Changes in This Release for Oracle Data Mining User's Guide

Changes in this release for Oracle Data Mining User’s Guide.

Oracle Data Mining User's Guide is New in This Release

  • This guide is new in release 12c. Oracle Data Mining User's Guide replaces two manuals that were provided in previous releases: Oracle Data Mining Administrator's Guide and Oracle Data Mining Application Developer's Guide.

  • Information about database administration for Oracle Data Mining is now consolidated in Administrative Tasks for Oracle Data Mining . The remaining chapters of this guide are devoted to application development.

  • Information about the Data Mining sample programs is now in The Data Mining Sample Programs.

Changes in Oracle Data Mining 18c

The following changes are documented in Oracle Data Mining User’s Guide for 18c.

New Features in 18c

The following content is new in this release:

Model Views

Export and Import Serialized Models

Newly added EXPORT_SERMODEL and IMPORT_SERMODEL procedures.

See EXPORT and IMPORT Serialized Models.

Deprecated Features

The following features are deprecated in this release, and may be desupported in another release. See Oracle Database Upgrade Guide for a complete list of deprecated features in this release.

  • *GET_MODEL_DETAILS are deprecated and are replaced with Model Detail Views. See Model Detail Views.

Desupported Features

See Oracle Database Upgrade Guide for a complete list of desupported features in this release.

Other Changes

The following is an additional change in Oracle Data Mining User’s Guide for 18c:

  • Moved information from “GET_MODEL_DETAILS_GLOBAL Function” topic in Oracle Database PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference to the respective algorithms under Model Detail Views.