Uses of Interface

Packages that use ComponentWrapper

Uses of ComponentWrapper in net.miginfocom.layout

Subinterfaces of ComponentWrapper in net.miginfocom.layout
 interface ContainerWrapper
          A class that wraps a container that contains components.

Methods in net.miginfocom.layout that return ComponentWrapper
 ComponentWrapper[] ContainerWrapper.getComponents()
          Returns the components of the container that wrapper is wrapping.

Methods in net.miginfocom.layout that return types with arguments of type ComponentWrapper
static java.util.Map<ComponentWrapper,CC> ConstraintParser.parseComponentConstraints(java.util.Map<ComponentWrapper,java.lang.String> constrMap)
          Parses all component constraints and stores the parsed values in the transient (cache) member varables.

Methods in net.miginfocom.layout with parameters of type ComponentWrapper
abstract  int UnitConverter.convertToPixels(float value, java.lang.String unit, boolean isHor, float refValue, ContainerWrapper parent, ComponentWrapper comp)
          Converts value to pixels.
 void LayoutCallback.correctBounds(ComponentWrapper comp)
          A last minute change of the bounds.
 BoundSize InCellGapProvider.getDefaultGap(ComponentWrapper comp, ComponentWrapper adjacentComp, int adjacentSide, java.lang.String tag, boolean isLTR)
          Returns the default gap between two components that are in the same cell.
 int UnitValue.getPixels(float refValue, ContainerWrapper parent, ComponentWrapper comp)
          Returns the size in pixels rounded.
 float UnitValue.getPixelsExact(float refValue, ContainerWrapper parent, ComponentWrapper comp)
          Returns the size in pixels.
 UnitValue[] LayoutCallback.getPosition(ComponentWrapper comp)
          Returns a position similar to the "pos" the component constraint.
 BoundSize[] LayoutCallback.getSize(ComponentWrapper comp)
          Returns a size similar to the "width" and "height" in the component constraint.

Method parameters in net.miginfocom.layout with type arguments of type ComponentWrapper
static java.util.Map<ComponentWrapper,CC> ConstraintParser.parseComponentConstraints(java.util.Map<ComponentWrapper,java.lang.String> constrMap)
          Parses all component constraints and stores the parsed values in the transient (cache) member varables.

Constructor parameters in net.miginfocom.layout with type arguments of type ComponentWrapper
Grid(ContainerWrapper container, LC lc, AC rowConstr, AC colConstr, java.util.Map<ComponentWrapper,CC> ccMap, java.util.ArrayList<LayoutCallback> callbackList)

Uses of ComponentWrapper in net.miginfocom.swing

Classes in net.miginfocom.swing that implement ComponentWrapper
 class SwingComponentWrapper
 class SwingContainerWrapper

Methods in net.miginfocom.swing that return ComponentWrapper
 ComponentWrapper[] SwingContainerWrapper.getComponents()

Uses of ComponentWrapper in net.miginfocom.swt

Classes in net.miginfocom.swt that implement ComponentWrapper
 class SwtComponentWrapper
 class SwtContainerWrapper

Methods in net.miginfocom.swt that return ComponentWrapper
 ComponentWrapper[] SwtContainerWrapper.getComponents()

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