
Type Object
Mandatory No
"commands": {
  "toggle-feature": {
    "suggested_key": {
      "default": "Ctrl+Shift+Y",
      "linux": "Ctrl+Shift+U"
    "description": "Send a 'toggle-feature' event"

Use the commands key to define one or more keyboard shortcuts for your extension.

Each shortcut is defined with a name, a combination of keys, and a description. Once you've defined some commands in manifest.json, you can listen for the associated key combinations using the commands JavaScript API.


The commands key is an object, and each shortcut is a property of it. The property's name is the name of the shortcut.

Each shortcut is itself an object, which has up to two properties:

  • suggested_key: this defines the combination of keys
  • description: a string that describes this shortcut

The suggested_key property is itself an object, that may have any of the following properties, which are all strings:

  • "default", "mac", "linux", "windows", "chromeos", "android", "ios"

The value of each property is the keyboard shortcut for the command on the given platform, given as a string containing the keys separated by "+". The value for "default" is used on all platforms that are not explicitly listed.

For example:

"commands": {
  "toggle-feature": {
    "suggested_key": {
      "default": "Alt+Shift+U",
      "linux": "Ctrl+Shift+U"
    "description": "Send a 'toggle-feature' event to the extension"
  "do-another-thing": {
    "suggested_key": {
      "default": "Ctrl+Shift+Y"

This defines two shortcuts:

  • one named "toggle-feature", accessed using Ctrl+Shift+U on Linux, and Alt+Shift+U on all other platforms
  • one named "do-another-thing", accessed using Ctrl+Shift+Y on all platforms.

You could then listen for the first of these commands with code like this:

browser.commands.onCommand.addListener(function(command) {
  if (command == "toggle-feature") {
    console.log("toggling the feature!");

Special shortcuts

There are three special shortcuts:

  • _execute_browser_action: works like a click on the extension's browser action.
  • _execute_page_action: works like a click on the extension's page action.
  • _execute_sidebar_action: opens the extension's sidebar. Only supported in Firefox, and only from Firefox version 54.

For example, this defines a key combination to click the extension's browser action:

"commands": {
  "_execute_browser_action": {
    "suggested_key": {
      "default": "Ctrl+Shift+Y"

Shortcut values

There are two valid formats for the shortcut keys: as a key combination or as a media key.

Key combinations

On Macs, "Ctrl" is interpreted as "Command", so if you actually need "Ctrl", specify "MacCtrl".

Key combinations must consist of two or three keys:

  • modifier (mandatory, except for function keys). This can be any of: "Ctrl", "Alt", "Command", "MacCtrl".
  • secondary modifier (optional). If supplied, this must be "Shift".
  • key (mandatory). This can be any one of:
    • the letters A-Z
    • the numbers 0-9
    • the function keys F1-F12
    • Comma, Period, Home, End, PageUp, PageDown, Space, Insert, Delete, Up, Down, Left, Right

Media keys

Alternatively, the shortcut may be specified as one of the following media keys:

  • "MediaNextTrack", "MediaPlayPause", "MediaPrevTrack", "MediaStop"


Define a single shortcut, using only the default:

"commands": {
  "toggle-feature": {
    "suggested_key": {
      "default": "Ctrl+Shift+Y"
    "description": "Send a 'toggle-feature' event"

Define two shortcuts, one with a platform-specific key combination:

"commands": {
  "toggle-feature": {
    "suggested_key": {
      "default": "Alt+Shift+U",
      "linux": "Ctrl+Shift+U"
    "description": "Send a 'toggle-feature' event"
  "do-another-thing": {
    "suggested_key": {
      "default": "Ctrl+Shift+Y"

Browser compatibility

ChromeEdgeFirefoxFirefox for AndroidOpera
Basic supportYesNo48NoYes

Document Tags and Contributors

 Last updated by: andrewtruongmoz,