Oracle® Retail Data Model Reference Release 11.3.1 Part Number E20361-01 |
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The logical data model defines the business entities and their relationships to provide a clear understanding of the business and data requirements for the data warehouse.
This chapter includes the following sections:
Entity types correspond to table types in Oracle Retail Data Model. Figure 2-1 shows different table types and table population steps in Oracle Retail Data Model.
RBIRF1014Figure 2-1 Entity Types and Populating Oracle Retail Data Model Tables
Figure 2-1 shows a "generic" Oracle Industry Data Model data flow. In contrast to the data flow shown Figure 2-1, Oracle Retail Data Model has all aggregate tables defined from "derived" tables and "reference" tables (dimensions). However, if you customize Oracle Retail Data Model to create a new aggregate table, for which a derived table does exist, then the new table could be defined from the base, reference, lookup, or possibly from external tables as shown in Figure 2-1. For more information on Oracle Retail Data Model customization, see Oracle Retail Data Model Implementation and Operations Guide.Reference Entities define the entities within, and associated with the retail organization for which data would be recorded and analyzed. Reference entities record the structure of the retail organization and all people, products, and organizations associated with it.
Lookup entities hold the descriptions for frequently used attributes. Using lookup entities saves space, as the referring fact table holds only a small key or code and foreign key, and Oracle Retail Data Model stores the space consuming description in a lookup entity table and does not repeat the description in each transaction row in which it is referenced.
Base entities contain atomic level transaction data. Base entities could be leveraged as an Operational Data Store (ODS) and as a system of record. Data in the base entities support the derived and aggregate layers to facilitate Star and population, and act as a source for Data Mining for advanced analysis.
Derived entities contain information drawn from one or more base entities, and can contain denormalized and/or transposed data. Granularity is partially aggregated, typically at day level, but in some cases at quarter hour level or partially aggregated transactional data from the base entities.
Table 2-1 lists the Oracle Retail Data Model Business Areas and the Subject Areas that are components of each Business Area.
RBIRF1016Table 2-1 Logical Data Model Business Area to Subject Area Mapping
Table 2-2 lists the Oracle Retail Data Model Subject Areas.
RBIRF1019Table 2-3 lists the Account entities.
Table 2-4 lists the Address Location entities.
Table 2-5 lists the Business Unit entities.
Table 2-6 lists the Calendar entities.
Table 2-7 lists the Call Center entities.
Table 2-8 lists the Call Center Agent entities.
Table 2-9 lists the Catalog entities.
Table 2-10 lists the Certificate Voucher entities.
Table 2-11 lists the Channels entities.
Table 2-12 lists the Clickstream entities.
Table 2-13 lists the Competitor entities.
Table 2-14 lists the Contract entities.
Table 2-15 lists the Control Transaction entities.
Table 2-16 lists the Cost entities.
Table 2-17 lists the Customer entities.
Table 2-18 lists the Customer Contract entities.
Table 2-19 lists the Customer Order entities.
Table 2-20 lists the Customer Service Request entities.
RBIRF1056Table 2-20 Customer Service Request Subject Area Entities
Customer Service Request Entity List |
Table 2-21 lists the Deal entities.
Table 2-22 lists the Event entities.
Table 2-23 lists the Food Service entities.
Table 2-24 lists the Fueling Business Service entities.
RBIRF1064Table 2-24 Fueling Business Service Subject Area Entities
Fueling Business Service Entity List |
Table 2-25 lists the Financial Ledger entities.
Table 2-26 lists the Geography entities.
Table 2-27 lists the Inventory entities.
Table 2-28 lists the Inventory Control entities.
Table 2-29 lists the Invoice entities.
Table 2-30 lists the Item entities.
Table 2-31 lists the Loyalty entities.
Table 2-32 lists the Manufacturer Organization entities.
RBIRF1377Table 2-32 Manufacturer Organization Subject Area Entities
Manufacturer Organization Entity List |
Table 2-33 lists the Manufacturer SKU Item entities.
Table 2-34 lists the Order Fulfillment entities.
Table 2-35 lists the Organization Business Unit entities.
RBIRF1080Table 2-35 Organization Business Unit Subject Area Entities
Organization Business Unit Entity List |
Table 2-36 lists the Party entities.
Table 2-37 lists the Party Interaction entities.
Table 2-38 lists the Planogram entities.
Table 2-39 lists the Point of Service entities.
Table 2-40 lists the Promotion and Campaign entities.
Table 2-41 lists the SKU Item Recipe entities.
Table 2-42 lists the Retail Sales entities.
Table 2-43 lists the Retail Transaction entities.
Table 2-44 lists the Revenue Center entities.
Table 2-45 lists the Sales Audit entities.
Table 2-46 lists the SKU Item entities.
Table 2-47 lists the Supply Chain entities.
Table 2-48 lists the Supply Chain entities.
Table 2-49 lists the Tender Control entities.
Table 2-50 lists the Tender Repository entities.
Table 2-51 lists the Time entities.
Table 2-52 lists the Touchpoint entities.
Table 2-53 lists the Vendor entities.
Table 2-54 lists the Vendor Item entities.
Table 2-55 lists the Workforce Management entities.
Table 2-56 lists the Workstation and Till entities.
Table 2-57, Table 2-58, Table 2-59, and Table 2-60 list the logical data model entities, in alphabetical order.
RBIRF1122Table 2-57 A-F Entity Descriptions
Entity Name | Type | Description |
Derived |
Daily Payables balance by business unit, PARTY, EXPENSE TYPE, and GL ACCOUNT. |
Aggregate |
Monthly Payables summary by business unit, PARTY, EXPENSE TYPE, and GL ACCOUNT. |
Derived |
Daily Receivables balance by business unit, PARTY, EXPENSE TYPE, and GL ACCOUNT. |
Aggregate |
Monthly Receivables summary by business unit, PARTY, EXPENSE TYPE, and GL ACCOUNT. |
Lookup |
Lookup for account type. For example:
Derived |
Daily summary of service requests. Summarizes Service Request type of interaction thread between EMPLOYEEs and CUSTOMER party. |
Aggregate |
Monthly summary of Activity Requests. |
Lookup |
Lookup for distinct occurrences of activity request types. For example:
Reference |
An ordinary postal address for the PARTY or SITE. From the Location Geography. |
Base |
History of the names and addresses associated with an ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT, VENDOR, PROSPECT, or CUSTOMER. |
Lookup |
Lookup for location types of a given site. For example:
Reference |
Associates one addresses with other addresses. For example:
Reference |
Phone numbers associated with a specific address. |
Lookup |
Lookup for address type. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for methods in which an address may be verified. |
Lookup |
Lookup for RETAIL TRANSACTION adjustment types. |
Reference |
Subtype of ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT where administrative activities occur. |
Base |
An electronic document sent to a store by a VENDOR that defines the shipment date, expected delivery date, carrier, shipped items, and ORDER DOCUMENT reference. The Advanced Ship Notice Document is sent out in advance of the shipment to enable the retailer to plan workload and receipt processing. |
Base |
Reference |
Period level in the advertising calendar. |
Reference |
Quarter level in the advertising calendar. |
Reference |
Week level in the advertising calendar. |
Reference |
Year level in the advertising calendar. |
Lookup |
Age bands for grouping customers or EMPLOYEEs into age related groups. For example:
Reference |
Defines a rule that restricts the sale of an ITEM to CUSTOMERs who must be of a minimum age and also the minimum age of an employee to perform a task, such as selling alcohol. |
Reference |
A software program which acts for and assists a user or other program in opening a session. |
Reference |
Sub-type of SKU that is an aggregation of one or more constituent SKUs. The constituent items could also be sold individually. |
Reference |
A cross-reference of items that might be substituted or offered for another item. |
Reference |
Specifies a period that can extend over two or more days. Valid values:
Reference |
A dress, skirt, blouse, pair of trousers or any other item of clothing that can be related to other Apparel Items by way of SIZE, COLOR or SKU ITEM STYLE. |
Reference |
Appointment calendar for a VENDOR with the retail ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT. |
Lookup |
Types of vendor meetings. |
Lookup |
Lookup for appointment types. For example:
Derived |
Daily Balance of Financial and other Assets. |
Aggregate |
Monthly Summary of Financial and other Assets. |
Lookup |
Types of Financial and other Assets. |
Lookup |
Lookup for methods used to authorize tender. For example:
Reference |
Bank or other Financial Institution. |
Reference |
Represents a DAY within a specific hierarchy of Time. Base Day is a normalized form of the DAY entity. DAY represents the lowest denormalized common level of all Time Hierarchies. |
Reference |
A connection between a NOZZLE and one or more LOCATIONs each containing a single BULK ITEM which are blended by the NOZZLE when performing a FUELING TRANSACTION. |
Reference |
Selling and promotional name to identify a product for advertising and name recognition purposes. |
Reference |
A sub-type of SKU ITEM that is purchased in bulk and is measured and sold by weight, volume, or linear measure. |
Base |
A set of performance statistics that have been taken from a bump bar connected to a STORE WORKSTATION. |
Reference |
Identifies the selling rules associated with an ITEM at a particular ORGANIZATION BUSINESS ENTITY which could include one or more ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNITs. |
Reference |
An association between ITEM TENDER RESTRICTION GROUP and TENDER which constrains the use of a specific type of TENDER in the settlement of a sale for a specific ITEM at a given ORGANIZATION BUSINESS ENTITY. |
Reference |
Half-month as defined in the Business calendar. |
Reference |
Half-year as defined in the Business calendar. |
Lookup |
Lookup for the legal status of the company. For example:
Reference |
Months as defined in the Business calendar. |
Reference |
Quarter as defined in the Business calendar. |
Reference |
Operating Calendar for the ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT, allocated for each day of the year. |
Reference |
Job roles within the retail organization. This entity identifies various shifts, job roles, and number of employees required across stores. Associates JOB ROLES, Organization Business Physical Site, and Organization Site Shifts. |
Reference |
Work shift associated with the ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT, associated with Employee job roles for the allocation for these shifts. |
Lookup |
Lookup for ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT types. Lookup for unique retailer assigned identifier for an ORGANIZATION STORE, ORGANIZATION DISTRIBUTION CENTER, or ADMINISTRATION CENTER that performed the transaction. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for the type of ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT. For example:
Reference |
Weeks as defined in the Business calendar. |
Reference |
Years as defined in the Business calendar. |
Reference |
Calendar names and descriptions. |
Reference |
Half-month level in the normal CALENDAR. |
Reference |
Half-year level in the normal CALENDAR. |
Reference |
Month level in the normal CALENDAR. |
Reference |
Quarter level in the normal CALENDAR. |
Lookup |
Type of calendar used by a BASE DAY. |
Reference |
Week level in the normal CALENDAR. |
Reference |
Year level in the normal CALENDAR. |
Reference |
Subtype of ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT that handles telephone sales, services, or both. |
Reference |
Subtype of TOUCHPOINT. Employee or worker who handles queries to a CALL CENTER. |
Lookup |
Lookup for call center agent types. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup to further characterize the type of cases from the call center. The case subtype helps to split a given case type into various subtypes. For example, for the case type of "Srv: Service Request", the sub-type could be further classified as "Package Upgrade", "Package Downgrade", or "Simple contract Renewal". |
Reference |
In order to serve the customer properly a call center has an organized approach. Customer complaints called in to the call center are classified using three level classification structures. All the cases are broadly classified into CALL CENTER CASE TYPE. CALL CENTER CASE TYPE are divided into case sub types and case sub types are further classified into case titles. Whenever a new case is assigned it will be assigned a case id. Each case id is associated with a case title, subtype and a type. Information of the registered cases will be analyzed on these attributes. Sub categories in Case sub types are case titles. The case sub type level contains all these values and will help in analyzing data on Titles. |
Lookup |
Lookup for type of call center cases. For example:
Reference |
Entire communication strategy for a specific marketing communications program. The marketing communications program is frequently in support of promotional events and individual promotions but can be standalone. Retailers execute several different types of campaigns, including advertising, direct marketing and in-store marketing. There are several sub-types within each category as well. Advertising includes:
Direct marketing includes:
In-store includes:
Each campaign consists of 1 to n communications, which is the lowest level of a campaign. |
Base |
Costs associated with a CAMPAIGN. |
Reference |
Reference |
Information regarding the message costs for a media campaign. |
Reference |
Reference |
Details about how a CAMPAIGN is carried out. |
Reference |
Items presented to customer or public as part of the CAMPAIGN. |
Reference |
Information regarding the depiction of a campaign message within the media. |
Reference |
Details about how the campaign message was rendered, broadcast, distributed in the media and associated costs.
Base |
Costs associated with a CAMPAIGN MESSAGE RENDERING. |
Reference |
Sub entity of CAMPAIGN CUSTOMER ASSIGNMENT indicating the target audience for a campaign. |
Lookup |
Lookup for type of verification performed to ensure the purchaser was the valid Card Holder. |
Lookup |
Lookup for codes denoting which kind of card was accepted. For example:
Reference |
An external party that transports merchandise or supply items from their source to the ORGANIZATION STORE and from the ORGANIZATION STORE back to their source. |
Derived |
Record of delivery performance for a CARRIER during a given day. |
Aggregate |
Record of delivery performance for a CARRIER during a given week. Delivery performance is measured by how many times the CARRIER was late, early or on-time, and how late or early they were in hours, or days. |
Base |
A set of performance statistics that have been taken from a cash drawer connected to a STORE WORKSTATION. |
Reference |
A certificate with a face monetary value issued by a store for subsequent exchange for merchandise. |
Aggregate |
Daily summary of issued and redeemed CERTIFICATE or vouchers. |
Derived |
Describes the RETAIL TRANSACTION LINE ITEM sub type certificates for issue and the RETAIL TENDER LINE ITEM type certificate tender for redemption. |
Reference |
Categorize CERTIFICATEs based on age. Each age band is a client-defined range of age in days. The age of a CERTIFICATE determines the age band into which it falls. |
Base |
The date and count of escheated vouchers. |
Base |
A type of RETAIL TENDER LINE ITEM that records the sale of redeemable form of tender for a predetermined monetary value of sellable merchandise in the store. Creates a liability for the retailer in the amount denoted on the face value of the certificate. |
Base |
A sub-type of RETAIL TENDER LINE ITEM that records the specifics about a CERTIFICATE redeemed as part of settling a transaction. |
Lookup |
Lookup for certificate types. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for channel types. For example:
Base |
A sub-type of RETAIL TENDER LINE ITEM that records the specifics about a check received from a customer in settling a transaction. |
Lookup |
Reference |
One of the levels of the Agent Client Software, identifying client software agent:
Reference |
One of the levels of the Total - Identifying of the client host level. DNS hostname or IP address of the client as it appears in the access logs. For Example: |
Lookup |
One of the levels of the Agent Client Software, identifying type of client software agent:
Reference |
One of the levels of the Agent Client Software identifying version of the client software agent:
Lookup |
The coating attribute of SKU ITEM. |
Lookup |
A standard store reference for APPAREL ITEM color. Certain apparel retailers record data at this level, specifically for replenishment. |
Lookup |
A third party that provides COLOR and COLOR PALETTE definitions to the retail enterprise. |
Lookup |
A grouping of similar colors used to classify merchandise for analysis. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for type of communication. This entity holds the name of communication and the format along with the communication code. For example:
Reference |
A retailer with a product range and customer base similar to those for the store. |
Reference |
An external retail entity at which a CUSTOMER may shop and purchase items instead of the RETAILER. |
Reference |
The associative relationship between competitor locations and ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT locations. For example:
Reference |
A MANUFACTURER SKU ITEM which is stocked by a COMPETITOR and is perceived by the customer to have no discernible difference in terms of form, fit or function, but may be sold at a different retail price. |
Reference |
An SKU ITEM that a COMPETITOR stocks that has, to the consumer, no apparent difference in form, fit, or function, but may be sold at a different retail price. |
Reference |
Legal agreement between two parties, it could be VENDOR CONTRACT or CUSTOMER CONTRACT. |
Reference |
The status history of the CONTRACT. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for description of the contract status change. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for all possible types of CONTRACT STATUS. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for all possible terms which may be attached to a CONTRACT. For example:
Reference |
The value of terms attached to the CONTRACT. For example:
The value can vary at different time period of the CONTRACT. For example, the monthly fee might be 100 for the first six months and 80 for the last six months. A penalty calculation can also be based on the months left in the contract. |
Lookup |
Lookup for CONTRACT types. |
Base |
A type of Transaction that records non-financial activity that tracks changes in the status of a point of sale terminal, terminal access by retail enterprise employees and their supervisors and other activities and events related to the administration and management of the point of sale system. |
Lookup |
Lookup for types of CONTROL TRANSACTIONs. |
Base |
Expenses incurred by the COST CENTER. |
Reference |
A functional area of the ORGANIZATION, such as Accounting, Facilities, Shipping, and so on at which level costs are incurred and tracked. |
Base |
Expenses budgeted by the COST CENTER. |
Derived |
Aggregate |
Lookup |
Defines the unit type the owned attribute costs are assigned to for an item. For example:
This lookup entity is used for INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT LINE ITEM entity. |
Lookup |
Lookup for all possible reasons why the COST occurred. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup to further classify COST TYPEs. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for types of COSTs. |
Reference |
The Cost Valuation portion of the GL ACCOUNT figures. |
Base |
History of Cost Valuation portion of the GL ACCOUNT figures. |
Lookup |
Specifies the barcode on a store or manufacturer coupon. The coupon scan code comprises two parts:
Base |
A sub-type of RETAIL TENDER LINE ITEM that records the use of a coupon which must be validated against an item in the Transaction, to tender part (or all) of a the Transaction. |
Lookup |
Lookup for Type of coupon used in the COUPON TENDER LINE ITEM. |
Reference |
Information about the creative content of the message and location of associated depiction file. Points to a file location where the creatives are stored. For example:
Base |
A sub-type of RETAIL TENDER LINE ITEM that records the specifics about a credit or debit card used to settle a transaction. |
Lookup |
National designation and quantitative value of monetary media used as tender in the processing of the Tender Line Item. For example:
Config |
Lookup for values for the base and three reporting currencies. The Base Currency (code: BASE) is the default currency of the implementation. The Reporting Currencies (code: RPT/RPT2/RPT3) are the currencies available for Reporting the Base Amount figures. Multiple Currency based reporting must be enabled in the reporting front-end tool (OBIEE). Data Conversion from Base to Reporting currencies is done at the time of the ETL loads. Multiple Currency Functionality requires, that is depends on data in, the Exchange Rate Currency Day Derived table (EXCHANGE RATE CURRENCY DAY). |
Reference |
An individual or organization that purchases, may purchase, or did purchase goods and or services from an ORGANIZATION STORE. |
Reference |
A charge account or other accounting relationship a customer has with the store or organization. An account exists to allow the store to record a series of transactions with the same customer and keep an ongoing record of monies owed by the customer and monies due to the customer. |
Reference |
An card or other device used in association with an account. |
Reference |
A record of the period which a CUSTOMER ACCOUNT CARD was assigned to a particular CUSTOMER ACCOUNT. |
Base |
Reference |
Associative entity assigning a CUSTOMER to one or more ADDRESS LOCATION. |
Reference |
Associates a CUSTOMER with a CUSTOMER GROUP. |
Reference |
Authentication Groups to which a CUSTOMER may be assigned. |
Reference |
Identifies the Cluster that the CUSTOMER falls into, based on buying behavior. |
Reference |
Identifies ITEMs associated with a CUSTOMER CLUSTER, based on buying behavior. |
Reference |
Define types of CUSTOMER CLUSTER. |
Reference |
Legal agreement between a retailer and a CUSTOMER. |
Base |
Subtype of COST which applies to a CUSTOMER. For example, the cost of a gift that is sent to a CUSTOMER. |
Derived |
Cross-reference of EMPLOYEE transactions by CUSTOMER. Day level snapshot of transactions between a CUSTOMER and EMPLOYEE. |
Aggregate |
Monthly cross-reference of EMPLOYEE transactions by CUSTOMER. Monthly aggregate of transactions between a CUSTOMER and EMPLOYEE. |
Aggregate |
Reference |
A group of CUSTOMERs based on specific demographic and marketing attributes and properties. For example:
Reference |
An association of ITEM and CUSTOMER GROUP, the data for this may come from external source. |
Reference |
Subtype of CUSTOMER (and PARTY), which contains details of individuals as opposed to organizations. |
Base |
Provides a specific data element level description and value for customer information line item. This modifier provides a flexible, dictionary driven method for specifying the kind of data captured about a CUSTOMER. |
Base |
A summarized list of charges, including payment terms, invoice item information, and other information that is sent to a CUSTOMER for payment. |
Base |
A single line of an invoice. |
Reference |
Events celebrated or observed by a CUSTOMER. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for categorizations of CUSTOMER OCCASION. For example:
Base |
ORDER placed by a CUSTOMER for merchandise or services to be provided at some future date and time. |
Base |
A type of RETAIL TRANSACTION recording the creation or alteration of a CUSTOMER ORDER, by a particular Operator. |
Base |
A component of a CUSTOMER ORDER CONTROL TRANSACTION, recording a change in state for a particular ORDER LINE ITEM by an Operator. |
Base |
Base |
Describes the state of fulfillment of a CUSTOMER ORDER LINE ITEM. |
Derived |
Base |
Retailer defined state for an ORDER. Possible values include:
Base |
A line item component of a CUSTOMER placed ORDER, recording any Tax exemptions that the ordering CUSTOMER may receive. |
Base |
A line item component of a CUSTOMER placed ORDER, recording the Tax liability that the entire order is incurring. |
Base |
A line item component of a CUSTOMER placed ORDER, recording any Tax rate overrides that the ordering CUSTOMER may receive. |
Base |
A line item component of a CUSTOMER placed ORDER, recording any Credit or Debit Card pre-authorization that is performed at the time the order is taken. |
Reference |
Subtype of CUSTOMER (and PARTY), which contains details of organizations as opposed to individuals. An organization can also consist of one individual only (for example: independent). |
Base |
Amount disbursed to RETAILER by CUSTOMER in response to a CUSTOMER INVOICE. |
Lookup |
Lookup for where and how a CUSTOMER may pickup an item. For example, a refrigerator may have to be picked up at the shipping dock or at a warehouse of the retailer. |
Reference |
Merchandise preferences of a Key Customer, for classes of items or other general categories. |
Reference |
Collection of CUSTOMER related measures. |
Reference |
Association between CUSTOMERs. Information regarding the CUSTOMER or PROSPECT that is restricted to comply with privacy and other laws. This table is encrypted. For example: associating the Husband-Wife relationship. |
Lookup |
Lookup for types of relationships that may exist between CUSTOMERs. For example:
Reference |
A sub-type of CUSTOMER ACCOUNT that records details of the CUSTOMER as a renter of RENTAL SERVICE items. |
Base |
A summary of all rentals made against the CUSTOMER RENTAL ACCOUNT during a period. |
Reference |
Detail information about a CUSTOMER that may be deemed private. |
Derived |
Recency, Frequency, Monetary, and Profitability Value Score of a CUSTOMER, by ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT. |
Derived |
SKU ITEM purchases and returns by CUSTOMER for an ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT. |
Base |
Reference |
A type of CUSTOMER ACCOUNT established for builders, plumbers, electricians, and other trade businesses that purchase merchandise, usually at a preferential discount, from the store. |
Lookup |
Lookup to classification of CUSTOMER as a CUSTOMER INDIVIDUAL or ORGANIZATION or any other classification. |
Aggregate |
Derived |
Aggregate |
Reference |
Day level in the normal calendar. |
Reference |
User defined condition describing phenomenon that may have affected sales on a particular DAY at an ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT. Phenomenon could include strike, construction, rain, or snow. |
Reference |
Cumulative time transformations at the DAY level. Documents how to date transformation can be implemented at DAY level. |
Reference |
Transformation for a DAY, for example: this day last year, this day last month. |
Reference |
Special offer from a VENDOR to the retail organization. The deal generally provides allowances, discounts, special favorable terms of payment or other incentives to motivate the retail organization to purchase more products or services from a supplier. |
Base |
Identifies a specific VENDOR ITEM offered as part of a DEAL to the retail organization and defines how the deal cost is to be handled. |
Base |
Deal-related cost breaks offered to a ORGANIZATION STORE by a VENDOR. Cost breaks represent stepped cost reductions based on the number of units acquired by the store. |
Reference |
A sub-level group or category further qualifying a set of data (Profile Group) collected about a CUSTOMER to assist in marketing efforts. For example:
Reference |
The domain of classifications used to group profile information about a PARTY. For example:
Lookup |
Specifies the quantitative value of the referenced CURRENCY media. For example:
Base |
Subtype of RETAIL TRANSACTION LINE ITEM. A deposit is a monetary amount that is paid to secure an ITEM. The deposit can be redeemed against the eventual purchase or returned to the CUSTOMER when the ITEM is returned. For example a bottle or can. DEPOSIT REDEMPTION LINE ITEMs are common in some grocery stores where a deposit is paid for the container at the time of purchase and a redemption payment made when returned at a future visit. |
Lookup |
Lookup for valid DEPOSIT REDEMPTION LINE ITEM types. |
Reference |
An association of a SKU ITEM and a Return Agent that defines the rules governing the deposit payment that must be paid by the customer at the time the item is purchased and the refund that must be made to the customer upon return of the item package or container. The rule is most often related to bottles, aluminum cans, crates, and other containers, which must be returned for reuse or recycling. |
Reference |
Derived value of the CUSTOMER as defined by the user. |
Lookup |
Lookup for the types of destinations. For example:
Base |
An event collected from a device such as a printer, scanner, reader, and so on. |
Lookup |
The reason why a petty cash disbursement has been made or funds receipt received. |
Base |
A type of TENDER CONTROL TRANSACTION that records the disbursement of TENDER from a Till; (with an offsetting miscellaneous expense). |
Base |
Subtype of RETAIL TRANSACTION LINE ITEM detailing the amount of an applied Discount. |
Lookup |
Lookup for the various types of discount. For example:
Lookup |
Classification of DISCOUNT TYPE. For example:
Reference |
Defines permissible variance between the total inventory control document cost (based on the suppliers cost) and the stores receiving total (based on the stores record of supplier item cost). Any variance that exceeds the discrepancy threshold triggers an invoice or item-level reconciliation. |
Reference |
A sub-type of ITEM for shelf, rack, or other display unit that is used by the store to display merchandise. Particularly used for racks and shelves custom designed for a particular item. A display unit item is not normally for sale. |
Lookup |
Denotes what disposition a returned ITEM was in. For example:
Reference |
Internet DOMAIN associated with a CLIENT HOST and GEOGRAPHY COUNTRY. |
Lookup |
Type of domain. For example:
Base |
A type of transaction that records the clearing of a FUELING TRANSACTION without accepting payment because the customer simply drove off without paying. Operator may record some details about the vehicle that has driven off. |
Lookup |
The dye attribute of SKU ITEM. |
Lookup |
Demographic education levels that may be assigned to customers. |
Reference |
E-mail address associated with a LOCATION. |
Reference |
An individual who works for the retail organization, accepts direction from the retail store management and satisfies the statutory criteria requiring that payroll taxes and benefit contributions be paid by the retailer. |
Base |
Details of hours worked and wage rates for a given period. |
Base |
Subtype of EMPLOYEE ACTUAL LABOR DETAIL detailing shift hours worked on a business DAY by an hourly EMPLOYEE. |
Base |
Subtype of EMPLOYEE ACTUAL LABOR DETAIL detailing the period timespan during which the labor was performed by a salaried EMPLOYEE. |
Reference |
Maps EMPLOYEE with ADDRESS LOCATION. May include multiple addresses of an EMPLOYEE and type of address. For example:
Reference |
Identifies EMPLOYEEs available to work at a specific ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT for a given BUSINESS UNIT SHIFT. |
Reference |
Certificate verifying that the EMPLOYEE has attended training and or passed a qualifying exam. |
Reference |
Issuing body of an EMPLOYEE CERTIFICATE. |
Lookup |
Reference |
Classification of EMPLOYEE roles based on pay type, commission eligibility, and so on. |
Reference |
Association entity assigning an EMPLOYEE to an EMPLOYEE CLASS. |
Reference |
Compensation Plans for Commission eligible EMPLOYEEs and the associated GL ACCOUNT. |
Base |
Subtype of COST which applies to EMPLOYEE. For example, salary and bonus for EMPLOYEE. |
Reference |
Designation (job title) of an EMPLOYEE. |
Reference |
Employee discount eligibility classifications. |
Reference |
Association between an EMPLOYEE and an EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT GROUP, which makes the EMPLOYEE eligible for the price reductions available to the discount group. |
Base |
History of DISCOUNT LINE ITEM where discount type is "EMPLOYEE". |
Base |
Cross-references of the job roles present in the organization with the employees assigned to the job roles. EMPLOYEEs may have multiple roles. |
Derived |
Summary of employee labor in a day. |
Base |
Cross-references of the POSITIONs present in the ORGANIZATION with the EMPLOYEE assigned to the POSITION. |
Base |
Employee Schedule and Actual In and Out Times. |
Reference |
Confidential information regarding the EMPLOYEEs. For example:
This information is encrypted. |
Reference |
Planned schedule for an EMPLOYEE, including the store, BUSINESS UNIT JOB ROLE, and shift for which the EMPLOYEE is scheduled to work. |
Base |
Base |
Work hours accrued during a given time period. |
Lookup |
Lookup for work hour types. |
Base |
A record of a Worker commencing or completing a particular BUSINESS UNIT JOB ROLE or TASK. |
Base |
Record that a particular EMPLOYEE has been trained in performing a particular task or skill. |
Lookup |
Lookup for types of EMPLOYEE. For example:
Derived |
Daily summary of EMPLOYEE wage payment. |
Lookup |
Method used of entering transaction data. For example:
Lookup |
Defines the temperature, relative humidity, lighting, and other physical or climatic environmental requirements for storing and displaying the item. |
Reference |
A device that is used to conduct retail store operations. For example:
Reference |
Association entity between two instances of EQUIPMENT. |
Reference |
A class of device used as an as interface to any store business function. All instances of the class have a common manufacturer, service provider and supplier. Class instances are currently:
Supertype |
A set of performance statistics that have been taken from a piece of EQUIPMENT connected to a STORE WORKSTATION. |
Lookup |
Lookup for types of EQUIPMENT. |
Base |
Events provide retailer's with an umbrella to consolidate and coordinate related marketing and promotion tactics into a cohesive strategy. Events vary by retail segment, with store sales popular in apparel while weekly discounts (or TPR's) are more common in grocery. The event ensures that the costs and results of disparate marketing and promotional activity can be analyzed and compared against other event strategies as a single entity. Events are comprised of promotions and are communicated using campaigns. |
Base |
Subtype of COST, which is specifically related to a given EVENT. This cost is usually for a non-network event such as an interaction with a customer. For example, for on-site maintenance after a service issue or a break-down. |
Base |
Tracks multiple employees who participate in the same interaction with a CUSTOMER or a VENDOR. |
Lookup |
Type of event in an Impression. |
Base |
Daily exchange rates for specific currencies in different locations. |
Lookup |
Lookup for types of Expenses. |
Reference |
A bank or other institution that accepts periodic deposits of TENDER from the ORGANIZATION STORE. |
Base |
A subtype of CONTROL TRANSACTION that records the closing balances for the TILL TENDER HISTORY. This is associated with the cash count of the deposit made to an external repository. |
Lookup |
The fabric attribute of SKU ITEM. |
Reference |
Information about the factor company. |
Lookup |
The fiber attribute of SKU ITEM. |
Reference |
Half-month level in the fiscal calendar. |
Reference |
Half-year level in the fiscal calendar. |
Reference |
Month level in the fiscal calendar. |
Base |
A set of performance statistics that have been taken from a fiscal printer connected to a STORE WORKSTATION. |
Reference |
Quarter level in the fiscal calendar. |
Reference |
Week level in the fiscal calendar. |
Reference |
Year level in the fiscal calendar. |
Base |
Vehicle, Driver and other fleet management data that is collected as part of the process of tendering a transaction, that includes the sale of a FUEL ITEM, with a CUSTOMER ACCOUNT. |
Base |
A sub-type of RETAIL SALE RETURN LINE ITEM recording how the Item being sold is to be processed in the food services environment. |
Reference |
Physical tables in a food service area. |
Base |
A sub-type of RETAIL TRANSACTION specifically for the food service segment of the retail industry. Use to record FOOD SERVICE TABLE, SERVER, and so on. |
Base |
A sub-type of RETAIL TENDER LINE ITEM that records details of TENDER CLASS food stamps that were tendered as part of the transaction. |
Base |
A special kind of forecourt transaction that causes the system to do the following:
Base |
A type of transaction that records the clearing of FUELING TRANSACTIONs without accepting money for them by an operator at a workstation. |
Reference |
A Person or separate legal entity which conducts retail operations for the retail enterprise in some geographical location. Such operations are governed by a franchise agreement. |
Base |
A carrier-originated document that lists the number of containers, for example, pallets, cartons, and so on, that were delivered to the store. The freight bill does not reference the inner contents of a shipment. |
Reference |
A sub-type of SKU ITEM for Petroleum products such as Petrol, Gas, Diesel and Kerosene. A fuel item is purchased in bulk and blended, measured, and dispensed by a FUELING POINT. |
Base |
A sparse array allowing combinations of Time, Service Type, Price Type and FUELING POINT affect the current retail price of an ITEM. The available set of valid prices for all ITEMs dispensed by a FUELING POINT are downloaded into theFUELING POINT, this entity provides a mapping from all the parameters to the set of available prices. |
Reference |
The piece of EQUIPMENT on the forecourt that houses one or more FUELING POINTs. |
Lookup |
Lookup for status codes that may be applied to a FUEL SALES LINE ITEM. |
Base |
A sub-type of RETAIL SALE RETURN LINE ITEM recording the collection of money in return for the fuel dispensed by a FUELING TRANSACTION. |
Reference |
A device used to deliver fuel. |
Base |
An auditing event, recording a particular NOZZLE completing a delivery of fuel. |
Base |
A component of a FULFILLMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT TRANSACTION recording the fact that the CUSTOMER has received a particular SKU ITEM that was to be delivered or picked up. |
Base |
A type of INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT that records the fact that the CUSTOMER has received the merchandise that was to be delivered or picked up. |
Lookup |
Lookup for INVENTORY LOCATION function codes. |
Base |
A type of TENDER CONTROL TRANSACTION that records the receipt of TENDER into a Till (with an offsetting miscellaneous income). |
RBIRF1123Table 2-58 G-N Entity Descriptions
Entity Name | Type | Description |
Lookup |
Lookup for gender. |
Reference |
Cities defined in a Geography. |
Reference |
Countries defined in a Geography. |
Reference |
Counties defined in a Geography. |
Reference |
User defined classifications for Demographic attributes, such as:
Reference |
User defined classifications for a demographic profile group. For example:
Reference |
Values associated with a geographic location as defined by the GEOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHY ATTRIBUTES. |
Reference |
Geographic entities to define the location of an address. For example:
Reference |
Type of geographic hierarchy. For example:
Reference |
Associative entity for GEOGRAPHY HIERARCHY and GEOGRAPHY LEVEL, mapping levels to hierarchies. |
Reference |
Assignment of a GEOGRAPHY HIERARCHY LEVEL to a GEOGRAPHY ENTITY; assigns geography values to hierarchy levels. |
Reference |
Version table for the hierarchies. |
Reference |
User defined Hierarchical levels for the GEOGRAPHY HIERARCHYs. |
Reference |
Values as defined by geography level attributes for a GEOGRAPHY HIERARCHY LEVEL. |
Reference |
User defined attributes associated with a specific GEOGRAPHY LEVEL. |
Reference |
Defines a region in a Geography. |
Reference |
Defines a state in a Geography. |
Reference |
Defines a subregion in a Geography. |
Reference |
Top level of Geography. |
Reference |
Defines a class of gift certificates and establishes the business rules governing their issuance and redemption. |
Lookup |
Lookups to Identify a gift certificate types. |
Reference |
Financial Ledger Account. |
Reference |
Defines the relationship between two GL ACCOUNT to form an Account Hierarchy. The GL Account Assignment stores lists of the detail accounts associated with each summary account. |
Lookup |
Association classification of types of GL ACCOUNT. For example:
Lookup |
GL ACCOUNT type. For example:
Base |
The GL Balance stores actual, budget, and encumbrance balances for detail and summary accounts. |
Reference |
Account Segment representing a COST CENTER. |
Base |
Assignment entity between a Journal Entry Header and Subledger header. |
Base |
Financial Ledger Journal Entry. |
Base |
A method used to group journal entries according to your set of books and accounting period. |
Reference |
A category used to indicate the purpose or nature of your journal entry. |
Base |
Each journal entry header contains one or more journal entry lines. The lines are the actual journal entries that your general ledger posts to update account balances. |
Reference |
The accounting system which tracks the journal entries that affect each account. |
Reference |
Assign the GL ACCOUNTs to Ledgers to form the Chart Of Account (COA). |
Reference |
Account Segment representing an ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT. |
Reference |
The GL period stores information about the accounting periods. Each row includes the start date and end date of the period, the period type, the fiscal year, the period number, and other information. |
Reference |
Account segment representing a product. |
Reference |
Account segment representing a project. |
Reference |
Each GL ACCOUNT consists of a few independent segments, which are determined by Financial System setup. Each GL ACCOUNT may be linked (rolled up) to a specific business entity (Concept), such as ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT, PROJECT, and so on, through the subentities of GL Segment. |
Lookup |
Type of GL SEGMENT. For example:
Reference |
Stores information that depend on the application. It includes a row for each application, who may feed financial journal entries into GL application. |
Base |
Stores subledger journal entries. |
Base |
Each GL SUBLEDGER JOURNAL ENTRY contains one or more line items. |
Reference |
SKU ITEM that is part of a group of SKU ITEMs, only one of which is sold. The choice of which item is made by the customer at the time of purchase. |
Reference |
Half hour as defined in TIME OF DAY. |
Reference |
Cumulative time transformations at the half-month level. |
Reference |
Transformation for a half month such as this half month last year or this year last half month. |
Reference |
Cumulative time transformations at the half-year level. |
Reference |
Time transformations at the half-year level. |
Lookup |
Defines the relevant hazardous material handling properties of the item. The code is provided for oil products, pesticides, swimming pool suppliers, or fertilizers (especially bomb grade). |
Reference |
Hour as defined in TIME OF DAY. |
Lookup |
Lookup for types of work time detailed in EMPLOYEE ACTUAL LABOR DETAIL. For example:
Reference |
Household statistics and demographic information. |
Base |
A type of INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT LINE ITEM that records allowances applicable to the whole INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT. |
Lookup |
Lookup |
Base |
A type of INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT LINE ITEM that records charges applicable to the whole INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT. |
Base |
A type of INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT LINE ITEM that records the type and amount of freight cost incurred on an INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT. |
Base |
Associative entity between two INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT LINE ITEMs. |
Base |
A modifier that applies an allowance or a charge to a single line item on an INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT LINE ITEM of type 'MERCHANDISE'. |
Base |
A Line Item to record taxation implications of a single INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT LINE ITEM rather than an entire INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT. |
Base |
A line item modifier to the ICD TAX LINE ITEM that provides supplementary data regarding tax exemptions that have been applied. |
Base |
A type of INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT LINE ITEM that records sales, use, and value added taxes applicable to the whole INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT. |
Base |
Details collected when a user access a web page. |
Reference |
The demographic values for individual customer and customer household. |
Reference |
A raw material component of a RECIPE. |
Reference |
Alternate raw materials that may be used for an INGREDIENT in a RECIPE. |
Lookup |
Channel used during a PARTY INTERACTION EVENT. |
Lookup |
Lookup for available INTERACTION CHANNELs. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for available directions for initiatives. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for interaction reasons. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for possible responses to customer interaction. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for available interaction status. For example:
Lookup |
The Status of PARTY INTERACTION THREAD. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for types of PARTY INTERACTION EVENTs. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for the inventory accounting method to be used for the item. For example:
Base |
A document that captures an increment or decrement to an item's unit on hand count and or financial valuation. |
Base |
The detail line item on the INVENTORY ADJUSTMENT DOCUMENT which applies an increment or decrement to the ITEM's unit on hand and or the financial valuation. |
Derived |
Inventory adjustment information at the item, ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT, day-reason level. |
Lookup |
A reference entity type that defines permissible inventory conditions. For example:
An inventory condition applies to inbound, stored and outbound merchandise and is important in establishing the value of that merchandise. |
Base |
A written or printed paper, or digital equivalent, that evidences the movement of merchandise or supply SKU ITEMs. |
Base |
Assignment entity between INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENTs. |
Base |
Detail line on an INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT that identifies the SKU ITEM, and unit of measure exchanged, or the freight, charges, taxes, and allowances applicable to a particular inventory control event and action. |
Lookup |
Lookup |
Base |
Reference |
Physical location where the retailer stores merchandise. INVENTORY LOCATION may be colocated at a SITE with ORGANIZATION STORE, ORGANIZATION DISTRIBUTION CENTER, or ADMINISTRATION CENTER and does not include containers, ships and trucks that are in transit. |
Lookup |
Lookup for code that describes what business activities and functions are performed in a specific location. For example, for an INVENTORY LOCATION:
Aggregate |
Daily status and value of Inventory. For example:
Derived |
Status and value of Inventory. For example:
Aggregate |
Daily status and value of Inventory. For example:
Derived |
Daily record of inventory receipts by ITEM and ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT. |
Aggregate |
Weekly record of inventory receipts by subclass and ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT. |
Base |
Allocation of INVENTORY LOCATION for SKU ITEMs during a given time frame. Allocation does not indicate inventory levels or existence of SKU ITEMs in the INVENTORY LOCATION. |
Lookup |
Defines a state that SKU ITEMs are kept in the retail enterprise item inventory records. For example:
Lookup |
Status of the inventory. For example:
Derived |
Daily summary of transfer in and transfer out document statistics. Provides a daily summary of inventory transfers at the ITEM, to ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT, from ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT, and transfer type. Daily summary of transfer in and transfer out document statistics summary of transfer in and transfer out document statistics. |
Lookup |
Type of Inventory. For example:
Derived |
SKU ITEMs in inventory that are not available to sell during the given time period. This could be due to damage, spoilage, or because the items are reserved for a future PROMOTION or to fulfill a CUSTOMER ORDER. |
Derived |
Daily summary of Vendors' Inventory Compliance. |
Lookup |
How the certificate or voucher was issued by the ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT. For example: Embossed and Printed. A code to denote how the ORGANIZATION STORE issues CERTIFICATEs, for example, embossed or printed at the point of sale. |
Reference |
A level in a product hierarchy frequently used for business analysis. An item can be a group of Stock Keeping Units (SKU)s where each SKU is the same item but varies in size, weight, color, or other attributes. Item is sometimes referred to as Article. Product, article or bundle of SKUs. For example, Item could be Acme shirt, with associated SKUs for each color and size of the shirt. |
Reference |
Fifth level in item hierarchy below ITEM DEPARTMENT. Item class consists of one or more item subclasses. |
Reference |
Grouping of items based on common characteristics. |
Reference |
Association entity of CUSTOMER to ITEM CLUSTER based on CUSTOMER buying patterns. |
Lookup |
Lookup for Types of ITEM CLUSTERs. |
Reference |
Top level of the ITEM merchandise hierarchy. |
Reference |
Fourth level in item hierarchy below ITEM GROUP. Item department consists of one or more item classes. |
Reference |
Second level in item hierarchy below ITEM COMPANY. Item Division consists of one or more ITEM GROUPs. |
Reference |
A type of ITEM LABEL that defines the properties of the electronic shelf labels used to present the current retail price to customers. Electronic labels are small liquid crystal screens, attached to the front of the display shelf or unit, which convey the current selling price and other information regarding the SKU ITEM to the CUSTOMER or EMPLOYEE. These labels are electronically linked to the store processor. In this way any amendments to the ITEM can be transmitted to the shelf label at the same time they take effect. This facility ensures that ITEM details and prices on the shelf and store processor are synchronized. |
Reference |
Third level in item hierarchy, below ITEM DIVISION. Item Group consists of one or more ITEM DEPARTMENTs. |
Reference |
Names and descriptions for the user defined item hierarchy. |
Reference |
User defined. Hierarchy level name and description. |
Reference |
Associative entity for PRODUCT ENTITY and ITEM HIERARCHY LEVEL; maps parents to children in a hierarchy. |
Reference |
Version of the hierarchy. |
Base |
The record of a change in an Item Inventory holding that is applied to an Item Inventory account. |
Reference |
A means of conveying information about an SKU ITEM to the CUSTOMER and or EMPLOYEE. This information is available on or adjacent to the ITEM. The item label may be in the form of an item tag or paper or electronic shelf label. |
Reference |
Name and description for User Defined Item Levels. |
Reference |
User Defined Attributes associated with an ITEM HIERARCHY LEVEL. |
Reference |
Values for User Defined Attributes of an ITEM LEVEL in the user defined hierarchy. |
Lookup |
Method by which the SKU ITEM SELLING PRICE was retrieved and entered into the Point of Sale system during a RETAIL SALE RETURN LINE ITEM transaction. |
Reference |
List of Market Items. Market items refer to the flow of goods through distribution channels authorized by the manufacturer or producer. Item in Market with descriptive information that may be purchased through external entities. |
Reference |
A type of PRICE DERIVATION RULE that modifies the retail sale unit price amount for an item as read from the PLU and results in a new retail sale unit price that is presented to the customer and or used as the new base for compounding price changes. This rule affects prices of the items that triggered the eligibility. |
Reference |
A rule that identifies specific days of the week and or special dates and time periods during which the sale of an ITEM is prohibited. |
Reference |
Reference |
A set of commonly used selling rules for ITEMs. The entity is typically in a one-to-one relationship with ITEM, unless each combination of size, color, and style of a particular piece of merchandise is individually assigned to a SKU for inventory recording purposes, but all sizes, colors, and styles of that item have the same selling rules. |
Reference |
A type of ITEM LABEL that provides a means of conveying information about a SKU ITEM to the CUSTOMER, EMPLOYEE, or both. The label is sited adjacent to the item, usually in front of the merchandise where the customer can easily see it. Subtype of ITEM LABEL. |
Reference |
Rule or condition associated with an ITEM applied when a Sales Performance Incentive Factor Formula (SPIFF) is awarded to a salesperson. |
Lookup |
Lookup for the state of the item. This code defines the current state of an item within the ORGANIZATION STORE. The item state limits what actions may be taken on an item in terms of ordering, receiving, selling, returns, transfers, and counting. For example:
Reference |
The sixth level in item hierarchy, below ITEM CLASS. Item Subclass consists of one or more ITEMs. |
Reference |
Item SubDepartment within a Department in the Product hierarchy at a given of time. |
Reference |
A collection of ITEMs which share a common restriction on the which tenders may be used to pay for them at a store. |
Reference |
An association between ITEM TENDER RESTRICTION GROUP and TENDER which constrains the use of a specific type of tender in the settlement of a sale for a specific ITEM. |
Reference |
A type of ITEM LABEL that provides a means of conveying information about an SKU ITEM to the CUSTOMER or EMPLOYEE. The item ticket typically takes the form of either as an adhesive ticket or hanging tag. |
Base |
Lookup |
Job roles within the retail organization. |
Reference |
An association grouping a particular TASK SET to a particular JOB ROLES. |
Base |
A set of performance statistics that have been taken from a key lock connected to a STORE WORKSTATION. |
Lookup |
Lookup for known sources from which a food service RESERVATION could by made. |
Lookup |
Lookup for ITEM LABEL types. |
Lookup |
Languages spoken or written within the company or in interactions with CUSTOMERs. |
Lookup |
Lookup for available types of letters that may be sent to CUSTOMERs. For example:
Derived |
Summary Liability by Day. |
Aggregate |
Summary Liability by Month. |
Lookup |
Lookup for Liability Types. |
Reference |
A restriction or limitation on the sales of a class of items based on the profession or license or other certification of the purchaser. |
Lookup |
Type codes for CUSTOMER lifecycle. |
Base |
A set of performance statistics that have been taken from a line display connected to a STORE WORKSTATION. |
Lookup |
Lookup for type of Local Authority. For example:
Reference |
Government authority that levies sales taxes or imposes rules or statutory compliance. |
Super (no table) |
A physical place the retailer conducts business. It may be any or all of the defined sub-types: WORK LOCATION, SELLING LOCATION, INVENTORY LOCATION. |
Lookup |
Lookup for type of LOCATION. For example:
Reference |
Identifies a reward that a customer received for meeting the requirements of a promotion. For example: a premium gift when a customer has purchased a certain amount during a promotion. |
Reference |
Loyalty programs available to which customers may be members of. |
Base |
A RETAIL TRANSACTION LINE ITEM sub-type that records the crediting of a MEMBERSHIP ACCOUNT (customer loyalty account) with points, or the gifting of an Item or CERTIFICATE to a to that account because of some PROMOTION. |
Reference |
Reference |
An associative (many-to-many) entity that links MANUFACTURER and BRAND. Brands, such as private label merchandise, can be produced by different MANUFACTURERs and a MANUFACTURER can produce different BRANDs. |
Base |
Subtype of COST indicating a MANUFACTURER COST. |
Reference |
Defines code assigned by the manufacturer to classify product for promotion purposes. A unique code assigned by the manufacturer to classify product for promotion purposes. In the ARTS model it is used to validate manufacturers' coupons. For example:
Base |
Manufacturer entity: Location of SKU ITEMs in inventory by ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT, SELLING LOCATION, INVENTORY LOCATION, by date. In this entity, there could be multiple retail organizations and within them multiple inventory locations, or the Location could be in the Manufacturer's facility. |
Reference |
Manufacturer entity: Fourth level in manufacturer item hierarchy below MANUFACTURER ITEM GROUP. Item class consists of one or more MANUFACTURER ITEM SUBCLASSes. |
Reference |
Manufacturer entity: Top level of the manufacturer item hierarchy. |
Reference |
Manufacturer entity: Second level in manufacturer item hierarchy below MANUFACTURER ITEM COMPANY. Item class consists of one or more MANUFACTURER ITEM GROUPs. |
Reference |
Manufacturer entity: Third in manufacturer item hierarchy below MANUFACTURER ITEM DIVISION. Item class consists of one or more MANUFACTURER ITEM CLASSes. |
Reference |
Manufacturer entity: Assignment entity between MANUFACTURER and RETAILER Organization Business Unit with pack unit count breakdown. |
Reference |
Manufacturer entity: First level in manufacturer item hierarchy below MANUFACTURER ITEM CLASS. Item class consists of one or more MANUFACTURER SKU ITEMs. |
Reference |
Manufacturer entity: Assignment entity between MANUFACTURER and COMPETITOR. |
Reference |
Manufacturer entity: An optional relationship between MANUFACTURER and MANUFACTURER SKU ITEM, and RETAILER and Business Unit (ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT) and Retailer SKU ITEM. |
Reference |
Manufacturer entity: Stock Keeping Unit or unit identification, typically the UPC or GTIN, used to track manufacturer inventory and sales. Each SKU is associated with an item, variant, product line, bundle, service, fee, or attachment. |
Reference |
Manufacturer entity: Assignment entity to assign MANUFACTURER SKU ITEMs to RETAILER business units that carry the items. |
Reference |
Manufacturer entity: An optional relationship between a MANUFACTURER SKU ITEM and its components and affiliates where the components consist of other MANUFACTURER SKU ITEMs. |
Reference |
Manufacturer entity: The set of prices that are applied to an MANUFACTURER SKU ITEM. |
Base |
Manufacturer entity: Historical archive of the manufacturer selling unit price at which a given MANUFACTURER SKU ITEM was actually sold at POS, net of markdowns, markups and other changes that modify the cumulative mark on for an MANUFACTURER SKU ITEM. |
Reference |
Manufacturer entity: Shelf requirements for an SKU ITEM. |
Reference |
Manufacturer entity: Assignment entity between MANUFACTURER SKU ITEM and MANUFACTURER VARIETY. |
Reference |
Manufacturer entity: Subtype of MANUFACTURER SKU ITEM. Unit of merchandise sold to a RETAILER. For example:
Lookup |
Manufacturer entity: Lookup for type of MANUFACTURER. |
Reference |
User Defined MANUFACTURER SKU ITEM attributes other than size, weight, and style, such as color, associated with the MANUFACTURER SKU ITEM. Can have multiple varieties for an MANUFACTURER SKU ITEM. |
Lookup |
Lookup for marital status that may be assigned to an individual. |
Reference |
A geographic area for which resident geographic data is available. Market Area may or may not contain a store. |
Reference |
Level of classification inside the market areas based on, Community, Geography or user defined criteria. |
Reference |
A department or category grouping of items in the market. |
Reference |
Associative entity mapping item department with market item department. |
Base |
Sales information for market items obtained from external source. |
Reference |
Mass communication medium. PROMOTIONs are communicated through Media. For example:
Base |
Subtype of the COST that collects all costs related to a specific media (Newspaper, Television spots, Fliers, and so on). |
Reference |
Lookup |
Lookup for the media type used to communicate with the CUSTOMER. For example:
Reference |
A CUSTOMER ACCOUNT in a membership program such as a loyalty program. |
Lookup |
Lookup for types of MEMBERSHIP ACCOUNTs. |
Base |
A set of performance statistics that have been taken from a Magnetic Ink Character Reader (MICR) connected to a STORE WORKSTATION. |
Reference |
Minute level in Time of Day. |
Base |
A line item component of a RETAIL TRANSACTION that records a fee added to the transaction net total and reflects a non-item income or reimbursable expense to the retailer. |
Lookup |
Type of miscellaneous line item. For example:
Base |
Daily record of VENDOR or CARRIER missed or incorrect deliveries. |
Reference |
Specifies matching items that may be used to trigger a MIX AND MATCH PRICE DERIVATION RULE. In situations like Buy item A and get items B, C or D at 50% off, items B, C and D would be the matching items. Item A would be the trigger item scanned in at the point of sale. |
Reference |
A type of PRICE DERIVATION RULE that defines combinations of items and item counts that when purchased together result in a price revision (generally a reduction). A mix and match price derivation rule affects prices of items other than those that triggered the eligibility. |
Reference |
Cumulative time transformations at the month level. Defines related calendar elements for performing to-date time transformations. |
Reference |
Time transformations at the month level. |
Base |
A set of performance statistics that have been taken from a motion sensor (or traffic counter) connected to a STORE WORKSTATION. |
Lookup |
Lookup for multiple tender combinations. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for available nationalities. |
Reference |
That part of the FUELING POINT that blends and measures the volume of fuel dispensed during a FUELING TRANSACTION. |
Base |
The total number, volume and monetary value of all FUELING TRANSACTIONs performed on a particular NOZZLE during a time period bounded by two consecutive FORECOURT SETTLEMENT TRANSACTION. Totals are separated by Prepay and Postpay FUELING TRANSACTION. |
RBIRF1124Table 2-59 O-S Entity Descriptions
Entity Name | Type | Description |
Base |
Subtype of COST indicating an operating cost. |
Reference |
Computer Operating System used by an AGENT. |
Base |
Manufacturer entity: Order placed by a RETAILER for MANUFACTURER SKU ITEMs. |
Lookup |
Base |
A type of INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT that is a record of agreement made with a VENDOR that includes a detailed list of SKU ITEMs, cost discount terms, method of shipping, delivery dates, delivery location and other pertinent terms and conditions governing the acquisition. |
Base |
A line item component of an ORDER. |
Base |
Describes the state of fulfillment of an ORDER LINE ITEM. |
Lookup |
Lookup for types of ORDER LINE ITEM STATE. |
Lookup |
Lookup for types of ORDER LINE ITEMs. |
Lookup |
Description of the source for a CUSTOMER ORDER, PURCHASE ORDER, or ORDER. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for retailer assigned code denoting a potential state for a CUSTOMER ORDER, PURCHASE ORDER, or ORDER. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for the Order Status. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup to categorize ORDER STATUS into ORDER, PURCHASE ORDER, CUSTOMER ORDER status types. |
Lookup |
A unique retailer assigned code denoting a type of CUSTOMER ORDER, PURCHASE ORDER, or ORDER. For example:
Reference |
Assignment entity associating an ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT to a geographical REGION and SUB REGION. |
Reference |
A company, association, institution, or other enterprise of interest to a ORGANIZATION STORE including retail enterprise, or the retail organization itself. |
Reference |
An ORGANIZATION HIERARCHY LEVEL within an ORGANIZATION CHAIN. The Organization Area entity is the parent of one or more ORGANIZATION REGION. |
Reference |
The name of a retail company's subsidiary that is recognizable to the consumer or the name of the store as it appears on the catalog, web channel or brick and mortar store. |
Reference |
Any logical entity that is a part of the enterprise for Business Analysis and Transactions. Classification for a Business Entity can include company, operation unit, store, or warehouse. |
Reference |
A business unit of the organization that sells, stores, or distributes merchandises and services through either a physical location (store), catalog, web page or other channel, distribution center, or warehouse. Business unit at the lowest level of the retail organization where business is conducted. For example:
Reference |
DAYs for which the ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT considers holidays. |
Derived |
Open, closing and cumulative open hours for an ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT. |
Base |
Customer traffic details. |
Derived |
Daily summary of customer traffic information in an ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT (customer traffic in count and customer traffic out count). |
Reference |
Publication, such as a book or pamphlet, containing list or itemized display of titles, or articles for exhibition or sale, usually including descriptive information or illustrations. For example, a catalog of fall fashions; a seed catalog. |
Reference |
Chain is the 2nd highest level within the organization hierarchy below company. A chain consists of one or more areas. |
Reference |
A level within an ORGANIZATION HIERARCHY LEVEL. Organization Company entity is the parent of one or more ORGANIZATION CHAINs. |
Base |
Subtype of COST in which costs are attributed to an ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT. |
Reference |
Stores the Demographic information associated with the ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT, as defined by the user defined demography groups and attributes. Examples:
Reference |
A specialized section within a ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT. |
Reference |
A distribution center for a set of products or a warehouse or other specialized building with refrigeration or air conditioning, which are supplied by transport, such as aircraft, truck, rail or ship, and then re-distributed to retailers or wholesalers. |
Reference |
District is the 5th highest attribute within the organization hierarchy, below Region. A district consists of one or ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNITs. |
Reference |
Reference |
User defined. Master list of all of the hierarchies in an organization. |
Reference |
Association table for the hierarchies and levels. |
Reference |
Version table for hierarchies. |
Reference |
List of all the business levels within an organization. |
Reference |
Values for the user defined attributes associated with an organization hierarchy level. |
Reference |
User defined. Attributes applicable only to the corresponding level in the organization. For example: Regional Language |
Lookup |
Lookup for type of ORGANIZATION LEVEL. |
Reference |
Publicly available and statistical information regarding the customer organizations, such as DUNS number and number of employees. |
Reference |
Reference |
Region is the fourth highest attribute within the ORGANIZATION HIERARCHY, below ORGANIZATION AREA. |
Reference |
Business Unit with the retail organization from where goods and merchandise are sold for personal or household consumption. Fixed location from where goods and merchandise are sold for personal or household consumption. |
Lookup |
Defines the types of ORGANIZATION. For example:
Reference |
Location in which goods or merchandise are stored but not sold. |
Reference |
A website owned or commissioned by the organization from where goods and merchandise are sold for personal or household consumption. |
Reference |
Individual associated with a PARTY organization, other than those defined such as CUSTOMER or EMPLOYEE. |
Base |
A document that identifies the merchandise items a supplier claims to be shipping to the store against one or more PURCHASE ORDERs. |
Reference |
Web page. |
Reference |
Categorization of a PAGE. |
Reference |
Lookup for types of PAGE CATEGORY. |
Reference |
A party is a real person, organization, branch, subsidiary, legal entity, holding company, or some other entity. Any real thing that you would want to name is a party. The attributes of a party are universal. In other words, they are independent of your selling, or ultimately buying relationship with the party. A party is not necessarily a CUSTOMER. A party can represent PROSPECTs and parts of an ORGANIZATION HIERARCHY, including branches, head offices, corporate conglomerates that may not necessarily have a billing relationship with the company. Any party that has an active account can be considered a CUSTOMER. Historical information concerning the party is available in the Parties History. |
Reference |
Association of a PARTY with one or more other Parties. The relationships may include relationships between customers. |
Lookup |
Lookup for valid reasons parties may be associated with each other. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for the type of the PARTY relationship. For example:
Reference |
Contact information for a PARTY. |
Lookup |
Lookup for the type of contact information. For example:
Reference |
A demographic profile for a PARTY. |
Reference |
A classification for a Party Profile Group. For example, for the profile group RACE:
Reference |
Values corresponding to the DEMOGRAPHY ATTRIBUTE. |
Base |
Subtype of PARTY INTERACTION EVENT which represents all phone call interactions with the party with detailed information including: |
Base |
Subtype of PARTY INTERACTION EVENT which represents email interaction from the PARTY. |
Supertype (no physical table) |
Records of interactions or communications with the CUSTOMER, VENDOR, or other contractor or other PARTY. The interactions include:
Base |
Subtype of PARTY INTERACTION EVENT which represents the interaction with the PARTY through letters. |
Base |
Grouping of related contact events with a PARTY into a single thread. |
Base |
Assignment entity between PARTY INTERACTION THREADs. |
Base |
Lookup |
Lookup for the type of PARTY INTERACTION THREAD. For example:
Base |
Subtype of PARTY INTERACTION EVENT which represents visits to a store by a PARTY. |
Lookup |
Higher level of Party Status. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for available status codes that could be assigned to a PARTY. |
Base |
Defines current PARTY status history regarding what Operator may be interested. Historical information captured for all lifetime of the CUSTOMER or dealer. This information may be calculated from internal data; for example, from a payment, or this information may be obtained from an external source such as a credit rating agency. |
Lookup |
Lookup for types of PARTY STATUS CATEGORY. |
Lookup |
Lookup for status type of the PARTY. For example:
Credit Class is used to rank Customer Credit. For example, the entity value can be:
Or the customer may be defined as:
The party's credit is based on the underlying accounts held by the PARTY. |
Lookup |
Lookup for pay categories present in the retail organization. |
Base |
Payouts from payroll. For example:
Lookup |
Further classification of PAY CATEGORY. |
Base |
Records invoices for payment. |
Base |
Details of the PAYABLE INVOICE including SKU ITEMs and prices. |
Base |
Subtype of RETAIL TRANSACTION LINE ITEM in which TENDER is received from a CUSTOMER as payment on a CUSTOMER ACCOUNT. |
Lookup |
Lookup for applicable PENALTY METHODs that may be applied to a SERVICE SKU. |
Base |
Subtype of CONTROL TRANSACTION that declares the beginning of a Reporting Period at the ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT where it is conducted. Reporting periods include Day Part, Shift, Business Day, Week, Month, Quarter and Year. |
Base |
Subtype of CONTROL TRANSACTION that declares the end of a Reporting Period at the ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT where it is conducted. Reporting periods include DayPart, Shift, BusinessDay, Week, Month, Quarter and Year. |
Reference |
Cumulative time transformations at the period level. |
Reference |
Time transformations at the period level. |
Lookup |
Lookup for period type that may be applied to a RENTAL SERVICE. |
Lookup |
Lookup for types of personal identification required to authorize a tender. For example:
Reference |
Period within a SEASON. |
Base |
The document on which the actual SKU ITEM counts are recorded on the day of the Physical Inventory. This is raw and unedited data that is captured during the Inventory. |
Base |
The line detail which records the number of units counted during the Physical Inventory. This is raw and unedited data captured and will compared to the book stock to determine the actual unit and financial discrepancy for that ITEM. |
Base |
A transaction that records the fact that the Operator conducted a Physical Inventory, and created a PHYSICAL COUNT DOCUMENT at the POS. |
Base |
An EVENT at which time a physical inventory will be conducted. |
Base |
A set of performance statistics that have been taken from a Personal Identification Number Pad (PINPad) connected to a Workstation. |
Reference |
Period level in the planning calendar. |
Reference |
Quarter level in the planning calendar. |
Reference |
Plan season information. |
Reference |
Plan season and respective week relationships. |
Reference |
Week level in the planning calendar. |
Reference |
Year level in the planning calendar. |
Reference |
The hardware platform on which the OPERATING SYSTEM is installed. |
Derived |
Subtype of POS TRANSACTION FLOW that records statistics of CONTROL TRANSACTIONs for a given time period. |
Reference |
Point of Sale (POS) grouping of items with similar point of sale control and processing attributes. The entity type may also be used to control sales that are not properly identified at the item level. |
Reference |
A simple cross-reference between the barcode, point of sale scan code or other keyed identifying number used at POS and the internal stock keeping Item ID for the item. The POS Item ID will generally be filled with the GTIN (UPC, EAN, and so on) for an item -- but it is not mandatory. |
Lookup |
Lookup for type of identifier used in POS IDENTITY. |
Base |
A set of performance statistics that have been taken from a POS keyboard connected to a Workstation. |
Base |
Subtype of CONTROL TRANSACTION which secures the Workstation while the EMPLOYEE is absent from the Workstation. The STORE WORKSTATION cannot be operated unless the EMPLOYEE enters the relevant AccessPassword. The AccessPassword is different from SIGN OFF TRANSACTION in that the Session in progress is not terminated. |
Base |
Subtype of CONTROL TRANSACTION that conducts no business, but causes the till drawer to open. |
Base |
A set of performance statistics that have been taken from a POS printer connected to a Workstation. |
Derived |
Subtype of POS TRANSACTION FLOW that records statistics of RETAIL TRANSACTIONs for a given time period. |
Aggregate |
Month level aggregate of POS transactions by EMPLOYEE and TOUCHPOINT. |
Derived |
Subtype of POS TRANSACTION FLOW that records statistics of TENDER CONTROL TRANSACTIONs for a given time period. |
Derived |
Point of Sale (POS) Tender transactions by minute and tender type for a workstation in an ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT. |
Supertype (no physical table) |
Point of Sale (POS) RETAIL TRANSACTIONs by minute and tender type for a workstation in an ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT. |
Base |
A type of non-sales Transaction that changes the state of a Workstation from an inaccessible (locked) state to an accessible (unlocked) state for entering transactions. |
Reference |
A collection of Jobs that are performed at a particular WORK LOCATION and is filled by particular Workers. |
Reference |
The reporting structure of the POSITION. |
Reference |
A shift schedule for a POSITION. |
Reference |
Postal codes and associative demographic information of interest to the retail organization. |
Lookup |
Lookup for type of postal service type available to the carrier. For example:
Lookup |
The type of preference relevant to consumers or customers (for example, color preference). |
Reference |
Sub-type of SKU ITEM for which the final product is manufactured (or prepared) for sale by the retailer according to a pre-defined RECIPE. |
Reference |
Specification of a method to be used to transform the current sale unit retail amount into the retail price actually paid by a member of the employee discount group at the point of sale. |
Reference |
The specification of a method to be used to transform the current sell unit retail amount to the price charged to account based on a discount group. |
Base |
Price Lines with High and Low amounts to define item pricing categorizations and corresponding prices. |
Lookup |
Lookup for the basic published or advertised price, often subject to discount. For example:
Base |
A line item component of a RETAIL TRANSACTION that records the granting of a reduction or increase of price on all ITEMs in the Transaction. |
Lookup |
Lookup for Type Price of a FUEL ITEM PRICE. |
Reference |
A product as defined by a GL ACCOUNT and GL PRODUCT SEGMENT and mapped to a REVENUE CENTER. |
Base |
Sub-table of the COST TYPE table, used to associate a specific cost to a given product. |
Reference |
Any logical entity that is recognized as a product or item for Business Analysis and Transactions. |
Lookup |
Lookup for type of conveyability possible for the ITEM. |
Reference |
Subtype of CUSTOMER in which the CUSTOMER is an individual person. |
Reference |
Subtype of CUSTOMER in which the CUSTOMER is an organization. |
Reference |
The source from which a GEOGRAPHY DEMOGRAPHY VALUE is acquired or populated. For example, a mailing list provider. |
Reference |
The business activities (TASKs) that may be categorized into a specific Project according to their common purpose and for which budgets and costs are tracked in a GL ACCOUNT. |
Reference |
The promotion reflects the tactics a retailer undertakes to generate increased incremental sales volume for specific item-store combinations within a promotional event. Promotions are frequently communicated as part of a marketing campaign to ensure that awareness is generated with the target audience. A collection of eligibility and price derivation rules, during a specific time. |
Base |
Subtype of the COST, which is used to associate a specific cost uniquely associated to a given promotion. For example, the cost of the promotion price markdowns. |
Base |
Cross-reference of PROMOTIONs at an ORGANIZATION STORE and STORE WORKSTATION on a given DAY. |
Reference |
Associative entity connecting any level of the item hierarchy and organization hierarchy, and optionally a VENDOR, with the promotion. |
Base |
Plan and forecast costs and sales for a campaign media. |
Reference |
Plan for PROMOTION ITEMs and Prices effective during a PROMOTION. |
Reference |
Associates a PRICE DERIVATION RULE ELIGIBILITY and a PRICE DERIVATION RULE with a valid Time Group to be part of a PROMOTION. |
Lookup |
A code that indicates the type of Promotional Product that is being given away with the promotion. Possible values include: GIFT CERTIFICATE CLASS, SKU ITEM, Frequent Shopper Points. |
Reference |
An associative entity resolving the many-to-many relationship between PROMOTION and PROMOTION TYPE. This allows PROMOTION to be grouped for reporting purposes. |
Reference |
Associative entity linking promotion item and campaign media selling item, and the prices which may be used for the item during the promotional period. |
Lookup |
An entity defining types of PROMOTION which allows PROMOTION to be grouped for reporting purposes. |
Reference |
An individual, collection of individuals, company, or public institution that does not currently purchase merchandise or services, but who may in the future. A prospect may also be a CUSTOMER of one PRODUCT (already purchased) that does not currently purchase another PRODUCT (may purchase). A prospect has no recorded relationship with the provider. |
Reference |
Attributes of an individual PROSPECT, one who is not an organization. |
Reference |
Attributes of a prospect organization. |
Reference |
Information regarding the latest CAMPAIGN sent to the PROSPECT. |
Reference |
Describes confidential information regarding the PROSPECT, such as the date of birth or national identifier of a CUSTOMER. |
Base |
Order from an ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT to purchase inventory, supplies, or services from a VENDOR. |
Aggregate |
Monthly summary of PURCHASE ORDERs by ITEM DEPARTMENT. |
Base |
Items, quantities and amounts included in a PURCHASE ORDER. |
Aggregate |
Aggregate |
Base |
State of a PURCHASE ORDER LINE ITEM for a given period. |
Derived |
Base |
State of a PURCHASE ORDER for a given period. |
Derived |
Denormalization of PURCHASE ORDER STATE. |
Aggregate |
Reference |
Quarter Hour level in Time of Day. |
Reference |
Cumulative time transformations at the quarter level. |
Reference |
Time transformations at the quarter level. |
Lookup |
Lookup for Reason Codes. Reason codes are grouped into REASON CATEGORYs based on where they are referenced. |
Lookup |
Lookup for Reason Category for grouping of Reason Codes. For example:
Base |
Subtype of INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT that is used by a store to record its acceptance of items shipped to it by a VENDOR against a PURCHASE ORDER and the VENDOR packing slip. |
Reference |
The Recipe or Bill of Materials that is used to assemble a PREPARED item from other items (usually BULK ITEMs). A recursive relationship "variations produce" allows recipe variations to be recorded. |
Reference |
Associative entity in which INGREDIENTs are linked to a RECIPE. |
Reference |
User-defined referrer category. |
Reference |
User-defined referrer category level. |
Reference |
Web page containing the referring link. |
Reference |
Reference |
Region level of the GEOGRAPHY HIERARCHY. |
Reference |
An association between two items for a specific purpose such as substitution, upselling, cross selling, and so on. For each association between related items, transaction and sales summaries may be calculated to analyze how frequently they are purchased together in a sale and how frequently they are purchased separately. |
Lookup |
A retailer assigned code defining a type of association between two items that are generally sold together. |
Lookup |
Lookup for religious affiliations. |
Reference |
Subtype of SERVICE SKU. The terms and conditions that apply to the rental of a RENTAL SERVICE item. |
Reference |
An associative entity denoting which SERIALIZED ITEMs may be rented through a particular SERVICE SKU. |
Base |
A type of INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT initiated by the store advising the VENDOR of a discrepancy in one or both of:
Lookup |
Lookup for available types of PARTY INTERACTION EVENT originators. |
Base |
Base |
Food Service entity involving the reservation of a FOOD SERVICE TABLE by a CUSTOMER. |
Reference |
Standard question asked to a CUSTOMER as part of the process of negotiating a SALES RESTRICTION that has been placed upon a class of items. |
Base |
Audited Sales and Returns. |
Aggregate |
Daily summary of sales and returns by department, optionally by promotional campaign. |
Derived |
Summary of SKU ITEM sales and returns by day, ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT, and optionally by promotional campaign. |
Base |
A line item component of a RETAIL TRANSACTION that records the exchange in ownership of a merchandise item (for example, a sale or return) or the sale or refund related to a service. |
Aggregate |
Monthly summary of sales and returns for an ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT by item subclass, optionally by promotional campaign. |
Base |
Point of Sale Tender information by EMPLOYEE, tender type, ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT, day. Records of tender in and tender out. |
Base |
A line item component of a RETAIL TRANSACTION that records the settlement of that transaction with an offsetting, valid tender type. |
Base |
Base |
A type of transaction that records the business conducted between the retail enterprise and another party involving the exchange in ownership or accountability, or both, for merchandise or tender, or both, or involving the exchange of tender for services. |
Base |
Employee Associate involved in serving the CUSTOMER who purchased the merchandise or services identified in the RETAIL TRANSACTION. |
Reference |
The record of the CUSTOMER's preferences for the delivery of the goods purchased in a particular RETAIL TRANSACTION. |
Reference |
A associative entity that relates a particular item sale to a record of the CUSTOMER's delivery preferences for the items purchased. |
Base |
Derived |
Days summary of EMPLOYEEs activities at a STORE WORKSTATION. For example:
Base |
A detail line item of a RETAIL TRANSACTION that records the business conducted between the ORGANIZATION STORE and another party involving the exchange in ownership or accountability, or both, for merchandise or tender, or both, or involving the exchange of tender for services. |
Base |
Associative entity recording relationships between line items within the same RETAIL TRANSACTION. Examples of usage of this entity include:
Lookup |
A retailer assigned code denoting the relationship between the two items within the same RETAIL TRANSACTION. |
Base |
A group of line items within a RETAIL TRANSACTION that are processed together. For example, individual meal trays at a restaurant. |
Lookup |
A code that describes a categorization of groups of line items in a RETAIL TRANSACTION. For example (in food service),
Lookup |
A specific action that occurs as part of a RETAIL TRANSACTION. |
Base |
A detail line item of a miscellaneous RETAIL TRANSACTION. |
Base |
The record of a shipment which was made to deliver the goods purchased in a particular RETAIL TRANSACTION to the customer's shipping address(es). |
Base |
A associative entity that relates a particular item sale to a the Shipment that was used to deliver the merchandise to the CUSTOMER's shipping address(es). |
Lookup |
Lookup for types of retail processing. For example:
Reference |
The Retail Valuation portion of the GL ACCOUNT figures. |
Base |
History of Retail Valuation portion of the GL ACCOUNT figures. |
Reference |
Subtype of ORGANIZATION indicating a retailer. |
Reference |
Associative entity relating a VENDOR and CARRIER to an ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT. |
Reference |
Subtype of BRAND indicating the BRAND belongs to a RETAILER. |
Reference |
MANUFACTURER entity: Retail clusters are the grouping of similar retailers at the organization level. For example, you may create retail clusters named Department Store, Drug Store, and so on. |
Reference |
Assigns a level in the ITEM HIERARCHY to a RETAILER CLUSTER. |
Reference |
Base |
MANUFACTURER entity: Subtype of ORDER indicating ORGANIZATION STORE or ORGANIZATION DISTRIBUTION CENTER ordering from another retail unit, no manufacturer involved. |
Base |
MANUFACTURER entity: Line item details of a RETAILER ORDER. |
Base |
MANUFACTURER entity: Payment received from a RETAILER. |
Base |
Status of relationship between ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT and VENDOR. |
Reference |
A unique system assigned identifier for the company to whom returns on which a deposit was paid are returned. |
Base |
A type of INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT that makes a request to a VENDOR to grant permission to return merchandise that is received and found to be unsuitable for sale or other use at the store. |
Base |
A type of INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT that lists the merchandise items to be returned by the store to the VENDOR as a result of:
Aggregate |
Daily summary of ITEMs by ITEM DEPARTMENT returned to VENDOR from an ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT on a given day. |
Derived |
Daily summary Summary ITEMs returned to VENDOR from an ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT on a given day. |
Aggregate |
Summary of ITEMs by ITEM SUBCLASS returned to VENDOR from an ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT on a given day. |
Lookup |
The code to indicate the nature of the request. For example:
Reference |
A functional area of the ORGANIZATION used for Internal Control. |
Lookup |
Lookup for different methods of calculating the Recency, Frequency, Monetary, and Profitability (RFMP) scores. |
Reference |
Hierarchy among the job roles within the retail organization. |
Base |
A line item component of a RETAIL TRANSACTION that records the Adjustment of the Transaction Total to match the available Denominations of the CURRENCY being used to tender the transaction. For example, in New Zealand, round up or down to nearest 10c, when Cash is being tendered. |
Base |
A type of TENDER CONTROL TRANSACTION that records the movement of TENDER from one Safe to another. |
Lookup |
A code denoting how the item is being treated in the line item. For example:
Base |
A line item modifier to the Sale Return Tax Line Item component of a RETAIL TRANSACTION that provides supplementary data regarding tax overrides (where the amount of tax collected is reduced rather than exempted). |
Lookup |
Indicates whether the ITEM is sold by weight or as a unit. For example:
Lookup |
An action that is performed by a EMPLOYEE while assisting a CUSTOMER purchasing the merchandise or services. |
Base |
Weekly sales forecast Information at given levels of ITEM, and organization hierarchies. |
Reference |
A mechanical or electronic meter that counts the monetary value or volume of blended ITEM dispensed during all FUELING TRANSACTIONs. |
Base |
The value of a SALES METER recorded at a particular time for a particular reason. |
Base |
MANUFACTURER entity: The order retailer purchase goods from MANUFACTURER. |
Base |
MANUFACTURER entity: Subtype of ORDER in which RETAILER ordered from MANUFACTURER. |
Base |
Weekly sales plan including Returns, Cost of Sales, PROMOTION, Clearance, at given levels of ITEM and ORGANIZATION hierarchies. |
Reference |
A type of limitation that restricts the sale of a particular class of item. |
Base |
A set of performance statistics that have been taken from a scale connected to a Workstation. |
Base |
A set of performance statistics that have been taken from a barcode scanner connected to a Workstation. |
Base |
Something has been planned to take place. Scheduled Events are normally associated with business processes like markdowns, physical inventory, special promotional displays and advertising, and so on. |
Reference |
Phrases, keywords, or Boolean expressions that are part of a referral from an external search engine or part of a local search. |
Reference |
Lookup for identifying SEARCH categories. |
Reference |
Hierarchical levels of SEARCH CATEGORYs. |
Reference |
Allows the user to categorize each item according to different seasons and phases within a season. That is, a user may assign a season of “Spring” to a group of items, according to the supplier's deliveries of fashion items. Those relationships can be further broken down into the phases, such as “Spring I and Spring II.” |
Reference |
Second hierarchy level as defined in Time Hierarchy. |
Lookup |
Defines the level of security required for a specific location. This is to accommodate secured merchandise such as prescription drugs, guns and ammunition, expensive sound and video equipment, and so on. |
Lookup |
Defines the security environment and procedures required for receiving, displaying and selling high priced merchandise like jewelry, certain prescription drugs, ordinance, fireworks. |
Reference |
An area of floor space or shelf space within the ORGANIZATION STORE to which sales can be assigned. SELLING LOCATION may be assigned to or rented by a VENDOR. |
Lookup |
Lookup for types of SELLING LOCATIONs within a store. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for the selling status of the item. For example:
Base |
A sub-type of RETAIL TENDER LINE ITEM that records the intention of the retail enterprise to send a refund check to an Address nominated by the CUSTOMER. |
Reference |
Extra attributes for a Stock Item that can be identified by a (normally) MANUFACTURER assigned Serial Number. |
Reference |
A specific instance of a SERIALIZED ITEM with a unique serial number, usually allocated by the MANUFACTURER, and is used for tracking the ITEM through the supply chain. |
Base |
A record of the serial number of some item that is related to a particular Sale Item. For example, the sale of a camera and service contract may result in two RETAIL SALE RETURN LINE ITEMs each with an instance of Serialized Unit Sale Modifier one for the camera and one for the related service contract. |
Lookup |
A code to indicate the type of SERIALIZED ITEM. For example:
Reference |
Reference |
Server farm to which the server belongs. |
Lookup |
Lookup for SERVER status codes. |
Base |
History of SERVER STATUS over time. |
Reference |
The association between a SERVICE SKU sold by an ORGANIZATION STORE and the third party SERVICE PROVIDER who actually performs the service. |
Reference |
A third party that provides a service. |
Reference |
A type of SKU ITEM that provides a detailed identifier and description for a service offered for sale to a customer in the ORGANIZATION STORE. This entity also identifies and describes rental items and other tangible items that are used by a customer for a contracted period but not purchased. |
Reference |
The terms and conditions that apply to the provision of any services either by the retail Organization or by arrangement through a third party. The terms and conditions are normally listed in a separate document, which the customer is requested to sign as acceptance of these terms. |
Lookup |
A code to denote the type of SERVICE SKU item. |
Base |
Record of activity by a visitor. |
Lookup |
Lookup for user defined SESSION types. |
Reference |
Additional pay premiums to compensate employees for working hours and shifts other than regular weekday shifts. |
Lookup |
Types of shift. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for different types of shipment methods. For example:
Lookup |
Lookup for different types of shipment priority. For example:
Base |
Subtype of CONTROL TRANSACTION that completes a Session and prevents a Workstation from performing other types of Transactions. |
Base |
Subtype of CONTROL TRANSACTION that establishes a Session and enables a Workstation to perform other types of Transactions. |
Base |
A set of performance statistics that have been taken from a signature capture device connected to a Workstation. |
Reference |
A geographical location at which the enterprise's business is conducted. Contains one or more of ORGANIZATION STORE, ORGANIZATION DISTRIBUTION CENTER, INVENTORY LOCATION, and ADMINISTRATION CENTER. |
Lookup |
Lookup for values of the size attribute of SKU ITEM. |
Lookup |
Lookup for type of size of the SKU. The Size Type entity provides the size details of the SKU. For example:
Reference |
Stock Keeping Unit or unit identification, typically the UPC, used to track store inventory and sales. Each SKU is associated with an item, variant, product line, bundle, service, fee, or attachment.
Reference |
Associative entity for ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT, SKU ITEM, and VENDOR that defines the inventory rules for the VENDOR ITEM at the ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT. |
Base |
Reference |
Mapping from a parent group select item to item denoting a choice that may be made by the customer at the time sale for a Group Select Sale, package deal, or bill of material, in which several items are bundled under a single price, and the customer can make substitution for some items from a list of choices for the bundle. Example: Ski Package where the customer can choose one of several SKUs, often one of several skis, poles, binding, and boots. |
Reference |
An optional relationship between a SKU ITEM and its components and affiliates where the components consist of other SKU ITEMs. |
Reference |
The terms and conditions that apply to the provision of any services either by the retail organization or by arrangement through a third party. The terms and conditions are normally listed in a separate document which the customer is requested to sign as acceptance of these terms. |
Reference |
Base |
The set of prices that are applied to an SKU ITEM. |
Base |
Historical archive of the retail selling unit price at which a given SKU ITEM was actually sold at POS, net of markdowns, markups and other changes that modify the cumulative mark on for an SKU ITEM. |
Reference |
Shelf requirements for a SKU ITEM. |
Lookup |
Identifies and describes the general appearance of SKU ITEMs. |
Reference |
A 3-way join of SKU ITEM, SKU ITEM Collection and Substitute SKU ITEM indicating the Substitute SKU could have replaced a member SKU in the SKU ITEM COLLECTION, and subsequent quantity and price adjustment. |
Lookup |
Lookup indicating which subtype the SKU ITEM is. For example:
Reference |
User Defined SKU ITEM attributes other than size, weight, and style, such as color, associated with the SKU ITEM. Can have multiple varieties for an SKU ITEM. |
Reference |
Specifies the SKU ITEM Attribute Weight. |
Reference |
Entity holds the most detailed level of Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) job classification. For example:
Reference |
Defines the categories in the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) in which each occupation in the SOC is placed. The hierarchy in SOC is typically: NN-MMM0. These job categories correspond to the 449 "broad occupations" or categories. For example:
Reference |
Defines the groups in the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) in which each occupation in the SOC is placed. The hierarchy of SOC is typically: NN-MM00. For example:
Reference |
Defines the (23) major groups in the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) in which each occupation in the SOC is placed. The hierarchy of SOC is typically: NN-0000. For example:
Aggregate |
Daily summary of allocated space by item. Aggregate Space Utilization Department Day is the item Department Level summary of SPACE UTILIZATION ITEM DAY DERIVED. |
Derived |
Summary of allocated space by item. The table is updated from inventory item state. 'Max' and 'Min' are populated from the recursive SELLING LOCATION. |
Lookup |
Lookup for status, such as Buy, Not Buy, Suspended, or Active. |
Lookup |
Lookup for the reason why a particular PARTY STATUS TYPE may be assigned to a CUSTOMER. Reason for the vendor status. For example, if the status is "Not Buy", a reason could be government restrictions, vendor quality issues, and others. |
Lookup |
Lookup for the domain of classifications tracked to the roles that a CUSTOMER is fulfilling. For example: A - Active I - Inactive P - Prospective U- Unmarketable Customer (such as, a deceased customer) |
Reference |
Subtype of SKU ITEM. Unit of merchandise sold to a customer or used by the ORGANIZATION STORE. For example:
Reference |
Identifies and describes the stock item for presentation on a label designed to inform or warn consumers about the product. |
Lookup |
Lookup code to indicate the SKU ITEM type. For example:
Base |
A reporting period based record of the beginning balance and cumulative activity for a particular PRODUCT ENTITY on a given DAY. Records both raw Item numbers and a Valuation amount. The valuation figures for any particular GL ACCOUNT may be either Retail Valuation or Cost Price Valuation as required by the needs of the retail enterprise. |
Base |
The record of a change in a stock holding that is applied to a Stock Ledger Account. |
Reference |
A mechanical or electronic meter that counts the monetary value or volume of unblended BULK ITEM dispensed during all FUELING TRANSACTIONs. |
Base |
The value of a STOCK METER recorded at a particular time for a particular reason. |
Reference |
Ledger account for tracking Store financial information including CERTIFICATEs and CUSTOMER ACCOUNTs. |
Reference |
A repository within the enterprise for safekeeping of TENDER removed from the Till and or Tills. This includes:
Base |
A transaction that records closing of the ledger for the STORE SAFE. A new ledger will be opened with a new beginning on hand accountability, and zero incremental accumulators (pickup, loan, deposit, and so on). |
Reference |
Device used as an Interface to any retail business function. For example, the capture and storage of RETAIL TRANSACTIONs and operational performance reporting. Usually a cash register. |
Reference |
A subcomponent of a BRAND. For example, if a BRAND were "Super Cola", the subbrand might be "Super Cola Light". |
Reference |
A level in the Geography hierarchy below REGION. |
Reference |
The record of CUSTOMER using a product or service which may be based on a contract. CUSTOMER's subscription to services is the basis of billing and network usage authorization. |
Reference |
Survey conducted by or of interest to the retailer. |
Base |
Subtype of COST for tracking the cost of conducting or buying survey. |
Reference |
A question in a SURVEY. |
Reference |
An option in a SURVEY QUESTION. |
Base |
Response details to SURVEY QUESTIONs. |
Base |
Header to group SURVEY RESPONSE DETAILs from the same SURVEY. |
RBIRF1125Table 2-60 T-Z Entity Descriptions
Entity Name | Type | Description |
Reference |
A kind of LOCATION used to store a FUEL ITEM that is measured and dispensed by one or more FUELING POINTs. |
Reference |
A piece of equipment that takes measurements from TANK PROBEs to report the amount of fuel in TANK. |
Reference |
A device that is housed in the TANK and periodically (or on demand) returns height (and/or volume) readings to the TANK LEVEL GAUGE to which it is connected. |
Base |
A reading of the height, and or volumes, of Fuel and Water measurements of the contents of a TANK. |
Base |
A reading of the temperature of the Fuel that is stored in a TANK. |
Reference |
A device that is housed in the TANK and periodically (or on demand) returns temperature readings for the FUEL ITEM that is stored there. |
Reference |
Defines the weight of the container that must be subtracted from the gross weight to calculate net selling weight for items priced and purchased in weight UNIT OF MEASURE. |
Reference |
Type of CAMPAIGN MESSAGE RENDERING containing the message target list or time slot. |
Reference |
An individual activity that a Worker performs for their POSITION. |
Reference |
A qualification or certificate that a person must hold to be allowed to perform a particular TASK. |
Reference |
A group of activities that a Worker performs for their Job. |
Reference |
A government authority that levies sales taxes and on whose behalf the store collects these sales taxes. For example:
Reference |
An CUSTOMER ORGANIZATION whose purchases are exempt from sales tax. |
Reference |
A rule that prescribes how a particular tax is to be applied to a group Items. |
Lookup |
A categorization of tax levels that describe whether the results of the tax rule apply to the individual items, a multi-component item, or the entire transaction. |
Base |
A line item component of a RETAIL TRANSACTION that records the charging and offsetting liability credit for sales tax on merchandise items and services sold by the store or debit for merchandise returned to the store. |
Base |
Audited TAX LINE ITEMs. |
Lookup |
A classification of Tax Rates. For example:
Reference |
A rule denoting what percentage or dollar amount of tax is applied to a particular taxable total in a RETAIL TRANSACTION. |
Lookup |
A classification of tax results. For example:
Lookup |
A categorization of how to process a tax if an when a stated threshold established for the taxable amount is reached, such as:
Lookup |
A kind of tax for which a PARTY is registered, and the retail enterprise pays to the TAX AUTHORITY on behalf of a Tax Jurisdiction. For example:
Reference |
A group of ITEMs for which a TAX AUTHORITY defines TAX GROUP RULEs. For example:
Reference |
Tender includes all the forms of payment that are accepted by the ORGANIZATION STORE in settling sales and other transactions. |
Reference |
Repository of external account numbers against which an individual tender can be approved or rejected depending on the status of that account. |
Base |
A type of TENDER CONTROL TRANSACTION that records the transformation of TENDER from one Tender Type to another within a Till. |
Base |
A request to an external agency to authorize the use of some form of TENDER to complete a RETAIL TRANSACTION. For example:
Base |
A request to an external agency to reverse a previously requested authorization of the use of some form of tender to complete a RETAIL TRANSACTION. For example:
Reference |
A piece of hardware that performs TENDER AUTHORIZATIONs on behalf of one or more Workstations. |
Reference |
A version of software installed on equipment. |
Lookup |
A type of TENDER with common characteristics. |
Base |
A type of transaction that records the physical movement of tender from one TENDER REPOSITORY to another. |
Base |
A line item in TENDER CONTROL TRANSACTION involving tender transfers into or out of the store safe that are not part of the pickup and loan tender transfer between tills and the store safe. |
Lookup |
A code to denote the type of TENDER CONTROL TRANSACTION. For example: Tender loan Pickup |
Base |
A type of TENDER CONTROL TRANSACTION that records the movement of TENDER from a STORE SAFE to an EXTERNAL DEPOSITORY. |
Base |
A type of TENDER CONTROL TRANSACTION that records the movement of TENDER between two Tills. |
Base |
Records the Denominations used in a particular TenderLineItem. |
Base |
A type of TENDER CONTROL TRANSACTION that records the movement of TENDER from a STORE SAFE to a Till. |
Base |
A type of TENDER CONTROL TRANSACTION that records the movement of TENDER from a Till to a STORE SAFE. |
Reference |
Describes the types of physical tender containers used in the retail enterprise. Tender repository generally includes assets like, store safe(s), tills, and so on. |
Lookup |
Type of TENDER REPOSITORY. For example:
Reference |
An account held on the STORE FINANCIAL LEDGER of all TENDER movements by repository. |
Reference |
Lookup for information about different terms like sales. For example:
Base |
Master data of terms of business with the VENDOR. |
Base |
A type of transaction that records the clearing of a FUELING TRANSACTION without accepting payment because the fueling transaction was for testing or calibrating the FUELING POINT. The fuel delivered may or may not have been put back into a storage TANK. |
Lookup |
Lookup for different types of theft. For example:
Derived |
A type of TENDER REPOSITORY that is a drawer insert, operationally associated with a Workstation and optionally an Employee. It is used to keep cash and other TENDER collected through RETAIL TRANSACTIONs and used to make change. |
Base |
A collection of monetary and operational totals used to track the activity volume of a till between Till Settlement Transactions. |
Base |
A non-sales transaction recording the fact that the calculated cash on hand in a particular Till has exceeded a pre-defined limit. |
Reference |
A rule defining an amount of Cash that is allowed to be held in a Till at any one time, and the action the POS Application is to take when the calculated amount of cash in exceeds the limit. |
Lookup |
A mnemonic code that denotes which of the limits in the TILL LIMIT RULE have been exceeded. For example:
Lookup |
A code denoting the direction the Till is being moved. That is, from STORE SAFE to STORE WORKSTATION, from STORE WORKSTATION to STORE SAFE, from STORE SAFE to Operator, or from Operator to STORE WORKSTATION, and so on. |
Base |
A non-sales transaction that records the physical movement of a Till (cash drawer insert) from a STORE WORKSTATION to a STORE SAFE or from a STORE SAFE to a STORE WORKSTATION. |
Base |
A non-sales transaction that records the assignment of a Till (cash drawer insert) to a specific operator. |
Base |
A collection of tax totals for a tax authority by till for a tender reconciliation period. |
Base |
A collection of tender type accumulators by till tender accumulation period. This entity is used to support till tender accountability. |
Reference |
The assignment of a particular TILL LIMIT RULE to a Till for a nominated type of TENDER during particular time periods. |
Reference |
A permanent or temporary assignment of a Till to a particular STORE WORKSTATION, recording where the Till was located for a particular period. |
Reference |
Transformation for cumulative SEASONs to Date. |
Base |
An after the fact confirmation that the TimePunch entry is valid. |
Base |
A record of TimePunchEntry being a correction of an earlier TimePunchEntry. |
Base |
A non-sales transaction that records a TimePunch by a Worker. |
Reference |
Reference |
Associates a CALENDAR WEEK to a SEASON. |
Reference |
Time zone relative to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). |
Base |
A type of TENDER CONTROL TRANSACTION that records the payment of TENDER from a Till to an EMPLOYEE as a payment of Tips due to them. |
Base |
A set of performance statistics that have been taken from a tone indicator connected to a STORE WORKSTATION. |
Reference |
Represents the top most level of Time. This is needed to enable Ad-Hoc Reporting involving the Time Dimension. |
Lookup |
User-defined totals imported from the source system. |
Reference |
Place from where transactions take place. Meeting point for customer and retail organization. Touchpoint can be both logical and physical.
Reference |
Geographic region from which a store draws most of its retail customers. Can be defined by distance, drive time, or other factors. |
Reference |
Demographic and accessibility data for a given trade area. |
Base |
A sub-type of TenderLineItem for retailers who accept various goods in part-payment for merchandise. For example, retailers give one hundred dollars in credit for an old (working) appliance, when purchasing a new similar appliance. |
Base |
Associative entity relating two RETAIL TRANSACTIONs. |
Lookup |
Lookup for type of TRANSACTION ASSIGNMENT. |
Lookup |
A code to denote the type of transaction. For example, RETAIL TRANSACTION, CONTROL TRANSACTION, TENDER CONTROL TRANSACTION, and so on. |
Lookup |
Further classifications of TRANSACTION CATEGORY. |
Base |
A type of INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT that is completed when there is no accompanying transfer-out document with the shipment of merchandise being received from another store. It is an exception document much like a receiving document without a PURCHASE ORDER. |
Base |
A type of INVENTORY CONTROL DOCUMENT prepared by the originating store listing the items it is sending to the receiving store. |
Lookup |
Code to indicate type of INVENTORY TRANFER. For example:
Lookup |
Identifies and describes valid units of measure that are used throughout the model. For example:
Control |
Reference |
Provides the multiplication factor required to convert one UNIT OF MEASURE to another. For example: 1 inch = 2.54 cm. |
Lookup |
Indicates what this unit of measure entity type instance measures. For example:
Base |
A type of non-sales Transaction that changes the state of a STORE WORKSTATION from an inaccessible (locked) state to an accessible (unlocked) state for entering transactions. |
Reference |
Associative entity for EMPLOYEE and JOB ROLES. Assigns a unique ID for each job role that an employee performs at a particular store. |
Reference |
Reference |
Unit of measure for the value. For example a customer or a profile can be valued in terms of monetary value or time (a customer for next three years). |
Lookup |
The type of value. For example:
Reference |
User Defined Item attribute other than size, weight, and style, such as color. |
Lookup |
Captures all the variety type. For example:
Reference |
External source for merchandise and goods that the ORGANIZATION STORE offers or for supplies and goods that the retail organization uses.
Reference |
Details of vendor appointments. Vendor appointments are regular visits by the vendor's representative to the ORGANIZATION STORE. |
Reference |
Associative entity for VENDOR and CARRIER; maps VENDORs and their CARRIERs. |
Lookup |
Lookup for classification of VENDORs. For example:
Derived |
Daily summary of timeliness, quantity, quality control vendor compliance information by item, ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT, shipment, and PURCHASE ORDER. |
Reference |
Details of contract with VENDOR. |
Base |
Reference |
Associative entity linking the factor company with the VENDOR. |
Reference |
Items supplied by the VENDOR with vendor-specific item and provides the vendor-specific attributes of the item. Provides the vendor's view of the item and uses the vendor's descriptions of item attributes. |
Reference |
Base |
The supplier's catalog base cost, the cost before any promotions, allowances, charges, discounts, and so on, for the VENDOR ITEM. |
Base |
The VENDOR's quantity adjusted catalog base cost (the cost before any promotions, allowances, charges, discounts, and so on) for the VENDOR ITEM. This entity supports price breaks provided for buying larger quantities of an item. |
Lookup |
Defines the unit type the owned attribute costs are assigned to for this item. A single VENDOR ITEM may in effect have one to three associated VENDOR ITEM CATALOG BASE COST entities. Permissible values include:
All others are illegal. |
Reference |
Associative entity defining the relationship between VENDOR ITEM and SKU ITEM. |
Reference |
Associative entity for VENDOR, Manufacturer, and Brand. |
Reference |
Collection of vendor related measures. |
Base |
Rating for a VENDOR |
Lookup |
Lookup for VENDOR rating type values. For example:
Reference |
Subentity of VENDOR indicating the vendor location which supplies the item. |
Reference |
Association entity between the VENDOR SITE or VENDOR and the address location. |
Reference |
Relationship between VENDOR SITE and CARRIER. |
Reference |
Relationship between SKU ITEM vendor and ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT. |
Base |
Cost change information for an SKU ITEM, VENDOR, and ORGANIZATION BUSINESS UNIT combination on a given day. |
Base |
Status of VENDOR. Indicates is the vendor is presently used, on suspension, or another status. |
Reference |
Identifies anonymous visitors using the specified method of visitor identification (with visitor cookies, for example). |
Lookup |
Lookup for type of VISITOR. |
Base |
A non sales transaction that records the cancellation of another Transaction, either before or after that Transaction was completed. |
Base |
A sub-type of RETAIL TRANSACTION LINE ITEM that records the removal of one or more of the items recorded in another RETAIL TRANSACTION LINE ITEM in the same RETAIL TRANSACTION. |
Lookup |
Type of warranty that can be applied to a SERIALIZED UNIT. |
Lookup |
SKU ITEM Attribute Weave. |
Reference |
The resource level contains a single record for each physical object hosted on a website and could include non-page resources. A resource may represent a static server object such and an HTML document or an image. A resource could also be a CGI program. Resources are assumed to be uniquely identified by the path component of a URI- that is, the non-query portion of the URI. So, a given CGI program will have only one record in the resource level regardless of the number of distinct pages generated by the program. |
Lookup |
Lookup for types of WEBSITE RESOURCEs. |
Reference |
Authenticated users of a site. Users may be authenticated either through the authentication mechanisms provided by the web server or through an application-specific authentication method. |
Reference |
Cumulative time transformations at the week level. |
Reference |
Time transformations at the week level. |
Reference |
Calendar weekdays. |
Reference |
Wholesale Franchise Customer. |
Lookup |
Lookup for Type of WF CUSTOMER. |
Lookup |
Lookup for types of work hours. For example:
Reference |
A sub-type of LOCATION that is a place of work to which POSITIONs and Jobs are allocated. May be a cross-reference to a particular SITE or Business Unit located at a SITE. |
Reference |
Physical display for ITEMs near the workstation, usually intended for impulse purchases such as magazines, candy, gift cards, and calendars. |
Reference |
A set of STORE WORKSTATION with similar resource access control permissions. |
Reference |
Record of a STORE WORKSTATION assignment to a particular SELLING LOCATION within the retail enterprise. |
Lookup |
Lookup for Type of WORK LOCATION. |
Base |
A fiscal reporting period at a particular STORE WORKSTATION |
Base |
A transaction that declares the start of a Reporting Period for the STORE WORKSTATION where it is conducted. |
Reference |
Transformations at the year level. |