- Class icu::ConstrainedFieldPosition
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::ConstrainedFieldPosition::constrainCategory (int32_t category)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::ConstrainedFieldPosition::ConstrainedFieldPosition ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::ConstrainedFieldPosition::constrainField (int32_t category, int32_t field)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::ConstrainedFieldPosition::getCategory () const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::ConstrainedFieldPosition::getField () const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::ConstrainedFieldPosition::getInt64IterationContext () const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::ConstrainedFieldPosition::getLimit () const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::ConstrainedFieldPosition::getStart () const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::ConstrainedFieldPosition::matchesField (int32_t category, int32_t field) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::ConstrainedFieldPosition::reset ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::ConstrainedFieldPosition::setInt64IterationContext (int64_t context)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::ConstrainedFieldPosition::setState (int32_t category, int32_t field, int32_t start, int32_t limit)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::ConstrainedFieldPosition::~ConstrainedFieldPosition ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::CurrencyUnit::CurrencyUnit (StringPiece isoCode, UErrorCode &ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::DateIntervalFormat::formatToValue (const DateInterval &dtInterval, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::DateIntervalFormat::formatToValue (Calendar &fromCalendar, Calendar &toCalendar, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::DecimalFormat::getMinimumGroupingDigits () const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::DecimalFormat::getMultiplierScale (void) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::DecimalFormat::isFormatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits () const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::DecimalFormat::isParseCaseSensitive () const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::DecimalFormat::isParseNoExponent () const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::DecimalFormat::isSignAlwaysShown () const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::DecimalFormat::setFormatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits (UBool value)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::DecimalFormat::setMinimumGroupingDigits (int32_t newValue)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::DecimalFormat::setMultiplierScale (int32_t newValue)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::DecimalFormat::setParseCaseSensitive (UBool value)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::DecimalFormat::setParseNoExponent (UBool value)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::DecimalFormat::setSignAlwaysShown (UBool value)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::DecimalFormat::toNumberFormatter (UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Class icu::FormattedDateInterval
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::FormattedDateInterval::FormattedDateInterval ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::FormattedDateInterval::FormattedDateInterval (FormattedDateInterval &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::FormattedDateInterval::operator= (FormattedDateInterval &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::FormattedDateInterval::~FormattedDateInterval () U_OVERRIDE
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Class icu::FormattedList
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::FormattedList::FormattedList ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::FormattedList::FormattedList (FormattedList &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::FormattedList::operator= (FormattedList &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::FormattedList::~FormattedList () U_OVERRIDE
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Class icu::FormattedRelativeDateTime
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::FormattedRelativeDateTime::FormattedRelativeDateTime ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::FormattedRelativeDateTime::FormattedRelativeDateTime (FormattedRelativeDateTime &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::FormattedRelativeDateTime::operator= (FormattedRelativeDateTime &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::FormattedRelativeDateTime::~FormattedRelativeDateTime () U_OVERRIDE
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Class icu::FormattedValue
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::FormattedValue::appendTo (Appendable &appendable, UErrorCode &status) const =0
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::FormattedValue::nextPosition (ConstrainedFieldPosition &cfpos, UErrorCode &status) const =0
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::FormattedValue::toString (UErrorCode &status) const =0
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::FormattedValue::toTempString (UErrorCode &status) const =0
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::FormattedValue::~FormattedValue ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::ListFormatter::format (const UnicodeString items[], int32_t n_items, UnicodeString &appendTo, FieldPositionIterator *posIter, UErrorCode &errorCode) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::ListFormatter::formatStringsToValue (const UnicodeString items[], int32_t n_items, UErrorCode &errorCode) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocalArray< T >::LocalArray (std::unique_ptr< T[]> &&p)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocalArray< T >::operator std::unique_ptr< T[]> () &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocalArray< T >::operator= (std::unique_ptr< T[]> &&p) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::Locale::addLikelySubtags (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::Locale::createUnicodeKeywords (UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::Locale::forLanguageTag (StringPiece tag, UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::Locale::getKeywords (OutputIterator iterator, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::Locale::getKeywordValue (StringPiece keywordName, ByteSink &sink, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::Locale::getKeywordValue (StringPiece keywordName, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::Locale::getUnicodeKeywords (OutputIterator iterator, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::Locale::getUnicodeKeywordValue (StringPiece keywordName, ByteSink &sink, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::Locale::getUnicodeKeywordValue (StringPiece keywordName, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::Locale::Locale (Locale &&other) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::Locale::minimizeSubtags (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::Locale::operator= (Locale &&other) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::Locale::setKeywordValue (StringPiece keywordName, StringPiece keywordValue, UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::Locale::setUnicodeKeywordValue (StringPiece keywordName, StringPiece keywordValue, UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::Locale::toLanguageTag (ByteSink &sink, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::Locale::toLanguageTag (UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Class icu::LocaleBuilder
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocaleBuilder::addUnicodeLocaleAttribute (StringPiece attribute)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocaleBuilder::build (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocaleBuilder::clear ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocaleBuilder::clearExtensions ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocaleBuilder::LocaleBuilder ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocaleBuilder::removeUnicodeLocaleAttribute (StringPiece attribute)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocaleBuilder::setExtension (char key, StringPiece value)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocaleBuilder::setLanguage (StringPiece language)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocaleBuilder::setLanguageTag (StringPiece tag)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocaleBuilder::setLocale (const Locale &locale)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocaleBuilder::setRegion (StringPiece region)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocaleBuilder::setScript (StringPiece script)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocaleBuilder::setUnicodeLocaleKeyword (StringPiece key, StringPiece type)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocaleBuilder::setVariant (StringPiece variant)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocaleBuilder::~LocaleBuilder ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocalPointer< T >::LocalPointer (std::unique_ptr< T > &&p)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocalPointer< T >::operator std::unique_ptr< T > () &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::LocalPointer< T >::operator= (std::unique_ptr< T > &&p) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureFormat::parseObject (const UnicodeString &source, Formattable &reslt, ParsePosition &pos) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 53
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createAtmosphere (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createBarrel (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createBritishThermalUnit (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createDalton (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createDayPerson (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createDunam (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createEarthMass (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createElectronvolt (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createFluidOunceImperial (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createKilopascal (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createMegapascal (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createMole (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createMonthPerson (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createNewton (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createNewtonMeter (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createPercent (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createPermille (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createPermyriad (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createPetabyte (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createPoundFoot (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createPoundForce (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createSolarLuminosity (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createSolarMass (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createSolarRadius (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createWeekPerson (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::createYearPerson (UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getAcre ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getAcreFoot ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getAmpere ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getArcMinute ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getArcSecond ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getAstronomicalUnit ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getAtmosphere ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getBarrel ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getBit ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getBritishThermalUnit ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getBushel ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getByte ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getCalorie ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getCarat ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getCelsius ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getCentiliter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getCentimeter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getCentury ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getCubicCentimeter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getCubicFoot ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getCubicInch ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getCubicKilometer ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getCubicMeter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getCubicMile ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getCubicYard ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getCup ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getCupMetric ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getDalton ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getDay ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getDayPerson ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getDeciliter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getDecimeter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getDegree ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getDunam ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getEarthMass ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getElectronvolt ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getFahrenheit ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getFathom ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getFluidOunce ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getFluidOunceImperial ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getFoodcalorie ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getFoot ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getFurlong ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getGallon ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getGallonImperial ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getGenericTemperature ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getGForce ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getGigabit ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getGigabyte ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getGigahertz ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getGigawatt ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getGram ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getHectare ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getHectoliter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getHectopascal ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getHertz ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getHorsepower ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getHour ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getInch ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getInchHg ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getJoule ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getKarat ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getKelvin ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getKilobit ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getKilobyte ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getKilocalorie ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getKilogram ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getKilohertz ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getKilojoule ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getKilometer ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getKilometerPerHour ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getKilopascal ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getKilowatt ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getKilowattHour ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getKnot ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getLightYear ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getLiter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getLiterPer100Kilometers ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getLiterPerKilometer ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getLux ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMegabit ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMegabyte ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMegahertz ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMegaliter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMegapascal ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMegawatt ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMeter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMeterPerSecond ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMeterPerSecondSquared ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMetricTon ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMicrogram ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMicrometer ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMicrosecond ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMile ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMilePerGallon ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMilePerGallonImperial ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMilePerHour ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMileScandinavian ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMilliampere ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMillibar ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMilligram ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMilligramPerDeciliter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMilliliter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMillimeter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMillimeterOfMercury ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMillimolePerLiter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMillisecond ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMilliwatt ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMinute ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMole ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMonth ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getMonthPerson ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getNanometer ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getNanosecond ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getNauticalMile ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getNewton ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getNewtonMeter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getOhm ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getOunce ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getOunceTroy ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getParsec ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getPartPerMillion ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getPercent ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getPermille ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getPermyriad ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getPetabyte ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getPicometer ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getPint ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getPintMetric ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getPoint ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getPound ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getPoundFoot ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getPoundForce ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getPoundPerSquareInch ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getQuart ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getRadian ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getRevolutionAngle ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getSecond ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getSolarLuminosity ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getSolarMass ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getSolarRadius ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getSquareCentimeter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getSquareFoot ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getSquareInch ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getSquareKilometer ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getSquareMeter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getSquareMile ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getSquareYard ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getStone ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getTablespoon ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getTeaspoon ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getTerabit ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getTerabyte ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getTon ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getVolt ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getWatt ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getWeek ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getWeekPerson ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getYard ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getYear ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::MeasureUnit::getYearPerson ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Class icu::NoUnit
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::NoUnit::base ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::NoUnit::clone () const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::NoUnit::getDynamicClassID () const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::NoUnit::getStaticClassID ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::NoUnit::NoUnit (const NoUnit &other)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::NoUnit::percent ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::NoUnit::permille ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::NoUnit::~NoUnit ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::CompactNotation
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Class icu::number::CurrencyPrecision
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::CurrencyPrecision::withCurrency (const CurrencyUnit ¤cy) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Class icu::number::FormattedNumber
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::FormattedNumber::appendTo (Appendable &appendable, UErrorCode &status) const U_OVERRIDE
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::FormattedNumber::FormattedNumber ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::number::FormattedNumber::FormattedNumber (FormattedNumber &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::FormattedNumber::getAllFieldPositions (FieldPositionIterator &iterator, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::FormattedNumber::nextFieldPosition (FieldPosition &fieldPosition, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::FormattedNumber::operator= (FormattedNumber &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::FormattedNumber::toString (UErrorCode &status) const U_OVERRIDE
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::FormattedNumber::~FormattedNumber () U_OVERRIDE
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Class icu::number::FormattedNumberRange
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::FormattedNumberRange::appendTo (Appendable &appendable, UErrorCode &status) const U_OVERRIDE
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::FormattedNumberRange::FormattedNumberRange (FormattedNumberRange &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::FormattedNumberRange::getAllFieldPositions (FieldPositionIterator &iterator, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::FormattedNumberRange::getFirstDecimal (UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::FormattedNumberRange::getIdentityResult (UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::FormattedNumberRange::getSecondDecimal (UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::FormattedNumberRange::nextFieldPosition (FieldPosition &fieldPosition, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::FormattedNumberRange::operator= (FormattedNumberRange &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::FormattedNumberRange::toString (UErrorCode &status) const U_OVERRIDE
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::FormattedNumberRange::~FormattedNumberRange ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Class icu::number::FractionPrecision
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::FractionPrecision::withMaxDigits (int32_t maxSignificantDigits) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::FractionPrecision::withMinDigits (int32_t minSignificantDigits) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Class icu::number::IncrementPrecision
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::IncrementPrecision::withMinFraction (int32_t minFrac) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Class icu::number::IntegerWidth
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::IntegerWidth::truncateAt (int32_t maxInt)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::IntegerWidth::zeroFillTo (int32_t minInt)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Class icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter::formatDecimal (StringPiece value, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter::formatDouble (double value, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter::formatInt (int64_t value, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter::LocalizedNumberFormatter (LocalizedNumberFormatter &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter::LocalizedNumberFormatter ()=default
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter::LocalizedNumberFormatter (const LocalizedNumberFormatter &other)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter::operator= (const LocalizedNumberFormatter &other)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter::operator= (LocalizedNumberFormatter &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter::toFormat (UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberFormatter::~LocalizedNumberFormatter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Class icu::number::LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter::formatFormattableRange (const Formattable &first, const Formattable &second, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter::LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter ()=default
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter::LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter (const LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter &other)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter::LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter (LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter::operator= (const LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter &other)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter::operator= (LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter::~LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Class icu::number::Notation
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::Notation::compactLong ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::Notation::compactShort ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::Notation::engineering ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::Notation::scientific ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::Notation::simple ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Class icu::number::NumberFormatter
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatter::forSkeleton (const UnicodeString &skeleton, UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatter::forSkeleton (const UnicodeString &skeleton, UParseError &perror, UErrorCode &status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatter::with ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatter::withLocale (const Locale &locale)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::adoptPerUnit (icu::MeasureUnit *perUnit) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 61
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::adoptPerUnit (icu::MeasureUnit *perUnit) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::adoptSymbols (NumberingSystem *symbols) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::adoptSymbols (NumberingSystem *symbols) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::adoptUnit (icu::MeasureUnit *unit) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::adoptUnit (icu::MeasureUnit *unit) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::clone () const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::clone () &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::copyErrorTo (UErrorCode &outErrorCode) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::decimal (UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay style) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::decimal (UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay style) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::grouping (UNumberGroupingStrategy strategy) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 61
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::grouping (UNumberGroupingStrategy strategy) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::integerWidth (const IntegerWidth &style) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::integerWidth (const IntegerWidth &style) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::notation (const Notation ¬ation) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::notation (const Notation ¬ation) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::perUnit (const icu::MeasureUnit &perUnit) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 61
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::perUnit (const icu::MeasureUnit &perUnit) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::precision (const Precision &precision) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::precision (const Precision &precision) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::roundingMode (UNumberFormatRoundingMode roundingMode) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::roundingMode (UNumberFormatRoundingMode roundingMode) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::scale (const Scale &scale) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::scale (const Scale &scale) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::sign (UNumberSignDisplay style) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::sign (UNumberSignDisplay style) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::symbols (const DecimalFormatSymbols &symbols) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::symbols (const DecimalFormatSymbols &symbols) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::toSkeleton (UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::unit (const icu::MeasureUnit &unit) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::unit (const icu::MeasureUnit &unit) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::unitWidth (UNumberUnitWidth width) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings< Derived >::unitWidth (UNumberUnitWidth width) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Class icu::number::NumberRangeFormatter
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatter::with ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatter::withLocale (const Locale &locale)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::clone () &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::clone () const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::collapse (UNumberRangeCollapse collapse) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::collapse (UNumberRangeCollapse collapse) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::copyErrorTo (UErrorCode &outErrorCode) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::identityFallback (UNumberRangeIdentityFallback identityFallback) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::identityFallback (UNumberRangeIdentityFallback identityFallback) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::numberFormatterBoth (const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &formatter) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::numberFormatterBoth (const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &formatter) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::numberFormatterBoth (UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&formatter) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::numberFormatterBoth (UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&formatter) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::numberFormatterFirst (UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&formatterFirst) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::numberFormatterFirst (const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &formatterFirst) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::numberFormatterFirst (UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&formatterFirst) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::numberFormatterFirst (const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &formatterFirst) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::numberFormatterSecond (const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &formatterSecond) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::numberFormatterSecond (UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&formatterSecond) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::numberFormatterSecond (const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &formatterSecond) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::NumberRangeFormatterSettings< Derived >::numberFormatterSecond (UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&formatterSecond) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Class icu::number::Precision
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::Precision::currency (UCurrencyUsage currencyUsage)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::Precision::fixedFraction (int32_t minMaxFractionPlaces)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::Precision::fixedSignificantDigits (int32_t minMaxSignificantDigits)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::Precision::increment (double roundingIncrement)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::Precision::integer ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::Precision::maxFraction (int32_t maxFractionPlaces)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::Precision::maxSignificantDigits (int32_t maxSignificantDigits)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::Precision::minFraction (int32_t minFractionPlaces)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::Precision::minMaxFraction (int32_t minFractionPlaces, int32_t maxFractionPlaces)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::Precision::minMaxSignificantDigits (int32_t minSignificantDigits, int32_t maxSignificantDigits)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::Precision::minSignificantDigits (int32_t minSignificantDigits)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::Precision::unlimited ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Class icu::number::Scale
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::Scale::byDecimal (StringPiece multiplicand)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::Scale::byDouble (double multiplicand)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::Scale::byDoubleAndPowerOfTen (double multiplicand, int32_t power)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::Scale::none ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::Scale::operator= (Scale &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::Scale::operator= (const Scale &other)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::Scale::powerOfTen (int32_t power)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::Scale::Scale (const Scale &other)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::Scale::Scale (Scale &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::Scale::~Scale ()
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Class icu::number::ScientificNotation
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::ScientificNotation::withExponentSignDisplay (UNumberSignDisplay exponentSignDisplay) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::ScientificNotation::withMinExponentDigits (int32_t minExponentDigits) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::SignificantDigitsPrecision
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::SimpleNotation
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Class icu::number::UnlocalizedNumberFormatter
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::UnlocalizedNumberFormatter::locale (const icu::Locale &locale) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::UnlocalizedNumberFormatter::locale (const icu::Locale &locale) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global icu::number::UnlocalizedNumberFormatter::operator= (UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::UnlocalizedNumberFormatter::operator= (const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &other)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::UnlocalizedNumberFormatter::UnlocalizedNumberFormatter ()=default
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::UnlocalizedNumberFormatter::UnlocalizedNumberFormatter (UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62
- Global icu::number::UnlocalizedNumberFormatter::UnlocalizedNumberFormatter (const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &other)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Class icu::number::UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter::locale (const icu::Locale &locale) const &
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter::locale (const icu::Locale &locale) &&
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter::operator= (const UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter &other)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter::operator= (UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter::UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter ()=default
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter::UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter (const UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter &other)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::number::UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter::UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter (UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter &&src) U_NOEXCEPT
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global icu::NumberFormat::kCompactField
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::NumberFormat::kMeasureUnitField
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::PluralRules::select (const number::FormattedNumber &number, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::RelativeDateTimeFormatter::formatNumericToValue (double offset, URelativeDateTimeUnit unit, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::RelativeDateTimeFormatter::formatToValue (double offset, URelativeDateTimeUnit unit, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::RelativeDateTimeFormatter::formatToValue (UDateDirection direction, UDateAbsoluteUnit unit, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global icu::RelativeDateTimeFormatter::formatToValue (double quantity, UDateDirection direction, UDateRelativeUnit unit, UErrorCode &status) const
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Class LocalUConstrainedFieldPositionPointer
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Class LocalUCPTriePointer
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Class LocalUFormattedDateIntervalPointer
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Class LocalUFormattedListPointer
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Class LocalUFormattedRelativeDateTimePointer
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Class LocalUMutableCPTriePointer
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global u_getBinaryPropertySet (UProperty property, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global u_getIntPropertyMap (UProperty property, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global ucfpos_close (UConstrainedFieldPosition *ucfpos)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ucfpos_constrainCategory (UConstrainedFieldPosition *ucfpos, int32_t category, UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ucfpos_constrainField (UConstrainedFieldPosition *ucfpos, int32_t category, int32_t field, UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ucfpos_getCategory (const UConstrainedFieldPosition *ucfpos, UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ucfpos_getField (const UConstrainedFieldPosition *ucfpos, UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ucfpos_getIndexes (const UConstrainedFieldPosition *ucfpos, int32_t *pStart, int32_t *pLimit, UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ucfpos_getInt64IterationContext (const UConstrainedFieldPosition *ucfpos, UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ucfpos_matchesField (const UConstrainedFieldPosition *ucfpos, int32_t category, int32_t field, UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ucfpos_open (UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ucfpos_reset (UConstrainedFieldPosition *ucfpos, UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ucfpos_setInt64IterationContext (UConstrainedFieldPosition *ucfpos, int64_t context, UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ucfpos_setState (UConstrainedFieldPosition *ucfpos, int32_t category, int32_t field, int32_t start, int32_t limit, UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global UConstrainedFieldPosition
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global UCPMap
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global ucpmap_get (const UCPMap *map, UChar32 c)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global ucpmap_getRange (const UCPMap *map, UChar32 start, UCPMapRangeOption option, uint32_t surrogateValue, UCPMapValueFilter *filter, const void *context, uint32_t *pValue)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UCPMapRangeOption
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UCPMapValueFilter (const void *context, uint32_t value)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Class UCPTrie
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UCPTRIE_16 (trie, i)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UCPTRIE_32 (trie, i)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UCPTRIE_8 (trie, i)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UCPTRIE_ASCII_GET (trie, dataAccess, c)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global ucptrie_close (UCPTrie *trie)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UCPTRIE_FAST_BMP_GET (trie, dataAccess, c)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UCPTRIE_FAST_GET (trie, dataAccess, c)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UCPTRIE_FAST_SUPP_GET (trie, dataAccess, c)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UCPTRIE_FAST_U16_NEXT (trie, dataAccess, src, limit, c, result)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UCPTRIE_FAST_U16_PREV (trie, dataAccess, start, src, c, result)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UCPTRIE_FAST_U8_NEXT (trie, dataAccess, src, limit, result)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UCPTRIE_FAST_U8_PREV (trie, dataAccess, start, src, result)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global ucptrie_get (const UCPTrie *trie, UChar32 c)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global ucptrie_getRange (const UCPTrie *trie, UChar32 start, UCPMapRangeOption option, uint32_t surrogateValue, UCPMapValueFilter *filter, const void *context, uint32_t *pValue)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global ucptrie_getType (const UCPTrie *trie)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global ucptrie_getValueWidth (const UCPTrie *trie)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global ucptrie_openFromBinary (UCPTrieType type, UCPTrieValueWidth valueWidth, const void *data, int32_t length, int32_t *pActualLength, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UCPTRIE_SMALL_GET (trie, dataAccess, c)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global ucptrie_toBinary (const UCPTrie *trie, void *data, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UCPTrieType
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UCPTrieValueWidth
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global udtitvfmt_closeResult (UFormattedDateInterval *uresult)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global udtitvfmt_formatToResult (const UDateIntervalFormat *formatter, UFormattedDateInterval *result, UDate fromDate, UDate toDate, UErrorCode *status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global udtitvfmt_openResult (UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global udtitvfmt_resultAsValue (const UFormattedDateInterval *uresult, UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global UFieldCategory
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ufmtval_getString (const UFormattedValue *ufmtval, int32_t *pLength, UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ufmtval_nextPosition (const UFormattedValue *ufmtval, UConstrainedFieldPosition *ucfpos, UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global UFormattedDateInterval
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global UFormattedList
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global UFormattedRelativeDateTime
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global UFormattedValue
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ulistfmt_closeResult (UFormattedList *uresult)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global ulistfmt_formatStringsToResult (const UListFormatter *listfmt, const UChar *const strings[], const int32_t *stringLengths, int32_t stringCount, UFormattedList *uresult, UErrorCode *status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global ulistfmt_openResult (UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ulistfmt_resultAsValue (const UFormattedList *uresult, UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global UListFormatterField
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UMutableCPTrie
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global umutablecptrie_buildImmutable (UMutableCPTrie *trie, UCPTrieType type, UCPTrieValueWidth valueWidth, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global umutablecptrie_clone (const UMutableCPTrie *other, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global umutablecptrie_close (UMutableCPTrie *trie)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global umutablecptrie_fromUCPMap (const UCPMap *map, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global umutablecptrie_fromUCPTrie (const UCPTrie *trie, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global umutablecptrie_get (const UMutableCPTrie *trie, UChar32 c)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global umutablecptrie_getRange (const UMutableCPTrie *trie, UChar32 start, UCPMapRangeOption option, uint32_t surrogateValue, UCPMapValueFilter *filter, const void *context, uint32_t *pValue)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global umutablecptrie_open (uint32_t initialValue, uint32_t errorValue, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global umutablecptrie_set (UMutableCPTrie *trie, UChar32 c, uint32_t value, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global umutablecptrie_setRange (UMutableCPTrie *trie, UChar32 start, UChar32 end, uint32_t value, UErrorCode *pErrorCode)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 61
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 61
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 61
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 61
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 61
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 61
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 61
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global UNumberGroupingStrategy
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UNumberRangeCollapse
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UNumberRangeIdentityFallback
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UNumberRangeIdentityResult
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 63
- Global UNumberSignDisplay
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global UNumberUnitWidth
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 60
- Global unumf_openForSkeletonAndLocaleWithError (const UChar *skeleton, int32_t skeletonLen, const char *locale, UParseError *perror, UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global unumf_resultAsValue (const UFormattedNumber *uresult, UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global uplrules_selectFormatted (const UPluralRules *uplrules, const struct UFormattedNumber *number, UChar *keyword, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode *status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 2.4
- Global URelativeDateTimeFormatterField
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ureldatefmt_closeResult (UFormattedRelativeDateTime *ufrdt)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ureldatefmt_formatNumericToResult (const URelativeDateTimeFormatter *reldatefmt, double offset, URelativeDateTimeUnit unit, UFormattedRelativeDateTime *result, UErrorCode *status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ureldatefmt_formatToResult (const URelativeDateTimeFormatter *reldatefmt, double offset, URelativeDateTimeUnit unit, UFormattedRelativeDateTime *result, UErrorCode *status)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ureldatefmt_openResult (UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- Global ureldatefmt_resultAsValue (const UFormattedRelativeDateTime *ufrdt, UErrorCode *ec)
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 64
- This API may be changed in the future versions and was introduced in ICU 62