lists the attribute associations {Namespaces, Attributes} of context-sensitive and shared context-sensitive Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policies for objects accessible to the current user.
Related Views
lists the attribute associations {Namespaces, Attributes} of all context-sensitive and shared context-sensitive Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policies in the database. -
lists the attribute associations {Namespaces, Attributes} of all context-sensitive and shared-context sensitive Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD) policies for synonyms, tables, or views owned by the user.
Column | Datatype | NULL | Description |
Owner of the synonym, table, or view |
Name of the synonym, table, or view |
Name of the policy group |
Name of the policy |
Name of the local application context |
Name of the attribute |
Indicates whether the policy attribute is applied and enforced in all application PDBs ( |
Indicates whether the policy attribute is inherited from the root ( |
See Also: