Firefox OS 2.0 for developers

This page details the developer features newly implemented in Gecko that are specific to Firefox OS 2.0.

Firefox OS 2.0's Gecko component is based on Firefox 31/32.

New product features

This section provides a summary of the new features available in Firefox OS 2.0. For more details on specific platform changes (API additions, etc.), see the Platform additions in detail section.

This release includes support for device-to-device content sharing support with NFC (Near Field Communication). You can pair your device with another, then swipe to share your contacts, media, or favorite URLs with others.
Firefox OS now supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in the network manager.
Find My Device
If you’ve lost your Firefox OS smartphone, Find My Device can help you find it (see the website). You can see it on a map, make it play a sound and have it display a message. You can also remotely lock it or delete your personal info. To get started, create a Firefox Account (Settings > Firefox Accounts on your device) and enable Find My Device (Settings > Find My Device).
You can now create your own ringtones using your own music collection, or songs you download from the Web.
The Camera app now supports various focus modes: Touch, Continuous Auto and Face tracking.
We've done a visual refresh of the Email, Calender, and Clock apps.
Firefox OS 2.0 introduces a simpler vertical-scrolling homescreen with larger icons.
Edge-gesture app switching
Edge gestures are now available for switching between apps (swipe your thumb from the left edge of the screen to the right and vice versa, to switch between multiple open apps.)

New partner features

E.ME integration
E.ME integration provides direct access to web apps while configurable search providers can search the web at the same time.

New DevTools features

The Firefox Developer Tools have had a large number of features added in Firefox versions 31 and 32; these aren't Firefox OS-specific, but you can take advantage of them when debugging your Firefox OS apps through WebIDE. To find out more, read:

Platform additions in detail

Note: Our list here includes features most important to Firefox OS. For an expanded list of general Gecko feature additions (which are generally also present in Firefox OS 2.0), consult the Firefox 31 release notes for developers and Firefox 32 release notes for developers.



Technology support improvements

  • Firefox OS 2.0 now supports H.264 video hardware, allowing you to create and playback video encoded using this codec much more efficiently. See Media support on Firefox OS for details.

Older versions

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 Last updated by: chrisdavidmills,