
The TouchEvent() constructor creates a new TouchEvent.


 event = new TouchEvent(typeArg, touchEventInit);


Is a DOMString representing the name of the event.
touchEventInit Optional
Is a TouchEventInit dictionary, having the following fields:
  • "touches", optional and defaulting to [], of type Touch[], that is a list of objects for every point of contact currently touching the surface.
  • "targetTouches", optional and defaulting to [], of type Touch[], that is a list of objects for every point of contact that is touching the surface and started on the element that is the target of the current event.
  • "changedTouches", optional and defaulting to [], of type Touch[], that is a list of objects for every point of contact which contributed to the event.
  • "ctrlKey", optional and defaulting to false, of type Boolean, that indicates if the ctrl key was simultaneously pressed.
  • "shiftKey", optional and defaulting to false, of type Boolean, that indicates if the shift key was simultaneously pressed.
  • "altKey", optional and defaulting to false, of type Boolean, that indicates if the alt key was simultaneously pressed.
  • "metaKey", optional and defaulting to false, of type Boolean, that indicates if the meta key was simultaneously pressed.

The TouchEventInit dictionary also accepts fields from UIEventInit and from EventInit dictionaries.


Specification Status Comment
Touch Events – Level 2
The definition of 'TouchEvent' in that specification.
Editor's Draft Added TouchEvent constructor.

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support 48.0 [1] ? 12.0 15.0 ?

[1] Chrome only supports the following touchEventInit properties: touches, targetTouches, changeTouches.

See also

  • TouchEvent, the interface of the objects it constructs.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: jpmedley, mrenty, dtapuska, teoli
 Last updated by: jpmedley,