

The @viewport CSS at-rule contains a set of nested descriptors in a CSS block that is delimited by curly braces. These descriptors control viewport settings, primarily on mobile devices.


A zoom factor of 1.0 or 100% corresponds to no zooming. Larger values zoom in. Smaller values zoom out.


Browsers are supposed to ignore unrecognized descriptors.

Used in the determination of the width of the viewport when the document is first displayed.
Used in the determination of the width of the viewport when the document is first displayed.
A shorthand descriptor for setting both min-width and max-width
Used in the determination of the height of the viewport when the document is first displayed.
Used in the determination of the height of the viewport when the document is first displayed.
A shorthand descriptor for setting both min-height and max-height
Sets the initial zoom factor.
Sets the minimum zoom factor.
Sets the maximum zoom factor.
Controls whether or not the user should be able to change the zoom factor.
Controls the document's orientation.

Formal syntax

How to read CSS syntax.
@viewport {


@viewport {
  min-width: 640px;
  max-width: 800px;
@viewport {
  zoom: 0.75;
  min-zoom: 0.5;
  max-zoom: 0.9;
@viewport {
  orientation: landscape;


Specification Status Comment
CSS Device Adaptation
The definition of '@viewport' in that specification.
Working Draft Initial definition

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support 29 (behind a flag) [4] (Yes) No support [2] 10 -ms 11.10
Removed in 15
Reintroduced behind a flag in 16
No support [3]

[1] There is a bug in IE Mobile 10 on older versions of Windows Phone 8, where device-width, when used within @-ms-viewport, evaluates to the screen width in physical pixels rather than normalized CSS pixels, which is wrong according to the specification. However, when used within a viewport <meta> tag, device-width evaluates correctly. According to Microsoft, this bug was fixed in Windows Phone 8 Update 3 (a.k.a. GDR3), although there are some reports that the Lumia Black GDR3 update did not fix the bug (at least on the Lumia 920). For more details and a workaround, see Tim Kadlec's blog post "Windows Phone 8 and Device-Width".

[2]: See bug 747754 – [CSS-WD] implement CSS Device Adaptation

[3]: See WebKit bug 95959

[4]: See Chromium issue #235457: Enable @viewport on all platforms

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Last updated by: erikadoyle,