ppdcfile(5) Apple Inc. ppdcfile(5)
ppdcfile - cups ppd compiler source file format
The CUPS PPD compiler reads meta files that contain descriptions of one or more PPD files to be generated by ppdc(1). This man page provides a quick reference to the supported keywords and should be used in conjunction with the online help for CUPS. The source file format is plain ASCII text that can be edited using your favorite text editor. Comments are supported using the C (/* ... */) and C++ (// ...) comment mechanisms. Printer driver information can be grouped and shared using curly braces ({ ... }); PPD files are written when a close brace or end-of- file is seen and a PCFileName directive has been defined. Directives may be placed anywhere on a line and are followed by one or more values. The following is a list of the available directives and the values they accept: #define name value #elif {name | value} #else #endif #font name encoding "version" charset status #if {name | value} #include <filename> #include "filename" #media name width length #media "name/text" width length #po locale "filename" Attribute name "" value Attribute name keyword value Attribute name "keyword/text" value Choice name "code" Choice "name/text" "code" ColorDevice boolean-value ColorModel name colorspace colororder compression ColorModel "name/text" colorspace colororder compression ColorProfile resolution/mediatype gamma density matrix Copyright "text" CustomMedia name width length left bottom right top "size-code" "region-code" CustomMedia "name/text" width length left bottom right top "size- code" "region-code" Cutter boolean-value Darkness temperature name Darkness temperature "name/text" DriverType type Duplex type Filter mime-type cost program Finishing name Finishing "name/text" Font * Font name encoding "version" charset status Group name Group "name/text" HWMargins left bottom right top InputSlot position name InputSlot position "name/text" Installable name Installable "name/text" LocAttribute name "keyword/text" value ManualCopies boolean-value Manufacturer "name" MaxSize width length MediaSize name MediaType type name MediaType type "name/text" MinSize width length ModelName "name" ModelNumber number Option name type section order Option "name/text" type section order PCFileName "filename.ppd" Resolution colorspace bits-per-color row-count row-feed row-step name Resolution colorspace bits-per-color row-count row-feed row-step "name/text" SimpleColorProfile resolution/mediatype density yellow-density red- density gamma red-adjust green-adjust blue-adjust Throughput pages-per-minute UIConstraints "*Option1 *Option2" UIConstraints "*Option1 Choice1 *Option2" UIConstraints "*Option1 *Option2 Choice2" UIConstraints "*Option1 Choice1 *Option2 Choice2" VariablePaperSize boolean-value Version number
ppdc(1), ppdhtml(1), ppdi(1), ppdmerge(1), ppdpo(1), CUPS Online Help (http://localhost:631/help)
Copyright © 2007-2017 by Apple Inc.
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5 March 2016 CUPS ppdcfile(5)
Pages that refer to this page: ppdc(1), ppdhtml(1), ppdi(1), ppdmerge(1), ppdpo(1), cupsd-helper(8)