
Add-ons using the techniques described in this document are considered a legacy technology in Firefox. Don't use these techniques to develop new add-ons. Use WebExtensions instead. If you maintain an add-on which uses the techniques described here, consider migrating it to use WebExtensions.

From Firefox 53 onwards, no new legacy add-ons will be accepted on addons.mozilla.org (AMO).

From Firefox 57 onwards, WebExtensions will be the only supported extension type, and Firefox will not load other types.

Even before Firefox 57, changes coming up in the Firefox platform will break many legacy extensions. These changes include multiprocess Firefox (e10s), sandboxing, and multiple content processes. Legacy extensions that are affected by these changes should migrate to WebExtensions if they can. See the "Compatibility Milestones" document for more.

A wiki page containing resources, migration paths, office hours, and more, is available to help developers transition to the new technologies.


Helper methods used in the CommonJS Unit Testing suite.


Before and After

Helper functions before() and after() are available for running a function before or after each test in a suite. They're useful when you need to guarantee a particular state before running a test, and to clean up after your test.

let { before, after } = require('sdk/test/utils');
let { search } = require('sdk/places/bookmarks');
exports.testCountBookmarks = function (assert, done) {
  search().on('end', function (results) {
    assert.equal(results, 0, 'should be no bookmarks');
before(exports, function (name, assert) {

Both before and after may be asynchronous. To make them asynchronous, pass a third argument done, which is a function to call when you have finished:

let { before, after } = require('sdk/test/utils');
let { search } = require('sdk/places/bookmarks');
exports.testCountBookmarks = function (assert, done) {
  search().on('end', function (results) {
    assert.equal(results, 0, 'should be no bookmarks');
before(exports, function (name, assert, done) {
  removeAllBookmarksAsync(function () {



before(exports, beforeFn)

Runs beforeFn before each test in the file. May be asynchronous if beforeFn accepts a third argument, which is a callback.


exports : Object
A test file's exports object

beforeFn : Function
The function to be called before each test. It has two arguments, or three if it is asynchronous:

  • the first argument is the test's name as a String.
  • the second argument is the assert object for the test.
  • the third, optional, argument is a callback. If the callback is defined, then the beforeFn is considered asynchronous, and the callback must be invoked before the test runs.

after(exports, afterFn)

Runs afterFn after each test in the file. May be asynchronous if afterFn accepts a third argument, which is a callback.


exports : Object
A test file's exports object

afterFn : Function
The function to be called after each test. It has two arguments, or three if it is asynchronous:

  • the first argument is the test's name as a String.
  • the second argument is the assert object for the test.
  • the third, optional, argument is a callback. If the callback is defined, then the afterFn is considered asynchronous, and the callback must be invoked before the next test runs.

waitUntil(predicate, interval)

waitUntil returns a promise that resolves upon the predicate returning a truthy value, which is called every interval milliseconds.


predicate : Function
A function that gets called every interval milliseconds to determine if the promise should be resolved.

interval : Number
The frequency in milliseconds to execute predicate. Defaults to 10.


Promise : waitUntil returns a promise that becomes resolved once the predicate returns a truthy value. The promise cannot be rejected.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: wbamberg
 Last updated by: wbamberg,