
The page is designed to provide information how MSAA is implemented in Gecko-based applications and how IAccessible interface is mapped into Gecko accessibility API as well.

Mapping to Gecko

Here's the list of pages describing how MSAA API is mapped into Gecko accessibility API with short explanation of MSAA implementation specificities by Gecko-based applications.

  • Interfaces - the table describing the mapping of IAccessible interface into Gecko accessibility API.
  • Roles - the table describing the mapping of MSAA roles into Gecko roles.
  • States - the table describing the mapping of MSAA states into Gecko states.
  • Relations - the table describing the mapping of MSAA navigation constants into Gecko relations.
  • Object Attributes - the page describing how Gecko object attributes are mapped into MSAA API.
  • Events - the page describing how Gecko fires MSAA events and containing the table showing how MSAA events are mapped into Gecko events.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Sheppy, Surkov.alexander, Anonymous
 Last updated by: Sheppy,