
This article covers features introduced in SpiderMonkey 17

Describes a double and integer value and assigns it a name.


template<typename T>
struct JSConstScalarSpec {
    const char *name;
    T val;
    uint8_t         flags;    // Obsolete from JSAPI 35
    uint8_t         spare[3]; // Obsolete from JSAPI 35
typedef JSConstScalarSpec<double> JSConstDoubleSpec;
typedef JSConstScalarSpec<int32_t> JSConstIntegerSpec; // Added in SpiderMonkey 38
Name Type Description
val double or int32_t Value for the double or integer.
name const char * Name to assign the double.
flags uint8_t Property attributes for the double. Obsolete since JSAPI 35
Currently these can be 0 or more of the following values OR'd:

If this field is 0, JS_DefineConstDoubles uses the default attributes JSPROP_READONLY | JSPROP_PERMANENT instead.

spare uint8_t [3] Reserved for future use. Obsolete since JSAPI 35


JSConstDoubleSpecs is used to define a set of double values that are assigned as properties to an object using JS_DefineConstDoubles.

JSConstIntegerSpecs is used to define a set of double values that are assigned as properties to an object using JS_DefineConstIntegers.

See Also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: arai, fscholz, Jorend, Nickolay, MMondor, Callek, Dria
 Last updated by: arai,