Find the Window and Load the Document

How to Find the Content Window and Load the Document using AT-SPI

In XUL-based clients, screen readers may need to find the content window so that they know where to start grabbing the AT-SPI tree, in order to load the current document into a buffer in their own process.

Use RELATION_EMBEDS on the ROLE_FRAME, which is at the root of each top level window. This will point to the root content accessible(s) for that XUL window.

When you see the content window receive focus, first check the role. If it is a ROLE_DOCUMENT_FRAME then this should be treated as a document for the default modality of the screen reader. If it is a ROLE_EMBEDDED, ROLE_DIALOG or ROLE_ALERT then stay in focus tracking mode -- there is no need to parse the document. In addition, if it is a ROLE_ALERT, a screen reader should treat it as a message box -- that is, to read the entire contents. These roles can occur on content because of the new Accessible DHTML technology which allows the author to specify the type of document or container.

Gecko also helps determine when to load a new window by firing the following document events: document:load-complete, document:reload and document:load-stopped

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Sheppy, Surkov.alexander
 Last updated by: Sheppy,