The orientation
CSS descriptor controls the orientation of a document defined by @viewport
/* Keyword values */ orientation: auto; orientation: portrait; orientation: landscape;
For a UA/device where the orientation is changed upon tilting the device, an author can use this descriptor to inhibit the orientation change.
Related at-rule | @viewport |
Initial value | auto |
Percentages | refer to the size of bounding box |
Media | visual, continuous |
Computed value | as specified |
Canonical order | the unique non-ambiguous order defined by the formal grammar |
- The user agent will set the document's orientation automatically, typically based on the device's orientation as determined by an accelerometer (if the device has such a hardware sensor), although there is often a user-controlled, OS-level "Lock orientation" setting that will trump the accelerometer reading.
- The document should be locked into portrait orientation.
- The document should be locked into landscape orientation.
Formal syntax
How to read CSS | portrait | landscape
Specification | Status | Comment |
CSS Device Adaptation The definition of '"orientation" descriptor' in that specification. |
Working Draft | Initial definition |