
This article covers features introduced in SpiderMonkey 1.8.5

Write string into file with escaping.


JS_FileEscapedString(FILE *fp, JSString *str, char quote);
Name Type Description
fp FILE * A file pointer to write into.
str JSString * A string to write into the file.
quote char One of 0, single quote, and double quote.


JS_FileEscapedString writes str into file fp escaping any non-printable or non-ASCII character. If quote is not 0, it must be a single or double quote character that will quote the output.

If successful, JS_FileEscapedString returns true, otherwise false.

See Also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: kscarfone, arai, fscholz, markg
 Last updated by: kscarfone,