
This feature is obsolete. Although it may still work in some browsers, its use is discouraged since it could be removed at any time. Try to avoid using it.

The HTML <element> element was part of Web Components; this element was intended to be used to define new custom DOM elements. It was removed in favor of a JavaScript-driven methodology for creating new custom elements; however, that technology is not mature and no browers fully implement it.

Note: This element has been removed from the specification. See this for more information from the editor of the specification.

Content categories Transparent content.
Permitted content ???
Tag omission None, both the starting and ending tag are mandatory.
Permitted parent elements ???
DOM interface HTMLElement


This element includes the global attributes.


The <element> element was formerly in a draft specification of Custom Elements but it has been removed.

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support ? ? ? ? ?

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Last updated by: Sheppy,