Firefox OS 2.2 for developers

This page details the developer features newly implemented in Gecko that are specific to Firefox OS 2.2, plus product features, DevTools features, and other points of interest for the new release.

Note: Firefox OS 2.2's Gecko component is based on Firefox 35/36/37.

Product features

This section lists various categories of new product features and improvements to existing features.

System Features

Bluedroid has been moved to a separate process for increased security (bug 1005934.)
Text Selection
To support Copy/Paste, text selection capabilities have been added to the system.
Hardware composer rendering has been added for WebRTC to improve power efficiency and save battery life (bug 1043558.)
SIM Tool Kit (STK)
STK support has been added for reading abbreviated dialing codes (bug 1061130.)
STK icons are now displayed in the SIM services screens (bug 1016807.)
The search user experience has been enhanced to make it easier to access the user's search engine of choice (bug 1099157.)
Text-based search suggestions are now shown from the default search provider, making it easier to find what the user is looking for (bug 1098494.)
Users can now browse without saving history using private browsing (bug 1081731.)
Support has been added for adjustable location accuracy to obscure location from basic forms of location detection (off by default) (bug 1073419.)
App start up and general performance has been improved (bug 1074783bug 1082262bug 1082268 and bug 1086963.)
On low RAM devices users will experience improved performance (Cgroup support reducing high priority process swapping) (bug 1082290.)
Android L support has been added (bug 1094121.)
Add-on support is now available to extend the capabilities of Firefox OS (off by default) (bug 923897.)
Right to Left Languages are now supported on Firefox OS (bug 906270.)
The ability to report on monthly active users has been added to enable better metrics (bug 1109422.)
Third party apps can now make use of NFC APIs (bug 1102019.)

Core Applications

Phone (Dialer)
Phone calls can now be placed on hold from the active call screen (bug 977588.)
MMS messages can now be sent to e-mail addresses (bug 997547 and bug 1091486.)
Contacts can now be shared in vCard/VCF format via email, messages, and Bluetooth (bug 1007932.)
It is now possible to attach downloaded files stored in Download Manager to emails. (bug 1113152.)
Email accounts can now be manually configured with either SSL or clear text (bug 1046799.)
There are no longer restrictions on the types of received attachment filetypes that the user can download (bug 825318.)
It is now easier than ever to organize and group content on the homescreen using the new app grouping capability (bug 1067435.)
Users now have the ability to select text (tap and hold to select a word, then edit the selection using the provided drag handles), cut or copy selected text to a clipboard, and paste clipboard text into the current position within displayed text.


A new call barring menu had been added to settings panel (bug 910552.)
A privacy panel has been added to enable the user to adjust privacy settings that control which data stored on the phone is shared (off by default) (bug 1083953.) When turned on, see Settings App > Browsing Privacy.

New DevTools features

We have added a "Reset and enable full DevTools" button to the Firefox OS Developer Settings to enable higher permissions on your device — this is important for those of you who can't root their device — this option does not require root privileges.

Note: You can always find details of new and upcoming Firefox DevTools by looking at the Mozilla Hacks Developer Tools category.

Platform changes and additions in detail

Note: Our list here includes features most important to Firefox OS. For an expanded list of general Gecko feature additions (which are generally also present in Firefox OS 2.2), consult the Firefox 35 release notes for developersFirefox 36 release notes for developers and Firefox 37 release notes for developers.

Web API changes

Security advisories

We have made available a complete list of security advisories for Firefox OS 2.2.

Older versions

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: chrisdavidmills, crcr, teoli, pdol
 Last updated by: chrisdavidmills,