
The type tabs.PageSettings is used to control how the contents of a tab is printed.


Values of this type are objects. They contain the following properties:

footerCenter Optional
string. The text for the page's center footer. Default: ''.
footerLeft Optional
string. The text for the page's left footer. Default: '&PT'.
footerRight Optional
string. The text for the page's right footer. Default: '&D'.
headerCenter Optional
string. The text for the page's center header. Default: ''.
headerLeft Optional
string. The text for the page's left header. Default: '&T'.
headerRight Optional
string. The text for the page's right header. Default: '&U'.
marginBottom Optional
number. The margin between the page content and the bottom edge of the paper (inches). Default: 0.5.
marginLeft Optional
number. The margin between the page content and the left edge of the paper (inches). Default: 0.5.
marginRight Optional
number. The margin between the page content and the right edge of the paper (inches). Default: 0.5.
marginTop Optional
number. The margin between the page content and the top edge of the paper (inches). Default: 0.5.
orientation Optional
integer. Page orientation: 0 means "portrait", 1 means "landscape". Default: 0.
paperHeight Optional
number. The paper height in paper size units. Default: 11.0.
paperSizeUnit Optional
integer. The paper size unit: 0 = inches, 1 = millimeters. Default: 0.
paperWidth Optional
number. The paper width in paper size units. Default: 8.5.
scaling Optional
number. Page content scaling factor. 1 means 100% or normal size. Default: 1.
showBackgroundColors Optional
boolean. Whether the page background colors should be shown. Default: false.
showBackgroundImages Optional
boolean. Whether the page background images should be shown. Default: false.
shrinkToFit Optional
boolean. Whether the page content should shrink to fit the page width (overrides scaling). Default: true.

Browser compatibility


Microsoft Edge compatibility data is supplied by Microsoft Corporation and is included here under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: wbamberg
 Last updated by: wbamberg,