
This filter primitive performs the combination of two input images pixel-wise in image space using one of the Porter-Duff compositing operations: over, in, atop, out, xor and lighter. Additionally, a component-wise arithmetic operation (with the result clamped between [0..1]) can be applied.

The arithmetic operation is useful for combining the output from the <feDiffuseLighting> and <feSpecularLighting> filters with texture data. If the arithmetic operation is chosen, each result pixel is computed using the following formula:

result = k1*i1*i2 + k2*i1 + k3*i2 + k4


  • i1 and i2 indicate the corresponding pixel channel values of the input image, which map to in and in2 respectively
  • k1, k2, k3 and k4 indicate the values of the attributes with the same name

Usage context

CategoriesFilter primitive element
Permitted contentAny number of the following elements, in any order:
<animate>, <set>


Global attributes

Specific attributes

DOM Interface

This element implements the SVGFECompositeElement interface.



<svg width="330" height="195" viewBox="0 0 1100 650" version="1.1"
     xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
  <title>Example feComposite - Examples of feComposite operations</title>
  <desc>Four rows of six pairs of overlapping triangles depicting
        the six different feComposite operators under different
        opacity values and different clearing of the background.</desc>
    <desc>Define two sets of six filters for each of the six compositing operators.
          The first set wipes out the background image by flooding with opaque white.
          The second set does not wipe out the background, with the result
          that the background sometimes shines through and is other cases
          is blended into itself (i.e., "double-counting").</desc>
    <filter id="overFlood" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="-5%" y="-5%" width="110%" height="110%">
      <feFlood flood-color="#ffffff" flood-opacity="1" result="flood"/>
      <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="BackgroundImage" operator="over" result="comp"/>
      <feMerge> <feMergeNode in="flood"/> <feMergeNode in="comp"/> </feMerge>
    <filter id="inFlood" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="-5%" y="-5%" width="110%" height="110%">
      <feFlood flood-color="#ffffff" flood-opacity="1" result="flood"/>
      <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="BackgroundImage" operator="in" result="comp"/>
      <feMerge> <feMergeNode in="flood"/> <feMergeNode in="comp"/> </feMerge>
    <filter id="outFlood" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="-5%" y="-5%" width="110%" height="110%">
      <feFlood flood-color="#ffffff" flood-opacity="1" result="flood"/>
      <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="BackgroundImage" operator="out" result="comp"/>
      <feMerge> <feMergeNode in="flood"/> <feMergeNode in="comp"/> </feMerge>
    <filter id="atopFlood" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="-5%" y="-5%" width="110%" height="110%">
      <feFlood flood-color="#ffffff" flood-opacity="1" result="flood"/>
      <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="BackgroundImage" operator="atop" result="comp"/>
      <feMerge> <feMergeNode in="flood"/> <feMergeNode in="comp"/> </feMerge>
    <filter id="xorFlood" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="-5%" y="-5%" width="110%" height="110%">
      <feFlood flood-color="#ffffff" flood-opacity="1" result="flood"/>
      <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="BackgroundImage" operator="xor" result="comp"/>
      <feMerge> <feMergeNode in="flood"/> <feMergeNode in="comp"/> </feMerge>
    <filter id="arithmeticFlood" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" 
            x="-5%" y="-5%" width="110%" height="110%">
      <feFlood flood-color="#ffffff" flood-opacity="1" result="flood"/>
      <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="BackgroundImage" result="comp"
                   operator="arithmetic" k1=".5" k2=".5" k3=".5" k4=".5"/>
      <feMerge> <feMergeNode in="flood"/> <feMergeNode in="comp"/> </feMerge>
    <filter id="overNoFlood" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="-5%" y="-5%" width="110%" height="110%">
      <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="BackgroundImage" operator="over" result="comp"/>
    <filter id="inNoFlood" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="-5%" y="-5%" width="110%" height="110%">
      <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="BackgroundImage" operator="in" result="comp"/>
    <filter id="outNoFlood" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="-5%" y="-5%" width="110%" height="110%">
      <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="BackgroundImage" operator="out" result="comp"/>
    <filter id="atopNoFlood" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="-5%" y="-5%" width="110%" height="110%">
      <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="BackgroundImage" operator="atop" result="comp"/>
    <filter id="xorNoFlood" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" x="-5%" y="-5%" width="110%" height="110%">
      <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="BackgroundImage" operator="xor" result="comp"/>
    <filter id="arithmeticNoFlood" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox" 
            x="-5%" y="-5%" width="110%" height="110%">
      <feComposite in="SourceGraphic" in2="BackgroundImage" result="comp"
                   operator="arithmetic" k1=".5" k2=".5" k3=".5" k4=".5"/>
    <path id="Blue100" d="M 0 0 L 100 0 L 100 100 z" fill="#00ffff" />
    <path id="Red100" d="M 0 0 L 0 100 L 100 0 z" fill="#ff00ff" />
    <path id="Blue50" d="M 0 125 L 100 125 L 100 225 z" fill="#00ffff" fill-opacity=".5" />
    <path id="Red50" d="M 0 125 L 0 225 L 100 125 z" fill="#ff00ff" fill-opacity=".5" />
    <g id="TwoBlueTriangles">
      <use xlink:href="#Blue100"/>
      <use xlink:href="#Blue50"/>
    <g id="BlueTriangles">
      <use transform="translate(275,25)" xlink:href="#TwoBlueTriangles"/>
      <use transform="translate(400,25)" xlink:href="#TwoBlueTriangles"/>
      <use transform="translate(525,25)" xlink:href="#TwoBlueTriangles"/>
      <use transform="translate(650,25)" xlink:href="#TwoBlueTriangles"/>
      <use transform="translate(775,25)" xlink:href="#TwoBlueTriangles"/>
      <use transform="translate(900,25)" xlink:href="#TwoBlueTriangles"/>
  <rect fill="none" stroke="blue" x="1" y="1" width="1098" height="648"/>
  <g font-family="Verdana" font-size="40" shape-rendering="crispEdges">
    <desc>Render the examples using the filters that draw on top of
          an opaque white surface, thus obliterating the background.</desc>
    <g enable-background="new">
      <text x="15" y="75">opacity 1.0</text>
      <text x="15" y="115" font-size="27">(with feFlood)</text>
      <text x="15" y="200">opacity 0.5</text>
      <text x="15" y="240" font-size="27">(with feFlood)</text>
      <use xlink:href="#BlueTriangles"/>
      <g transform="translate(275,25)">
        <use xlink:href="#Red100" filter="url(#overFlood)" />
        <use xlink:href="#Red50" filter="url(#overFlood)" />
        <text x="5" y="275">over</text>
      <g transform="translate(400,25)">
        <use xlink:href="#Red100" filter="url(#inFlood)" />
        <use xlink:href="#Red50" filter="url(#inFlood)" />
        <text x="35" y="275">in</text>
      <g transform="translate(525,25)">
        <use xlink:href="#Red100" filter="url(#outFlood)" />
        <use xlink:href="#Red50" filter="url(#outFlood)" />
        <text x="15" y="275">out</text>
      <g transform="translate(650,25)">
        <use xlink:href="#Red100" filter="url(#atopFlood)" />
        <use xlink:href="#Red50" filter="url(#atopFlood)" />
        <text x="10" y="275">atop</text>
      <g transform="translate(775,25)">
        <use xlink:href="#Red100" filter="url(#xorFlood)" />
        <use xlink:href="#Red50" filter="url(#xorFlood)" />
        <text x="15" y="275">xor</text>
      <g transform="translate(900,25)">
        <use xlink:href="#Red100" filter="url(#arithmeticFlood)" />
        <use xlink:href="#Red50" filter="url(#arithmeticFlood)" />
        <text x="-25" y="275">arithmetic</text>
    <g transform="translate(0,325)" enable-background="new">
    <desc>Render the examples using the filters that do not obliterate
          the background, thus sometimes causing the background to continue
          to appear in some cases, and in other cases the background
          image blends into itself ("double-counting").</desc>
      <text x="15" y="75">opacity 1.0</text>
      <text x="15" y="115" font-size="27">(without feFlood)</text>
      <text x="15" y="200">opacity 0.5</text>
      <text x="15" y="240" font-size="27">(without feFlood)</text>
      <use xlink:href="#BlueTriangles"/>
      <g transform="translate(275,25)">
        <use xlink:href="#Red100" filter="url(#overNoFlood)" />
        <use xlink:href="#Red50" filter="url(#overNoFlood)" />
        <text x="5" y="275">over</text>
      <g transform="translate(400,25)">
        <use xlink:href="#Red100" filter="url(#inNoFlood)" />
        <use xlink:href="#Red50" filter="url(#inNoFlood)" />
        <text x="35" y="275">in</text>
      <g transform="translate(525,25)">
        <use xlink:href="#Red100" filter="url(#outNoFlood)" />
        <use xlink:href="#Red50" filter="url(#outNoFlood)" />
        <text x="15" y="275">out</text>
      <g transform="translate(650,25)">
        <use xlink:href="#Red100" filter="url(#atopNoFlood)" />
        <use xlink:href="#Red50" filter="url(#atopNoFlood)" />
        <text x="10" y="275">atop</text>
      <g transform="translate(775,25)">
        <use xlink:href="#Red100" filter="url(#xorNoFlood)" />
        <use xlink:href="#Red50" filter="url(#xorNoFlood)" />
        <text x="15" y="275">xor</text>
      <g transform="translate(900,25)">
        <use xlink:href="#Red100" filter="url(#arithmeticNoFlood)" />
        <use xlink:href="#Red50" filter="url(#arithmeticNoFlood)" />
        <text x="-25" y="275">arithmetic</text>

Result(Just the desired effect)

Example feComposite — Examples of feComposite operations


Specification Status Comment
Filter Effects Module Level 1
The definition of '<feComposite>' in that specification.
Working Draft Added lighter value for operator attribute.
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 (Second Edition)
The definition of '<feComposite>' in that specification.
Recommendation Initial definition

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support No support (Yes) (Yes) ? No support ?
lighter for operator No support ? (Yes) ? No support ?

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Last updated by: liyongleihf2006,