Class SwtComponentWrapper

  extended by net.miginfocom.swt.SwtComponentWrapper
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SwtComponentWrapper
extends java.lang.Object
implements ComponentWrapper

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface net.miginfocom.layout.ComponentWrapper
Constructor Summary
SwtComponentWrapper(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control c)
Method Summary
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
 int getBaseline(int width, int height)
          Returns the baseline for the component given the suggested height.
 java.lang.Object getComponent()
          Returns the actual object that this wrapper is aggregating.
 int getComponetType(boolean disregardScrollPane)
          Returns the type of component that this wrapper is wrapping.
 int getHeight()
          Returns the current height for this component.
 int getHorizontalScreenDPI()
          Returns the DPI (Dots Per Inch) of the screen the component is currently in or for the default screen if the component is not visible.
 int getLayoutHashCode()
          Returns a hash code that should be reasonably different for anything that might change the layout.
 java.lang.String getLinkId()
          Returns a String id that can be used to reference the component in link constraints.
 int getMaximumHeight(int sz)
          Returns the maximum height of the component.
 int getMaximumWidth(int sz)
          Returns the maximum width of the component.
 int getMinimumHeight(int sz)
          Returns the minimum height of the component.
 int getMinimumWidth(int sz)
          Returns the minimum width of the component.
 ContainerWrapper getParent()
          Returns the container for this component.
 float getPixelUnitFactor(boolean isHor)
          Returns the pixel unit factor for the horizontal or vertical dimension.
 int getPreferredHeight(int sz)
          Returns the preferred height of the component.
 int getPreferredWidth(int sz)
          Returns the preferred width of the component.
 int getScreenHeight()
          Returns the pixel size of the screen that the component is currently in or for the default screen if the component is not visible or null.
 int getScreenLocationX()
          Returns the screen x-coordinate for the upper left coordinate of the component layout-able bounds.
 int getScreenLocationY()
          Returns the screen y-coordinate for the upper left coordinate of the component layout-able bounds.
 int getScreenWidth()
          Returns the pixel size of the screen that the component is currently in or for the default screen if the component is not visible or null.
 int getVerticalScreenDPI()
          Returns the DPI (Dots Per Inch) of the screen the component is currently in or for the default screen if the component is not visible.
 int[] getVisualPadding()
          Returns the padding on a component by component basis.
 int getWidth()
          Returns the current width for this component.
 int getX()
          Returns the current x coordinate for this component.
 int getY()
          Returns the current y coordinate for this component.
 boolean hasBaseline()
          Returns if the component has a baseline and if it can be retrieved.
 int hashCode()
static boolean isMinimumSizeZero()
          Sets if minimum size for SWT components should be preferred size (default, false) or 0.
static boolean isUseVisualPadding()
 boolean isVisible()
          Returns if the component's visibility is set to true.
 void paintDebugOutline()
          Paints component outline to indicate where it is.
 void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height)
          Sets the component's bounds.
static void setMinimumSizeZero(boolean b)
          Sets if minimum size for SWT components should be preferred size (default, false) or 0.
static void setUseVisualPadding(boolean b)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SwtComponentWrapper(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control c)
Method Detail


public final int getBaseline(int width,
                             int height)
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the baseline for the component given the suggested height.

Specified by:
getBaseline in interface ComponentWrapper
width - The width to calculate for if other than the current. If -1 the current size should be used.
height - The height to calculate for if other than the current. If -1 the current size should be used.
The baseline from the top or -1 if not applicable.


public final java.lang.Object getComponent()
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the actual object that this wrapper is aggregating. This might be needed for getting information about the object that the wrapper interface does not provide.

If this is a container the container should be returned instead.

Specified by:
getComponent in interface ComponentWrapper
The actual object that this wrapper is aggregating. Not null.


public final float getPixelUnitFactor(boolean isHor)
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the pixel unit factor for the horizontal or vertical dimension.

The factor is 1 for both dimensions on the normal font in a JPanel on Windows. The factor should increase with a bigger "X".

This is the Swing version:

 Rectangle2D r = fm.getStringBounds("X", parent.getGraphics());
 wFactor = r.getWidth() / 6;
 hFactor = r.getHeight() / 13.27734375f;

Specified by:
getPixelUnitFactor in interface ComponentWrapper
isHor - If it is the horizontal factor that should be returned.
The factor.


public final int getX()
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the current x coordinate for this component.

Specified by:
getX in interface ComponentWrapper
The current x coordinate for this component.


public final int getY()
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the current y coordinate for this component.

Specified by:
getY in interface ComponentWrapper
The current y coordinate for this component.


public final int getWidth()
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the current width for this component.

Specified by:
getWidth in interface ComponentWrapper
The current width for this component.


public final int getHeight()
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the current height for this component.

Specified by:
getHeight in interface ComponentWrapper
The current height for this component.


public final int getScreenLocationX()
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the screen x-coordinate for the upper left coordinate of the component layout-able bounds.

Specified by:
getScreenLocationX in interface ComponentWrapper
The screen x-coordinate for the upper left coordinate of the component layout-able bounds.


public final int getScreenLocationY()
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the screen y-coordinate for the upper left coordinate of the component layout-able bounds.

Specified by:
getScreenLocationY in interface ComponentWrapper
The screen y-coordinate for the upper left coordinate of the component layout-able bounds.


public final int getMinimumHeight(int sz)
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the minimum height of the component.

Specified by:
getMinimumHeight in interface ComponentWrapper
sz - The Size hint for the other dimension. An implementation can use this value or the current size for the widget in this dimension, or a combination of both, to calculate the correct size.
Use -1 to denote that there is no hint. This corresponds with SWT.DEFAULT.
The minimum height of the component.


public final int getMinimumWidth(int sz)
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the minimum width of the component.

Specified by:
getMinimumWidth in interface ComponentWrapper
sz - The Size hint for the other dimension. An implementation can use this value or the current size for the widget in this dimension, or a combination of both, to calculate the correct size.
Use -1 to denote that there is no hint. This corresponds with SWT.DEFAULT.
The minimum width of the component.


public final int getPreferredHeight(int sz)
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the preferred height of the component.

Specified by:
getPreferredHeight in interface ComponentWrapper
sz - The Size hint for the other dimension. An implementation can use this value or the current size for the widget in this dimension, or a combination of both, to calculate the correct size.
Use -1 to denote that there is no hint. This corresponds with SWT.DEFAULT.
The preferred height of the component.


public final int getPreferredWidth(int sz)
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the preferred width of the component.

Specified by:
getPreferredWidth in interface ComponentWrapper
sz - The Size hint for the other dimension. An implementation can use this value or the current size for the widget in this dimension, or a combination of both, to calculate the correct size.
Use -1 to denote that there is no hint. This corresponds with SWT.DEFAULT.
The preferred width of the component.


public final int getMaximumHeight(int sz)
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the maximum height of the component.

Specified by:
getMaximumHeight in interface ComponentWrapper
sz - The Size hint for the other dimension. An implementation can use this value or the current size for the widget in this dimension, or a combination of both, to calculate the correct size.
Use -1 to denote that there is no hint. This corresponds with SWT.DEFAULT.
The maximum height of the component.


public final int getMaximumWidth(int sz)
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the maximum width of the component.

Specified by:
getMaximumWidth in interface ComponentWrapper
sz - The Size hint for the other dimension. An implementation can use this value or the current size for the widget in this dimension, or a combination of both, to calculate the correct size.
Use -1 to denote that there is no hint. This corresponds with SWT.DEFAULT.
The maximum width of the component.


public final ContainerWrapper getParent()
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the container for this component.

Specified by:
getParent in interface ComponentWrapper
The container for this component. Will return null if the component has no parent.


public int getHorizontalScreenDPI()
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the DPI (Dots Per Inch) of the screen the component is currently in or for the default screen if the component is not visible.

If headless mode PlatformDefaults.getDefaultDPI() will be returned.

Specified by:
getHorizontalScreenDPI in interface ComponentWrapper
The DPI.


public int getVerticalScreenDPI()
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the DPI (Dots Per Inch) of the screen the component is currently in or for the default screen if the component is not visible.

If headless mode PlatformDefaults.getDefaultDPI() will be returned.

Specified by:
getVerticalScreenDPI in interface ComponentWrapper
The DPI.


public final int getScreenWidth()
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the pixel size of the screen that the component is currently in or for the default screen if the component is not visible or null.

If in headless mode 1024 is returned.

Specified by:
getScreenWidth in interface ComponentWrapper
The screen size. E.g. 1280.


public final int getScreenHeight()
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the pixel size of the screen that the component is currently in or for the default screen if the component is not visible or null.

If in headless mode 768 is returned.

Specified by:
getScreenHeight in interface ComponentWrapper
The screen size. E.g. 1024.


public final boolean hasBaseline()
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns if the component has a baseline and if it can be retrieved. Should for instance return false for Swing before mustang.

Specified by:
hasBaseline in interface ComponentWrapper
If the component has a baseline and if it can be retrieved.


public final java.lang.String getLinkId()
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns a String id that can be used to reference the component in link constraints. This value should return the default id for the component. The id can be set for a component in the constraints and if so the value returned by this method will never be used. If there are no sensible id for the component null should be returned.

For instance the Swing implementation returns the string returned from Component.getName().

Specified by:
getLinkId in interface ComponentWrapper
The string link id or null.


public final void setBounds(int x,
                            int y,
                            int width,
                            int height)
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Sets the component's bounds.

Specified by:
setBounds in interface ComponentWrapper
x - The x coordinate.
y - The y coordinate.
width - The width.
height - The height.


public boolean isVisible()
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns if the component's visibility is set to true. This should not return if the component is actually visible, but if the visibility is set to true or not.

Specified by:
isVisible in interface ComponentWrapper
true means visible.


public final int[] getVisualPadding()
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the padding on a component by component basis. This method can be overridden to return padding to compensate for example for borders that have shadows or where the outer most pixel is not the visual "edge" to align to.

Default implementation returns null for all components except for Windows XP's JTabbedPane which will return new Insets(0, 0, 2, 2).

NOTE! To reduce generated garbage the returned padding should never be changed so that the same insets can be returned many times.

Specified by:
getVisualPadding in interface ComponentWrapper
null if no padding. NOTE! To reduce generated garbage the returned padding should never be changed so that the same insets can be returned many times. [top, left, bottom, right]


public static boolean isUseVisualPadding()


public static void setUseVisualPadding(boolean b)


public static boolean isMinimumSizeZero()
Sets if minimum size for SWT components should be preferred size (default, false) or 0.

true means minimum size is 0.


public static void setMinimumSizeZero(boolean b)
Sets if minimum size for SWT components should be preferred size (default, false) or 0.

b - true means minimum size is 0.


public int getLayoutHashCode()
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns a hash code that should be reasonably different for anything that might change the layout. This value is used to know if the component layout needs to clear any caches.

Specified by:
getLayoutHashCode in interface ComponentWrapper
A hash code that should be reasonably different for anything that might change the layout. Returns -1 if the widget is disposed.


public final void paintDebugOutline()
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Paints component outline to indicate where it is.

Specified by:
paintDebugOutline in interface ComponentWrapper


public int getComponetType(boolean disregardScrollPane)
Description copied from interface: ComponentWrapper
Returns the type of component that this wrapper is wrapping.

This method can be invoked often so the result should be cached.

NOTE! This is misspelled. Keeping it that way though since this is only used by developers who port MigLayout.

Specified by:
getComponetType in interface ComponentWrapper
disregardScrollPane - Is true any wrapping scroll pane should be disregarded and the type of the scrolled component should be returned.
The type of component that this wrapper is wrapping. E.g. ComponentWrapper.TYPE_LABEL.


public final int hashCode()
hashCode in class java.lang.Object


public final boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
equals in class java.lang.Object

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