This page tracks documentation status and work progress for XPCOM documentation. Feel free to contribute!
Pages | No tags | Needs* tags | Missing tags | Editorial reviews | Technical reviews | Outdated pages | Dev-doc-needed bugs |
1272 | 307 (25%) | 165 (13%) | 0 (0%) | 1 (1%) | 76 (6%) | 1233 (97%) | 22 (2%) |
See also localization status of this section.
No tags
Found 307 pages. Learn more about how to tag pages.
- Bundling multiple binary components
- Index
- Components.utils.cloneInto
- Components.utils.evalInWindow
- Components.utils.importGlobalProperties
- Components.utils.isXrayWrapper
- Components.utils.unwaiveXrays
- Components.utils.waiveXrays
- Profiling XPCShell
- WithJSModulesAndChrome
- Using nsISimpleEnumerator
- XPCOM Glue without mozalloc
- XPCOM hashtable guide
- imgIDecoder
- mozIPlaceInfo
- mozIRegistry
- mozIStorageCompletionCallback
- mozIStorageStatementCallback
- mozIStorageVacuumParticipant
- mozIVisitInfo
- DOMNode
- GetChildNodeAt
- GetComputedStyleCSSValue
- GetComputedStyleValue
- accessibleDocument
- firstChildNode
- innerHTML
- language
- lastChildNode
- nextSiblingNode
- numChildren
- parentNode
- previousSiblingNode
- scrollTo
- scrollToPoint
- Attributes
- ChildCount
- Children
- DefaultKeyBinding
- Description
- DoAction
- ExtendSelection
- FirstChild
- FocusedChild
- GetAccessibleAbove
- GetAccessibleBelow
- GetAccessibleRelated
- GetAccessibleToLeft
- GetAccessibleToRight
- GetActionDescription
- GetActionName
- GetBounds
- GetChildAt
- GetChildAtPoint
- GetKeyBindings
- GetRelation
- GetRelations
- GetState
- GroupPosition
- Help
- IndexInParent
- KeyboardShortcut
- LastChild
- Name
- NextSibling
- NumActions
- Parent
- PreviousSibling
- RelationsCount
- Role
- SetSelected
- TakeFocus
- TakeSelection
- Value
- GetLink
- GetLinkIndex
- LinkCount
- GetImagePosition
- GetImageSize
- GetTarget
- GetTargets
- RelationType
- TargetsCount
- nsIAccessibleTableChangeEvent
- nsIAutoCompleteResult
- nsIBrowserBoxObject
- addCategoryEntry
- deleteCategory
- deleteCategoryEntry
- enumerateCategories
- enumerateCategory
- getCategoryEntry
- classDescription
- classID
- classIDNoAlloc
- flags
- getHelperForLanguage
- getInterfaces
- implementationLanguage
- createInstanceByContractID
- getClassObject
- getClassObjectByID
- CIDToContractID
- autoRegister
- autoUnregister
- contractIDToCID
- enumerateCIDs
- enumerateContractIDs
- isCIDRegistered
- isContractIDRegistered
- registerFactory
- registerFactoryLocation
- unregisterFactory
- unregisterFactoryLocation
- nsIDBFolderInfo
- nsIDOMParser
- nsIDOMStorageEvent
- init
- registerProvider
- unregisterProvider
- createInstance
- lockFactory
- append
- appendNative
- clone
- contains
- copyTo
- copyToFollowingLinks
- copyToFollowingLinksNative
- copyToNative
- create
- createUnique
- directoryEntries
- equals
- exists
- fileSize
- fileSizeOfLink
- isDirectory
- isExecutable
- isFile
- isHidden
- isReadable
- isSpecial
- isSymlink
- isWritable
- lastModifiedTime
- lastModifiedTimeOfLink
- leafName
- moveTo
- moveToNative
- nativeLeafName
- nativePath
- nativeTarget
- normalize
- parent
- path
- permissionsOfLink
- remove
- target
- nsIFileSpec
- nsIFileUtilities
- nsIFrameLoaderOwner
- nsIFrameScriptLoader
- nsIHttpServer
- nsIIFrameBoxObject
- available
- close
- isNonBlocking
- read
- readSegments
- getInterface
- alloc
- free
- heapMinimize
- isLowMemory
- realloc
- nsIMessageBroadcaster
- nsIMessageListener
- nsIMessageSender
- nsIMimeConverter
- canUnload
- getClassObject
- registerSelf
- unregisterSelf
- nsIMsgAccount
- Building an Account Manager Extension
- nsIMsgFilterCustomAction
- nsIMsgIncomingServer
- nsIMsgSearchNotify
- addObserver
- enumerateObservers
- notifyObservers
- removeObserver
- close
- flush
- isNonBlocking
- write
- writeFrom
- writeSegments
- nsIParserUtils
- nsIPrincipal
- nsIProcessScriptLoader
- get
- getKeys
- has
- set
- undefine
- nsIRunnable
- available
- close
- init
- read
- nsISearchEngine
- getServiceByContractID
- isServiceInstantiated
- isServiceInstantiatedByContractID
- getNext
- hasMoreElements
- nsIStringEnumerator
- AddRef
- Release
- data
- toString
- data
- toString
- data
- toString
- toString
- data
- toString
- data
- dataIID
- toString
- data
- toString
- data
- toString
- data
- toString
- data
- toString
- data
- toString
- data
- toString
- data
- toString
- data
- toString
- data
- toString
- data
- toString
- data
- toString
- getWeakReference
- nsISyncMessageSender
- nsITaskbarProgress
- nsIURIFixupInfo
- nsIUTF8ConverterService
- nsIUpdateItem
- queryReferent
- nsIXSLTProcessorObsolete
- nsIXmlRpcFault
- nsMsgFilterFileAttribValue
- nsMsgFolderFlagType
- nsMsgSearchScope
- nsMsgSearchTerm
- nsMsgSearchTypeValue
- XPCOM Interface Reference by grouping
- NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16
- NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8
- NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16
- NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII
- nsACString_internal
- nsAString (External)
- nsAString_internal
- nsAdoptingCString
- nsAdoptingString
- nsAutoRef
- nsAutoRefTraits
- nsAutoString
- nsCAutoString
- nsCString
- nsCountedRef
- nsDependentCString
- nsDependentCSubstring
- nsDependentString
- nsDependentSubstring
- nsFixedCString
- nsFixedString
- nsPromiseFlatCString
- nsPromiseFlatString
- nsString
- nsXPIDLCString
- nsXPIDLString
- nsGetModuleProc
- nsIMsgSearchValue
- nsMsgMessageFlags
- nsMsgSearchOpValue
- nsStaticModuleInfo
- Xptcall Porting Guide
- Xptcall Porting Status
- nsCOMPtr versus RefPtr
Needs* tags
Found 165 pages. Learn more about how to deal with meta-tags.
- NeedsClassification
- NeedsHelp
- NeedsMarkupWork
- Components.utils.forceGC
- Components.utils.import
- Components.utils.schedulePreciseGC
- Architecture basics
- Using components
- XPConnect wrappers
- Using the Gecko SDK
- XPCOM category image-sniffing-services
- XPCOM Stream Guide
- XPCOM array guide
- Standard XPCOM components
- nsObserverService
- IAccessible2
- IAccessibleRelation
- IAccessibleText
- imgICache
- imgILoader
- imgIRequest
- jsdIStackFrame
- nsIAboutModule
- nsIAccelerometerUpdate
- nsIAccessibilityService
- nsIAccessibleTable
- nsIAccessibleText
- nsIAccessibleValue
- nsIAsyncInputStream
- nsIAsyncOutputStream
- nsIAutoCompleteListener
- nsIBoxObject
- nsICRLManager
- nsIChromeRegistry
- nsICommandController
- nsIContainerBoxObject
- nsIContentSecurityPolicy
- nsICurrentCharsetListener
- nsICycleCollectorListener
- nsIDOMFontFace
- nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer
- nsIDOMNSHTMLDocument
- nsIDOMNode
- nsIDOMSimpleGestureEvent
- nsIDOMStorageList
- nsIDOMUserDataHandler
- nsIDOMWindowUtils
- nsIDOMXULElement
- nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement
- nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement
- nsIDialogCreator
- nsIDirectoryIterator
- nsIDiskCacheStreamInternal
- nsIDocShell
- nsIDocumentLoader
- nsIDownloadObserver
- nsIEditor
- nsIEditorDocShell
- nsIEditorIMESupport
- nsIEditorLogging
- nsIErrorService
- nsIExtensionManager
- nsIFileInputStream
- nsIFileURL
- nsIFocusManager
- nsIFormHistory2
- nsIGSettingsCollection
- nsIGSettingsService
- nsIHTMLEditor
- nsIHTTPHeaderListener
- nsILocalFileMac
- nsIMarkupDocumentViewer
- nsIMemoryReporter
- nsIMessenger
- nsIMsgDBHdr
- nsIMsgDBView
- nsIMsgDatabase
- nsIMsgFolder
- nsIMsgSearchSession
- nsIMsgThread
- nsIMsgWindow
- nsINavHistoryBatchCallback
- nsIPassword
- nsIPasswordManager
- nsIPluginHost
- nsIPrinterEnumerator
- nsISHEntry
- nsISeekableStream
- nsISelection
- nsISelection2
- nsISelectionController
- nsISelectionImageService
- nsISelectionPrivate
- nsIStringBundleService
- nsIStructuredCloneContainer
- nsISyncJPAKE
- nsITransactionListener
- nsIURLParser
- nsIUrlListManagerCallback
- nsIUserCertPicker
- nsIVariant
- nsIWebSocketChannel
- nsIWinAccessNode
- nsIWinAppHelper
- nsIWindowsShellService
- nsIWorkerGlobalScope
- nsIXPCException
- nsIXPCScriptable
- nsIXPConnect
- nsIXULWindow
- NS ConvertASCIItoUTF16 external
- NS ConvertUTF16toUTF8 external
- NS ConvertUTF8toUTF16 external
- NS LossyConvertUTF16toASCII external
- PromiseFlatCString (External)
- PromiseFlatString (External)
- nsACString (External)
- nsAutoString (External)
- nsCAutoString (External)
- nsCString external
- nsDependentCString external
- nsDependentCSubstring external
- nsDependentString external
- nsDependentSubstring external
- nsLiteralCString (External)
- nsLiteralString (External)
- nsString external
- nsStringContainer (External)
- NeedsExample
- NeedsTechnicalReview
- NeedsUpdate
- NeedsRelocation
- needsattention
- NeedsAttention
Editorial reviews
Found 1 pages. Learn more about how to do an editorial review.
Technical reviews
Found 76 pages. Learn more about how to do a technical review.
- Interfacing with the XPCOM cycle collector
- Components.isSuccessCode
- Components.utils.importGlobalProperties
- Components.utils.isXrayWrapper
- Components.utils.schedulePreciseGC
- Architecture basics
- Using components
- XPConnect wrappers
- Using the clipboard
- XPCOM glue
- Resources
- Setting up the Gecko SDK
- How to build an XPCOM component in JavaScript
- XPCOM Stream Guide
- NS_GetComponentRegistrar
- nsresult
- imgIContainerObserver
- imgIDecoderObserver
- inIDOMUtils
- mozIJSSubScriptLoader
- mozIStorageAsyncStatement
- mozIVisitInfoCallback
- mozIVisitStatusCallback
- nsIAppShellService
- nsIChromeRegistry
- nsICommandController
- nsIContentFrameMessageManager
- nsIContentViewer
- nsICookieManager2
- nsIDOMFontFaceList
- nsIDOMGeoGeolocation
- nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer
- nsIDOMMouseScrollEvent
- nsIDOMMozNetworkStats
- nsIDOMMozNetworkStatsManager
- nsIDOMProgressEvent
- nsIDOMWindowUtils
- nsIDOMXULControlElement
- nsIDocumentLoader
- nsIDragService
- nsIDroppedLinkItem
- nsIEditor
- nsIFilePicker
- nsIFrameScriptLoader
- nsIHTTPHeaderListener
- nsIHttpUpgradeListener
- nsIINIParserWriter
- nsIIdleService
- nsIMarkupDocumentViewer
- nsIMessageBroadcaster
- nsIMessageListener
- nsIMessageListenerManager
- nsIMessageSender
- nsIMimeHeaders
- nsIParentalControlsService
- nsIPermissionManager
- nsIPluginHost
- nsIProcessScriptLoader
- nsIPromptService
- nsIScriptError
- nsISelection
- nsISocketProvider
- nsIStreamConverter
- nsISyncMessageSender
- nsITextInputProcessor
- nsITextInputProcessorCallback
- nsITextInputProcessorNotification
- nsITraceableChannel
- nsITransferable
- nsIURIFixupInfo
- nsIURLFormatter
- nsIUserInfo
- nsIWebBrowserPersist
- nsIWebContentHandlerRegistrar
- nsIWebSocketListener
- nsCOMPtr versus RefPtr
Outdated pages
Found 1233 pages. These pages haven't been updated in over a year. Outdated pages can have problems with both content and format. Look at these pages and consider: Is this page talking about the Web of today? Does it look consistent with newer pages in this topic area? If not, make any needed changes.
- Accessing the Windows Registry Using XPCOM
917 days old - Aggregating the In-Memory Datasource
3946 days old - Binary compatibility
3620 days old - Bundling multiple binary components
2934 days old - Creating a Python XPCOM component
1455 days old - Fun With XBL and XPConnect
3054 days old - Generic factory
3587 days old - How To Pass an XPCOM Object to a New Window
1553 days old - How to build a binary XPCOM component using Visual Studio
1899 days old - Index
1192 days old - Language bindings
1193 days old - Components object
1304 days old - Components.Constructor
2358 days old - Components.Exception
2358 days old - Components.ID
2358 days old - Components.classes
433 days old - Components.classesByID
2358 days old - Components.interfaces
2358 days old - Components.interfacesByID
2357 days old - Components.isSuccessCode
632 days old - Components.lastResult
3580 days old - Components.manager
2357 days old - Components.results
1963 days old - Components.returnCode
3580 days old - Components.utils
384 days old - Components.utils.cloneInto
975 days old - Components.utils.createObjectIn
835 days old - Components.utils.evalInSandbox
437 days old - Components.utils.evalInWindow
975 days old - Components.utils.forceGC
1299 days old - Components.utils.getGlobalForObject
2433 days old - Components.utils.getWeakReference
1071 days old - Components.utils.importGlobalProperties
470 days old - Components.utils.isXrayWrapper
974 days old - Components.utils.makeObjectPropsNormal
2167 days old - Components.utils.reportError
1798 days old - Components.utils.schedulePreciseGC
1354 days old - Components.utils.setGCZeal
2038 days old - Components.utils.unload
1172 days old - Components.utils.unwaiveXrays
968 days old - Components.utils.waiveXrays
968 days old - JavaXPCOM
1193 days old - Development
1193 days old - Examples
1193 days old - Other Resources
1193 days old - PlXPCOM
1193 days old - PyXPCOM
1193 days old - Community
1193 days old - RbXPCOM
1193 days old - XPConnect
1006 days old - Architecture basics
1193 days old - Using components
1193 days old - XPConnect wrappers
915 days old - appShellService
1193 days old - nsIProfile
1193 days old - nsIRegistry
1193 days old - xpcshell
681 days old - HOWTO
1193 days old - Profiling XPCShell
1193 days old - WithJSModulesAndChrome
1193 days old - XPCShell Reference
2719 days old - XPCshell Test Manifest Expressions
726 days old - Monitoring HTTP activity
2484 days old - Storage
517 days old - Performance
517 days old - Warnings
517 days old - Using nsCOMPtr
493 days old - Frequently Asked Questions
517 days old - Getting Started Guide
517 days old - Reference Manual
517 days old - Status, Recent Changes, and Plans
517 days old - Using nsIDirectoryService
517 days old - Using nsIPasswordManager
517 days old - Using nsISimpleEnumerator
787 days old - Using the Gecko SDK
3902 days old - Using the clipboard
875 days old - Weak reference
1663 days old - Working with Multiple Versions of Interfaces
3517 days old - Working with out parameters
2771 days old - XPCOM ABI
3039 days old - XPCOM Thread Synchronization
3015 days old - XPCOM category image-sniffing-services
1120 days old - XPCOM glue
600 days old - XPCOM Glue without mozalloc
1193 days old - Creating XPCOM components
834 days old - An Overview of XPCOM
1193 days old - Building the WebLock UI
1193 days old - Component Internals
1193 days old - Creating the Component Code
1193 days old - Finishing the Component
1193 days old - Packaging WebLock
1193 days old - Preface
842 days old - Setting up the Gecko SDK
1193 days old - Starting WebLock
1193 days old - Using XPCOM Components
1193 days old - Using XPCOM Utilities to Make Things Easier
1193 days old - How to build an XPCOM component in JavaScript
799 days old - Inheriting from implementation classes
1193 days old - Making cross-thread calls using runnables
1193 days old - Receiving startup notifications
1193 days old - XPCOM Stream Guide
554 days old - XPCOM array guide
479 days old - XPCOM changes in Gecko 2.0
1193 days old - XPCOM hashtable guide
741 days old - mozilla::services namespace
1193 days old - XPCOM ownership guidelines
3590 days old - Core XPCOM functions
1194 days old - NS_Alloc
1194 days old - NS_Free
1194 days old - NS_GetComponentManager
1194 days old - NS_GetComponentRegistrar
1031 days old - NS_GetMemoryManager
1194 days old - NS_GetServiceManager
1194 days old - NS_InitXPCOM2
1194 days old - NS_InitXPCOM3
1194 days old - NS_NewLocalFile
1194 days old - NS_NewNativeLocalFile
1194 days old - NS_Realloc
1194 days old - NS_ShutdownXPCOM
1194 days old - nsresult
992 days old - Folders
2810 days old - NS ENSURE SUCCESS
4306 days old - NS ENSURE TRUE
4368 days old - NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE
830 days old - NS_ADDREF
4158 days old - NS_ASSERTION
3127 days old - NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER
4335 days old - NS_ERROR
2089 days old - NS_IF_ADDREF
4158 days old - NS_IF_RELEASE
3365 days old - NS_RELEASE
4158 days old - NS_WARNING
4343 days old - Standard XPCOM components
1193 days old - nsCategoryManager
863 days old - nsDirectoryService
621 days old - nsLocalFile
863 days old - nsObserverService
863 days old - nsScriptableInputStream
863 days old - ExtensionManager (Toolkit)
1346 days old - IAccessible2
1202 days old - IAccessibleAction
1202 days old - IAccessibleApplication
1202 days old - IAccessibleComponent
1202 days old - IAccessibleEditableText
1202 days old - IAccessibleHyperlink
1202 days old - IAccessibleHypertext
1202 days old - IAccessibleImage
1202 days old - IAccessibleRelation
1202 days old - IAccessibleTable
1202 days old - IAccessibleTable2
1202 days old - IAccessibleTableCell
1202 days old - IAccessibleText
1202 days old - IAccessibleValue
1202 days old - IDispatch
1202 days old - IJSDebugger
430 days old - amIInstallCallback
1202 days old - amIInstallTrigger
1202 days old - amIWebInstallInfo
1202 days old - amIWebInstallListener
1202 days old - amIWebInstallPrompt
1202 days old - amIWebInstaller
1202 days old - imgICache
1202 days old - imgIContainer
1202 days old - imgIContainerObserver
1202 days old - imgIDecoder
1202 days old - imgIDecoderObserver
1202 days old - imgIEncoder
1202 days old - imgILoader
1202 days old - imgIRequest
1202 days old - inIDOMUtils
410 days old - jsdIStackFrame
1202 days old - mozIAsyncFavicons
1202 days old - mozIAsyncHistory
1202 days old - mozIColorAnalyzer
1202 days old - mozIJSSubScriptLoader
656 days old - mozIPersonalDictionary
1202 days old - mozIPlaceInfo
1202 days old - mozIPlacesAutoComplete
1202 days old - mozIRegistry
3587 days old - mozIRepresentativeColorCallback
1202 days old - mozISpellCheckingEngine
1202 days old - mozIStorageAggregateFunction
2806 days old - mozIStorageAsyncStatement
1180 days old - mozIStorageBindingParams
624 days old - mozIStorageBindingParamsArray
1202 days old - mozIStorageCompletionCallback
2530 days old - mozIStorageConnection
1202 days old - mozIStorageError
1202 days old - mozIStorageFunction
1202 days old - mozIStoragePendingStatement
1202 days old - mozIStorageProgressHandler
1202 days old - mozIStorageResultSet
1202 days old - mozIStorageRow
1202 days old - mozIStorageService
1202 days old - mozIStorageStatement
624 days old - mozIStorageStatementCallback
1180 days old - mozIStorageStatementParams
2922 days old - mozIStorageStatementRow
1202 days old - mozIStorageStatementWrapper
1240 days old - mozIStorageVacuumParticipant
1202 days old - mozIStorageValueArray
624 days old - mozITXTToHTMLConv
2615 days old - mozIThirdPartyUtil
1202 days old - mozIVisitInfo
1202 days old - mozIVisitInfoCallback
1202 days old - mozIVisitStatusCallback
1202 days old - nsIAbCard
2489 days old - nsIAboutModule
1202 days old - nsIAbstractWorker
1202 days old - nsIAccelerometerUpdate
1202 days old - nsIAccessNode
1202 days old - DOMNode
1202 days old - GetChildNodeAt
1202 days old - GetComputedStyleCSSValue
1202 days old - GetComputedStyleValue
1202 days old - accessibleDocument
1202 days old - firstChildNode
1202 days old - innerHTML
872 days old - language
1202 days old - lastChildNode
1202 days old - nextSiblingNode
1202 days old - numChildren
1202 days old - parentNode
1202 days old - previousSiblingNode
1202 days old - scrollTo
1202 days old - scrollToPoint
1202 days old - nsIAccessibilityService
1202 days old - nsIAccessible
1534 days old - Attributes
744 days old - ChildCount
744 days old - Children
744 days old - DefaultKeyBinding
744 days old - Description
744 days old - DoAction
744 days old - ExtendSelection
744 days old - FirstChild
744 days old - FocusedChild
744 days old - GetAccessibleAbove
744 days old - GetAccessibleBelow
744 days old - GetAccessibleRelated
744 days old - GetAccessibleToLeft
744 days old - GetAccessibleToRight
744 days old - GetActionDescription
744 days old - GetActionName
744 days old - GetBounds
744 days old - GetChildAt
744 days old - GetChildAtPoint
744 days old - GetKeyBindings
744 days old - GetRelation
744 days old - GetRelations
744 days old - GetState
744 days old - GroupPosition
744 days old - Help
744 days old - IndexInParent
744 days old - KeyboardShortcut
744 days old - LastChild
744 days old - Name
744 days old - NextSibling
744 days old - NumActions
744 days old - Parent
744 days old - PreviousSibling
744 days old - RelationsCount
744 days old - Role
744 days old - SetSelected
744 days old - TakeFocus
744 days old - TakeSelection
744 days old - Value
744 days old - nsIAccessibleCaretMoveEvent
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleCoordinateType
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleDocument
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleEditableText
1202 days old - DeleteText
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleEvent
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleHyperLink
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleHyperText
1202 days old - GetLink
1202 days old - GetLinkIndex
1202 days old - LinkCount
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleImage
1202 days old - GetImagePosition
1202 days old - GetImageSize
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleProvider
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleRelation
1202 days old - GetTarget
1202 days old - GetTargets
1202 days old - RelationType
1202 days old - TargetsCount
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleRetrieval
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleRole
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleScrollType
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleSelectable
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleStateChangeEvent
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleStates
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleTable
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleTableCell
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleTableChangeEvent
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleText
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleTextChangeEvent
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleTreeCache
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleValue
1202 days old - nsIAccessibleWin32Object
1202 days old - nsIAlertsService
417 days old - nsIAnnotationObserver
1202 days old - nsIAnnotationService
1202 days old - nsIAppShell
1202 days old - nsIAppShellService
411 days old - nsIAppStartup
749 days old - nsIAppStartup_MOZILLA_2_0
1202 days old - nsIApplicationCache
1202 days old - nsIApplicationCacheChannel
1202 days old - nsIApplicationCacheContainer
1202 days old - nsIApplicationCacheNamespace
1202 days old - nsIApplicationCacheService
1202 days old - nsIApplicationUpdateService
1202 days old - nsIArray
1202 days old - nsIAsyncInputStream
1202 days old - nsIAsyncOutputStream
1202 days old - nsIAsyncStreamCopier
1202 days old - nsIAuthInformation
1202 days old - nsIAuthModule
1202 days old - nsIAuthPromptAdapterFactory
1202 days old - nsIAuthPromptCallback
1202 days old - nsIAuthPromptProvider
1202 days old - nsIAuthPromptWrapper
1202 days old - nsIAutoCompleteController
1202 days old - nsIAutoCompleteInput
1202 days old - nsIAutoCompleteItem
1202 days old - nsIAutoCompleteListener
1202 days old - nsIAutoCompleteObserver
1202 days old - nsIAutoCompleteResult
1202 days old - nsIAutoCompleteSearch
1202 days old - nsIBadCertListener2
1202 days old - nsIBidiKeyboard
1202 days old - nsIBinaryInputStream
1202 days old - nsIBinaryOutputStream
1202 days old - nsIBlocklistPrompt
1202 days old - nsIBlocklistService
1202 days old - nsIBoxObject
2233 days old - nsIBrowserBoxObject
1202 days old - nsIBrowserHistory
1202 days old - nsIBrowserSearchService
1202 days old - nsICRLInfo
1202 days old - nsICRLManager
1202 days old - nsICache
1202 days old - nsICacheDeviceInfo
1202 days old - nsICacheEntryDescriptor
1202 days old - nsICacheEntryInfo
1202 days old - nsICacheListener
1202 days old - nsICacheMetaDataVisitor
1202 days old - nsICacheService
1202 days old - nsICacheSession
1202 days old - nsICacheVisitor
1202 days old - nsICachingChannel
1202 days old - nsICancelable
1202 days old - nsICategoryManager
690 days old - addCategoryEntry
1202 days old - deleteCategory
1202 days old - deleteCategoryEntry
1202 days old - enumerateCategories
1202 days old - enumerateCategory
1202 days old - getCategoryEntry
1202 days old - nsIChannel
851 days old - nsIChannelEventSink
1202 days old - nsIChannelPolicy
1202 days old - nsICharsetResolver
1202 days old - nsIChromeFrameMessageManager
1202 days old - nsIChromeRegistry
1202 days old - nsIClassInfo
661 days old - classDescription
1199 days old - classID
1199 days old - classIDNoAlloc
1199 days old - flags
1199 days old - getHelperForLanguage
1199 days old - getInterfaces
1199 days old - implementationLanguage
1199 days old - nsIClipboardCommands
1202 days old - nsIClipboardDragDropHookList
1202 days old - nsIClipboardDragDropHooks
1202 days old - nsIClipboardHelper
1202 days old - nsIClipboardOwner
1202 days old - nsICollection
1202 days old - nsICommandController
1202 days old - nsICommandLine
1202 days old - nsICommandLineHandler
1202 days old - nsICommandLineRunner
1202 days old - nsIComponentManager
433 days old - createInstanceByContractID
1202 days old - getClassObject
1202 days old - getClassObjectByID
1202 days old - nsIComponentRegistrar
1202 days old - CIDToContractID
1202 days old - autoRegister
1202 days old - autoUnregister
1202 days old - contractIDToCID
1202 days old - enumerateCIDs
1202 days old - enumerateContractIDs
1202 days old - isCIDRegistered
1202 days old - isContractIDRegistered
1202 days old - registerFactory
1202 days old - registerFactoryLocation
1202 days old - unregisterFactory
1202 days old - unregisterFactoryLocation
1202 days old - nsICompositionStringSynthesizer
909 days old - nsIConsoleListener
1202 days old - nsIConsoleMessage
1202 days old - nsIContainerBoxObject
1202 days old - nsIContentFrameMessageManager
555 days old - nsIContentPolicy
731 days old - nsIContentPref
1202 days old - nsIContentPrefCallback2
1202 days old - nsIContentPrefObserver
1163 days old - nsIContentPrefService
1202 days old - nsIContentPrefService2
1202 days old - nsIContentSecurityPolicy
1202 days old - nsIContentSniffer
1121 days old - nsIContentView
1202 days old - nsIContentViewManager
1202 days old - nsIContentViewer
1202 days old - nsIController
1202 days old - nsIControllers
1202 days old - nsIConverterInputStream
1202 days old - nsIConverterOutputStream
1202 days old - nsICookie
1202 days old - nsICookie2
1202 days old - nsICookieAcceptDialog
1202 days old - nsICookieConsent
1202 days old - nsICookieManager
456 days old - nsICookieManager2
411 days old - nsICookiePermission
1202 days old - nsICookiePromptService
1202 days old - nsICookieService
746 days old - nsICookieStorage
1202 days old - nsICrashReporter
1202 days old - nsICryptoHMAC
1202 days old - nsICryptoHash
459 days old - nsICurrentCharsetListener
1202 days old - nsICycleCollectorListener
1202 days old - nsIDBChangeListener
1202 days old - nsIDBFolderInfo
1202 days old - nsIDNSListener
1202 days old - nsIDNSRecord
1202 days old - nsIDNSRequest
1202 days old - nsIDNSService
1019 days old - nsIDOMCanvasRenderingContext2D
1202 days old - nsIDOMChromeWindow
1202 days old - nsIDOMClientRect
401 days old - nsIDOMDesktopNotification
1202 days old - nsIDOMDesktopNotificationCenter
1202 days old - nsIDOMElement
1202 days old - nsIDOMEvent
1202 days old - nsIDOMEventGroup
1202 days old - nsIDOMEventListener
1202 days old - nsIDOMEventTarget
1202 days old - nsIDOMFile
2790 days old - nsIDOMFileError
1919 days old - nsIDOMFileException
2808 days old - nsIDOMFileList
1240 days old - nsIDOMFileReader
840 days old - nsIDOMFontFace
1202 days old - nsIDOMFontFaceList
1202 days old - nsIDOMGeoGeolocation
1023 days old - nsIDOMGeoPosition
1202 days old - nsIDOMGeoPositionAddress
1202 days old - nsIDOMGeoPositionCallback
1023 days old - nsIDOMGeoPositionCoords
1023 days old - nsIDOMGeoPositionError
1023 days old - nsIDOMGeoPositionErrorCallback
1023 days old - nsIDOMGeoPositionOptions
1023 days old - nsIDOMGlobalPropertyInitializer
1202 days old - nsIDOMHTMLAudioElement
1202 days old - nsIDOMHTMLFormElement
1202 days old - nsIDOMHTMLMediaElement
1202 days old - nsIDOMHTMLSourceElement
425 days old - nsIDOMHTMLTimeRanges
1202 days old - nsIDOMJSWindow
1202 days old - nsIDOMMouseScrollEvent
1202 days old - nsIDOMMozNetworkStats
1202 days old - nsIDOMMozNetworkStatsData
1202 days old - nsIDOMMozNetworkStatsManager
875 days old - nsIDOMMozTouchEvent
1202 days old - nsIDOMNSHTMLDocument
1202 days old - nsIDOMNavigatorDesktopNotification
1202 days old - nsIDOMNode
1202 days old - nsIDOMOfflineResourceList
2175 days old - nsIDOMOrientationEvent
1202 days old - nsIDOMParser
2001 days old - nsIDOMProgressEvent
1202 days old - nsIDOMSerializer
1202 days old - nsIDOMSimpleGestureEvent
1202 days old - nsIDOMStorage
1202 days old - nsIDOMStorage2
3020 days old - nsIDOMStorageEvent
1202 days old - nsIDOMStorageEventObsolete
1202 days old - nsIDOMStorageItem
1202 days old - nsIDOMStorageList
1202 days old - nsIDOMStorageManager
1202 days old - nsIDOMStorageWindow
1202 days old - nsIDOMUserDataHandler
1202 days old - nsIDOMWindow
547 days old - nsIDOMWindow2
1202 days old - nsIDOMWindowInternal
1202 days old - nsIDOMXPathEvaluator
1202 days old - nsIDOMXPathException
1202 days old - nsIDOMXPathExpression
1202 days old - nsIDOMXPathResult
1202 days old - nsIDOMXULControlElement
1202 days old - nsIDOMXULElement
1202 days old - nsIDOMXULLabeledControlElement
1202 days old - nsIDOMXULSelectControlElement
1202 days old - nsIDOMXULSelectControlItemElement
1202 days old - nsIDataSignatureVerifier
1202 days old - nsIDebug
1202 days old - nsIDebug2
1202 days old - nsIDeviceMotion
1202 days old - nsIDeviceMotionData
1202 days old - nsIDeviceMotionListener
1202 days old - nsIDialogCreator
1202 days old - nsIDialogParamBlock
1202 days old - nsIDictionary
1202 days old - nsIDirIndex
1202 days old - nsIDirIndexListener
1202 days old - nsIDirIndexParser
1202 days old - nsIDirectoryEnumerator
1202 days old - nsIDirectoryIterator
1202 days old - nsIDirectoryService
1202 days old - init
1202 days old - registerProvider
1202 days old - unregisterProvider
1202 days old - nsIDirectoryServiceProvider
1202 days old - getFile
1024 days old - nsIDirectoryServiceProvider2
1202 days old - getFiles
1202 days old - nsIDiskCacheStreamInternal
1202 days old - nsIDispatchSupport
1202 days old - nsIDocShell
1049 days old - nsIDocumentLoader
1202 days old - nsIDownload
1202 days old - nsIDownloadHistory
1202 days old - nsIDownloadManager
1202 days old - nsIDownloadManagerUI
1202 days old - nsIDownloadObserver
1202 days old - nsIDownloadProgressListener
1202 days old - nsIDownloader
1202 days old - nsIDragDropHandler
1202 days old - nsIDragService
453 days old - nsIDragSession
453 days old - nsIDynamicContainer
1202 days old - nsIEditor
1202 days old - nsIEditorBoxObject
1202 days old - nsIEditorDocShell
1202 days old - nsIEditorIMESupport
1202 days old - nsIEditorLogging
1202 days old - nsIEditorMailSupport
1202 days old - nsIEditorObserver
1202 days old - nsIEditorSpellCheck
1202 days old - nsIEffectiveTLDService
778 days old - nsIEnumerator
1202 days old - nsIEnvironment
1176 days old - nsIErrorService
1202 days old - nsIEventListenerInfo
1202 days old - nsIEventListenerService
1202 days old - nsIEventSource
1202 days old - nsIEventTarget
1202 days old - nsIException
535 days old - nsIExtensionManager
1202 days old - nsIExternalHelperAppService
1125 days old - nsIExternalProtocolService
1202 days old - nsIExternalURLHandlerService
1202 days old - nsIFTPChannel
1202 days old - nsIFTPEventSink
1202 days old - nsIFactory
433 days old - createInstance
1202 days old - lockFactory
1202 days old - nsIFaviconDataCallback
1202 days old - nsIFaviconService
1202 days old - nsIFeed
1202 days old - nsIFeedContainer
1202 days old - nsIFeedElementBase
1202 days old - nsIFeedEntry
1202 days old - nsIFeedGenerator
1202 days old - nsIFeedPerson
1202 days old - nsIFeedProcessor
1202 days old - nsIFeedProgressListener
1202 days old - nsIFeedResult
1202 days old - nsIFeedResultListener
1202 days old - nsIFeedTextConstruct
1202 days old - append
1202 days old - appendNative
1202 days old - clone
1202 days old - contains
1202 days old - copyTo
1202 days old - copyToFollowingLinks
1202 days old - copyToFollowingLinksNative
1202 days old - copyToNative
1202 days old - create
1202 days old - createUnique
1202 days old - directoryEntries
1202 days old - equals
1202 days old - exists
1202 days old - fileSize
1202 days old - fileSizeOfLink
1202 days old - isDirectory
1202 days old - isExecutable
1202 days old - isFile
1202 days old - isHidden
1202 days old - isReadable
1202 days old - isSpecial
1202 days old - isSymlink
1202 days old - isWritable
1202 days old - lastModifiedTime
1202 days old - lastModifiedTimeOfLink
1202 days old - leafName
1202 days old - moveTo
1202 days old - moveToNative
1202 days old - nativeLeafName
1202 days old - nativePath
1202 days old - nativeTarget
1202 days old - normalize
1202 days old - parent
1202 days old - path
1202 days old - permissions
1202 days old - permissionsOfLink
1202 days old - remove
1202 days old - target
1202 days old - nsIFileInputStream
394 days old - nsIFileOutputStream
1202 days old - nsIFilePicker
604 days old - nsIFileProtocolHandler
1202 days old - nsIFileSpec
1202 days old - nsIFileStreams
1202 days old - nsIFileURL
1202 days old - nsIFileView
1202 days old - nsIFocusManager
935 days old - nsIFormHistory2
1202 days old - nsIFrameLoader
1202 days old - nsIFrameLoaderOwner
1202 days old - nsIFrameMessageListener
1202 days old - nsIFrameMessageManager
577 days old - nsIFrameScriptLoader
806 days old - nsIGSettingsCollection
1202 days old - nsIGSettingsService
1202 days old - nsIGeolocationProvider
1202 days old - nsIGeolocationUpdate
1202 days old - nsIGlobalHistory
1202 days old - nsIGlobalHistory2
1202 days old - nsIGlobalHistory3
1202 days old - nsIHTMLEditor
1202 days old - nsIHTTPHeaderListener
1202 days old - nsIHapticFeedback
1202 days old - nsIHttpActivityDistributor
1202 days old - nsIHttpActivityObserver
1202 days old - nsIHttpChannel
382 days old - nsIHttpChannelInternal
1202 days old - nsIHttpHeaderVisitor
896 days old - nsIHttpServer
1052 days old - nsIHttpUpgradeListener
1202 days old - nsIIDNService
1202 days old - nsIIFrameBoxObject
1202 days old - nsIINIParser
963 days old - nsIINIParserFactory
1202 days old - nsIINIParserWriter
922 days old - nsIIdleService
1202 days old - nsIInProcessContentFrameMessageManager
1202 days old - nsIInputStream
611 days old - available
1202 days old - close
1202 days old - isNonBlocking
1202 days old - read
1202 days old - readSegments
1202 days old - nsIInputStreamCallback
1202 days old - nsIInstallLocation
1202 days old - nsIInterfaceRequestor
1202 days old - getInterface
1202 days old - nsIJSCID
1202 days old - nsIJSID
1202 days old - nsIJSIID
1202 days old - nsIJSON
1202 days old - nsIJSXMLHttpRequest
1202 days old - nsIJetpack
1202 days old - nsIJetpackService
1202 days old - nsIJumpListBuilder
1202 days old - nsIJumpListItem
1202 days old - nsILivemarkService
1202 days old - nsILoadGroup
1202 days old - nsILocalFileMac
1202 days old - nsILocale
1202 days old - nsILocaleService
1202 days old - nsILoginInfo
1202 days old - nsILoginManager
867 days old - Using nsILoginManager
1202 days old - nsILoginManagerCrypto
1202 days old - nsILoginManagerIEMigrationHelper
1202 days old - nsILoginManagerStorage
1202 days old - nsILoginMetaInfo
1202 days old - nsIMIMEInputStream
1125 days old - nsIMacDockSupport
1017 days old - nsIMarkupDocumentViewer
1202 days old - nsIMemory
1202 days old - alloc
1202 days old - free
1202 days old - heapMinimize
1202 days old - isLowMemory
1202 days old - realloc
1202 days old - nsIMemoryMultiReporter
1202 days old - nsIMemoryMultiReporterCallback
1202 days old - nsIMemoryReporter
1158 days old - nsIMemoryReporterManager
1202 days old - nsIMenuBoxObject
1202 days old - nsIMessageBroadcaster
977 days old - nsIMessageListener
977 days old - nsIMessageListenerManager
495 days old - nsIMessageSender
977 days old - nsIMessageWakeupService
1202 days old - nsIMessenger
1202 days old - nsIMicrosummary
1202 days old - nsIMicrosummaryGenerator
1202 days old - nsIMicrosummaryObserver
1202 days old - nsIMicrosummaryService
1202 days old - nsIMicrosummarySet
1202 days old - nsIMimeConverter
1426 days old - nsIMimeHeaders
1202 days old - nsIModule
1202 days old - canUnload
1202 days old - getClassObject
1202 days old - registerSelf
1202 days old - unregisterSelf
1202 days old - nsIMsgAccount
1202 days old - nsIMsgAccountManagerExtension
1202 days old - Building an Account Manager Extension
1202 days old - nsIMsgCompFields
1179 days old - nsIMsgCustomColumnHandler
1202 days old - nsIMsgDBHdr
1068 days old - nsIMsgDBView
1202 days old - nsIMsgDBViewCommandUpdater
1202 days old - nsIMsgDatabase
1202 days old - nsIMsgFilter
1202 days old - nsIMsgFilterCustomAction
1202 days old - nsIMsgFilterList
1202 days old - nsIMsgFolder
1202 days old - nsIMsgIdentity
1202 days old - nsIMsgIncomingServer
1202 days old - nsIMsgMessageService
1135 days old - nsIMsgProtocolInfo
1179 days old - nsIMsgRuleAction
1202 days old - nsIMsgSearchCustomTerm
1202 days old - nsIMsgSearchNotify
1202 days old - nsIMsgSearchScopeTerm
1202 days old - nsIMsgSearchSession
1202 days old - nsIMsgSearchTerm
1202 days old - nsIMsgSearchValue
1202 days old - nsIMsgSendLater
1202 days old - nsIMsgThread
1202 days old - nsIMsgWindow
1202 days old - nsIMsgWindowCommands
1202 days old - nsIMutableArray
1202 days old - nsINavBookmarkObserver
1202 days old - nsINavBookmarksService
718 days old - nsINavHistoryBatchCallback
1202 days old - nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode
1202 days old - nsINavHistoryFullVisitResultNode
1202 days old - nsINavHistoryObserver
1202 days old - nsINavHistoryQuery
1202 days old - nsINavHistoryQueryOptions
1202 days old - nsINavHistoryQueryResultNode
1202 days old - nsINavHistoryResult
1724 days old - nsINavHistoryResultNode
1202 days old - nsINavHistoryResultObserver
2016 days old - nsINavHistoryResultTreeViewer
1202 days old - nsINavHistoryResultViewObserver
1240 days old - nsINavHistoryResultViewer
1240 days old - nsINavHistoryService
876 days old - nsINavHistoryVisitResultNode
1202 days old - nsINetworkLinkService
1146 days old - nsIObserver
1044 days old - nsIObserverService
1202 days old - addObserver
1202 days old - enumerateObservers
1202 days old - notifyObservers
1202 days old - removeObserver
1202 days old - nsIOutputStream
1202 days old - close
1202 days old - flush
1202 days old - isNonBlocking
1202 days old - write
1202 days old - writeFrom
1202 days old - writeSegments
1202 days old - nsIOutputStreamCallback
1202 days old - nsIParentalControlsService
627 days old - nsIParserUtils
1202 days old - nsIPassword
4028 days old - nsIPasswordManager
1553 days old - nsIPermission
1202 days old - nsIPermissionManager
404 days old - nsIPipe
1202 days old - nsIPlacesImportExportService
535 days old - nsIPlacesView
1735 days old - nsIPluginHost
788 days old - nsIPrefBranch2
1202 days old - nsIPrefLocalizedString
1202 days old - nsIPrefService
1202 days old - nsIPrincipal
1027 days old - nsIPrinterEnumerator
1202 days old - nsIPrintingPrompt
1202 days old - nsIPrivateBrowsingService
1202 days old - nsIProcess
1202 days old - nsIProcess2
1202 days old - nsIProcessScriptLoader
808 days old - nsIProfile
939 days old - nsIProfileLock
1202 days old - nsIProfileUnlocker
1202 days old - nsIProgrammingLanguage
1202 days old - nsIProgressEventSink
1202 days old - nsIPrompt
1202 days old - nsIPromptService
1202 days old - nsIProperties
1202 days old - get
1202 days old - getKeys
1202 days old - has
1202 days old - set
1202 days old - undefine
1202 days old - nsIProperty
1202 days old - nsIPropertyBag
369 days old - nsIPropertyBag2
1202 days old - nsIPropertyElement
1202 days old - nsIProtocolHandler
756 days old - nsIProtocolProxyCallback
1202 days old - nsIProtocolProxyFilter
1113 days old - nsIProtocolProxyService
872 days old - nsIProxyInfo
1202 days old - nsIPushMessage
514 days old - nsIPushService
514 days old - nsIPushSubscription
514 days old - nsIRadioInterfaceLayer
1202 days old - nsIRandomGenerator
1202 days old - nsIRequest
535 days old - nsIRequestObserver
1202 days old - nsIResumableChannel
1202 days old - nsIRunnable
1202 days old - nsISHEntry
1202 days old - nsISHistory
1202 days old - nsISHistoryListener
1202 days old - nsISOCKSSocketInfo
1202 days old - nsISSLErrorListener
1202 days old - nsISSLSocketControl
1202 days old - nsIScreen
1202 days old - nsIScreenManager
1202 days old - nsIScriptError
759 days old - nsIScriptError2
1202 days old - nsIScriptableIO
1202 days old - nsIScriptableInputStream
934 days old - available
1202 days old - close
1202 days old - init
1202 days old - read
1202 days old - nsIScriptableUnescapeHTML
1202 days old - nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter
621 days old - nsIScrollable
1202 days old - nsISearchEngine
1202 days old - nsISearchSubmission
1202 days old - nsISecurityCheckedComponent
1202 days old - nsISeekableStream
1202 days old - nsISelection
1202 days old - nsISelection2
1202 days old - nsISelection3
1202 days old - nsISelectionController
1202 days old - nsISelectionImageService
1202 days old - nsISelectionPrivate
776 days old - nsIServerSocket
403 days old - nsIServerSocketListener
1202 days old - nsIServiceManager
433 days old - getServiceByContractID
1202 days old - isServiceInstantiated
1202 days old - isServiceInstantiatedByContractID
1202 days old - nsISessionStartup
1202 days old - nsISessionStore
1133 days old - nsISimpleEnumerator
1202 days old - getNext
1202 days old - hasMoreElements
1202 days old - nsISmsDatabaseService
1202 days old - nsISmsRequestManager
1202 days old - nsISmsService
430 days old - nsISocketProvider
1202 days old - nsISocketProviderService
1202 days old - nsISocketTransport
1202 days old - nsISocketTransportService
1202 days old - nsISound
1202 days old - nsISpeculativeConnect
1202 days old - nsIStackFrame
1202 days old - nsIStandardURL
1202 days old - nsIStreamConverter
1125 days old - nsIStreamListener
1202 days old - nsIStringBundleOverride
1202 days old - nsIStringBundleService
916 days old - nsIStringEnumerator
1202 days old - nsIStructuredCloneContainer
1202 days old - nsIStyleSheetService
1202 days old - nsISupports
1202 days old - AddRef
1202 days old - Release
1202 days old - nsISupports proxies
2026 days old - nsISupportsArray
1202 days old - nsISupportsCString
1165 days old - data
1202 days old - toString
1202 days old - nsISupportsChar
1202 days old - data
1202 days old - toString
1202 days old - nsISupportsDouble
1202 days old - data
1202 days old - toString
1202 days old - nsISupportsFloat
1202 days old - data
1202 days old - toString
1202 days old - nsISupportsID
1202 days old - data
1202 days old - toString
1202 days old - nsISupportsInterfacePointer
1202 days old - data
1202 days old - dataIID
1202 days old - toString
1202 days old - nsISupportsPRBool
1202 days old - data
1202 days old - toString
1202 days old - nsISupportsPRInt16
1202 days old - data
1202 days old - toString
1202 days old - nsISupportsPRInt32
1202 days old - data
1202 days old - toString
1202 days old - nsISupportsPRInt64
1202 days old - data
1202 days old - toString
1202 days old - nsISupportsPRTime
1202 days old - data
1202 days old - toString
1202 days old - nsISupportsPRUint16
1202 days old - data
1202 days old - toString
1202 days old - nsISupportsPRUint32
1202 days old - data
1202 days old - toString
1202 days old - nsISupportsPRUint64
1202 days old - data
1202 days old - toString
1202 days old - nsISupportsPRUint8
1202 days old - data
1202 days old - toString
1202 days old - nsISupportsPrimitive
1202 days old - type
1202 days old - nsISupportsPriority
1202 days old - nsISupportsString
1002 days old - data
1202 days old - toString
1202 days old - nsISupportsVoid
1202 days old - data
1202 days old - toString
1202 days old - nsISupportsWeakReference
674 days old - getWeakReference
1202 days old - nsISyncJPAKE
1202 days old - nsISyncMessageSender
977 days old - nsITXTToHTMLConv
1202 days old - nsITaggingService
1202 days old - nsITaskbarPreview
1202 days old - nsITaskbarPreviewButton
1202 days old - nsITaskbarPreviewController
1202 days old - nsITaskbarProgress
1202 days old - nsITaskbarTabPreview
1202 days old - nsITaskbarWindowPreview
1202 days old - nsITelemetry
998 days old - nsITextInputProcessor
398 days old - nsITextInputProcessorCallback
893 days old - nsITextInputProcessorNotification
907 days old - nsIThread
1202 days old - nsIThreadEventFilter
1202 days old - nsIThreadInternal
1202 days old - nsIThreadManager
1202 days old - nsIThreadObserver
1202 days old - nsIThreadPool
1202 days old - nsIThreadPoolListener
1202 days old - nsITimer
661 days old - nsITimerCallback
1202 days old - nsIToolkit
1202 days old - nsIToolkitProfile
942 days old - nsIToolkitProfileService
1202 days old - nsITraceableChannel
528 days old - nsITransaction
1202 days old - nsITransactionList
1202 days old - nsITransactionListener
1202 days old - nsITransactionManager
1202 days old - nsITransferable
875 days old - nsITransport
1202 days old - nsITransportEventSink
1202 days old - nsITransportSecurityInfo
1202 days old - nsITreeBoxObject
939 days old - nsITreeColumn
1202 days old - nsITreeColumns
1202 days old - nsITreeContentView
1202 days old - nsITreeSelection
944 days old - nsITreeView
1202 days old - nsIURI
613 days old - nsIURL
1125 days old - nsIURLFormatter
1202 days old - nsIURLParser
1202 days old - nsIUTF8ConverterService
1202 days old - nsIUTF8StringEnumerator
1202 days old - nsIUUIDGenerator
844 days old - nsIUpdate
1202 days old - nsIUpdateCheckListener
1202 days old - nsIUpdateChecker
1202 days old - nsIUpdateItem
1202 days old - nsIUpdateManager
1202 days old - nsIUpdatePatch
1202 days old - nsIUpdatePrompt
1202 days old - nsIUpdateTimerManager
1202 days old - nsIUploadChannel
1202 days old - nsIUploadChannel2
1202 days old - nsIUrlListManagerCallback
1202 days old - nsIUserCertPicker
1202 days old - nsIUserInfo
1202 days old - nsIVariant
1202 days old - nsIVersionComparator
1120 days old - nsIWeakReference
1202 days old - queryReferent
1202 days old - nsIWebBrowser
1202 days old - nsIWebBrowserChrome
1125 days old - nsIWebBrowserChrome2
1202 days old - nsIWebBrowserChrome3
1202 days old - nsIWebBrowserChromeFocus
1202 days old - nsIWebBrowserFind
1202 days old - nsIWebBrowserFindInFrames
1202 days old - nsIWebContentHandlerRegistrar
440 days old - nsIWebNavigation
783 days old - nsIWebNavigationInfo
1125 days old - nsIWebPageDescriptor
1202 days old - nsIWebProgress
1202 days old - nsIWebProgressListener2
1202 days old - nsIWebSocketChannel
1202 days old - nsIWebSocketListener
1202 days old - nsIWebappsSupport
1202 days old - nsIWifiAccessPoint
1202 days old - nsIWifiListener
1202 days old - nsIWifiMonitor
1202 days old - nsIWinAccessNode
1202 days old - nsIWinAppHelper
1202 days old - nsIWinTaskbar
1202 days old - nsIWindowCreator
1202 days old - nsIWindowMediator
1202 days old - nsIWindowWatcher
1127 days old - nsIWindowsRegKey
1202 days old - nsIWindowsShellService
1202 days old - nsIWorker
1202 days old - nsIWorkerGlobalScope
1202 days old - nsIWorkerMessageEvent
1202 days old - nsIWorkerMessagePort
1202 days old - nsIWorkerScope
1202 days old - nsIWritablePropertyBag
1202 days old - nsIWritablePropertyBag2
1202 days old - nsIXFormsModelElement
1202 days old - nsIXFormsNSInstanceElement
1202 days old - nsIXFormsNSModelElement
1202 days old - nsIXMLHttpRequestEventTarget
1202 days old - nsIXMLHttpRequestUpload
1202 days old - nsIXPCException
1202 days old - nsIXPCScriptable
1202 days old - nsIXPConnect
922 days old - nsIXSLTException
1202 days old - nsIXSLTProcessor
1202 days old - nsIXSLTProcessorObsolete
2237 days old - nsIXULAppInfo
1119 days old - nsIXULBrowserWindow
1202 days old - nsIXULBuilderListener
1202 days old - nsIXULRuntime
772 days old - nsIXULSortService
1202 days old - nsIXULTemplateBuilder
1202 days old - nsIXULTemplateQueryProcessor
1202 days old - nsIXULTemplateResult
1202 days old - nsIXULWindow
1202 days old - nsIXmlRpcClient
1202 days old - nsIXmlRpcFault
1202 days old - nsIZipEntry
1202 days old - nsIZipReader
970 days old - nsIZipReaderCache
1202 days old - nsIZipWriter
1086 days old - nsMsgFilterFileAttribValue
1202 days old - nsMsgFolderFlagType
1202 days old - nsMsgJunkStatus
1202 days old - nsMsgKey
1202 days old - nsMsgLabelValue
1202 days old - nsMsgPriorityValue
1202 days old - nsMsgRuleActionType
1202 days old - nsMsgSearchAttrib
1202 days old - nsMsgSearchOp
1202 days old - nsMsgSearchScope
1202 days old - nsMsgSearchTerm
1202 days old - nsMsgSearchTypeValue
1202 days old - nsMsgSearchValue
1202 days old - nsMsgSearchWidgetValue
1202 days old - nsPIPromptService
1202 days old - XPCOM Interface Reference by grouping
1375 days old - XPCOM glue classes
1194 days old - NS ConvertASCIItoUTF16 external
1373 days old - NS ConvertUTF16toUTF8 external
1373 days old - NS ConvertUTF8toUTF16 external
1373 days old - NS LossyConvertUTF16toASCII external
1373 days old - NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16
1194 days old - NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8
1194 days old - NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16
1194 days old - NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII
1194 days old - NS_OVERRIDE
2433 days old - NS_POSTCONDITION
4143 days old - NS_PRECONDITION
4143 days old - PromiseFlatCString (External)
1373 days old - PromiseFlatString (External)
1373 days old - nsACString
813 days old - Append
1194 days old - Assign
1194 days old - BeginReading
1194 days old - Cut
1194 days old - EndReading
1194 days old - Insert
1194 days old - Length
1194 days old - Replace
1194 days old - operator+=
1194 days old - operator=
1194 days old - nsACString (External)
1373 days old - nsACString_internal
3203 days old - nsAString
1130 days old - Append
1194 days old - Assign
1194 days old - BeginReading
1194 days old - Cut
1194 days old - EndReading
1194 days old - Insert
1194 days old - Length
1194 days old - Replace
1194 days old - operator+=
1194 days old - operator=
1194 days old - nsAString (External)
2654 days old - nsAString_internal
3203 days old - nsAdoptingCString
3203 days old - nsAdoptingString
3203 days old - nsAutoRef
3126 days old - nsAutoRefTraits
3126 days old - nsAutoString
3203 days old - nsAutoString (External)
1373 days old - nsCAutoString
3203 days old - nsCAutoString (External)
1373 days old - nsCOMPtr
1194 days old - nsCString
1194 days old - nsCString external
1373 days old - nsCStringContainer (External)
1373 days old - nsCStringEncoding
4114 days old - nsCountedRef
3126 days old - nsDependentCString
1194 days old - nsDependentCString external
1373 days old - nsDependentCSubstring
1194 days old - nsDependentCSubstring external
1373 days old - nsDependentString
1194 days old - nsDependentString external
1373 days old - nsDependentSubstring
1194 days old - nsDependentSubstring external
1373 days old - nsEmbedCString
1194 days old - get
1194 days old - nsEmbedCString
1194 days old - operator=
1194 days old - nsEmbedString
1194 days old - get
1194 days old - nsEmbedString
1194 days old - operator=
1194 days old - nsFixedCString
3203 days old - nsFixedString
3203 days old - nsLiteralCString (External)
1373 days old - nsLiteralString (External)
1373 days old - nsMemory
1194 days old - Alloc
1194 days old - Clone
1194 days old - Free
1194 days old - GetGlobalMemoryService
1194 days old - HeapMinimize
1194 days old - Realloc
1194 days old - nsPromiseFlatCString
3203 days old - nsPromiseFlatString
3203 days old - nsString
1194 days old - nsString external
1373 days old - nsStringContainer (External)
1373 days old - nsSupportsWeakReference
1194 days old - nsXPIDLCString
3203 days old - nsXPIDLString
3203 days old - XPCOM primitive
3287 days old - XPCOM string functions
1194 days old - NS_CStringAppendData
1193 days old - NS_CStringCloneData
1193 days old - NS_CStringContainerFinish
1194 days old - NS_CStringContainerInit
1194 days old - NS_CStringContainerInit2
1194 days old - NS_CStringCopy
1193 days old - NS_CStringCutData
1193 days old - NS_CStringGetData
1194 days old - NS_CStringGetMutableData
1194 days old - NS_CStringInsertData
1193 days old - NS_CStringSetData
1194 days old - NS_CStringSetDataRange
1193 days old - NS_CStringToUTF16
1193 days old - NS_StringAppendData
647 days old - NS_StringCloneData
1193 days old - NS_StringContainerFinish
1193 days old - NS_StringContainerInit
1165 days old - NS_StringCopy
1193 days old - NS_StringCutData
647 days old - NS_StringGetData
1193 days old - NS_StringInsertData
647 days old - NS_StringSetData
1193 days old - NS_StringSetDataRange
1193 days old - NS_UTF16ToCString
1193 days old - nsGetModuleProc
4293 days old - nsIAbCard/Thunderbird3
3278 days old - nsICookie2 MOZILLA 1 8 BRANCH
3523 days old - nsIMsgSearchValue
2022 days old - nsMsgMessageFlags
2251 days old - nsMsgNavigationType
3341 days old - nsMsgSearchOpValue
2022 days old - nsMsgViewCommandCheckState
3341 days old - nsMsgViewCommandType
3342 days old - nsMsgViewFlagsType
3302 days old - nsMsgViewSortOrder
3342 days old - nsMsgViewSortType
3343 days old - nsMsgViewType
3300 days old - nsStaticModuleInfo
4293 days old - XPCOM tasks
3606 days old - Xptcall Porting Guide
2189 days old - Xptcall Porting Status
3122 days old - already_AddRefed
536 days old - xptcall FAQ
3122 days old
Dev-doc-needed bugs
Found 22 bugs. Learn more about how to resolve a dev-doc-needed bug.
Bug | Summary | Release |
925831 | Warn when doing synchronous IO using NetUtil.asyncCopy | --- |
720350 | PRBool to bool problems for Firefox 10+ | --- |
516113 | Startup crash [@ PL_DHashTableOperate | free | nsEventListenerManager::AddEventListenerByType(nsIDOMEventListener*, nsAString_internal const&, int, nsIDOMEventGroup*)] | --- |
1248565 | NSPR logging and XPCOM Logging write to the same file | mozilla48 |
1155643 | Consolidate nsIDebug and nsIDebug2 interfaces | mozilla41 |
1134920 | Remove nsMemory::Alloc/Free/Realloc | mozilla40 |
1159737 | Stop supporting binary XPCOM components except as part of the application | mozilla40 |
1069518 | XPTCall should refuse to implement interfaces with [notxpcom] methods | mozilla35 |
1077099 | Add GreBinD to easily differentiate between Contents/Resources (GreD) and Contents/MacOS on OSX | mozilla35 |
928340 | Move buffering check from NetUtil.asyncCopy to nsIAsyncStreamCopier | mozilla31 |
1001842 | On POSIX systems, expose the umask to privileged Javascript | mozilla31 |
928321 | Implement a variant of safe-file-output-stream that doesn't flush by default | mozilla28 |
852950 | Kill xpcom.dll/ | mozilla22 |
822289 | Remove NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION*_CLASS macros | mozilla21 |
825836 | Support Blob in JS components | mozilla21 |
823226 | Add environment variables to control cycle collector logging | mozilla20 |
749930 | Replace uses of nsILocalFile with nsIFile (C++ bits) | mozilla16 |
737056 | NS_CompareVersions is a confusing API | mozilla15 |
531396 | APIs for tracking garbage-collector activities | mozilla14 |
682360 | Merge nsILocalFile and nsIFile interfaces | mozilla14 |
458936 | Replace binary xpidl xpt output with a python version hooked up to | mozilla8 |
511761 | Only use compatibility.ini (not .autoreg, or stat()s) to invalidate fastloads and other caches | mozilla1.9.3a1 |
Browse as bug list.
Please help us to localize this documentation into different languages. Read more about how to translate.
Language | Pages | Translated | Translations up to date |
af | 1269 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
bn-BD | 1269 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
de | 1269 | 4 (0%) | 3 (75%) |
es | 1269 | 32 (2%) | 14 (43%) |
fa | 1269 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
fr | 1269 | 58 (4%) | 25 (43%) |
it | 1269 | 2 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
ja | 1269 | 129 (10%) | 60 (46%) |
ko | 1269 | 17 (1%) | 6 (35%) |
pl | 1269 | 16 (1%) | 1 (6%) |
pt-BR | 1269 | 5 (0%) | 4 (80%) |
pt-PT | 1269 | 10 (0%) | 9 (90%) |
ro | 1269 | 0 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
ru | 1269 | 10 (0%) | 6 (60%) |
zh-CN | 1269 | 60 (4%) | 32 (53%) |
zh-TW | 1269 | 1 (0%) | 0 (0%) |
- Move existing documentation into the proper places in the content hierarchy.
- Add or update introduction to XPCOM, explaining what it is, what it does, and how it works to newcomers to Mozilla.
- Improve and add content about wrappers and how they work.
- Find community members that are interested in and willing to take on trying to get the docs up-to-date
- Consider/discuss and potentially implement a system for automatic generation of content, or at least for helping to automatically figure out what's missing where.
Tagging standard
Other tasks to do
Tutorial to-do list
Notes for translators
Any notes here? Where do we expect updates, so that localizers don't translate and update too often?