ppdi(1) Apple Inc. ppdi(1)
ppdi - import ppd files (deprecated)
ppdi [ -I include-directory ] [ -o source-file ] ppd-file [ ... ppd- file ]
ppdi imports one or more PPD files into a PPD compiler source file. Multiple languages of the same PPD file are merged into a single printer definition to facilitate accurate changes for all localizations. This program is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of CUPS.
ppdi supports the following options: -I include-directory Specifies an alternate include directory. Multiple -I options can be supplied to add additional directories. -o source-file Specifies the PPD source file to update. If the source file does not exist, a new source file is created. Otherwise the existing file is merged with the new PPD file(s) on the command- line. If no source file is specified, the filename ppdi.drv is used.
ppdc(1), ppdhtml(1), ppdmerge(1), ppdpo(1), ppdcfile(5), CUPS Online Help (http://localhost:631/help)
Copyright © 2007-2017 by Apple Inc.
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12 June 2014 CUPS ppdi(1)
Pages that refer to this page: ppdc(1), ppdhtml(1), ppdmerge(1), ppdpo(1), ppdcfile(5)