
The animation-name CSS property specifies one or more animations that should be applied to an element. Each name indicates an @keyframes at-rule that defines the property values for the animation sequence.

/* Single animation */
animation-name: none;
animation-name: test_05;
animation-name: -specific;
animation-name: sliding-vertically;
/* Multiple animations */
animation-name: test1, animation4;
animation-name: none, -moz-specific, sliding;
/* Global values */
animation-name: initial
animation-name: inherit
animation-name: unset

It is often convenient to use the shorthand property animation to set all animation properties at once.

Initial valuenone
Applies toall elements, ::before and ::after pseudo-elements
Computed valueas specified
Animation typediscrete
Canonical orderthe unique non-ambiguous order defined by the formal grammar



A special keyword denoting no keyframes. It can be used to deactivate an animation without changing the ordering of the other identifiers, or to deactivate animations coming from the cascade.
A name identifying the animation. This identifier is composed of a combination of case-insensitive letters a to z, numbers 0 to 9, underscores (_), and/or dashes (-). The first non-dash character must be a letter. Also, two dashes are forbidden at the beginning of the identifier. Furthermore, the identifier can't be none, unset, initial, or inherit.

Note: When you specify multiple comma-separated values on an animation-* property, they will be assigned to the animations specified in the animation-name property in different ways depending on how many there are. For more information, see Setting multiple animation property values.

Formal syntax

How to read CSS syntax.
[ none | <keyframes-name> ]#

<keyframes-name> = <custom-ident> | <string>


See CSS animations for examples.


Specification Status Comment
CSS Animations
The definition of 'animation-name' in that specification.
Working Draft Initial definition.

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support (Yes)-webkit
5.0 (5.0)-moz
16.0 (16.0)[1]
10  12 -o

[1] In addition to the unprefixed support, Gecko 44.0 (Firefox 44.0 / Thunderbird 44.0 / SeaMonkey 2.41) added support for a -webkit- prefixed version of the property for web compatibility reasons behind the preference layout.css.prefixes.webkit, defaulting to false. Since Gecko 49.0 (Firefox 49.0 / Thunderbird 49.0 / SeaMonkey 2.46) the preference defaults to true.

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Last updated by: wbamberg,