_COLUMNHEADER
1221 days old - ROLE_COMBOBOX
1221 days old - ROLE_COMBOBOX_LIST
1221 days old - ROLE_COMBOBOX_OPTION
1221 days old - ROLE_CURSOR
1221 days old - ROLE_DATE_EDITOR
1221 days old - ROLE_DESKTOP_FRAME
1221 days old - ROLE_DESKTOP_ICON
1221 days old - ROLE_DIAGRAM
1221 days old - ROLE_DIAL
1221 days old - ROLE_DIALOG
1221 days old - ROLE_DIRECTORY_PANE
1221 days old - ROLE_DOCUMENT
1221 days old - ROLE_DROPLIST
1221 days old - ROLE_EQUATION
1221 days old - ROLE_FILE_CHOOSER
1221 days old - ROLE_FONT_CHOOSER
1221 days old - ROLE_GRAPHIC
1221 days old - ROLE_GRIP
1221 days old - ROLE_GROUPING
1221 days old - ROLE_HELPBALLOON
1221 days old - ROLE_HOTKEYFIELD
1221 days old - ROLE_IME
1221 days old - ROLE_INDICATOR
1221 days old - ROLE_INTERNAL_FRAME
1221 days old - ROLE_IPADDRESS
1221 days old - ROLE_LINK
1221 days old - ROLE_LIST
1221 days old - ROLE_LISTITEM
1221 days old - ROLE_MENUBAR
1221 days old - ROLE_MENUITEM
1221 days old - ROLE_MENUPOPUP
1221 days old - ROLE_NOTHING
1221 days old - ROLE_OPTION
1221 days old - ROLE_OUTLINE
1221 days old - ROLE_OUTLINEITEM
1221 days old - ROLE_PAGETAB
1221 days old - ROLE_PAGETABLIST
1221 days old - ROLE_PANE
1221 days old - ROLE_PARENT_MENUITEM
1221 days old - ROLE_POPUP_MENU
1221 days old - ROLE_PROGRESSBAR
1221 days old - ROLE_PROPERTYPAGE
1221 days old - ROLE_PUSHBUTTON
1221 days old - ROLE_RADIOBUTTON
1221 days old - ROLE_RADIO_MENU_ITEM
1221 days old - ROLE_ROOT_PANE
1221 days old - ROLE_ROW
1221 days old - ROLE_SCROLLBAR
1221 days old - ROLE_SCROLL_PANE
1221 days old - ROLE_SEPARATOR
1221 days old - ROLE_SLIDER
1221 days old - ROLE_SOUND
1221 days old - ROLE_SPINBUTTON
1221 days old - ROLE_SPLITBUTTON
1221 days old - ROLE_SPLIT_PANE
1221 days old - ROLE_STATICTEXT
1221 days old - ROLE_STATUSBAR
1221 days old - ROLE_TABLE
1221 days old - ROLE_TABLE_ROW_HEADER
1221 days old - ROLE_TEAR_OFF_MENU_ITEM
1221 days old - ROLE_TERMINAL
1221 days old - ROLE_TEXT_LEAF
1221 days old - ROLE_TITLEBAR
1221 days old - ROLE_TOOLBAR
1221 days old - ROLE_TOOLTIP
1221 days old - ROLE_WHITESPACE
1221 days old - ROLE_WINDOW
1221 days old - Gecko States
1130 days old - Gecko Text Attributes
1130 days old - Gecko events
1130 days old - Gecko object attributes
1130 days old - Interfaces
1328 days old - Gecko Roles
1328 days old - IA2
664 days old - IA2 Interfaces
1328 days old - IA2 Roles
571 days old - IA2 States
1328 days old - IA2 Text Attributes
1328 days old - MSAA Events
1328 days old - MSAA Relations
1328 days old - Implementation Details
1328 days old - ImplementationFeatures
664 days old - MSAA Implementation Features
1328 days old - MSAA
1328 days old - Find the Window and Load the Document
1328 days old - MSAA Events
1328 days old - MSAA Object Attributes
1328 days old - MSAA Relations
1328 days old - MSAA Roles
1328 days old - MSAA States
367 days old - Supported MSAA Interfaces
1328 days old - NotSupportedFeatures
664 days old - IA2 Features We Do Not Support
1328 days old - MSAA Features We Do Not Support
1328 days old - Web Specifications
626 days old - AT Development
804 days old - Accessibility FAQ
1328 days old - Accessibility Information for Web Authors
1179 days old - Accessibility documentation index
804 days old - Accessible dynamic content
664 days old - Architecture
1328 days old - Community
804 days old - HTML To MSAA
1328 days old - Implementing a Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) Server
524 days old - JAWS Issues with Firefox
644 days old - Mobile accessibility checklist
1168 days old - XForms Accessibility
804 days old - Button Representation
1116 days old - Calendar Representation
1116 days old - Checkbox Representation
1116 days old - Checkgroup Representation
1116 days old - Combobox Representation
1116 days old - Datepicker Representation
1116 days old - DaysList Representation
1116 days old - Listbox Representation
1116 days old - MonthsList Reperesentation
1116 days old - Password Field Representation
1116 days old - Radiogroup Representation
1116 days old - Slider Representation
1116 days old - Text Representation
1116 days old - TextField Representation
1116 days old - Upload Representation
1116 days old - XUL Accessibility
1328 days old
Dev-doc-needed bugs
Found 11 bugs. Learn more about how to resolve a dev-doc-needed bug.
Bug | Summary | Release |
368835 | No focus events from xul tree table when a row is deleted | Future |
846185 | don't call into nsIAccessibleProviders during a11y tree update | mozilla26 |
877453 | Expose longdesc in image context menus | mozilla25 |
882800 | [AccessFu] Use IndieUI inspired scroll request events | mozilla24 |
740375 | get rid nsIAccessible innerHTML method | mozilla14 |
523304 | expose text-underline-color and text-line-through-color text attributes | mozilla13 |
733335 | dexpcom nsIEditableTextAccessible::GetAssociatedEditor | mozilla13 |
698823 | Introduce virtual cursor/soft focus functionality to a11y API | mozilla13 |
731276 | remove CSS computed style getters from nsIAccessible | mozilla13 |
287740 | Expose advanced table semantics | mozilla11 |
704754 | expose abbr object attribute on header cells | mozilla11 |
Browse as bug list.
Documentation requests
Found 2 bugs. Documentation request bugs can contain various kinds work related to MDN pages. Read through the bug and ask questions in the bug if in doubt.
Bug | Summary |
1207240 | [Tracking] Make our accessibility documentation great |
1323093 | Deadlink |
Browse as bug list.
Please help us to localize this documentation into different languages. Read more about how to translate.
Language | Pages | Translated | Translations up to date |
af | 240 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
bn-BD | 240 | 1 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
de | 240 | 7 (2%) | 0 (0%) |
es | 240 | 7 (2%) | 3 (42%) |
fa | 240 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
fr | 240 | 56 (23%) | 27 (48%) |
it | 240 | 2 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
ja | 240 | 125 (52%) | 119 (95%) |
ko | 240 | 4 (1%) | 1 (25%) |
pl | 240 | 1 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
pt-BR | 240 | 19 (7%) | 9 (47%) |
pt-PT | 240 | 1 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
ro | 240 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
ru | 240 | 10 (4%) | 5 (50%) |
zh-CN | 240 | 7 (2%) | 2 (28%) |
zh-TW | 240 | 4 (1%) | 1 (25%) |
Tagging standard
Other tasks to do
Tutorial to-do list
Notes for translators
Any notes here? Where do we expect updates, so that localizers don't translate and update too often?
The following specifications are tracked by this status page: