Interface InCellGapProvider

public interface InCellGapProvider

An interface to implement if you want to decide the gaps between two types of components within the same cell.


 if (adjacentComp == null || adjacentSide == SwingConstants.LEFT || adjacentSide == SwingConstants.TOP)
          return null;

 boolean isHor = (adjacentSide == SwingConstants.LEFT || adjacentSide == SwingConstants.RIGHT);

 if (adjacentComp.getComponentType(false) == ComponentWrapper.TYPE_LABEL && comp.getComponentType(false) == ComponentWrapper.TYPE_TEXT_FIELD)
    return isHor ? UNRELATED_Y : UNRELATED_Y;

 return (adjacentSide == SwingConstants.LEFT || adjacentSide == SwingConstants.RIGHT) ? RELATED_X : RELATED_Y;

Method Summary
 BoundSize getDefaultGap(ComponentWrapper comp, ComponentWrapper adjacentComp, int adjacentSide, java.lang.String tag, boolean isLTR)
          Returns the default gap between two components that are in the same cell.

Method Detail


BoundSize getDefaultGap(ComponentWrapper comp,
                        ComponentWrapper adjacentComp,
                        int adjacentSide,
                        java.lang.String tag,
                        boolean isLTR)
Returns the default gap between two components that are in the same cell.

comp - The component that the gap is for. Never null.
adjacentComp - The adjacent component if any. May be null.
adjacentSide - What side the adjacentComp is on. SwingConstants.TOP or SwingConstants.LEFT or SwingConstants.BOTTOM or SwingConstants.RIGHT.
tag - The tag string that the component might be tagged with in the component constraints. May be null.
isLTR - If it is left-to-right.
The default gap between two components or null if there should be no gap.

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