
The <time> CSS data type represents a time value expressed in seconds or milliseconds. It is used in animation, transition, and other related properties.


A time consists of a​ ​​​​​​<number> followed by a unit. As with all dimensions, there is no space between the unit literal and the number.

Although the number 0 is always the same regardless of unit, the unit may not be omitted. In other words, 0 is invalid and does not represent 0s or 0ms.


Represents a time in seconds. Examples: 0s, 1.5s, -60s.
Represents a time in milliseconds. Examples: 0ms, 1500ms, -60000ms.

Conversion between s and ms follows the logical 1s = 1000ms.


Valid time values

12s         Positive integer
-456ms      Negative integer
4.3ms       Non-integer
14mS        The unit is case-insensitive, although capital letters are not recommended.
+0s         Zero with a leading + and a unit
-0ms        Zero with a leading - and a unit

Invalid time values

0           Although unitless zero is allowed for <length>s, it's invalid for <time>s.
12.0        This is a <number>, not a <time>, because it's missing a unit.
7 ms        No space is allowed between the number and the unit.


Specification Status Comment
CSS Values and Units Module Level 3
The definition of '<time>' in that specification.
Candidate Recommendation Normative definition of s and ms.
CSS Level 2 (Revision 1)
The definition of '<time>' in that specification.
Recommendation Informal definition of s and ms.

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support (Yes) 4.0 (2.0) 9.0 10.5 (2.3) (Yes)

Document Tags and Contributors

 Last updated by: mfluehr,