ppdmerge(1) Apple Inc. ppdmerge(1)
ppdmerge - merge ppd files (deprecated)
ppdmerge [ -o output-ppd-file ] ppd-file ppd-file [ ... ppd-file ]
ppdmerge merges two or more PPD files into a single, multi-language PPD file. This program is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of CUPS.
ppdmerge supports the following options: -o output-ppd-file Specifies the PPD file to create. If not specified, the merged PPD file is written to the standard output. If the output file already exists, it is silently overwritten.
ppdmerge does not check whether the merged PPD files are for the same device. Merging of different device PPDs will yield unpredictable results.
ppdc(1), ppdhtml(1), ppdi(1), ppdpo(1), ppdcfile(5), CUPS Online Help (http://localhost:631/help)
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12 June 2014 CUPS ppdmerge(1)
Pages that refer to this page: ppdc(1), ppdhtml(1), ppdi(1), ppdpo(1), ppdcfile(5)