The following compatibility tables try to summarize the state of CSS support for HTML forms. Due to the complexity of CSS and HTML forms, these tables can't be considered a perfect reference. However, they will give you good insight into what can and can't be done, which will help you learn how to do things.
How to read the tables
For each property, there are four possible values:
There's reasonably consistent support for the property across browsers. You may still face strange side effects in certain edge cases.
While the property works, you may frequently face strange side effects or inconsistencies. You should probably avoid these properties unless you master those side effects first.
The property simply doesn't work or is so inconsistent that it's not reliable.
The property has no meaning for this type of widget.
For each property there are two possible renderings:
N (Normal)
Indicates that the property is applied as it is
T (Tweaked)
Indicates that the property is applied with the extra rule below:
* {
/* This turn off the native look and feel on WebKit based browsers */
-webkit-appearance: none;
/* This turn off the native look and feel on Gecko based browsers */
-moz-appearance: none;
/* This turn off the native look and feel on several different browsers
including Opera, Internet Explorer and Firefox */
background: none;
Compatibility tables
Global behaviors
Some behaviors are common to many browsers at a global level:
WebKit browsers (mostly on Mac OSX and iOS) use the native look & feel for the search fields. Therefore, it's required to use -webkit-appearance:none to be able to apply this property to search fields.
On Windows 7, Internet Explorer 9 does not apply the border unless background:none is applied.
WebKit browsers (mostly on Mac OSX and iOS) use the native look & feel for the search fields. Therefore, it's required to use -webkit-appearance:none to be able to apply this property to search fields.
On Windows 7, Internet Explorer 9 does not apply the border unless background:none is applied.
WebKit browsers (mostly on Mac OSX and iOS) use the native look & feel for the search fields. Therefore, it's required to use -webkit-appearance:none to be able to apply this property to search fields.
On Windows 7, Internet Explorer 9 does not apply the border unless background:none is applied.
WebKit browsers (mostly on Mac OSX and iOS) use the native look & feel for the search fields. Therefore, it's required to use -webkit-appearance:none to be able to apply this property to search fields. On Windows 7, Internet Explorer 9 does not apply the border unless background:none is applied.
WebKit browsers (mostly on Mac OSX and iOS) use the native look & feel for the search fields. Therefore, it's required to use -webkit-appearance:none to be able to apply this property to search fields. On Windows 7, Internet Explorer 9 does not apply the border unless background:none is applied.
On Opera the border-radius property is applied only if an explicit border is set.
On browsers that implement the number widget, there is no standard way to change the style of spinners used to change the value of the field. It is worth noting that the spinners on Safari are outside the field.
On Mac OSX, WebKit based browsers do not support this property on native widgets and they, along with Opera, do not support it at all on <option> and <optgroup> elements.
On Mac OSX, WebKit based browsers do not support this property on native widgets and they, along with Opera, do not support it at all on <option> and <optgroup> elements.
IE9 does not support this property on <select>, <option>, and <optgroup> elements; WebKit based browsers on Mac OSX do not support this property on <option> and <optgroup> elements.
Only Firefox provides full support for this property. Opera does not support this property at all and other browsers only support it on the <select> element.
IE9 does not support this property on <select>, <option>, and <optgroup> elements; WebKit based browsers on Mac OSX do not support this property on <option> and <optgroup> elements.