The <frequency>
CSS data type represents a frequency dimension, such as the pitch of a speaking voice.
A frequency consists of a <number>
followed by a unit. As with all CSS dimensions, there is no space between the unit literal and the number.
- Represents a frequency in Hertz. Examples:
. kHz
- Represents a frequency in kilohertz. Examples:
Although the number 0
is always the same regardless of unit, the unit may not be omitted. In other words, 0
is invalid and does not represent 0Hz
or 0kHz
. Though the units are case-insensitive, it is good practice to use a capital H for Hz
and kHz
, as in the SI, Hertz being a proper noun.
Valid frequency values
12Hz Positive integer 4.3Hz Non-integer 14KhZ The unit is case-insensitive, though non-SI capitalization is not recommended. +0Hz Zero, with a leading + and a unit -0kHz Zero, with a leading - and a unit
Invalid frequency values
12.0 This is a <number>, not an <frequency>, because it is missing a unit. 7 Hz No space is allowed between the number and the unit. 0 Although unitless zero is allowed for <length>s, it's invalid for <frequency>s.
Specification | Status | Comment |
CSS Values and Units Module Level 3 The definition of '<frequency>' in that specification. |
Candidate Recommendation | Initial definition. |
This data type was initially introduced in CSS Level 2 for the now obsolete aural media group, where it was used to define the pitch of the voice. This has been deprecated since then, but the <frequency>
data type has been reintroduced in CSS3, though no CSS property is using it at the moment.
Browser compatibility
Feature | Chrome | Firefox (Gecko) | Internet Explorer | Opera | Safari |
Basic support | No support | No support | No support | No support[1] | No support |
[1] Some versions of Opera may have (partial) support for the obsolete aural media group, and through the pitch property support for the <frequency>
data type.