
This interface is implemented by any object that can be rendered on the screen.
Gecko 1.9
Inherits from: IUnknown Last changed in Gecko 1.9 (Firefox 3)

This interface provides the standard mechanism for an assistive technology to retrieve information concerning the graphical representation of an object. Coordinates used by the functions of this interface are specified in different coordinate systems. Their scale is the same and is equal to that of the screen coordinate system. In other words all coordinates are measured in pixels. They differ in their respective origin:

  • The screen coordinate system has its origin in the upper left corner of the current screen.
  • The origin of the parent coordinate system is the upper left corner of the parent's bounding box. With no parent the screen coordinate system is used instead.


Method overview

[propget] HRESULT background([out] IA2Color background );
[propget] HRESULT foreground([out] IA2Color foreground );
[propget] HRESULT locationInParent([out] long x, [out] long y );



Returns the background color of this object.

[propget] HRESULT background(
  [out] IA2Color background 
The returned color is the background color of this object or, if that is not supported, the default background color.
Return value



Returns the foreground color of this object.

[propget] HRESULT foreground(
  [out] IA2Color foreground 
The returned color is the foreground color of this object or, if that is not supported, the default foreground color.
Return value



Returns the location of the upper left corner of the object's bounding box relative to the immediate parent object. The coordinates of the bounding box are given relative to the parent's coordinate system. The coordinates of the returned position are relative to this object's parent or relative to the screen on which this object is rendered if it has no parent. If the object is not on any screen the returned position is (0,0).

[propget] HRESULT locationInParent(
  [out] long x,
  [out] long y 
The x coordinate of the upper left corner of the object's bounding box relative to the immediate parent object.
The y coordinate of the upper left corner of the object's bounding box relative to the immediate parent object.
Return value


Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Sheppy, trevorh
 Last updated by: Sheppy,