

The :-moz-window-inactive CSS pseudo-class matches any element while it's in an inactive window.

Note: Prior to the addition of this pseudo-class, giving different styles to background windows was achieved by setting an attribute (active="true") on the top level XUL chrome window. This attribute is no longer used.

:-moz-window-inactive works in content HTML documents, too.


This example alters the appearance of a box's background depending on whether its window is active or not.


<div id="mybox" style="width:200px; height:200px;">
  <p>This is a box!</p>


#mybox { 
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom, blue, cyan);
#mybox:-moz-window-inactive {
  background: cyan;


You can view this as a live sample here as well.


Not part of any specification.

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support ? 4.0 (2)[1] ? ? ?

[1] Implemented in bug 508482.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: ledakis, Sebastianz, fscholz, Croydon, velvel53, Sheppy, MarkusStange
 Last updated by: ledakis,