Submitting an add-on

This article walks you through the process of submitting an add-on. If you are just looking to submit your add-on, click here

Before submitting an add-on, please ensure that you have a Firefox Account connected with (AMO).

If you do not have a Firefox Account, visit AMO and click “Register” at the top.


If you currently have a Firefox Account, you can connect it with AMO. Visit AMO, click “Log in” at the top and log in with your existing Firefox Account.


To get started, visit the Add-ons Developer Hub and click “Submit Your First Add-on” or “Submit a New Add-on”. Afterwards, you should reach the following page:


On this screen, you will have the option to either have your add-on listed on (AMO) or to have your add-on signed for self-distribution. For information on listed and self-distribution add-ons, click here.


Prior to submitting your add-on on AMO, you must compress your add-on into one file. The file should end with one of the following extensions: .zip, .xpi, .crx, .xml. For information on what should be included in the file, read this document.

Important: the maximum file size accepted is 200 MB. If your add-on is larger than 200 MB, it will fail validation.


If you would like to list your add-on on AMO, click here for instructions. Otherwise, if you are planning to self-distribute, click here.

Getting help

If you encounter issues, you may reach out to us:

  • For help with add-on development, click here.

  • For assistance with regards to our policies, check out our policy contacts.


Listing on AMO

Please ensure that you have familiarized yourself with our Review policies and Developer Agreement prior to submitting your add-on for listing on AMO.

  1. Select “On this site” and click continue. You will be taken to the page shown below. uploadversion
  2. It’s time to upload your add-on. Click the blue “Select a file…” button, and a dialog will open up for you to select and upload the compressed file containing your add-on.  
  3. Once uploaded, the validator will check for errors.
  4. If all checks pass successfully, you should see the following message:
    Otherwise, you will receive an error similar to this:
    The error will inform you of what has failed. You will not be able to continue until the errors are resolved. Once you’ve resolved the errors, please start again from step 1.
  5. Select the platform(s) the add-on is compatible with and click continue.
  6. You will now enter details about the add-on on a screen similar to the one shown below. listinginfo
    • Name: give your add-on a unique name
    • Add-on URL: this is the URL for where your add-on will live on AMO. To change this, click “Edit”. Note: no two add-ons can have the same URL.
    • Summary: a thorough summary enables the user to understand what your add-on does and why it is useful to them. If you don't provide a useful or descriptive summary your add-on may be rejected.
    • This add-on is experimental: check the box if your add-on is experimental or otherwise not ready for general use. The add-on will be listed but will have reduced visibility. This setting can be changed in the future. If you do not want your add-on listed, please start over.
    • Select up to 2 Firefox/Firefox for Android categories for this add-on: please select the appropriate categories for your add-on.
    • Support email and website: please provide an email address and/or website where users can get in touch in the event they have questions, issues, or compliments.
    • License: please select the appropriate license for your add-on. You can click “details” beside each license to learn more about it.
    • This add-on has a privacy policy: if any data is being transmitted from the user’s device, a privacy policy is required explaining what is being sent and how it’s used. Check this box and provide the privacy policy in the provided field below it.
    • Notes to Reviewer: is the add-on complex to use? Does it require a login? If you want to provide additional information such as instructions, an account, etc. for the reviewer, please supply the information in the box provided.
  7. Please review the information you’ve entered. Once you are satisfied, click “Submit Version for Review”.  
  8. After clicking submit, you should see a screen similar to the one below. You will also receive an email confirmation.

That’s it! Your add-on has now been submitted for review. Our reviewers will review your code and update you on its status. Please be patient during this period of time.  

In the meantime, learn how to make your add-on listing appealing with these tips!


You can manage and check the status of your add-on by clicking here.


Thank you for your contribution to AMO!



Please ensure that you have familiarized yourself with our Developer agreement before submitting your add-on to be signed for self-distribution.

  1. Select “On your own” and click continue. You will be taken to the page shown below:
  2. It’s time to upload your add-on. Click the blue “Select a file…” button, and a dialog will open up for you to select and upload the compressed file containing your add-on.
  3. Once uploaded, the validator will check for errors.
  4. If all checks pass successfully, you should see the following message:
    Otherwise, you will receive an error similar to this:
    The error will inform you of what has failed. You will not be able to continue until the errors are resolved. Once you’ve resolved the errors, please start again from step 1.
  5. Select the platform(s) the add-on is compatible with and click continue.
  6. Your add-on will be signed and available for download immediately. A screen similar to the one below should display. You will also receive an email confirmation.

To manage your add-ons, visit this page.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: andrewtruongmoz, wbamberg
 Last updated by: andrewtruongmoz,