
This feature has been removed from the Web standards. Though some browsers may still support it, it is in the process of being dropped. Avoid using it and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time.

The KeyboardEvent.keyCode read-only property represents a system and implementation dependent numerical code identifying the unmodified value of the pressed key. This is usually the decimal ASCII (RFC 20) or Windows 1252 code corresponding to the key. If the key can't be identified, this value is 0.

The value of keypress event is different between browsers. IE and Google Chrome set the KeyboardEvent.charCode value. Gecko sets 0 if the pressed key is a printable key, otherwise it sets the same keyCode as a keydown or keyup event.

You should avoid using this if possible; it's been deprecated for some time. Instead, you should use KeyboardEvent.code, if it's implemented. Unfortunately, some browsers still don't have it, so you'll have to be careful to make sure you use one which is supported on all target browsers. Google Chrome and Safari have implemented KeyboardEvent.keyIdentifier, which was defined in a draft specification but not the final spec.

Web developers shouldn't use the keyCode attribute for printable characters when handling keydown and keyup events. As described above, the keyCode attribute is not useful for printable characters, especially those input with the Shift or Alt key pressed. When implementing a shortcut key handler, the keypress event is usually better (at least when Gecko is the runtime in use). See Gecko Keypress Event for details.


window.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) {
  if (event.defaultPrevented) {
    return; // Should do nothing if the default action has been cancelled
  var handled = false;
  if (event.key !== undefined) {
    // Handle the event with KeyboardEvent.key and set handled true.
  } else if (event.keyIdentifier !== undefined) {
    // Handle the event with KeyboardEvent.keyIdentifier and set handled true.
  } else if (event.keyCode !== undefined) {
    // Handle the event with KeyboardEvent.keyCode and set handled true.
  if (handled) {
    // Suppress "double action" if event handled
}, true);


Specification Status Comment
Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Events Specification
The definition of 'KeyboardEvent.keyCode' in that specification.
Working Draft Initial definition; specified as deprecated

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support 26 (probably earlier) (Yes) 3.0 (possibly earlier) 6 11.6 (probably earlier) 5 (probably earlier)

Value of keyCode

Printable keys in standard position

The value of key events which are caused by pressing or releasing printable keys in standard position is not compatible between browsers.

IE just exposes the native virtual keycode value as KeyboardEvent.keyCode.

Google Chrome, Chromium and Safari must decide the value from the input character. If the inputting character can be inputted with US keyboard layout, they use the keyCode value on US keyboard layout.

Starting in Gecko 15 (Firefox 15.0 / Thunderbird 15.0 / SeaMonkey 2.12), Gecko decides keyCode value from an ASCII character which is inputtable by the key even with shift modifier or ASCII capable keyboard layout.  See the following rules for details:

  1. If the system is Windows and native keycode of pressed key indicates that the key is a-z or 0-9, use a keycode for it.
  2. If the system is Mac and native keycode of pressed key indicates that the key is 0-9, use a keycode for it.
  3. If pressed key inputs an ASCII alphabetic or numeric with no modifier key, use a keycode for it.
  4. If pressed key inputs an ASCII alphabetic or numeric with Shift key, use a keycode for it.
  5. If pressed key inputs another ASCII character with no modifier key, use a keycode for it.
  6. If pressed key inputs another ASCII character with Shift key, use a keycode for it.
  7. Otherwise, i.e., pressed key inputs a Unicode character:
    1. If the keyboard layout is ASCII capable keyboard layout (i.e., can input ASCII alphabets), use 0.
    2. Otherwise, i.e., the keyboard layout isn't ASCII capable, using ASCII capable keyboard layout which is installed on the environment and has highest priority:
      1. If pressed key on the alternative keyboard layout inputs an ASCII alphabetic or numeric, use a keycode for it.
      2. Otherwise, use 0.
keyCode values of each browser's keydown event caused by printable keys in standard position
KeyboardEvent.code Internet Explorer 11 Google Chrome 34 Chromium 34 Safari 7 Gecko 29
Windows Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) Mac (10.9) Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek
KeyboardEvent.code US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek
Windows Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) Mac (10.9) Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
Internet Explorer 11 Google Chrome 34 Chromium 34 Safari 7 Gecko 29
"Digit1" 0x31 (49) 0x31 (49) 0x31 (49) 0x31 (49) 0x31 (49) 0x31 (49) 0x31 (49) 0x31 (49)
"Digit2" 0x32 (50) 0x32 (50) 0x32 (50) 0x32 (50) 0x32 (50) 0x32 (50) 0x32 (50) 0x32 (50)
"Digit3" 0x33 (51) 0x33 (51) 0x33 (51) 0x33 (51) 0x33 (51) 0x33 (51) 0x33 (51) 0x33 (51)
"Digit4" 0x34 (52) 0x34 (52) 0x34 (52) 0x34 (52) 0x34 (52) 0x34 (52) 0x34 (52) 0x34 (52)
"Digit5" 0x35 (53) 0x35 (53) 0x35 (53) 0x35 (53) 0x35 (53) 0x35 (53) 0x35 (53) 0x35 (53)
"Digit6" 0x36 (54) 0x36 (54) 0x36 (54) 0x36 (54) 0x36 (54) 0x36 (54) 0x36 (54) 0x36 (54)
"Digit7" 0x37 (55) 0x37 (55) 0x37 (55) 0x37 (55) 0x37 (55) 0x37 (55) 0x37 (55) 0x37 (55)
"Digit8" 0x38 (56) 0x38 (56) 0x38 (56) 0x38 (56) 0x38 (56) 0x38 (56) 0x38 (56) 0x38 (56)
"Digit9" 0x39 (57) 0x39 (57) 0x39 (57) 0x39 (57) 0x39 (57) 0x39 (57) 0x39 (57) 0x39 (57)
"Digit0" 0x30 (48) 0x30 (48) 0x30 (48) 0x30 (48) 0x30 (48) 0x30 (48) 0x30 (48) 0x30 (48)
"KeyA" 0x41 (65) 0x41 (65) 0x41 (65) 0x41 (65) 0x41 (65) 0x41 (65) 0x41 (65) 0x41 (65)
"KeyB" 0x42 (66) 0x42 (66) 0x42 (66) 0x42 (66) 0x42 (66) 0x42 (66) 0x42 (66) 0x42 (66)
"KeyC" 0x43 (67) 0x43 (67) 0x43 (67) 0x43 (67) 0x43 (67) 0x43 (67) 0x43 (67) 0x43 (67)
"KeyD" 0x44 (68) 0x44 (68) 0x44 (68)  0x44 (68) 0x44 (68) 0x44 (68) 0x44 (68) 0x44 (68)
"KeyE" 0x45 (69) 0x45 (69) 0x45 (69) 0x45 (69) 0x45 (69) 0x45 (69) 0x45 (69) 0x45 (69)
"KeyF" 0x46 (70) 0x46 (70) 0x46 (70) 0x46 (70) 0x46 (70) 0x46 (70) 0x46 (70) 0x46 (70)
"KeyG" 0x47 (71) 0x47 (71) 0x47 (71) 0x47 (71) 0x47 (71) 0x47 (71) 0x47 (71) 0x47 (71)
"KeyH" 0x48 (72) 0x48 (72) 0x48 (72) 0x48 (72) 0x48 (72) 0x48 (72) 0x48 (72) 0x48 (72)
"KeyI" 0x49 (73) 0x49 (73) 0x49 (73) 0x49 (73) 0x49 (73) 0x49 (73) 0x49 (73) 0x49 (73)
"KeyJ" 0x4A (74) 0x4A (74) 0x4A (74) 0x4A (74) 0x4A (74) 0x4A (74) 0x4A (74) 0x4A (74)
"KeyK" 0x4B (75) 0x4B (75) 0x4B (75) 0x4B (75) 0x4B (75) 0x4B (75) 0x4B (75) 0x4B (75)
"KeyL" 0x4C (76) 0x4C (76) 0x4C (76) 0x4C (76) 0x4C (76) 0x4C (76) 0x4C (76) 0x4C (76)
"KeyM" 0x4D (77) 0x4D (77) 0x4D (77) 0x4D (77) 0x4D (77) 0x4D (77) 0x4D (77) 0x4D (77)
"KeyN" 0x4E (78) 0x4E (78) 0x4E (78) 0x4E (78) 0x4E (78) 0x4E (78) 0x4E (78) 0x4E (78)
"KeyO" 0x4F (79) 0x4F (79) 0x4F (79) 0x4F (79) 0x4F (79) 0x4F (79) 0x4F (79) 0x4F (79)
"KeyP" 0x50 (80) 0x50 (80) 0x50 (80) 0x50 (80) 0x50 (80) 0x50 (80) 0x50 (80) 0x50 (80)
"KeyQ" 0x51 (81) 0x51 (81) 0x51 (81) 0x51 (81) 0xBA (186) 0x51 (81) 0x51 (81) 0xBA (186) 0x51 (81) 0x51 (81) 0xBA (186) 0x51 (81) 0x51 (81) 0x51 (81) 0xBA (186) 0x51 (81)
"KeyR" 0x52 (82) 0x52 (82) 0x52 (82) 0x52 (82) 0x52 (82) 0x52 (82) 0x52 (82) 0x52 (82)
"KeyS" 0x53 (83) 0x53 (83) 0x53 (83) 0x53 (83) 0x53 (83) 0x53 (83) 0x53 (83) 0x53 (83)
"KeyT" 0x54 (84) 0x54 (84) 0x54 (84) 0x54 (84) 0x54 (84) 0x54 (84) 0x54 (84) 0x54 (84)
"KeyU" 0x55 (85) 0x55 (85) 0x55 (85) 0x55 (85) 0x55 (85) 0x55 (85) 0x55 (85) 0x55 (85)
"KeyV" 0x56 (86) 0x56 (86) 0x56 (86) 0x56 (86) 0x56 (86) 0x56 (86) 0x56 (86) 0x56 (86)
"KeyW" 0x57 (87) 0x57 (87) 0x57 (87) 0x57 (87) 0x57 (87) 0x57 (87) 0x57 (87) 0x57 (87)
"KeyX" 0x58 (88) 0x58 (88) 0x58 (88) 0x58 (88) 0x58 (88) 0x58 (88) 0x58 (88) 0x58 (88)
"KeyY" 0x59 (89) 0x59 (89) 0x59 (89) 0x59 (89) 0x59 (89) 0x59 (89) 0x59 (89) 0x59 (89)
"KeyZ" 0x5A (90) 0x5A (90) 0x5A (90) 0x5A (90) 0x5A (90) 0x5A (90) 0x5A (90) 0x5A (90)
keyCode values of each browser's keydown event caused by printable keys in standard position (punctuations in US layout):
KeyboardEvent.code Internet Explorer 11 Google Chrome 34 Chromium 34 Safari 7 Gecko 29
Windows Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) Mac (10.9) Windows (10.9) Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek
KeyboardEvent.code US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek US Japanese Greek
Windows Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) Mac (10.9) Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
Internet Explorer 11 Google Chrome 34 Chromium 34 Safari 7 Gecko 29
"Comma" 0xBC (188) 0xBC (188) 0xBC (188) 0xBC (188) 0xBC (188) 0xBC (188) 0xBC (188) 0xBC (188)
"Comma" with Shift
"Period" 0xBE (190) 0xBE (190) 0xBE (190) 0xBE (190) 0xBE (190) 0xBE (190) 0xBE (190) 0xBE (190)
"Period" with Shift
"Semicolon" 0xBA (186) 0xBB (187) 0xBA (186) 0xBA (186) 0xBB (187) 0xBA (186) 0xBA (186) 0xBA (186) *1 0xE5 (229) *2 0xBA (186) 0xBA (186) 0xE5 (229) *3 0xBA (186) 0xBA (186) *1 0xE5 (229) *2 0x3B (59) 0x3B (59) 0x00 (0) 0x3B (59) 0x3B (59) *1 0x00 (0) 0x3B (59) 0x3B (59) 0x00 (0)
"Semicolon" with Shift 0xBB (187) *1 0xBB (187) 0xBB (187) *1
"Quote" 0xDE (222) 0xBA (186) 0xDE (222) 0xDE (222) 0xBA (186) 0xDE (222) 0xDE (222) 0xBA (186) *1 0xDE (222) 0xDE (222) 0xBA (186) 0xDE (222) 0xDE (222) 0xBA (186)  *1 0xDE (222) 0xDE (222) 0x3A (58) 0xDE (222) 0xDE (222) 0x3A (58) *1 0xDE (222) 0xDE (222) 0x3A (58) 0xDE (222)
"Quote" with Shift 0xDE (222) *1 0x38 (56) 0xDE (222) *1
"BracketLeft" 0xDB (219) 0xC0(192) 0xDB (219) 0xDB (219) 0xC0(192) 0xDB (219) 0xDB (219) 0xDB (219) *1 0xDB (219) 0xDB (219) 0x32 (50) 0xDB (219) 0xDB (219) 0xDB (219) *1 0xDB (219) 0xDB (219) 0x40 (64) 0xDB (219) 0xDB (219) 0x40 (64) *1 0xDB (219) 0xDB (219) 0x40 (64) 0xDB (219)
"BracketLeft" with Shift 0xC0 (192) *1 0xC0 (192) 0xC0 (192) *1
"BracketRight" 0xDD (221) 0xDB (219) 0xDD (221) 0xDD (221) 0xDB (219) 0xDD (221) 0xDD (221) 0xDB (219) *1 0xDD (221) 0xDD (221) 0xDB (219) 0xDD (221) 0xDD (221) 0xDB (219) *1 0xDD (221) 0xDD (221) 0xDB (219) 0xDD (221) 0xDD (221) 0xDB (219) *1 0xDD (221) 0xDD (221) 0xDB (219) 0xDD (221)
"BracketRight" with Shift
"Backquote" 0xC0 (192) N/A 0xC0 (192) 0xC0 (192) N/A 0xC0 (192) 0xC0 (192) 0xC0 (192) 0xF4 (244) 0xC0 (192) 0xC0 (192) 0xC0 (192) N/A 0xC0 (192) 0xC0 (192) 0xC0 (192) 0x00 (0) 0xC0 (192)
"Backquote" with Shift
"Backslash" 0xDC (220) 0xDD (221) 0xDC (220) 0xDC (220) 0xDD (221) 0xDC (220) 0xDC (220) 0xDC (220) 0xDD (221) 0xDC (220) 0xDC (220) 0xDC (220) 0xDD (221) 0xDC (220) 0xDC (220) 0xDC (220) 0xDD (221) 0xDC (220)
"Backslash" with Shift
"Minus" 0xBD (189) 0xBD (189) 0xBD (189) 0xBD (189) *1 0xBD (189) 0xBD (189) 0xBD (189) 0xBD (189) 0xBD (189) 0xBD (189) *1 0xBD (189) 0xAD (173) 0xAD (173) 0xAD (173) *1 0xAD (173) 0xAD (173)
"Minus" with Shift 0xBB (187) *1 0xBB (187) 0xBD (189) 0xBB (187) *1 0xBD (189)
"Equal" 0xBB (187) 0xDE (222) 0xBB (187) 0xBB (187) 0xDE (222) 0xBB (187) 0xBB (187) 0xBB (187) *1 0xBB (187) 0xBB (187) 0x36 (54) 0xBB (187) 0xBB (187) 0xBB (187) *1 0xBB (187) 0x3D (61) 0xA0 (160) 0x3D (61) 0x3D (61) 0xA0 (160) *1 0x3D (61) 0x3D (61) 0xA0 (160) 0x3D (61)
"Equal" with Shift 0xC0 (192) *1 0xC0 (192) 0xBB (187) 0xC0 (192) *1 0xBB (187)
"IntlRo" 0xC1 (193) 0xE2 (226) 0xC1 (193) 0xC1 (193) 0xE2 (226) 0xC1 (193) 0xBD (189) 0xBD (189) 0x00 (0) *4 0xDC (220)
*4 0xBD (189) 0xBD (189) 0xE5 (229) *5 0x00 (0) 0xDC (220) 0x00 (0) 0xA7 (167) 0xA7 (167) 0x00 (0) 0x00 (0) 0xDC (220) 0x00 (0)
"IntlRo" with Shift
"IntlYen" 0xFF (255) 0xDC (220) 0xFF (255) 0xFF (255) 0xDC (220) 0xFF (255) 0x00 (0) 0x00 (0) 0x00 (0) *4 0xDC (220) *4 0x00 (0) 0x00 (0) 0xE5 (229) *5 0x00 (0) 0xDC (220) 0x00 (0) 0xDC (220) 0xDC (220) 0x00 (0) 0x00 (0) 0xDC (220) 0x00 (0)
"IntlYen" with Shift 0xDC (220) 0xDC (220) 0xBD (189) 0xDC (220) 0xDC (220)

*1 The value is input from JIS keyboard. When you use ANSI keyboard, the keyCode value and inputted character are what you select from the US keyboard layout.

*2 The key is a dead key. The value of keyup event is 0xBA (186).

*3 The key is a dead key. The value of keyup event is 0x10 (16).

*4 No key events are fired.

*5 The key isn't available with Greek keyboard layout (does not input any character). The value of keyup event is 0x00 (0).

Non-printable keys (function keys)

keyCode values of each browser's keydown event caused by modifier keys:
KeyboardEvent.code Internet Explorer 11 Google Chrome 34 Chromium 34 Safari 7 Gecko 29
Windows Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) Mac (10.9) Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
KeyboardEvent.code Windows Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) Mac (10.9) Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
Internet Explorer 11 Google Chrome 34 Chromium 34 Safari 7 Gecko 29
"AltLeft" 0x12 (18) 0x12 (18) 0x12 (18) 0x12 (18) 0x12 (18) 0x12 (18) 0x12 (18) 0x12 (18)
"AltRight" 0x12 (18) 0x12 (18) 0x12 (18) 0x12 (18) 0x12 (18) 0x12 (18) 0x12 (18) 0x12 (18)
"AltRight" when it's "AltGraph" key *1 *1 N/A 0xE1 (225) N/A *1 N/A 0xE1 (225)
"CapsLock" 0x14 (20) *2 0x14 (20) *2 0x14 (20) 0x14 (20) 0x14 (20) 0x14 (20) *2 0x14 (20) 0x14 (20) *3
"ControlLeft" 0x11 (17) 0x11 (17) 0x11 (17) 0x11 (17) 0x11 (17) 0x11 (17) 0x11 (17) 0x11 (17)
"ControlRight" 0x11 (17) 0x11 (17) 0x11 (17) 0x11 (17) 0x11 (17) 0x11 (17) 0x11 (17) 0x11 (17)
"OSLeft" 0x5B (91) 0x5B (91) 0x5B (91) 0x5B (91) 0x5B (91) 0x5B (91) 0xE0 (224) 0x5B (91)
"OSRight" 0x5C (92) 0x5C (92) 0x5D (93) 0x5C (92) 0x5D (93) 0x5B (91) 0xE0 (224) 0x5B (91)
"ShiftLeft" 0x10 (16) 0x10 (16) 0x10 (16) 0x10 (16) 0x10 (16) 0x10 (16) 0x10 (16) 0x10 (16)
"ShiftRight" 0x10 (16) 0x10 (16) 0x10 (16) 0x10 (16) 0x10 (16) 0x10 (16) 0x10 (16) 0x10 (16)

*1 On Windows, "AltGraph" key causes "ControlLeft" key event and "AltRight" key event.

*2 When Japanese keyboard layout is active, "CapsLock" key without Shift causes 0xF0 (240). The key works as "Alphanumeric" key whose label is "英数".

*3 When Japanese keyboard layout is active, "CapsLock" key without Shift causes 0x00 (0). The key works as "Alphanumeric" key whose label is "英数".

keyCode values of each browser's keydown event caused by non-printable keys:
KeyboardEvent.code Internet Explorer 11 Google Chrome 34 Chromium 34 Safari 7 Gecko 29
Windows Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) Mac (10.9) Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
KeyboardEvent.code Windows Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) Mac (10.9) Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
Internet Explorer 11 Google Chrome 34 Chromium 34 Safari 7 Gecko 29
"ContextMenu" 0x5D (93) 0x5D (93) 0x00 (0) *1 0x5D (93) 0x00 (0) *1 0x5D (93) 0x5D (93) 0x5D (93)
"Enter" 0x0D (13) 0x0D (13) 0x0D (13) 0x0D (13) 0x0D (13) 0x0D (13) 0x0D (13) 0x0D (13)
"Space" 0x20 (32) 0x20 (32) 0x20 (32) 0x20 (32) 0x20 (32) 0x20 (32) 0x20 (32) 0x20 (32)
"Tab" 0x09 (9) 0x09 (9) 0x09 (9) 0x09 (9) 0x09 (9) 0x09 (9) 0x09 (9) 0x09 (9)
"Delete" 0x2E (46) 0x2E (46) 0x2E (46) 0x2E (46) 0x2E (46) 0x2E (46) 0x2E (46) 0x2E (46)
"End" 0x23 (35) 0x23 (35) 0x23 (35) 0x23 (35) 0x23 (35) 0x23 (35) 0x23 (35) 0x23 (35)
"Help" N/A N/A 0x2D (45) *2 0x2F (47) *3 0x2D (45) *2 N/A 0x2D (45) *2 0x06 (6) *3
"Home" 0x24 (36) 0x24 (36) 0x24 (36) 0x24 (36) 0x24 (36) 0x24 (36) 0x24 (36) 0x24 (36)
"Insert" 0x2D (45) 0x2D (45) 0x2D (45) 0x2D (45) 0x2D (45) 0x2D (45) 0x2D (45) 0x2D (45)
"PageDown" 0x22 (34) 0x22 (34) 0x22 (34) 0x22 (34) 0x22 (34) 0x22 (34) 0x22 (34) 0x22 (34)
"PageUp" 0x21 (33) 0x21 (33) 0x21 (33) 0x21 (33) 0x21 (33) 0x21 (33) 0x21 (33) 0x21 (33)
"ArrowDown" 0x28 (40) 0x28 (40) 0x28 (40) 0x28 (40) 0x28 (40) 0x28 (40) 0x28 (40) 0x28 (40)
"ArrowLeft" 0x25 (37) 0x25 (37) 0x25 (37) 0x25 (37) 0x25 (37) 0x25 (37) 0x25 (37) 0x25 (37)
"ArrowRight" 0x27 (39) 0x27 (39) 0x27 (39) 0x27 (39) 0x27 (39) 0x27 (39) 0x27 (39) 0x27 (39)
"ArrowUp" 0x26 (38) 0x26 (38) 0x26 (38) 0x26 (38) 0x26 (38) 0x26 (38) 0x26 (38) 0x26 (38)
"Escape" 0x1B (27) 0x1B (27) 0x1B (27) 0x1B (27) 0x1B (27) 0x1B (27) 0x1B (27) 0x1B (27)
"PrintScreen" 0x2C (44) *4 0x2C (44) *4 0x7C (124)*5 0x2A (42) 0x7C (124)*5 0x2C (44) *4 0x2C (44) 0x2A (42)
"ScrollLock" 0x91 (145) 0x91 (145) 0x7D (125)*5 0x91 (145) 0x7D (125)*5 0x91 (145) 0x91 (145) 0x91 (145)
"Pause" 0x13 (19) *6 0x13 (19) *6 0x7E (126)*5 0x13 (19) 0x7E (126)*5 0x13 (19) *6 0x13 (19) 0x13 (19)

*1 keypress event is fired whose keyCode and charCode are 0x10 (16) but text isn't inputted into editor.

*2 On Mac, "Help" key is mapped to "Insert" key of PC keyboard. These keyCode values are the same as the "Insert" key's keyCode value.

*3 Tested on Fedora 20.

*4 Only keyup event is fired.

*5 PC's "PrintScreen", "ScrollLock" and "Pause" are mapped to Mac's "F13", "F14" and "F15". Chrome and Safari map same keyCode values with Mac's keys.

*6 "Pause" key with Control causes 0x03 (3).

keyCode values of each browser's keydown event caused by function keys:
KeyboardEvent.code Internet Explorer 11 Google Chrome 34 Chromium 34 Safari 7 Gecko 29
Windows Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) Mac (10.9) Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
KeyboardEvent.code Windows Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) Mac (10.9) Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
Internet Explorer 11 Google Chrome 34 Chromium 34 Safari 7 Gecko 29
"F1" 0x70 (112) 0x70 (112) 0x70 (112) 0x70 (112) 0x70 (112) 0x70 (112) 0x70 (112) 0x70 (112)
"F2" 0x71 (113) 0x71 (113) 0x71 (113) 0x71 (113) 0x71 (113) 0x71 (113) 0x71 (113) 0x71 (113)
"F3" 0x72 (114) 0x72 (114) 0x72 (114) 0x72 (114) 0x72 (114) 0x72 (114) 0x72 (114) 0x72 (114)
"F4" 0x73 (115) 0x73 (115) 0x73 (115) 0x73 (115) 0x73 (115) 0x73 (115) 0x73 (115) 0x73 (115)
"F5" 0x74 (116) 0x74 (116) 0x74 (116) 0x74 (116) 0x74 (116) 0x74 (116) 0x74 (116) 0x74 (116)
"F6" 0x75 (117) 0x75 (117) 0x75 (117) 0x75 (117) 0x75 (117) 0x75 (117) 0x75 (117) 0x75 (117)
"F7" 0x76 (118) 0x76 (118) 0x76 (118) 0x76 (118) 0x76 (118) 0x76 (118) 0x76 (118) 0x76 (118)
"F8" 0x77 (119) 0x77 (119) 0x77 (119) 0x77 (119) 0x77 (119) 0x77 (119) 0x77 (119) 0x77 (119)
"F9" 0x78 (120) 0x78 (120) 0x78 (120) 0x78 (120) 0x78 (120) 0x78 (120) 0x78 (120) 0x78 (120)
"F10" 0x79 (121) 0x79 (121) 0x79 (121) 0x79 (121) 0x79 (121) 0x79 (121) 0x79 (121) 0x79 (121)
"F11" 0x7A (122) 0x7A (122) 0x7A (122) 0x7A (122) 0x7A (122) 0x7A (122) 0x7A (122) 0x7A (122)
"F12" 0x7B (123) 0x7B (123) 0x7B (123) 0x7B (123) 0x7B (123) 0x7B (123) 0x7B (123) 0x7B (123)
"F13" 0x7C (124) 0x7C (124) 0x7C (124) 0x7C (124) *1 0x7C (124) 0x7C (124) 0x2C (44) *2 0x00 (0) *3
"F14" 0x7D (125) 0x7D (125) 0x7D (125) 0x7D (125) *1 0x7D (125) 0x7D (125) 0x91 (145) *2 0x00 (0) *3
"F15" 0x7E (126) 0x7E (126) 0x7E (126) 0x7E (126) *1 0x7E (126) 0x7E (126) 0x13 (19) *2 0x00 (0) *3
"F16" 0x7F (127) 0x7F (127) 0x7F (127) 0x7F (127) *1 0x7F (127) 0x7F (127) 0x7F (127) 0x00 (0) *3
"F17" 0x80 (128) 0x80 (128) 0x80 (128) 0x80 (128) *1 0x80 (128) 0x80 (128) 0x80 (128) 0x00 (0) *3
"F18" 0x81 (129) 0x81 (129) 0x81 (129) 0x81 (129) *1 0x81 (129) 0x81 (129) 0x81 (129) 0x00 (0) *3
"F19" 0x82 (130) 0x82 (130) 0x82 (130) N/A *4 0x82 (130) 0x82 (130) 0x82 (130) 0x00 (0) *3
"F20" 0x83 (131) 0x83 (131) 0x83 (131) N/A *4 0xE5 (229) *5 0x83 (131) 0x00 (0) N/A *6
"F21" 0x84 (132) 0x84 (132) 0x00 (0) *7 N/A *4 0x00 (0) *7 0x84 (132) N/A *8 N/A *6
"F22" 0x85 (133) 0x85 (133) 0x00 (0) *7 N/A *4 0x00 (0) *7 0x85 (133) N/A *8 N/A *6
"F23" 0x86 (134) 0x86 (134) 0x00 (0) *7 N/A *4 0x00 (0) *7 0x86 (134) N/A *8 N/A *6
"F24" 0x87 (135) 0x87 (135) 0x00 (0) *7 N/A *4 0x00 (0) *7 0x87 (135) N/A *8 0x00 (0) *3

*1 Tested on Fedora 20.

*2 PC's "PrintScreen", "ScrollLock" and "Pause" are mapped to Mac's "F13", "F14" and "F15". Firefox maps same keyCode values with PC's keys.

*3 Tested on Fedora 20. The keys don't cause GDK_Fxx keysyms. If the keys cause proper keysyms, these values must be same as IE.

*4 Tested on Fedora 20. The keys don't cause DOM key events on Chromium.

*5 keyUp event's keyCode value is 0x83 (131).

*6 Tested on Fedora 20. The keys don't cause DOM key events on Firefox.

*7 Only keydown event is fired.

*8 No DOM key events are fired on Firefox.

Numpad keys

keyCode values of each browser's keydown event caused by keys in numpad in NumLock state
KeyboardEvent.code Internet Explorer 11 Google Chrome 34 Chromium 34 Safari 7 Gecko 29
Windows Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) Mac (10.9) Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
KeyboardEvent.code Windows Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) Mac (10.9) Windows Mac (10.9) Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
Internet Explorer 11 Google Chrome 34 Chromium 34 Safari 7 Gecko 29
"NumLock" 0x90 (144) 0x90 (144) 0x0C (12) *1 0x90 (144) 0x0C (12) *1 0x90 (144) 0x0C (12) *1 0x90 (144)
"Numpad0" 0x60 (96) 0x60 (96) 0x60 (96) 0x60 (96) 0x60 (96) 0x60 (96) 0x60 (96) 0x60 (96)
"Numpad1" 0x61 (97) 0x61 (97) 0x61 (97) 0x61 (97) 0x61 (97) 0x61 (97) 0x61 (97) 0x61 (97)
"Numpad2" 0x62 (98) 0x62 (98) 0x62 (98) 0x62 (98) 0x62 (98) 0x62 (98) 0x62 (98) 0x62 (98)
"Numpad3" 0x63 (99) 0x63 (99) 0x63 (99) 0x63 (99) 0x63 (99) 0x63 (99) 0x63 (99) 0x63 (99)
"Numpad4" 0x64 (100) 0x64 (100) 0x64 (100) 0x64 (100) 0x64 (100) 0x64 (100) 0x64 (100) 0x64 (100)
"Numpad5" 0x65 (101) 0x65 (101) 0x65 (101) 0x65 (101) 0x65 (101) 0x65 (101) 0x65 (101) 0x65 (101)
"Numpad6" 0x66 (102) 0x66 (102) 0x66 (102) 0x66 (102) 0x66 (102) 0x66 (102) 0x66 (102) 0x66 (102)
"Numpad7" 0x67 (103) 0x67 (103) 0x67 (103) 0x67 (103) 0x67 (103) 0x67 (103) 0x67 (103) 0x67 (103)
"Numpad8" 0x68 (104) 0x68 (104) 0x68 (104) 0x68 (104) 0x68 (104) 0x68 (104) 0x68 (104) 0x68 (104)
"Numpad9" 0x69 (105) 0x69 (105) 0x69 (105) 0x69 (105) 0x69 (105) 0x69 (105) 0x69 (105) 0x69 (105)
"NumpadAdd" 0x6B (107) 0x6B (107) 0x6B (107) 0x6B (107) 0x6B (107) 0x6B (107) 0x6B (107) 0x6B (107)
"NumpadComma" inputting "," 0xC2 (194) 0xC2 (194) 0xBC (188) Always inputs "." 0xBC (188) 0xC2 (194) 0x6C (108) Always inputs "."
"NumpadComma" inputting "." or empty string 0xC2 (194) 0xC2 (194) 0xBE (190) 0x6E (110) 0xBE (190) 0xC2 (194) 0x6C (108) 0x6E (110)
"NumpadDecimal" inputting "." 0x6E (110) 0x6E (110) 0x6E (110) 0x6E (110) 0x6E (110) 0x6E (110) 0x6E (110) 0x6E (110)
"NumpadDecimal" inputting "," 0x6E (110) 0x6E (110) 0x6E (110) 0x6C (108) 0x6E (110) 0x6E (110) 0x6E (110) 0x6C (108)
"NumpadDivide" 0x6F (111) 0x6F (111) 0x6F (111) 0x6F (111) 0x6F (111) 0x6F (111) 0x6F (111) 0x6F (111)
"NumpadEnter" 0x0D (13) 0x0D (13) 0x0D (13) 0x0D (13) 0x0D (13) 0x0D (13) 0x0D (13) 0x0D (13)
"NumpadEqual" 0x0C (12) 0x0C (12) 0xBB (187) 0xBB (187) 0xBB (187) 0x0C (12) 0x3D (61) 0x3D (61)
"NumpadMultiply" 0x6A (106) 0x6A (106) 0x6A (106) 0x6A (106) 0x6A (106) 0x6A (106) 0x6A (106) 0x6A (106)
"NumpadSubtract" 0x6D (109) 0x6D (109) 0x6D (109) 0x6D (109) 0x6D (109) 0x6D (109) 0x6D (109) 0x6D (109)

*1 "NumLock" key works as "Clear" key on Mac.

keyCode values of each browser's keydown event caused by keys in numpad without NumLock state
KeyboardEvent.code Internet Explorer 11 Google Chrome 34 Chromium 34 Gecko 29
Windows Windows Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) Windows Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
KeyboardEvent.code Windows Windows Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) Windows Linux (Ubuntu 14.04)
Internet Explorer 11 Google Chrome 34 Chromium 34 Gecko 29
"Numpad0" ("Insert") 0x2D (45) 0x2D (45) 0x2D (45) 0x2D (45) 0x2D (45)
"Numpad1" ("End") 0x23 (35) 0x23 (35) 0x23 (35) 0x23 (35) 0x23 (35)
"Numpad2" ("ArrowDown") 0x28 (40) 0x28 (40) 0x28 (40) 0x28 (40) 0x28 (40)
"Numpad3" ("PageDown") 0x22 (34) 0x22 (34) 0x22 (34) 0x22 (34) 0x22 (34)
"Numpad4" ("ArrowLeft") 0x25 (37) 0x25 (37) 0x25 (37) 0x25 (37) 0x25 (37)
"Numpad5" 0x0C (12) 0x0C (12) 0x0C (12) 0x0C (12) 0x0C (12)
"Numpad6" ("ArrowRight") 0x27 (39) 0x27 (39) 0x27 (39) 0x27 (39) 0x27 (39)
"Numpad7" ("Home") 0x24 (36) 0x24 (36) 0x24 (36) 0x24 (36) 0x24 (36)
"Numpad8" ("ArrowUp") 0x26 (38) 0x26 (38) 0x26 (38) 0x26 (38) 0x26 (38)
"Numpad9" ("PageUp") 0x21 (33) 0x21 (33) 0x21 (33) 0x21 (33) 0x21 (33)
"NumpadDecimal" ("Delete") 0x2E (46) 0x2E (46) 0x2E (46) 0x2E (46) 0x2E (46)

* Recent Mac doesn't have "NumLock" key and state. Therefore, unlocked state isn't available.

Constants for keyCode value

Gecko defines a lot of keyCode values in KeyboardEvent for making the mapping table explicitly. These values are useful for add-on developers of Firefox, but not so useful in public web pages.

Constant Value Description
DOM_VK_CANCEL 0x03 (3) Cancel key.
DOM_VK_HELP 0x06 (6) Help key.
DOM_VK_BACK_SPACE 0x08 (8) Backspace key.
DOM_VK_TAB 0x09 (9) Tab key.
DOM_VK_CLEAR 0x0C (12) "5" key on Numpad when NumLock is unlocked. Or on Mac, clear key which is positioned at NumLock key.
DOM_VK_RETURN 0x0D (13) Return/enter key on the main keyboard.
DOM_VK_ENTER 0x0E (14) Reserved, but not used. Obsolete since Gecko 30 (Dropped, see bug 969247.)
DOM_VK_SHIFT 0x10 (16) Shift key.
DOM_VK_CONTROL 0x11 (17) Control key.
DOM_VK_ALT 0x12 (18) Alt (Option on Mac) key.
DOM_VK_PAUSE 0x13 (19) Pause key.
DOM_VK_CAPS_LOCK 0x14 (20) Caps lock.
DOM_VK_KANA 0x15 (21) Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0.
DOM_VK_HANGUL 0x15 (21) Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0.
DOM_VK_EISU 0x 16 (22) "英数" key on Japanese Mac keyboard.
DOM_VK_JUNJA 0x17 (23) Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0.
DOM_VK_FINAL 0x18 (24) Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0.
DOM_VK_HANJA 0x19 (25) Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0.
DOM_VK_KANJI 0x19 (25) Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0.
DOM_VK_ESCAPE 0x1B (27) Escape key.
DOM_VK_CONVERT 0x1C (28) Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0.
DOM_VK_NONCONVERT 0x1D (29) Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0.
DOM_VK_ACCEPT 0x1E (30) Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0.
DOM_VK_MODECHANGE 0x1F (31) Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0.
DOM_VK_SPACE 0x20 (32) Space bar.
DOM_VK_PAGE_UP 0x21 (33) Page Up key.
DOM_VK_PAGE_DOWN 0x22 (34) Page Down key.
DOM_VK_END 0x23 (35) End key.
DOM_VK_HOME 0x24 (36) Home key.
DOM_VK_LEFT 0x25 (37) Left arrow.
DOM_VK_UP 0x26 (38) Up arrow.
DOM_VK_RIGHT 0x27 (39) Right arrow.
DOM_VK_DOWN 0x28 (40) Down arrow.
DOM_VK_SELECT 0x29 (41) Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0.
DOM_VK_PRINT 0x2A (42) Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0.
DOM_VK_EXECUTE 0x2B (43) Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0.
DOM_VK_PRINTSCREEN 0x2C (44) Print Screen key.
DOM_VK_INSERT 0x2D (45) Ins(ert) key.
DOM_VK_DELETE 0x2E (46) Del(ete) key.
DOM_VK_0 0x30 (48) "0" key in standard key location.
DOM_VK_1 0x31 (49) "1" key in standard key location.
DOM_VK_2 0x32 (50) "2" key in standard key location.
DOM_VK_3 0x33 (51) "3" key in standard key location.
DOM_VK_4 0x34 (52) "4" key in standard key location.
DOM_VK_5 0x35 (53) "5" key in standard key location.
DOM_VK_6 0x36 (54) "6" key in standard key location.
DOM_VK_7 0x37 (55) "7" key in standard key location.
DOM_VK_8 0x38 (56) "8" key in standard key location.
DOM_VK_9 0x39 (57) "9" key in standard key location.
DOM_VK_COLON 0x3A (58) Colon (":") key.
DOM_VK_SEMICOLON 0x3B (59) Semicolon (";") key.
DOM_VK_LESS_THAN 0x3C (60) Less-than ("<") key.
DOM_VK_EQUALS 0x3D (61) Equals ("=") key.
DOM_VK_GREATER_THAN 0x3E (62) Greater-than (">") key.
DOM_VK_QUESTION_MARK 0x3F (63) Question mark ("?") key.
DOM_VK_AT 0x40 (64) Atmark ("@") key.
DOM_VK_A 0x41 (65) "A" key.
DOM_VK_B 0x42 (66) "B" key.
DOM_VK_C 0x43 (67) "C" key.
DOM_VK_D 0x44 (68) "D" key.
DOM_VK_E 0x45 (69) "E" key.
DOM_VK_F 0x46 (70) "F" key.
DOM_VK_G 0x47 (71) "G" key.
DOM_VK_H 0x48 (72) "H" key.
DOM_VK_I 0x49 (73) "I" key.
DOM_VK_J 0x4A (74) "J" key.
DOM_VK_K 0x4B (75) "K" key.
DOM_VK_L 0x4C (76) "L" key.
DOM_VK_M 0x4D (77) "M" key.
DOM_VK_N 0x4E (78) "N" key.
DOM_VK_O 0x4F (79) "O" key.
DOM_VK_P 0x50 (80) "P" key.
DOM_VK_Q 0x51 (81) "Q" key.
DOM_VK_R 0x52 (82) "R" key.
DOM_VK_S 0x53 (83) "S" key.
DOM_VK_T 0x54 (84) "T" key.
DOM_VK_U 0x55 (85) "U" key.
DOM_VK_V 0x56 (86) "V" key.
DOM_VK_W 0x57 (87) "W" key.
DOM_VK_X 0x58 (88) "X" key.
DOM_VK_Y 0x59 (89) "Y" key.
DOM_VK_Z 0x5A (90) "Z" key.
DOM_VK_WIN 0x5B (91) Windows logo key on Windows. Or Super or Hyper key on Linux.
DOM_VK_CONTEXT_MENU 0x5D (93) Opening context menu key.
DOM_VK_SLEEP 0x5F (95) Linux support for this keycode was added in Gecko 4.0.
DOM_VK_NUMPAD0 0x60 (96) "0" on the numeric keypad.
DOM_VK_NUMPAD1 0x61 (97) "1" on the numeric keypad.
DOM_VK_NUMPAD2 0x62 (98) "2" on the numeric keypad.
DOM_VK_NUMPAD3 0x63 (99) "3" on the numeric keypad.
DOM_VK_NUMPAD4 0x64 (100) "4" on the numeric keypad.
DOM_VK_NUMPAD5 0x65 (101) "5" on the numeric keypad.
DOM_VK_NUMPAD6 0x66 (102) "6" on the numeric keypad.
DOM_VK_NUMPAD7 0x67 (103) "7" on the numeric keypad.
DOM_VK_NUMPAD8 0x68 (104) "8" on the numeric keypad.
DOM_VK_NUMPAD9 0x69 (105) "9" on the numeric keypad.
DOM_VK_MULTIPLY 0x6A (106) "*" on the numeric keypad.
DOM_VK_ADD 0x6B (107) "+" on the numeric keypad.
DOM_VK_SUBTRACT 0x6D (109) "-" on the numeric keypad.
DOM_VK_DECIMAL 0x6E (110) Decimal point on the numeric keypad.
DOM_VK_DIVIDE 0x6F (111) "/" on the numeric keypad.
DOM_VK_F1 0x70 (112) F1 key.
DOM_VK_F2 0x71 (113) F2 key.
DOM_VK_F3 0x72 (114) F3 key.
DOM_VK_F4 0x73 (115) F4 key.
DOM_VK_F5 0x74 (116) F5 key.
DOM_VK_F6 0x75 (117) F6 key.
DOM_VK_F7 0x76 (118) F7 key.
DOM_VK_F8 0x77 (119) F8 key.
DOM_VK_F9 0x78 (120) F9 key.
DOM_VK_F10 0x79 (121) F10 key.
DOM_VK_F11 0x7A (122) F11 key.
DOM_VK_F12 0x7B (123) F12 key.
DOM_VK_F13 0x7C (124) F13 key.
DOM_VK_F14 0x7D (125) F14 key.
DOM_VK_F15 0x7E (126) F15 key.
DOM_VK_F16 0x7F (127) F16 key.
DOM_VK_F17 0x80 (128) F17 key.
DOM_VK_F18 0x81 (129) F18 key.
DOM_VK_F19 0x82 (130) F19 key.
DOM_VK_F20 0x83 (131) F20 key.
DOM_VK_F21 0x84 (132) F21 key.
DOM_VK_F22 0x85 (133) F22 key.
DOM_VK_F23 0x86 (134) F23 key.
DOM_VK_F24 0x87 (135) F24 key.
DOM_VK_NUM_LOCK 0x90 (144) Num Lock key.
DOM_VK_SCROLL_LOCK 0x91 (145) Scroll Lock key.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_FJ_JISHO 0x92 (146) An OEM specific key on Windows. This was used for "Dictionary" key on Fujitsu OASYS.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_FJ_MASSHOU 0x93 (147) An OEM specific key on Windows. This was used for "Unregister word" key on Fujitsu OASYS.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_FJ_TOUROKU 0x94 (148) An OEM specific key on Windows. This was used for "Register word" key on Fujitsu OASYS.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_FJ_LOYA 0x95 (149) An OEM specific key on Windows. This was used for "Left OYAYUBI" key on Fujitsu OASYS.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_FJ_ROYA 0x96 (150) An OEM specific key on Windows. This was used for "Right OYAYUBI" key on Fujitsu OASYS.
DOM_VK_CIRCUMFLEX 0xA0 (160) Circumflex ("^") key.
DOM_VK_EXCLAMATION 0xA1 (161) Exclamation ("!") key.
DOM_VK_DOUBLE_QUOTE 0xA3 (162) Double quote (""") key.
DOM_VK_HASH 0xA3 (163) Hash ("#") key.
DOM_VK_DOLLAR 0xA4 (164) Dollar sign ("$") key.
DOM_VK_PERCENT 0xA5 (165) Percent ("%") key.
DOM_VK_AMPERSAND 0xA6 (166) Ampersand ("&") key.
DOM_VK_UNDERSCORE 0xA7 (167) Underscore ("_") key.
DOM_VK_OPEN_PAREN 0xA8 (168) Open parenthesis ("(") key.
DOM_VK_CLOSE_PAREN 0xA9 (169) Close parenthesis (")") key.
DOM_VK_ASTERISK 0xAA (170) Asterisk ("*") key.
DOM_VK_PLUS 0xAB (171) Plus ("+") key.
DOM_VK_PIPE 0xAC (172) Pipe ("|") key.
DOM_VK_HYPHEN_MINUS 0xAD (173) Hyphen-US/docs/Minus ("-") key.
DOM_VK_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET 0xAE (174) Open curly bracket ("{") key.
DOM_VK_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET 0xAF (175) Close curly bracket ("}") key.
DOM_VK_TILDE 0xB0 (176) Tilde ("~") key.
DOM_VK_VOLUME_MUTE 0xB5 (181) Audio mute key.
DOM_VK_VOLUME_DOWN 0xB6 (182) Audio volume down key
DOM_VK_VOLUME_UP 0xB7 (183) Audio volume up key
DOM_VK_COMMA 0xBC (188) Comma (",") key.
DOM_VK_PERIOD 0xBE (190) Period (".") key.
DOM_VK_SLASH 0xBF (191) Slash ("/") key.
DOM_VK_BACK_QUOTE 0xC0 (192) Back tick ("`") key.
DOM_VK_OPEN_BRACKET 0xDB (219) Open square bracket ("[") key.
DOM_VK_BACK_SLASH 0xDC (220) Back slash ("\") key.
DOM_VK_CLOSE_BRACKET 0xDD (221) Close square bracket ("]") key.
DOM_VK_QUOTE 0xDE (222) Quote (''') key.
DOM_VK_META 0xE0 (224) Meta key on Linux, Command key on Mac.
DOM_VK_ALTGR 0xE1 (225) AltGr key (Level 3 Shift key or Level 5 Shift key) on Linux.
DOM_VK_WIN_ICO_HELP 0xE3 (227) An OEM specific key on Windows. This is (was?) used for Olivetti ICO keyboard.
DOM_VK_WIN_ICO_00 0xE4 (228) An OEM specific key on Windows. This is (was?) used for Olivetti ICO keyboard.
DOM_VK_WIN_ICO_CLEAR 0xE6 (230) An OEM specific key on Windows. This is (was?) used for Olivetti ICO keyboard.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_RESET 0xE9 (233) An OEM specific key on Windows. This was used for Nokia/Ericsson's device.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_JUMP 0xEA (234) An OEM specific key on Windows. This was used for Nokia/Ericsson's device.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_PA1 0xEB (235) An OEM specific key on Windows. This was used for Nokia/Ericsson's device.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_PA2 0xEC (236) An OEM specific key on Windows. This was used for Nokia/Ericsson's device.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_PA3 0xED (237) An OEM specific key on Windows. This was used for Nokia/Ericsson's device.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_WSCTRL 0xEE (238) An OEM specific key on Windows. This was used for Nokia/Ericsson's device.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_CUSEL 0xEF (239) An OEM specific key on Windows. This was used for Nokia/Ericsson's device.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_ATTN 0xF0 (240) An OEM specific key on Windows. This was used for Nokia/Ericsson's device.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_FINISH 0xF1 (241) An OEM specific key on Windows. This was used for Nokia/Ericsson's device.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_COPY 0xF2 (242) An OEM specific key on Windows. This was used for Nokia/Ericsson's device.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_AUTO 0xF3 (243) An OEM specific key on Windows. This was used for Nokia/Ericsson's device.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_ENLW 0xF4 (244) An OEM specific key on Windows. This was used for Nokia/Ericsson's device.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_BACKTAB 0xF5 (245) An OEM specific key on Windows. This was used for Nokia/Ericsson's device.
DOM_VK_ATTN 0xF6 (246) Attn (Attention) key of IBM midrange computers, e.g., AS/400.
DOM_VK_CRSEL 0xF7 (247) CrSel (Cursor Selection) key of IBM 3270 keyboard layout.
DOM_VK_EXSEL 0xF8 (248) ExSel (Extend Selection) key of IBM 3270 keyboard layout.
DOM_VK_EREOF 0xF9 (249) Erase EOF key of IBM 3270 keyboard layout.
DOM_VK_PLAY 0xFA (250) Play key of IBM 3270 keyboard layout.
DOM_VK_ZOOM 0xFB (251) Zoom key.
DOM_VK_PA1 0xFD (253) PA1 key of IBM 3270 keyboard layout.
DOM_VK_WIN_OEM_CLEAR 0xFE (254) Clear key, but we're not sure the meaning difference from DOM_VK_CLEAR.

OEM specific keys on Windows

On Windows, some values of virtual keycode are defined (reserved) for OEM specific key. They are available for special keys on non-standard keyboard. In other words, some values are used for different meaning by two or more vendors (or hardware).

Starting Gecko 21 (and older than 15), OEM specific key values are available on the keyCode attribute only on Windows. So they are not useful for usual web applications. They are useful only for intranet applications or in similar situations.

See "Manufacturer-specific Virtual-Key Codes (Windows CE 5.0)" in MSDN for the detail.


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 Contributors to this page: libbymc, Sheppy, fscholz, mrjj, cvrebert, Robg1, teoli, kscarfone, Masayuki
 Last updated by: libbymc,