displays historical information about dynamic PGA memory usage by named component categories for each process.
Column | Datatype | NULL | Description |
Unique snapshot ID |
Database ID for the snapshot |
Instance number for the snapshot |
Category name. Categories include "SQL", "PL/SQL", "OLAP" and "JAVA". Special categories are "Freeable" and "Other". Freeable memory has been allocated to the process by the operating system, but has not been allocated to a category. "Other" memory has been allocated to a category, but not to one of the named categories |
This column shows whether the process memory detail is for only this container or for the whole instance. If the value is |
Number of processes |
Number of processes with nonzero allocations |
Bytes of PGA memory used by the process for the category |
Total number of bytes of PGA memory allocated by the process for the category. |
Average number of bytes of PGA memory allocated by the process for the category |
Standard deviation of the number of bytes of PGA memory allocated by the process for the category |
Maximum bytes of PGA memory ever allocated by the process for the category |
Maximum bytes of PGA memory that can be allocated by the process for the category |
The database ID of the PDB for the sampled session |
The ID of the container that