Using the aria-relevant attribute

The aria-relevant attribute is an optional value used to describe what types of changes have occurred to an aria-live region and of which are relevant and should be announced. Any change that is not relevant acts in the same manner it would if the aria-live attribute were set to off.

Aria-relevant is commonly used when a web page contains content which may be updated while viewing the page.


A space-delimited list of one or more of the following values:

  • "additions" Insertion of nodes into the live region should be considered relevant.
  • "removals" Deletion of nodes should be considered relevant.
  • "text" Changes to the textual content of existing nodes should be considered relevant.
  • "all" Equivalent to additions removals text.

aria-relevant="additions text" is the default value on a live region.

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 Contributors to this page: dcondrey
 Last updated by: dcondrey,