Uses of Interface

Packages that use ContainerWrapper

Uses of ContainerWrapper in net.miginfocom.layout

Methods in net.miginfocom.layout that return ContainerWrapper
 ContainerWrapper Grid.getContainer()
 ContainerWrapper ComponentWrapper.getParent()
          Returns the container for this component.

Methods in net.miginfocom.layout with parameters of type ContainerWrapper
 int BoundSize.constrain(int size, float refValue, ContainerWrapper parent)
          Makes sure that size is within min and max of this size.
abstract  int UnitConverter.convertToPixels(float value, java.lang.String unit, boolean isHor, float refValue, ContainerWrapper parent, ComponentWrapper comp)
          Converts value to pixels.
 int UnitValue.getPixels(float refValue, ContainerWrapper parent, ComponentWrapper comp)
          Returns the size in pixels rounded.
 float UnitValue.getPixelsExact(float refValue, ContainerWrapper parent, ComponentWrapper comp)
          Returns the size in pixels.
static boolean LayoutUtil.isDesignTime(ContainerWrapper cw)
          Returns if design time is turned on for a Container in ContainerWrapper.
static boolean LayoutUtil.isLeftToRight(LC lc, ContainerWrapper container)
          Returns if left-to-right orientation is used.
static void LayoutUtil.setDesignTime(ContainerWrapper cw, boolean b)
          Sets if design time is turned on for a Container in ContainerWrapper.

Constructors in net.miginfocom.layout with parameters of type ContainerWrapper
Grid(ContainerWrapper container, LC lc, AC rowConstr, AC colConstr, java.util.Map<ComponentWrapper,CC> ccMap, java.util.ArrayList<LayoutCallback> callbackList)

Uses of ContainerWrapper in net.miginfocom.swing

Classes in net.miginfocom.swing that implement ContainerWrapper
 class SwingContainerWrapper

Methods in net.miginfocom.swing that return ContainerWrapper
 ContainerWrapper SwingComponentWrapper.getParent()

Uses of ContainerWrapper in net.miginfocom.swt

Classes in net.miginfocom.swt that implement ContainerWrapper
 class SwtContainerWrapper

Methods in net.miginfocom.swt that return ContainerWrapper
 ContainerWrapper SwtComponentWrapper.getParent()

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